The British Princess

由 readergirl4343

139K 6.4K 2K

Princess Charlotte is next to have her selection. But she doesn't want one. At first. Usually confident Charl... 更多

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55

Part 2

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由 readergirl4343

When I got back to my room I stuck the stupid piece of paper with William's face on it onto the cork board in my room. Hopefully that would help dry his picture and it won't rip any further.

Then I wandered into my walk in closet, pulling off my soaked day dress and grabbing a clean one. It was checkered red and blue, with a neat white collar and white accents on the hems.

I pulled my hair up, wandering through my room till I came to my box of hair elastics. After securing my hair in a high ponytail I add a cute blue bow to match my dress.

I took time to check I looked perfect in the mirror, fixing my bow and admiring my dress.

Looking back at Will's loan photo on the board on my wall, I think of my idea. One by one I grab the selection pictures and pin them up on the board. All their smiling faces look back at me as I line them up, all the names doing my head in.

Satisfied once all the pictures are stuck up, I leave my room in search for breakfast. It's quiet, as usual, but it's become more so since Isabelle married Thomas. Not that I don't like her, she's the best, but they always want to do everything together now.

That's why I put up with Thomas's selection, it gave me more girls to talk to. And that gives me hope for mine, that I can meet people and maybe find someone who makes me happy.

I continue down the last few steps to the dining hall and I find my parents already seated.

"Morning sweetheart." My father says, giving me a nod as he doesn't take his eyes off his newspaper. My mother gives me a smile, sitting down her cup of tea.

"Good morning Charlotte. How are you feeling today?" My mother asks me as I pull out a seat and sit opposite my parents. There's a display of breakfast foods before me, pancakes, waffles and cereal on the menu today.

I nod as I put two waffles onto my plate to start, "Good, I slept well last night."

"Then why do I hear from Thomas you fell into the fountain?" Dad says, concern in his tone, while I cover my waffles in syrup and strawberries.

"I..I didn't mean to fall in, I just tripped." I say in between spoonfuls of food. The waffles were to die for, and they get better every time.

"As long as you're ok." My mum adds in, giving me her soft eye look.

I cover my mouth with my hand while I talk, "I am. I think I've just got a lot on my mind." I admit with a shrug.

"Of course. What do you think of the selected boys? Have you had a chance to have a look?"

"Briefly." I say, continuing to eat my food.

"You chose a right handful. I'm pretty sure Mason Halter was in the lot, that famous model. And Axel McCarthy, he's going to cause trouble I just know it." My dad says as he looks to the next page of his paper casually.

"I hope not." I say as I continue eating my food.

I feel my fathers glance upon me as he speaks again, "You have to be careful sweetheart, we want you to make the right decision."

"I know." I say, but don't meet his eye.

My mother sighs, and I can hear the smile in her voice as she talks, "Thomas was so lucky to find someone as nice and polite as Isabelle." She says.

"He was. And we want that for you too Charlotte." My father adds in.

"And don't forget William Martina, the son of your close advisor. He was picked too" My mother says, directing her voice to my father to which he nods.

My father continues to flick through his paper, "Yes I heard about that. Not sure why he would even register. I'm not particularly fond of his father's personality, so I'm hoping he's not the same." He says warily.

"You never know, we might end up with another William in the family." My mother says.

"No we won't." I say, standing up abruptly, the chair scraping back. I then duck my head, "I think I'm going to get some fresh air."

I hurriedly leave the room after spooning some food into my mouth.

Do I know why I did that? No. Was the idea of the selection, me getting married and all these expectations starting to get to me? Definitely.

I hear my mothers voice directed at my father as I leave,
"Do you think this selection is the right thing for her?"


The following day I had many stylists help me in picking designs for new gowns I would have made for the selection.
It was amazing, being fitted for gowns and they dressed me in a stunning new purple dress they had crafted.
They finished their work with all the measurements and ideas they would need to work with.

I sat listening to my music, humming along as Thea dutch braided all of my long brown hair.

"How's your husband Thea?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Thea was at least 10 years older than me, and had told me about her husband, Felix, many times.

I hear Thea pause before she sighs, "He's good. I visited him yesterday. He gave me this gift."
Thea moves to the side so I can see the necklace around her neck. It's a simple silver chain with a humming bird charm on it.

"That's beautiful Thea." I say, admiring the stunning necklace around her neck.

Thea smiles gratefully, "Thank you. Felix is very generous. He's going away on a trip to America again soon." She says, and I notice she pauses.

"Do you miss him when he goes away?" I ask, watching her as she looks at her necklace with a longing smile.

Thea nods, "Certainly. But I love him, and we get used to it, so it just makes it more special when he returns." She says and I feel so happy for her.

"Is it nice?"

Thea furrows her brows, "Is what nice?"

"Having a husband?" I ask, genuinely wanting to know.

I know Thomas loves being married, but that's only one story, one couple. What if I'm not the marriage type.

Thea pauses for a few moments before responding, "It is nice. Most of the time it's perfect and wonderful. Our wedding was incredible. But sometimes it's hard. We get into arguments sometimes, because being an adult is stressful on both of us. And communicating with both our difficult jobs can put us in bad situations."

"So you don't regret getting married." I ask, looking into my lap where my nude painted nails sit.

Thea doesn't hesitate this time, "Never. I wouldn't change anything that has happened." She says with a serious expression, "Why do you ask?" She then asks and finishes off my hair, moving to see me clearer as she sits facing me.

I pause and look away for a moment, unsure how to answer, "I don't know. I'm just nervous about my selection I guess." I say with a shrug.

The noise of a car driving across the gravel and tires squeaking to a halt distracted me, so I pulled myself up from my seat and moved to my balcony. I could see a long black limo, pulling up into the drive around beside the gardens. Thea follows behind me and looks out to see whats caught my eye.

"Must be some of the selected. Most of the British ones arrive a day earlier." Thea says, peering down at the limousine.

"I thought they were all coming tomorrow?" I ask, confused, watching to see if anyone's going to suddenly appear out of the car below.

Thea shakes her head no, "Not all of them, some come earlier if they live nearby." She explains, still watching out down into the back entrance driveway.

"What. Why?" I ask, a little panicked as I was not aware of this.

"Don't worry, you don't have to meet any of them yet. You're not supposed to anyway until they all arrive and you have the introductions tomorrow."

"Right. Will they be staying in the rooms on the second floor tonight?" I say, looking back to my maid who is watching me confused. She's probably wondering why I'm acting so strangely. I wonder that myself too.

"That's right. But they will be separated from all of the royals until everyone arrives. Look there's one of them coming now." Thea says and points down to the car.

A tall, ginger haired boy emerges from the limousine, turning to thank the driver before closing the door. He appeared from the distance to look like a grown up Ron Weasley looking guy with slicker hair and quite tall.

Thea moves away for a moment then returns, "That's Jeremy Stokes. And I love what you've done with the photos." Thea says motioning to the photo collage of all the selected on my cork board with a laugh.

I shrug, "Now I can at least try and remember names and faces." I admit and Thea gives me a knowing grin.

Thea walks by the window and points down again, "Another limo, look." I move back to the window beside my maid and see the last car was gone, replaced by another royal crested limo.

A second boy came out of the car, black curly hair that he ran his hands through once he stepped out of the car. I watched as he turned and checked himself in the reflection he could see in the car.

Thea laughed at him, "Seems he's aware that he's quite handsome."

"I guess." I say, watching him grab out his bags and look around at his surroundings.

I hold my breath as his eyes wander the lengths of the palace, and I swear his eyes meet mine. It's as if he's looking at me, and I feel myself panic and I move behind the curtain just in case he had spotted me.

Thea chuckles, "Don't worry. Tinted windows remember. He can't see you unless you're on the balcony." She says and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Right. I knew that." I say, "Sorry this selection is making me nervous." I shrug and move to flop onto my bed.

"Don't be. You just need to be yourself." Thea reminds me with a kind smile on her face. I nod in response but at interrupted before I can respond.

A knock came at the door, and we both turned to where the noise was coming from. I get up off my bed and wander over to answer it. Pulling the door open I see a familiar face.

"Hey Izzy." I say and extend the door for her to come in. She nods and enters, letting me shut the door after her.

"Hey Charlotte, Thea."  Isabelle greets, her cheery smile matching her pale pink dress and rose gold bangles. She walks in and sits at the free chair by my desk, something in her hands.

"What brings you here this morning?" I ask, walking back and sitting down on the bed so I can see her and Thea.

Isabelle tosses what she was holding at me, it landing on the bed beside me softly, "This stupid magazine, and every other one and internet site. Gossip about you." She says and my jaw drops as I see myself on the front cover.

I pick it up, looking over the headline reading, Is there something behind our princesses impromptu exit?

I flick to the first page, several photos of me at the end of picking the selected, Isabelle holding me as we face away and Thomas covering up.

Why did Princess Charlotte leave in such hast? Was she shocked? Is the selection all too much for her? Either way, there was clearly something Prince Thomas and Princess Isabelle we're trying to cover up at the end.

Journalists speculate over if it has anything to do with the last name drawn, William Martina, close friend of the royals as his father is one of the kings most trusted advisors. Charlotte and William would certainly have met before, but is there something more we don't know about.

More details soon to come as the first arrivals and meetings air tomorrow.

I look up at Isabelle, biting my lip, "Seriously? I really messed up this time, didn't I?" I ask, tossing the magazine onto the floor so I don't have to look at it.

"It's not your fault." Isabelle says, like the supportive sister in law she is.

Thea picks up the magazine and places it on the table beside my bed, "Don't let it worry you miss. I suggest you do something to get your mind of it." She says.

"That sounds like a good idea, how about we go test out those new punching bags in the training room?" Isabelle offers.

"I just did my hair." I complain, looking to my neat dress and the end of my braid.

"Don't worry, I can redo it later if you wish." Thea offers with a confident nod.

I give in, "Ok then. What are we waiting for."


"Man you're getting good at this Charlotte. I thought you hated boxing." Isabelle says, undoing her gloves and putting them away.

I shrug, "I've been practising." I say and hit the bag again.

"Might come in handy with all these guys around." Isabelle says in a casual tone, her smile coming through her voice.

I hit the bag again, "Ha yeah." I breath out a laugh.

Isabelle turns to me, looking more serious, "Jokes aside, I want to make sure you feel comfortable, and safe, all the time. Let me know if any of those guys are bothering you. Ok?"

"Of course. Thanks Iz." I say and full on kick the bag that swings in front of me.

Isabelle smiles, "No problem. I'm puffed though, I'm gonna head out."

"It's fine. I know you're supposed to meet up with Thomas. Go." I say, seeing Isabelle blush slightly before she nods and heads for the exit.

I hit the bag a few more times before taking off my own gloves. I head over to the change rooms and change from my sweaty gym gear into my checkered day dress. I forgot to bring shoes so I result in wandering around on the carpet barefoot.

Leaving the training room I start to walk down the corridor.

I'm distracted thinking about the selection and turn the corner too quickly, knocking something off a stand around the hall.

The vase crashes to the ground, smashing into tiny pieces and making me jump. I let out a yelp in surprise and clutch my heart that's racing.

I curse myself. Why is this happening to me? I'm never this clumsy.

I thought my heart was pounding even louder, then realised there was feet pounding coming towards me too. I look up, my eyes widening as a boy comes rushing round the corner.

"I heard a scream. Are you hurt?" The boy asks, panicked and looking me over to check if I'm alright. He stands before me, true concern on his face.

I stare for a second too long, stunned by the sudden appearance of this unfamiliar handsome man. I stutter out a response, "I..I'm fine. It just startled me."

"Careful, you've got bare feet." He points out, looking at the broken shards of the white vase littering the rug beneath my feet.

I look down at my bare feet, "It's-"

"Fine? I know." He says with a grin. Stepping forward, his shoes crunching the vase pieces, he puts his hands firmly on my waist. He lifts me up and I squeal in surprise, watching stunned as he simply picks me up and moves me out of the way.

"Excuse me?" I say, stunned as the boy simply turns away from me and squats down to pick up some of the bigger shards on the ground.

He shrugs, "You're excused." He says, his back still to me.

"You don't have to clean that up. I'll get a maid." I say, trying to stop him from cutting his hands on the broken pieces.

The boy stands and turns back to me with the pieces in his hands, "I've got it." He says.

I hesitate a moment, "I'll ask someone to vacuum anything else up. Anyway I should go. I'm not meant to meet any of you until tomorrow. It's the rules." I say and look away for a second, before meeting his gaze again.

"It's a little late for that. The rule is already broken. Like that vase." He says, looking back at the where is broken the vase.

"Right. But I'm still going to go. Have a nice evening sir." I say, giving him a polite nod before moving away toward the elevator.

I turn back to look at the boy and give him a parting smile.

He gives me a grin, "Of course. I hope to see you again soon, your highness." He says with a nod.

"Call me Charlotte." I toss over my shoulder, continuing to the elevator.

"Sure Princess." I hear him call back, but when I turned around he had already disappeared around another corner, probably back to his room. I move into the elevator and hit the button for the fourth floor.

Strange, I didn't even get his name.


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