Our Once Upon A Time

By StaticBrooke

115K 2.5K 265

Holland, preferably called Holly is the firstborn daughter of Hades and Maleficent. The thing that makes Holl... More

Meet Holly
*Chapter 1*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 1/2 (Extra)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 1/2 (Flashback)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
*Sneak Peek*
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Remedial Goodness 101
Two Sides To Both Of Us
I Missed You Pt 1
I Missed You Pt2
I Missed You Pt3
I Missed You Pt4
Unlikely Pair

Chapter 22

2.5K 62 18
By StaticBrooke

Once we all got to the edge of the barrier, people moved out of the way for us. We were the face of the Isle after all. On Auradon, I could barely see anything so I held my hand out behind me,


I said flatly. Gil handed me his and I extended it and look through. I focused on a group of people, then I saw Mal and Ben on a terrace. I handed it to Uma and crossed my arms,

"I don't know, doesn't look like anything groundbreaking to me"

Uma looked through before handing it to Harry next,

"It just looks like a gathering-"


Harry yelled I jumped and spun around,


I yelled out of surprise. Uma spun around too,

"Look now!"

I snatched it from him and looked through,

"Look at Mal"

I went ahead and did so. I froze before slowly giving the telescope to Uma. She quickly looked through and froze too,

"That's the wand"

She murmured. Suddenly I looked up and saw a line of light magic flow towards the barrier. I reached down and grabbed Harry's hand, mainly because I had no clue what was gonna happen. 

Then as the light hit the barrier the barrier began to disappear. I looked up as it reached the sky, the grey cloud that always hung over the Isle slowly rose and disappeared, now the blue sky took its place. I slowly stepped out as a golden bridge connected the Isle and Auradon. I reached my hand out and touched where the barrier used to sit, there was nothing there. I looked back at the crew absolutely bewildered. I heard singing come from Auradon, Uma and Harry came to my sides,

"Guys, this is it"

Uma said. I grabbed Uma's hand and kept Harry's firm in my grasp,

"Shall we?"

We began a march to Auradon, the rest of the Isle following,

"Its time to bring it together, time for a brand new start"

I heard Mal start from the distance,

"We gonna put it in motion, break down what keeps us apart"

The song went on, I didn't pay attention though. All I paid attention to was how happy everyone looked. I looked up at Harry as he looked to the sky, his eyes matched the sky perfectly. He looked down to me as if he were preparing to see how I was reacting too,

"Marching on in a new land"

He sang as he looked to me with a smile,

"Our worlds a better, a better place"

I sang next. The song continued, we didn't sing though. We just decided to drag Uma as quickly as we could down to Auradon. With that, the residents of the Isle could come quickly as well.

We got to the end of the bridge and my hair began to lightly glow, just out of excitement. Mal ran down the stairs of her terrace and pushed through everyone trying to get a look of some Isle kids. I looked to Harry and smiled before letting go of his hand and ran the rest of the way to Mal. We both engulfed each other in a tight hug. I felt her already start to cry a little,

"I-I took care of you... just like you asked"

She whispered as she pulled out the ember, still perfectly lit,

"I knew you would Mali, even if you had to take care of me forever I knew you would"

I carefully took it from her and put it in my pocket. Uma came up to us and we all had a group hug, I heard clapping and cheering from every direction. I then turned around out of the hug to see Harry looking at the sky again. I walked up to him and snaked my arms around his neck which got his attention onto me,

"We made it"

I whispered. He smiled and nodded, I could see tears in his eyes as he put his arms around my waist,

"Kiss the girl!"

Uma yelled from behind us. I turned around and laughed but when I turned around again I was immediately hit with those soft lips I know so well now. I moved my hands to his cheeks just so I could really get into it which I could tell he liked from the groan he let out of his lips which I felt on mine. 

We were so in the moment that I had tuned out all of the cheerings from around us. We slowly pulled away and just looked into each other's eyes before kissing again, just not as in-depth. I giggled and ruffled with his hair. In return, he squished my cheeks a little which made me stop ruffling his hair. He smirked and grabbed my waist so we could walk around as the song continued, but neither of us really paid attention. All we did was look around at the newly alive Auradon. It all looked so much different from when we were here when everyone was asleep. We didn't pay attention until Mal and Uma both drug us into the middle of the courtyard to dance.

*skipping the dancing scene cause let's be real I don't know how to nicely write songs into a story ~_~*

We all wrapped up the dance and stood still to catch our breath. Afterward, I turned to Harry and took his hand as we walked over to Mal and the Core 4, Uma and Gil were already with them. Mal gave me a look, like a sort of smirk. She glanced from me to Harry, then to our interlocked hands for a second before looking back at me, I knew what she was referencing. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. She was holding Bens arm, similar to how I hold Harry's arm every once and a while but theirs looked more proper somehow,

"I believe you owe us one of the famous Auradon tours Benny boy"

I said with a cheeky smirk, he sighed and chuckled,

"I guess I do, but first I think we gotta get everyone settled down so Evie, you know which dorms are vacant right not right?"

Evie nodded,

"Could you go ahead and just assign the four of them to dorms?"

"Of course! I will say though it might take a minute seeing as I can already see a bit of a following for the four of you"

I turned my head to see a good amount of the Auradon kids waiting to get a word in. I laughed and turned back around,

"Did ye tell them what happened with Audrey?"

Harry said as we both looked to Mal and Ben,

"Yeah we did an entire lecture on the situation, everyone here knows who the four of you are. They see you as heroes"

I slowly nodded,

"Not used to that title"

Uma said,

"I know right? This is gonna be so weird"

Ben looked at Mal for a second before letting go of her and walking past the four of us. He shooed the crowd we had accumulated away and said how they'd be seeing us way more often so a meet and greet wasn't necessary. After that Evie led us to our dorms,

"Now the real question is, do Uma and Holly want to share a room while Harry and Gil get to share a room, or do Harry and Holly want to share a room and let Uma and Gil share a room?"

I took a second to process that, but thankfully I didn't have to answer,

"Well, I've shared an apartment with Gil for a solid five years or so now so I think its Uma's turn to deal with ya..."

Harry said as he turned to look at Uma, then he turned to look at me,

"... and besides, I won't be complaining if we share a room bonnie lass"

I smiled at him and leaned my head on his arm as we walked,

"And if that means that once you two have any form of sex it won't be in my dorm I'm a hundred percent okay with that plan"

Uma said which made us all start laughing and I specifically flush to red a little. Evie snorted, trying to keep her laughing under control. Auradon apparently squashes a sense of humor.

Anyway, Evie showed us Gil and Uma's dorm which was just on the other side of the hallway from where Harry and I would be staying. We went to our dorm next and Evie showed us around. It was mainly a navy blue theme, so thankfully not pink and had an attached bathroom which was dope, and did I mention there's a balcony? Cause there's a balcony, this is so over the top. We also had a walk-in closet and two different types of desks, one was in a nook surrounded by empty bookshelves while the other one was right in front of the window. There was one bed and Evie said that that was because it was apparently "only for one person" or whatever but I didn't believe that for two seconds, mainly because it was a queen-size bed. No singular person needs a queen size bed to themselves, right? With that, she said that Mal and Ben might stop by later and give us a more in-depth rundown on how things work around here however she wanted us to get settled first. She left our dorm and I took a deep breath and looked out the window beside the double doors which led to the balcony I heard Harry slowly walk up behind me, he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I closed my eyes and took a second just to process what just happened.


Hiya! Ahhhh we're so close to the end it's so bittersweet ahhhhhh remember to stay hydrated my friends :D


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