Supercorp one-shots

By The_Phantom6

114K 3.4K 660

A journey between Kara and Lena, from complete strangers, to 'best friends', to a couple and to a married cou... More

It's always been you
A true love story...
Happy Birthday Lena!
I never got the chance
The life she once lost
Put a little love in your heart
We fall in love 3 times
A little help from my 'twin'
"God complex"
Little bundle of joy
Don't touch her...
She's perfect
10 letters to Kara
What's a soulmate?
What was she like?
A Day at the beach
Family is not perfect
Quantum Entanglement
Our secret...
Catch me
I will join you one day
Approval and blessing
The way we were
It's a curse and blessing
Their only legacy
Sweet but cold
A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what
Bite me...
Bite me...Part 2
Fight for our love?
Fight for our love? Part 2
From whom is that...HICKEY!?
When she loved me
A little glimpse
Back home...
Back home...2
Rewrite the stars
Changing the future
Unexpected genius
Unexpected talents
Late? 2
Parkour! 2
A letter to Lena
Die for you...
Die for you...2
She'd die for her too...
The long lost kitten
The long lost kitten 2
The long lost kitten 3
Jealousy fits you darling
It's about time
Your care is what I fell for
What would her life be?
What would her life be? 2
It's the jealousy for me
Blue gems
I want you back...
Home is here
Home is here 2

Silver age of heroism

1.9K 54 2
By The_Phantom6

10 years ago

Kara followed the mysterious person into the abandoned farm. "What is it that you want to talk about?" Asked Kara, while she followed the person. "The hope for tomorrow, that your friends talked about. You are their hope. I have seen it." He said in a deep voice. "Wait, before we go into any details. Who are you?" Kara asked, wondering why the person wants to talk about hope. "I'm Doctor Fate." He answered, while his golden helmet lighted a little up. "Did you see the future?" Kara asked curiously. They stopped walking and were now in the middle of the house. Doctor Fate took a deep breath and continued: "I see everyones fate...But my own. Sometimes that scares me. But when I see the future of someone, of someone far important...I believe in tomorrow again." He said and turned around to face the Super. Kara didn't know what to say, but every word he said made her more curious. "When you saw my fate, what did you see?" Kara asked, who's eyes were bright with curiosity and fear. Doctor fate looked into the Super's eyes, showing that he will tell. "You will lead this generation, as Hawkman once led ours." It was silence for a moment and Kara had no idea what he was talking about. "You just sound like the Legionnaires, the group of heroes, I met from the future. They hinted at my destiny but were very vague, not as you are" Kara answered, as she stood in her power stand. "Then let me be specific. Although Lex Luthor is your ultimate opponent, you will defeat him." He said and that took Kara's full attention. "Lex is dead." She answered sternly. If that bastard was alive, she would really wonder how he survived. Doctor fate seemed to have paused, like he wanted to leave that detail alone. "And when you show yourself to the world, it will be a different age than ours, Kara. A silver age of heroism that will start when they look up into the sky at you, with hope for tomorrow. You will have everyone embrace it." He said confidently.

Both got interrupted by a knock. "Hello?" A soft vice said. "Lena? What is she doing here...She shouldn't be in the middle of this." Kara said worriedly and looked at Doctor Fate. "She is the key." Is all he said and used his magic. When Kara looked back, he was gone. "Rao, what just happened." Kara sighed. She then super sped to her girlfriend. "Kara! Oh my God, you scared me there." Lena said, as she relaxed when she saw Kara. "Sorry babe. It's late, shouldn't you be home?" Kara asked as she pecked Lena's lips. Lena just chuckled. "actually yes, but then something let me here." Lena answered and looked at Kara with the most loving eyes. Kara gave her the same eyes and kissed her passionately. "Come on, let's go." Kara said and held Lena's hand. She picked her girlfriend up bridal style in flew into the night sky.

As the couple landed in their cozy apartment, they got changed into pjs and went to sleep. But Kara she couldn't sleep, she was still think about what Doctor Fate said. "Love, are you okay?" lena asked tiredly. The Super then looked down at her girlfriend and hugged her tight. "Yeah, just a lot of things in my mind." Answered Kara. "Want to talk about it?" Lena asked, as snuggled closer to Kara. The blonde smiled and yawned. "Another time, let's sleep." Kara said and both drifted into sleep.

3 years later

There she stood. There she stood in front of Lex Luthor's dead body. She didn't kill him...He's Lexo suit got out of control and started to shoot at random places, till suddenly the green beam hit a sensitive spot of a building and everything came crashing down on him. Supergirl just stood there speechless, not knowing what to say. But then she started to think about the conversations she had with Doctor Fate, that happened three years ago. 'Although Lex Luthor is your ultimate opponent, you will defeat him.' All what he said was true, she finally defeated the madman. The psychopath who was so obsessed with her cousin. The brother of her wife, Lena. She didn't know what to say, as she looked at her surroundings she saw DEO vans, police cars, firefighters, Ambulances and then Lena. Immediately, Lena ran to her and gave her tight hug. The Super hugged back and whispered: "I'm sorry." Lena broke the hug and looked into her eyes. They gazed into each other's eyes. Kara thought that Lena would be furious of her, but what she saw in Lena's eyes was the complete opposite...She saw relief and happiness. "It's okay. He deserved it anyway. After all the deaths he caused and the pain...He deserved every single bit of it." Lena answered, as she looked at her brothers dead body being covered by a body bag. "You defeated him." Lena said and hugged the Super again. Kara sighed and melted into the embrace, she was exhausted and needed a break...But finally the wold was safer than before.

2 years later

There stood her wife and daughter in the crowd. Behind her family, were thousands other people, maybe even more. There they stood, waiting. There they stood in front of a tribune in the middle of National City. Today was the day...The big reveal. Kara stood there at the tribune and looked up into the sky, there she saw her cousin. Superman gave her thumbs up, encouraging her. As she looked into the crowd, she saw everyone she loved, her sister, adoptive mother, her friends, her beautiful pregnant wife and her adorable daughter. Taking deep breaths, thinking of what she should say. She finally had the courage: "Thank you for coming. As some of you know, my name is Kara Zor-El. I was born and raised on a planet that no longer exists...My home planet Krypton. Most of you lovingly have come to call me Supergirl and it has been my honor to help out whenever I can. But there is something else, I think you need to know about me..I am also a known as Kara Danvers." Kara said into microphone. Cameras started to flash and people gasped in surprise. Kara paused for a bit, till she continued: "In my travels, I get to see and hear people discover and rediscover themselves, all the time. I get to see you find happiness you didn't even know was there. In fact, I see and hear it everyday...That's a bug part what inspired me today...You. So what now? Well, I'm going to continue as Supergirl and I am going to continue as Kara Danvers. I love being a journalist at CatCo Worldwide media. I'm going to be married to my amazing wife, Lena Luthor, and continue to raise our daughter and the little one that is still on it's way. I will continue to raise my children the best was possible...I know this is new and maybe confusing to some, but I'm so proud of my heritage...Both Krypton and Earth and when I show up as Supergirl, I want to show up representing both parts of me at the same time." She said that so confidently and full of truth, that the whole city was silent. Kara floated above the crowd and landed in front of a very pregnant Lena and their two year old daughter, Kiara Lorraine Luthor-Danvers. She then kissed her wife and then kissed Kiara's forehead. Then she grabbed Lena's hand and Kiara's and walked out of the crowd hand-in-hand, with her family. "I'm proud of you, Ieiu." Kiara said and gave her Ieiu a cheeky smile. "Thank you, princess." Kara answered lovingly.

Not did she only reveal her identity, she changed the whole world. She opened a silver age of heroism. Kara thought into her head what Doctor Fate said: 'And when you show yourself to the world, it will be a different age than ours, Kara. A silver age of heroism that will start when they look up into the sky at you, with hope for tomorrow. You will have everyone embrace it.' Now all future heroes will be safe, they don't need to hide who they are, people can finally embrace themselves without fear. People will finally embrace hope. New generations don't need anymore dual identities, because of her reveal...She was able to move the whole world into a new direction.

Why did she reveal her identity? Because, recent events taught her that secrets can have major negative consequences, when they aren't brought into the light. So for the sake of her family and friends, she revealed her identity. It was time for the world to know, that Kara Danvers is Supergirl.

Present day

Lena and Kara were in front of a rather huge building. The mayor of National City handed them a big golden scissor. Lena took the big scissor happily. "I welcome you to the grand opening of the Superhero Academy!" Lena said and cut the red ribbon. People were cheering happily and even other Superheroes were there. Like Batman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Superman and many more. All of them giving happy, proud smiles...Even the dark night smiled. Kiara floated to her mother's, with her little bother in her arms. Kara happily carried Kiara, while Lena carried their son, Lawrence Kieran Luthor-Danvers.

People were clapping happily and the Superfamily smiled happily at the crowd. Lena then kissed her wife, with love and happiness and gave their children each a kiss on the forehead. Kara did the same and gave another kiss to her wife, which she could never get enough of. "You did it, honey. I love you." Lena said and pecked Kara's lips. The Super smiled happily and kissed her wife on the forehead. "No, we did it, babe. I love you too." Kara said softly. "And I love you, my little superheroes." Kara said and gave multiple kisses to her kids. "We love you too, mommy and Ieiu." Kiara answered, giving them a sweet smile, while Lawrence giggled and smiled bright.

Finally future heroes have a place to embrace themselves and learn what it means to be a hero. Kara was happy to know, that her children don't need to suffer the same way like her. She made people embrace hope, she made everyone hope for a tomorrow. She saw it, she saw the bright future of Superheroes...The silver age of heroism.

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