~From Hatred to Love~

By basicbabe123

70.5K 1.7K 195

Quinn Johnson is a 16 year old girl from Cater Hills, New Jersey. Her parents died when she was younger so it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New fan fiction

Chapter 9

1.8K 43 5
By basicbabe123

Realising the facts
Quinn's pov

I woke up to the smell of Luke. Like really close. Wait oh my god. Okay let's not panic, I'm just gonna open my eyes slowly and calmly. I opened my eyes and saw my head is on Luke's chest. I tried to move my head slowly but Luke's arm had a strong grip around me. I pulled my head out and fell on the floor which caused a loud bang.
Luke: oh my god! Are you okay?
Quinn: yeah, I just have to go. Blair is home today
Luke: okay
Quinn: umm we didn't umm
Luke: oh god no no no
Quinn: okay uh I have to go
Luke: okay uhh bye
That was so awkward. I ran home and took a shower. I felt all fresh and clean when I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs and opened the door. I screamed.
Quinn: oh my gosh BLAIR
Blair: ahhhhh hey
I hugged her so tight that we fell over.
Quinn: I thought you weren't coming home till later
Blair: surprise
We talked all about the wedding and about this morning with Luke.
Blair: you'd be pretty cute together
Quinn: never he's a player. I don't wanna fall into that trap kinda cycle
Blair: I know but he might change. Have you not watched those romance movie where the good girl changes the player and fall in love
Quinn: that only happens in movies, we're living in the real world
Blair: we'll see
Quinn: wanna go and get food?
Blair: sure
We went to Mc Donald's and the mall. We went home and she stayed the night. I was trying to fall asleep but Blair had me thinking about Luke. He's been different lately, in a good way and we've had cute moments the past week. When I think about him I smile. No no no no no no no no no no I can't like him I can't I want to but I can't. Ohh shit I like Luke Jones.

Luke's pov

Quinn left in a hurry. That was awkward. I got up and got dressed and headed to this girls house. We started making out when I stoped. I couldn't it felt weird and wrong. I ran out of the house I heard her yelling my name but I couldn't care. What's wrong with me. I decided I'd talk to one of my go to friend who I haven't talked to in ages. I knocked on the door when she answered. Leila is one of my closest friends. Our families are really close before she moved away but I drove and hour so I could see her. I told her everything.
Leila: sounds like you like her
Luke: that's it I can't she my best friends little sister and I have a reputation I gotta keep
Leila: did you not think eventually you would fall for someone
Luke: not now maybe in college or something
Leila: that's 3 years away, it was bound to happen before that. Just tell her
Luke: I can't just tell her
Leila: why
Luke: cause Carson will kill me
Leila: just try to get over her, tell me about her
Luke: she has green eyes, brown curly hair, nice smile, funny, sweet, kind, smart and beautiful
Leila: ahh I'm so proud of you now just admit it to yourself
Luke: I like Quinn Johnson

Quinn's pov

We woke up and Blair and I drove in her car to school. I don't have to carpool anymore with the guys. I was nervous to tell Blair about Luke cause that means she's right and I hate when she's right. I'm gonna tell her eventually just not now. We arrived at the school and went to our lockers. I saw Luke so I smiled at him. He smiled back. I like his smile. I got to my locker to see Ally standing at it.
Ally: hey
Quinn: hi, what are you doing here?
Ally: Luke ended things with me
Quinn: so
Ally: so! It's all your fault
Quinn: how is this my fault?
Ally: stupid bitch I'll get my revenge
Quinn: uhh bye
I slammed my locker and went to class. I saw Blair in her seat so I ran down and told her when the teacher strolled in. I quickly ran back to my seat. The class started and there's no sign of Luke. Great we have to present our project. A few minutes later he arrived to class like 10 minutes late. I rolled my eyes. The teacher gave him detention and he sat down.
Quinn: you're late
Luke: I know
Quinn: we have to present our project remember
Luke: yeah
We got up and started to talk about the project. I hate talking in front of a group of people. I felt sick and started stuttering. Luke notice and took over. I felt puke coming up my throat. I ran to the bathrooms and got sick. Mr Reilly ran after me. I walked out of the stall and cried. I calmed down and saw mr Reilly outside the bathrooms. I explained to him and I got sent to the nurses office. The teacher asked Luke to walk me there. I walked feeling terrible and embarrassed. So embarrassed. I just wanted to go home. We got to the nurses and Luke sat outside. She looked at me, said i was fine and said I didn't need to go home. This bitch.
Luke: hey are you okay?
Quinn: uhh no but this bitch won't send me home so now I have to get through the day embarrassed.
Luke: it wasn't that bad. Okay it was bad
Quinn: uhhhh
We arrived back at the class. I got through the school day with a few laughs. Blair dropped me home but couldn't hangout cause she had to unpack. So I just sat in bed and watched Netflix for the rest of the day. Night x

Authors note: sry I didn't post yesterday I was really busy and didn't have a chance. Hope you enjoyed. I'll try post another one later

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