Our Once Upon A Time

By StaticBrooke

115K 2.5K 265

Holland, preferably called Holly is the firstborn daughter of Hades and Maleficent. The thing that makes Holl... More

Meet Holly
*Chapter 1*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 1/2 (Extra)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 1/2 (Flashback)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
*Sneak Peek*
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Remedial Goodness 101
Two Sides To Both Of Us
I Missed You Pt 1
I Missed You Pt2
I Missed You Pt3
I Missed You Pt4
Unlikely Pair

Chapter 19

3.1K 67 8
By StaticBrooke

We were in Audrey's dorm room now, apparently, we were sad for her because what she did wasn't her fault or whatever so I was kinda pissed at that conclusion. I held onto Harry's arm which he had expressed might be a favorite of his. 

As everyone woke up Ben made an announcement that they were safe and that the situation had been handled and to head back to their respective dorm until further notice to avoid pandemonium. The old King and Queen had rushed to where he was, which is where we all were at the moment, Audreys room,

"Oh my god, what happened?"

Belle said as she looked at her still rather disheveled son all as he was leading them in,

"Audrey was the one who stole the scepter, but we got a team in and handled the situation"

"What team?"

Adam/the beast said. Ben gestured his hand to us, aka Uma, Gil, Harry, and I, and of course the VKs. Belle gasped at the sight of all the new presumed villains in front of her,

"Mom, Dad, this is Uma, Gil, Harry, and Holland- I mean Holly"

He corrected it quickly. I scoffed and playfully rolled my eyes,

"I'll let it slide"

I said to Ben, Belle and Adam were still somewhat taken aback,

"So, the daughter of Ursula, the son of Gaston, the son of Hook, and the daughter of Hades... how did you conjure up such a force?"

Adam said,

"Well Mal kinda tricked them into doing so but after she came forward and... one of them almost biting the dust they all naturally came together to save everyone"

Belle gasped,

"Who almost died?"

She said, typical worried mother,

"Ironically enough, that would be me"

I said as I let go of Harry's arm and stepped forward. Both of them tilted their heads,

"The ember went out at one point, I don't like discussing my weaknesses with those I do not trust but all I have to say is that's not good for me. Anyway, what saved me ironically enough was Audrey beating me up and putting me to sleep, just to be woken up by Mr. Hook over there"

Belle's eyes went wide before clapping some,

"True loves kiss works every time!"

She whispered to herself. I chuckled and rolled my eyes,

"Adam, Belle, I just want you both to know that the only reason why we're all here today is because of Holly, and if you backtrack it far enough it's because of Harry Hook, and even further it's because of Uma for convincing Harry to kiss Holly in the first place"

Mal said. I furrowed my brow and turned to face her,

"Mal you know it was a combined effort from everyone"

"But you specifically sacrificed your own safety when you were weak to save me, multiple times. All just to end up putting your life on the line for all of Auradon. You guys weren't there to see it but Holly went face to face with possible death. It was literally a battle of god-like proportions. I know I sound like I'm gushing but I just can't let this slip by without everyone knowing that the face of all evil and everything bad saved their lives. I can't let her once upon a time get lost in translation by any means"

I slowly turned back around, feeling suddenly emotional. I turned back to Mal for a second, tears in my eyes before opening my arms to her and giving her a tight hug,

"You didn't have to do that"

"Yes I did Holly if they want a book on what happened today I am willing to give them every correct detail about how I screwed up and how you took everything in perfect stride, all with Uma and Harry and everything"

I pulled away from the hug and smiled at her,

"You've gotten so soft"

I said as I was literally crying, she laughed and gave me another hug,

"This is how it's supposed to be isn't it?"

She whispered. I tilted my head and pulled away some,

"How is what supposed to be?"

"Having a sister, this is how we were supposed to be the whole time"

I chuckled as I heard some gasps behind us, presumably from Adam and Belle,

"Yeah, feels good doesn't it?"

"Yeah... it really does"

"You two are related?!"

Adam semi yelled. I whipped around because of the loudness, Isle instinct. Ben laughed,

"Calm down pops, yes they are. They're full siblings, right?"

Mal and I nodded in unison,

"Double trouble is the best sort of trouble"

Uma said with a laugh. Belle slowly nodded,

"Well, it's lovely to meet your sister Mal. And it's lovely to meet all of you. I will say, it's an unexpected team of heroes seeing as you all are straight from the Isle, but it's a lovely surprise to wake up to"

I pivoted on my heels and slowly sauntered over to Adam and Belle, Adam seemed to stand in front of Belle, seemingly prepared to fight me if I pulled anything. All I did was reach my hand out for a handshake, he furrowed his brow but warily took it,

"I'm glad everything worked out, I would've hated to die for nothing..."

I said with a laugh as I shook Belles hand next,

"... and just so you know, while I was the one to take Audrey down I can't wake her up"

"What do you mean?"

Ben said stepping in,

"Listen, I'm really good with taking life away but bringing life back is not my forté. You'll need our dad for that"

"You have the ember, why can't you do it?"

Adam said. I took a step back, back towards where Harry was,

"Well, I could potentially mess up. If I mess up she'll be gone forever. And because you, excuse my French, jackasses locking me in the Isle so early on in life I never learned how to do that. My dad knows though, he has to. Because of my ember thing, the important people here know what that means, I technically should be able to do it, however, I just never learned how cause I was too busy being trapped on the Isle"

I said with plenty of venom in certain parts. I had to make sure no one thought I was going too terribly soft, so what better way than to call the royal family jackasses? I crossed my arms and raised a brow,

"So, do you want my help bringing my father over or, because you all know SO much, just let you all do with my loose cannon of a father?"

Adam scoffed and looked to Belle. They whispered back and forth before Belle responded,

"That would be much appreciated. Now because you all did such an amazing job protecting Auradon, we're giving everyone in this room the chance to stay here instead of going back to the Isle"

Uma stepped forward now to where I was,

"The Isle is my home, it needs to be protected, I can't leave it behind"

"And you'll need your mates"

I added as I brought my arm around her shoulder,

"You don't wanna stay? I mean Mal's here"

"Uma, it would be wildly unprofessional for a crew member to abandon their captain"

I said with a smirk. She lit up,

"You're finally joining?!"

She squealed. I nodded and laughed at her response,

"Finally! The most killer crew, six years in the making has finally gotten its last finishing touch!"

Harry came to my side and threw his arm around my shoulder,

"We're gonna tear it up"

He said looking at Uma and I,

"Oh yeah we are, hate to break it to y'all but the crew and the Isle comes before everything else. I couldn't live with myself if I couldn't go back. Mal..."

I looked over to her,

"... the place is a hell hole, but it's our hell hole. We belong there"

She nodded with tears in her eyes,

"I understand"

Gil went up and threw his arm around Uma, now like a little happy pirate family,

"Now, there's no use in delaying the inevitable, lets go wrangle our dad out of his cave"

The royal family laughed some. I looked at them with a confused expression,


I said,

"The cave thing, that was funny" 

Adam said,

"Oh? Well, I wasn't joking, the man lives in a cave. Technically I do too, its pretty dope, to be honest, lightings not too great but hey I like complete darkness"

I said leaving Adam, Belle, and Ben slightly confused and speechless. With that, I sauntered out the door,

"Shall we?"

I said as I turned around. The crew came out. I brought Harry and Uma aside for a second as everyone else came out of the room so Audrey's grandmother could have some alone time finally,

"This is our last time here, should we make sure Auradon knows what the fuck our names are so they'll never forget it?"

I whispered to them. Uma bit her lip in excitement and nodded, Harry put his hand in the middle of our huddle. I put mine on top of his, then Uma's put hers on top. We broke away and all ran down the corridor which made everyone turn to us. 

Harry grabbed Gil and told him to knock on all the doors down each way so everyone in their dorms would open up. We all manically laughed as the VKs looked on in confusion. Ben had quickly tried to get his parents out of the immediate view but Adam made a point to watch us,

"You know, Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, you all said it yourselves!"

I yelled,

"Its good to be bad, or should I say... rotten to the core?"

I said with a smirk as I turned around and lit one of my hands into a blue flame. All of the kids looking out of their dorms began to panic. By the way, of course, I had to use rotten to the core, I helped write that damn song after all. Mal stole most of my lines for the record,

"They say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad. They say I'm evil, and that makes me glad"

I slowly sang as I began lighting every wall sconce I passed with a blue flame, controlled of course,

"A dirty no good, down to the bone. Yer worst nightmare, can't take me home"

Harry followed suit by singing slowly and taking his hook and scrapping it along the railing of the staircase, happily stealing Jay's line,

"So I've got some mischief in my blood, can you blame me? I never got no love"

Uma slowly sang as she stole a can of spray paint from one of the terrified Auradon kids that happened to be holding one, she then began spraying her tentacle design on the wall,

"They think I'm callous"

Harry sang,

"A lowlife hood"

Uma followed,

"I feel so useless"

I sang, over dramatically upset sounding on purpose, all so I could wipe that away for us all to yell,


We yelled as I jumped the railing and began sliding down the stairwell. Uma and Harry quickly followed, Gil just ran behind us. I love the guy but he can be kinda embarrassing at times, that's kinda why I didn't involve him in this plan,

"Mirror mirror on the wall, whos the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world"

I slowly sang solo, looking into the crowd of people in front of us as we all got to the entryway of the castle, the entire way I had been lighting every wall sconce on fire. As I reached the base there were more people down there which all went wide-eyed when they saw the three of us. Harry went ahead and lunged and occasionally growled at people. Uma just lunged. All I had to do was light my hand up and glare. I smirked,

"We're rotten to the core, rotten to the core, rotten to the core! Who could ask for more?"

I sang as we went around leaving our respective marks,

"We're nothing like the kids next, like the kids next door. We're rotten to the, rotten to the, I'm rotten to the core!"

We all sang. Everyone now tried to stop what we were doing, the VKs really. Mal came up to me and tried to grab my hand. I quickly swiped it away and laughed, Jay went to Harry and gave him a sort of look which Harry just laughed too and pulled his hook out and aimed it at Jay making plenty of the Auradon folk cower down even more. Then Carlos went for Uma and she just swung out of his way before laughing of course,

"I won't let anyone forget us, never again"

I said as I brought both of my hands up with a blue fire and sent a chain reaction throughout the entire castle. One by one every wall sconce in the entire castle was lit in a blue flame. I looked at Harry for a second and got an idea. 

I spun around to a blank wall, nothing on it. I smirked and used my fire to burn a design into the wall. I burned flames first, then tentacles coming from the flames, then a hook over it. I smirked and nodded,

"Much better"

After that, I sauntered on out. One group of boys were sizing me up as I walked so I made eye contact with the one that looked like the main one,

"I don't know what's going on but who knew chicks as hot as you existed"

He said as he tried to walk up to me, he wasn't attractive to me so this was going to be easy,

"Ain't that the truth"

I said as I lit my hair on fire. He shot back and cursed. I laughed manically and put my hair out as Harry came to my side, he put his arm around my waist as Uma put her arm over my shoulder,

"That thing you put on the wall is dope as fuck"

Uma said. I looked to her,

"You think so?"

"It was a perfect mix of the three of us"

Harry added. Now Gil came up to us,

"That was awesome you guys! I think the Auradon people really like us!"

He said innocently. I chuckled,

"Sure Gil, sure"

We walked up to the limo they already brought out for us. We climbed in, all chattering about how fun it was to scare the Auradon kids. Celia was already in the limo and had obviously been waiting for a while but didn't say anything, mainly because she was eating candy. I spotted the candy thing they had in there, so did everyone else obviously. 

Some guards got in with us, right before they were gonna shut the door I stepped back out. The VKs were right outside and immediately thought I was gonna pull something for some reason, of course, I didn't. I just looked at Mal,

"I guess this is goodbye, I'll miss you Mali"

She nodded and just tackled me in a hug. I hugged her back and patted her back,

"I love you"

I whispered,

"I love you too"

She choked up. I took the ember out of my pocket,

"Can you keep this for me?"

She cautiously took it and nodded,

"Now that I know how it works I feel like I'm holding your heart"

I smiled and really was on the brink of tears now,

"You are, take care of me. I don't want dad to bring it back"

She looked up at me as if I was crazy. I took her hand and closed it around the ember,

"That's all I have to give to you, and I'd like to keep you close to me even if we are a sea away"

She started sobbing on the spot, I took her in another hug,

"I wish it didn't have to be like this"

I murmured to her. She nodded into my shoulder, I slowly pulled her away from me, gently of course,

"I need to go Mali, take care of me for me, and take care of you for me okay?"

"I don't want you to go"

She whispered, her voice cracking some,

"I have a job on the Isle, you have a job here. I wish there wasn't a wall separating us but that's our reality. I love you Mal, I gotta go now"

"I love you too Holly"

Her voice was cracking, so was mine a little. I peeked over her head and saw Ben, Adam, and Belle all watching. I forced a smile and waved once to them before getting into the limo. They shut the door and I immediately felt somewhat heartbroken.


Hiya! I actually am uploading on time today look at me being a responsible adult. Remember to stay hydrated my friends :)


P.S. *I might drop a little exciting sneak peek today as well, so watch out for that*

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