由 lokiapologist

229K 6K 1.4K

" They lost their Phoenix. " OR A women's journey back to the person she once was. Sequal to 'Phoenix... 更多



11.3K 286 123
由 lokiapologist

     Phoenix's chest began rising up and down once again as the words started to process inside her mind. " What? " Both horror and confusion lingered through her voice. She watched the smile from the nurse widen as if she was almost satisfied with the reaction she was getting from Phoenix.

" You're inside the Capital darling, we were forced to rescue you, along with some other tributes from the arena. " Shaking her head, Phoenix felt like the world around her was crumbling. " Where is everyone else? Finnick? Katniss? Cassian? Peeta? Beetee? Johanna? " The words left her mouth quickly, only wanting answers to these questions.

Quiet overtook the room, with the only sound filling the room being Phoenix's heavy breathing. " Where are they? " She yelled, with the smirk from the nurse now long gone as a sense of fear began filling the older woman. " Ms.Flack, if you don't calm down, I'm afraid I'll be forced to sedate you. " Phoenix could tell the nurse was starting to get more nervous by the second.

Phoenix nodded her head, knowing she needed to cool down in order to get any answers to her question. While trying her best to calm down, she looked down at the IV attached to her, something she hadn't noticed yet. The woman seemed to notice Phoenix's gaze and cleared her throat to speak. " It's morphling, I can up your dosage if you need it. " Phoenix shook her head at the offer, knowing the last thing she needed was a morphling addiction.

Silence took over the room again as Phoenix continued looking down at herself lying in the hospital bed. She began thinking back to the last night of the games, with her last solid memory in her mind being when she, Johanna, and Katniss left the tree. Phoenix remembers the last kiss she shared with Finnick before she departed into the jungle.

Everything after that only came to her in blurs in Phoenix's memory.

" As of right now, we are looking after you, Enobaria Golding, Peeta Mellark, Johanna Mason. " The pit already began to grow inside of Phoenix's stomach as the names met her ears. The sole purpose of the plan was to make sure Katniss and Peeta made their way back to District 13.

Now that Peeta was in the Capital, Phoenix had no idea what this meant for the future of the rebellion. " Oh! And Annie Cresta. " The nurse added, having forgotten the younger girl was also in the custody of the Capital. Once it processed what she had said, Phoenix's eyes widened and her head snapped to look at the nurse.

Unlike her and Johanna, both Peeta and Annie were completely innocent. With neither having any idea of any kind of uprising the rebels had planned. But Annie. Innocent Annie had absolutely no idea about anything that was even going on outside of District 4. She hadn't even been inside the arena during the games. So why did they take her?

" Annie! " Phoenix screams out without a second thought. The nurse rushes towards her, trying to calm Phoenix down. " No! Annie wasn't even inside the games. Why is she here? " Phoenix asked before screaming out the girl's name again. " Annie! " She called out over and over again. Phoenix needed a response, needed answers, and this timid nurse was no help at all. " She's very sick, Ms.Flack. Her head has not been in the right place in a long time. We are doing her a favor. " The nurse said, trying to convince Phoenix that this was all a good thing.

Screams suddenly erupted from outside of the small white room, this catching Phoenix's attention. Phoenix couldn't put a face to the cries but knew the scream sounded like one of pure agony. " Annie! Peeta! Johanna! " She screamed out, just wanting to see where the 3 victors were.

The screams got louder and louder, and before Phoenix could call out anybody's name again, the nurse darted out of the door. As the door opened and the nurse ran out, she saw a sea of other doctors and nurses running towards the scream.

Phoenix listened to the yells from the other room, yet she couldn't muster the energy to scream again. A strong wave of morphling began to hit Phoenix, leaving her to believe the nurse had upped her dosage before leaving the room. Laying her head on the pillow, Phoenix tried to get a clear picture of what happened after she left Finnick, Beetee, and Peeta.

Yet, with tears running down her face, nothing was coming into her mind. She could barely remember walking with Katniss and Johanna through the jungle. But everything else after that was a complete and utter blur.

Phoenix picked her head up from the pillow and wiped the tears and snot from her face. Sighing, she wished she could remember something else, anything else. But more than that, she hoped that Finnick was somewhere safe.

Silence overtook the room, with Phoenix realizing the screaming from outside her room had stopped altogether. It wasn't long before another person walked inside the room, this time a man. " Hello, Ms.Flack. " The man said while placing his stethoscope securely around his neck.

The older man looked at her, his face shiny with sweat. He looked down at Phoenix with a smile, since being informed she was acting a bit hostile. Although he tried to put a strong face on in front of Phoenix, she could tell something was wrong. The man looked frazzled, making it known to Phoenix that something had happened inside the screaming room he was just in.

" My name is Dr. Angus Gual- " He introduced himself before being cut off by Phoenix before he could even say another word. " What happened out there? " Phoenix asked, not caring about who the man was. " Oh, that was just Ms.Mason. She had a bad reaction to some medication we gave her. No need to worry, she's alright now. " An eyebrow raised, as Phoenix knew Johanna was anything from alright. Phoenix's body was tense as her eyes never left the man.

He looked nervous, with his hands tightly gripping the chart in his hands. The man looks down at the chart before looking back up at Phoenix. He cleared his throat before opening his mouth to speak. " Ms.Flack do you think you can tell me what you remember from the last moments of the games? " He asks before looking back up at her.

A lump forms in Phoenix's throat as she was now faced with the one subject she had been thinking about since she had woken up. Phoenix takes a moment to try and think one final time for any solid memories of the final hours of the games. Yet all she could remember was the pain she felt before the arena went black.

" Ms.Flack? " The man said again, having begun to think that Phoenix hadn't heard what he had said. " Should I repeat the question? " He asked, and Phoenix shook her head slowly. She took a deep breath, beginning to feel her hands shake a bit.

" I don't remember much after we left Finnick, Beetee, and Peeta. I've been trying to get a clear picture this whole day, but nothing is working. " The man nods his head slowly, before looking back up at her, with his jaw now tensed. " So you have no memory of hitting Katniss Everdeen over the head with a metal coil? " He asked, beginning to believe that Phoenix was lying.

" No memory of the way you cut into her arm to remove her tracker? No memory of the knife you used to kill Finnick Odair? "

Phoenix's eyes widened at his statement, and confusion washed over her. The words replayed in her mind for a moment before a laugh ultimately slipped past her lips. " I might not be able to remember much but I know I didn't kill Finnick. " She could tell by the look on the man's face that he had messed up. That maybe he had meant to say another name but was too worried about intimidating Phoenix that he didn't think about his words before saying them. Silence overtook the room as she watched the man's eyes dart through the chart.

He looked back up at Phoenix and puffed out his chest. " But you did Ms.Flack, the two of you seemed to have gotten in an argument revolving the District 12 tributes that lead to a fight. Don't you remember that? " The man lied through his white teeth, knowing he could use Phoenix's loss of memory to his advantage. Now trying to make it out like Phoenix had killed Finnick instead of Cassian.

Shaking her head Phoenix only remembered the excruciating pain she had felt in those final minutes of the game. Only remembering the severe amount of blood she lost from the injuries. But she would've remembered if she had to kill Finnick..because she knew she didn't.

" I didn't kill Finnick. " Her voice was stern, wanting to make it clear. " Ms.Flack this wasn't the way we intended on you finding out. " He replied, his voice sounding nervous, with his body now fully tensed again. " I didn't kill Finnick. " Phoenix repeated, with her voice getting louder. " It was Cassian. I had to have killed Cassian. " The girl exclaimed, not wanting to believe the lies the Capital was telling her.

Phoenix then looked down at the IV in her arm and ripped it out before sitting up completely. Her head darted around the room, trying to look for something to defend herself with. It wasn't until her eyes fell upon a large syringe that was sat on a table to the left of her. Without a moment wasted, Phoenix reached for the syringe. She could hear a string of curses leave the man's mouth as he dropped everything and darted straight towards Phoenix.

Feeling the metal around her hands Phoenix jumped out of the bed, ready to face the doctor. Yet the moment her legs touched the ground, they felt like jelly, causing her to fall to the floor. A whimper left her mouth as her head came in contact with the hard floor below her.

The doctor was now at her side, looking down at her with a satisfied and relieved smile. He lifted his foot up, before setting it down on the hand Phoenix was holding the syringe in. Another pain-filled whimper left her mouth as he pressed down on her hand with his boot. " I thought you were smarter than this Ms.Flack. " The man said as he reached down and snatched the syringe straight out of her hand.

Screams ripped from Phoenix's chest as she tried to free herself from the grip of the man. " Johanna! Peeta! Help! " She screamed out, hoping for any kind of response from the two but a part of her knew that was impossible. " You really think they're gonna help you? " He laughed before sticking the needle into Phoenix's neck.

Her screams only got softer as she feels herself growing more and more tired. Her eyelids began to get heavy as she felt the cold floor pressed against her face. " I didn't kill him. " Was the last thing Phoenix muttered before she passed out on the floor of her room. 


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