A Family Of Heroes

By true_infinity

12.8K 280 89

Sometimes life can take a wrong turn and leaves you to wonder "what did I do wrong". Well, Glacia always thin... More

A Family Of Heroes
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Final Thoughts and Mentions

196 4 2
By true_infinity

So here we are, at the end of this very, very long journey. This has been an interesting experience for me to say the least. Having this be my first story written when I was in Middle school, right when I first learned about fanfiction and how that just spiraled out of control afterward is something that changed my life. It made me want to write even more, knowing that there was places on the internet that allowed for fans to write pieces of works based off of a franchise was just so exciting for me.

Over the years I have made and deleted many stories, done little shorts, and continue to think of fun ideas for future tales. But no one has really seen all the works I have done. Well, creative writing sure did see a lot of that in my notebook, but everything else? Nope. I have so many stories and little shorts from other story ideas that it is not even funny. That was what made me distracted from this book, the plethora of other works I had just continued to make me ignore what I had already published.

And that certainly has made me very cautious on publishing more stories. 

Seeing how this took so long and how many changes I made to it changed my outlook on writing. It made me develop the rule of "have a lot of it completed before ever publishing it" because I learned something about me through writing this. I procrastinate so hard on everything. Besides, making this rule allows me to change my stories a lot to get the final outcome that I desire. And I have changed a lot of original story ideas that I have multiple endings to some stories or multiple paths that I like for a story to take. It is... very interesting. 

But enough of that, this will be my final part, my final note to you all. So let us go through what I originally intended for this story. 

Now I will admit that I really didn't think much on the future story of this, but I had some vague ideas. One, I intended for the rest of the story to take place during season 3 (the first episode having Optimus Prime as t-rex, that season) and have Glacia use her powers to help the Burns family on their rescues. This is what she was going to look like, her getup and all that, during this originally planned part of the story.

Yeah, I had it planned and fully intended to add in Season 3 (I'm pretty sure it was season 3, I haven't seen the show in ages nor have I been actively engaging the Transformers community in a very, very long time) but I then realized that this story would never be finished so I instead cut it drastically.

The season finale would have Glacia finally excepting her role as the head and new leader of the Winter Sirens, taking up the role she was meant to do. It would have been an emotional goodbye, more so than what was presented, or maybe not, in this ending cause you all would have been with her for much longer than what ended up happening. 

The epilogue was going to be... different. So I am unsure of the true timeline of Rescue Bots and Transformers Prime, and I am writing this before I finish the book (happens all the time), but I had like three ideas for the epilogue. One was where Glacia intercedes and uses her Winter Siren powers to knock Star Scream away from hurting Prime and having Optimus comment on her existence. The other idea was her also saving Prime's aft, but in... what was the sequel to Transformers Prime called? I don't know, but in that show and in the episode where Prime is in the Arctic and is about to fall off a cliff, she saves him. After that, Prime once again making some comment about her and the Burns to some degree, she would vanish. The other idea was that she returns to Griffon Rock and meets the Burns family during season 4 when they're all grown up for a happy reunion.

Yeah, none of these happened in the end, yikes. 

Not sure which one I'll end up using, but those were my original ideas for how this story was going to go after the Winter Siren arc. And yes, what became the full story was originally an arc, the Winter Siren arc, and it was meant to introduce Glacia, flush her out, and reveal what she is. I will also admit that I originally thought up the Winter Siren idea when I went on a cruise ship years ago. Like, I think it was Chapter 3 or 4 I was originally going to reveal her as a Winter Siren, like she uses her powers to save peoples lives (the chapter of the family rescuing people, though I think that chapter was changed so... yeah things have really changed since I first began). But then I thought "what if I kept this a secret and had it be a big reveal and a big build up?" and well, here we are!

Don't even know if I was successful in that endeavor. 

There is no doubt that this book has changed significantly since I first began it years ago. I will also admit that I am very surprised that you, the readers, have stayed for this long for a story that I know was poorly written. By the Gods I cringe at the thought of reading the older versions of this story but they're long gone by now, but it still doesn't change the fact that the story was so embarrassing when it first began. But we all improve as writers and that is more so with people who first began as children. 

Anyway, I wanted to thank you all once again for sticking around for this story. I know it has been a very long journey to get to the end and I am fully aware of that, but thank you. I know I have said this so many times, but it cannot be understated by how much it means to me with you all interacting and reading this story. Your comments makes me smile and seeing the rise in reads fills me with joy knowing that people actually read my works.

We have reached the end my lovely readers and though I am sad that this has ended far shorter than intended, I am glad to have finished this and put it to rest with no loose ends remaining unsaid. Thank you all for being apart of this journey. I may actually never again publish a story on this platform again, who knows, but for now I do not plan to publish another story in the near and current far future. This story looks to be what remains of my legacy on this site for the time being, but I am happy to have it be so.

Thank you all for waiting, for reading and liking and commenting on this mess of a story and journey, but it can never be understated on how much this means to me. Stay safe and know that I will never forget your love of my story and your commitment to my tale. There may never be a next time, but who knows? The future is always in motion. So, one last time (maybe).

Goodbye my lovely readers

Until next time.


Once known as ~True_Thingss~


For Now.

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