Lean on me

Galing kay Grace013310

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Grace Walker was Jensen Ackles' lifelong best friend. When she dies giving birth to her daughter, she asks Je... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 23

249 4 0
Galing kay Grace013310

Two days later, Sloan and Grayson are sitting in the bed watching The Little Mermaid on the TV. Grayson smiles as Sloan sings along with "Part of Your World", looking over at the girl who's eyes were locked on the screen. She could feel his gaze on her but didn't look, knowing she would blush if she saw his gaze. 

"What?" She asks with a laugh when the song ends, looking over at him. 

"Nothing." He says, shaking his head, the smile never leaving his face. "I just love listening to you sing." Sloan smiles and looks down, hoping her hair hides her blush. 

"Ready to go kiddo?" Jensen asks, entering the room. 

"Beyond ready." She tells him. "Can someone help me to the bathroom so I can change?" Grayson slides out of the bed so Jensen can carry the girl to the bathroom, handing her the bag of clothes Scarlett brought from her trailer. She sits on the toilet lid and digs through the bag, pulling out a comfortable outfit for the drive home. 

She pulls off the scratchy hospital gown, trading it for a green t-shirt that says Don't rush me. I'm waiting for the last minute in big white letters. She carefully pulls on a pair of grey cotton shorts, knowing she'll be cold but not wanting jeans to bother the stitches in her leg. She carefully stands up and hops on her right leg to the door, pulling it open and hopping to the bed, turning and falling on it when she reaches it.

Sloan ignores the looks from the three males as she grabs her black converse from beside the bed. She slips her feet in, wincing when pain shoots up her left leg as she shoves her foot into the shoe. Jensen approaches and ties her shoes before grabbing the bag from the bathroom. Sloan grabs her phone and slips it into her pocket as Jared brings the wheelchair in front of the bed and helps Sloan into it. She sits down and takes her bag from Jensen, placing it in her lap as he takes his place behind the chair, pushing her out of the room.

When they reach the car, Jensen puts the brakes on the wheelchair before picking Sloan up and placing her in the passenger seat of the truck. He goes back to fold up the chair and puts in the bed of the truck as Jared steps forward.

"See you when you get home." He tells her, giving her a hug. Sloan smiles and returns it. 

Jared and Grayson are flying to Texas to pack bags for Sloan and Jensen sow they can go straight to the lake house. They're also giving Danneel a ride to the house and will stay with her until they get there.

"See you when I get home." She repeats, pulling away. Grayson hugs her next before the two hop in the taxi that was waiting for them. Jensen gets Bandit in the backseat before he gets in the driver's seat and they hit the road. They begin the long drive to Texas, filling the silence with music or conversation.

They stop in Tennessee, halfway home, when Jensen got too tired to drive anymore. The two debated getting a motel room but eventually decided to just sleep in the truck. That way they wouldn't have to wrestle with the wheelchair and it'll save some time since they won't have to pack anything, they can just start driving again when Jensen wakes up. He pulls off on some backroad, getting as close to the woods as possible, before turning the car off. The two lay their seats back and Sloan grabs the blanket she always keeps in the backseat, throwing it over her body before she slowly drifts into a light sleep.

When Sloan wakes up the next morning, she sees that they're already on the road. She sits the seat up, the blanket falling from her shoulders, and looks around, brushing her hair out of her face. 

"Well, look who's finally awake." Jensen says with a smile, looking at her briefly. 

"Where are we?" She asks groggily. 

"We  just got to Arkansas. We still have about nine hours to go till we get to Austin." He answers. Sloan nods and looks out her window, watching the trees fly by. "You hungry?" She shakes her head and Jensen sighs, remembering how hard it was to get her to eat after the last shooting and hoping this wasn't going to be like that.

"I'm not starving myself again, Dad." She says like she can read his thoughts, looking from her window to him. "I'm just not hungry." 

"How's the leg?" 

"Hurts." She says honestly. "Not too bad, though. It just aches a bit."

"You know, you're leg is gonna lose a lot of muscle over the next few weeks. I was thinking that when it heals and you've got enough muscle back you could go for a swim to help build it up quicker." Jensen says after a few minutes. Sloan nods with a smile. 

"Is the boat still in good shape?" She asks. 

"I think so. It was fine last summer." He says. Sloan nods, already anxious to be able to go out on the boat and swim. "You're not going out on it until I'm convinced that your leg is healed."

"I know." She says. "How are you going to be convinced?"

"Well, when the doctor says you're clear and you can walk without needing to use anything for support." He says. Sloan nods. "I was thinking about going to Doctor Robinson for the next few checkups since we already know him." Sloan nods again. 

"Sounds good to me." 

Nine hours later, the two are pulling into Austin and after another hour and a half, they reach the lake house. It's a simple two story wood house with four bedrooms and three bathroom but it's more than enough for the family of three. Sloan opens her door and starts to get out of the truck when Jensen stops her. 

"Do not put that foot on the ground." He tells her quickly. Sloan smiles sheepishly before she tops and waits for him to come around with the wheelchair, helping her transition from the truck to the chair. 

Jensen pushes her up the gravel driveway to the steps as Jared and Grayson step out onto the porch. Bandit runs up to Sloan's side and she motions for him to go up the stairs, watching as the dog runs up the stairs and into the house. 

"So, how is this going to work?" She asks, looking at the stairs. Sloan lets out a surprised yelp when she's suddenly being picked up from the chair. "A little warning next time would be nice, Dad!" Jensen laughs and carries the girl up the stairs as Jared follows with the wheelchair.

Instead of putting Sloan back in the chair, Jensen just walks inside and sets her one the couch before going out and bringing their bags inside. Gen walks into the living room a minute later and gives her a big hug. 

"I'm so glad you're okay." She tells the teenager as she pulls away. "I was worried sick when Jared told me about the situation." 

"I'm okay, Gen." Sloan says with a laugh. "So are y'all staying with us?" 

"I think we're going home but we'll probably be by to visit." She says. 

"Please visit." Sloan begs. "I don't want to be stuck in this house for who knows how long with no human contact besides my parents." Gen laugh and promises that she'll visit a few times a week. 

"How you feelin' bright eyes?" Jared asks as he enters, setting Tom on the floor before sitting in the chair across the room. Tom toddles across the room and approaches Sloan with a big smile.

"Better now that I get so see this little guy." She says, picking the baby up and setting him on her lap. She tickles his stomach and he lets out a loud string of giggles. "I'm good, really." Sloan answers, looking back up at Jared. "My leg aches a little bit and I'm all road trippy and gross, but I feel good." Jared laughs and tosses the girl a bag of gummy bears. Sloan gasps and her eyes light up as she puts the corner of the package in her mouth and opens it. "This is why you're my favorite Padalecki!" She tells him around a mouthful of gummy bears. She then looks down at the baby in her lap who's fingers were wrapped around her necklace. "Actually. You're my second favorite. This little cutie is always gonna be my favorite." 

"I put your bag on you bed." Grayson says as he walks in. "I wasn't sure what you wanted me to do with your stuff." Sloan nods and thanks him as he sits next to her. Tom reaches for him and Grayson takes her from the girl. 

"Traitor." She says, her eyes narrowed at the baby, who laughs at the face she was making. Bandit trots in and jumps up onto the couch, laying his head and front paws on her lap. Sloan runs her fingers through his fur and laughs as Jensen gives the dog an exasperated look as he comes in, pushing his phone back in his pocket. 

"Relax, Dad." She says. "He's not hurting me." 

"I just got off the phone with your mom." He tells her, sitting on the couch next to her. "She said she just left the store. She's gonna pick something up for dinner and she'll be here in about an hour and a half." Sloan nods. 

An hour and a half later, Grayson's pushing Sloan into the dining room before sitting next to her as the adults put the food on the table. Danneel walks in and immediately rushes to her step-daughter and wraps her into a tight hug, holding her head to her chest. 

"I was worried sick about you." She says. "When your dad called and told me what was happening it was all I could do to stay here instead of getting on a plane and going to make sure you were alright." 

"I'm okay." Sloan says, pulling back. Danneel gives her a knowing look as she brushes a strand of hair out of Sloan's eye. "Really, Mom. I'm okay." Danneel nods. 

"Okay." She says quietly before placing a kiss to Sloan's forehead and sitting at the end of the table. 

Two hours later, the only people left in the house are Jensen, Danneel, and Sloan. Sloan sits on the couch while Jensen stands in the kitchen, working on the dishes. Sloan looks out the window at the lake, itching to get out there and swim. Jensen hears her sigh and looks up, putting away the last plate and moving into the living room. He sits next to Sloan and follows her eye line to the water. 

"You'll be out there soon." He says, like he can read her mind.

"Technically, I could go out there now. The wetsuit would cover up my stitches real good. I wouldn't be walking." She says, turning to look at her father hopefully. Jensen raises a brow and Sloan sighs. "C'mon, daddy, I won't even have to set my foot on the ground. I could just sit on the edge of the dock and slide off. And I can use my other leg to tread water if that's what you're worried about."

"You're not swimming until the doctor clears you." He insists. Sloan huffs and looks back out at the water. Jensen sighs and puts his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to him. "It's just twelve weeks, sweetheart. It'll be fine. It won't be the end of the world." 

"It will for me." She says quietly. "I can't go out because some creep is stalking me. I can't swim because said creep shot me. I can't even walk because he clipped a muscle and they had to repair it. I can't do anything but sit on this damn couch for twelve weeks and look at the water."

"It always was impossible to keep you away from the water. Even when it's the middle of winter." Jensen says with a small laugh. Sloan smiles a bit.

"It's your fault for teaching me how to swim." She tells him. "And surf." Sloan's smile disappears, a frown taking its place as she looks at him. "I miss surfing." 

"Well, when this is over, why don't we go to the beach and you can learn again." He suggests. Sloan nods with a smile. 

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Jensen asks a few hours later when he gets ready to go to bed. Sloan shakes her head. 

"I just need you to stay with me until I fall asleep. Can you start a fire, though?" She asks. Jensen nods and gets some firewood from outside before tossing it in the fireplace and lighting it, a warm orange glow filling the room. Sloan smiles as she remembers all the times they would make a bed in front of the fire and sleep there, usually when Jared and Grayson were with them.

Sloan almost asks if they could do that tonight but decides against it when she sees how tired Jensen is. Guilt rises when she sees his exhaustion. He's spent two nights sleeping in an uncomfortable hospital bed, then one night in his truck, and is worried sick about her safety.

"Why don't you just go ahead and go to bed?" She suggests. 

"Are you sure?" He asks, knowing how she's struggled to get to sleep by herself the past few months. Sloan nods and Jensen hesitates a moments, making Sloan laugh lightly. 

"I'll be fine, Dad." She tells him. 

"Call me if you need anything." He says. Sloan nods and Jensen looks at her seriously. "I'm serious, Sloan. If you need anything at all, call me. Don't be stubborn." 

"I will." She says. "Promise." Jensen smiles lightly and helps Sloan lay down and drapes a blanket over her body. He leans down and places a kiss on her forehead. 

"I love you, sweetheart." He tells her. Sloan smiles back up at him. 

"I love you too, daddy." She says. Jensen smiles and walks out, going upstairs and to his and Danneel's room.

Sloan sighs as she watches the flames flicker, something that usually helps her relax and sleep, but tonight it doesn't, her mind wandering too much. Around four o'clock, Sloan picks up her phone and shoots a text to Grayson.

Are you awake?

Sloan waits a few minutes before the phone vibrates and looks to his response, laughing quietly at the word on his screen.


Liar. She quickly types and can practically her the sigh that comes from the boy even though they're miles apart.

What do you want?

Can't sleep.


Not this time. I just can't shut my mind off.

What do you want to talk about?

How much trouble do you think I would be in if I somehow managed to go down to the lake and swim?

Your dad would kill you. That's how much trouble you'd be in. Sloan laughs and nods to herself, knowing that's true.

You're right. This is why we're friends. You keep me from doing things that you know will kill me.

Not always. Sometimes I let you do stuff so you know not to do it again.

And I teach you how to have fun. 

I can't have fun because if I did, neither one of us would be alive because we'd do all of your dumb ideas.

You're probably right. But my ideas are not dumb.

Yes they are.

Not all the time. 

The two talk until the sun starts rising and Sloan lets him finally go back to sleep. She watches the sun slowly rise, the pinks and oranges reflecting off the smooth surface of the lake. Sloan sighs as she remembers all the times she and Grayson would sneak out of the house and go swimming in the middle of the night and swim under the rising sun, wishing she could do that now.

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