•°From Peer to Professor°• Se...

By EmmaSalamar

356K 12.9K 7.5K

(Y/N) had been friends with Severus for about 4 years when he graduated from Hogwarts. She continued her stud... More

Year 7
A New Severus
Quidditch Tryouts
Tension and Detention
Quidditch Complications
1am Talk
First Task
Dancing with Dilemmas
Yule Ball
Living Quarters
Going Home
Diagon Alley
Christmas Day
Return to Hogwarts
Second Task
Third Task
Shocking Revelations
Upcoming Birthday
New Arrangements
Truth Be Told
Pleasant Evening
New Term New Teachers
Christmas Eve
Are You Really?
Name After Name
-Digital Art of Severus-
History Repeats Itself
Where Once We Met
All Planned Out
Decisions, Decisions
Many Tasks At Hand
Elora Art
Falling In Love With You
Sequel is Out!!!
New Snape x Reader book


4.7K 204 39
By EmmaSalamar

~March 1st - Sunday Evening~

Your POV:

It had been a couple weeks since my first Occlumency lesson, which hadn't really gone to plan. But since then, I'd been getting better at blocking a Legilimens from entering my mind. Though at this time, Occlumency was the least of my worries. I had my N.E.W.T's coming up, which were extremely important to me. I'd been studying for most of my free time in order to be prepared. And even though they were still 3 months away, I needed to be ready.

~3 months later - June 1st - Monday~

The day had finally arrived. The day I take my N.E.W.T's. I was a bit nervous, but I should do well because of all the studying I had done during the previous 3 months.

After Flying class, Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms, DADA, and many other classes, there was only one class left.


I was especially excited for potions because I really liked the subject. As soon as everyone was seated, Severus began explaining what we would be doing for our exam.

"Your N.E.W.T's are of great importance. They will determine which occupation you will be able to pursue in the near future. I expect everyone to take this exam seriously. Your exam will cover the entirety of what you have learned throughout your time here at Hogwarts. You may pick up your quill and fill in your first and last name." Severus waited for everyone to do as he said before continuing,

"Now. You will have 2 hours to complete your exam and 2 hours only. You may begin."

With 10 minutes to spare, I had finished double checking my exam. I then turned it in to Severus, who at the moment was busy reading a book with one leg crossed over the other. He was leaning back in his chair, resting his chin on his hand. I returned to my seat and rested my eyes, thinking about what life would be like after I left Hogwarts.

I snapped out of my thoughts from the sound of a voice,

"Time's up. For those who have not yet turned in their exam, do so now. You may leave once you have done just that." Severus explained to the class.

I sighed and got up. Lucas was on the other end of the room, so I went over to him.

"Happy that it's all over now?" I asked him.

"Very." He chuckled as we left the room to go to the Common Room.

~Last day of School - June 26th - Friday Morning~

Today is the day that I return home and the day that I receive my N.E.W.T's scores! I am both excited and nervous to see how I did.

Just after breakfast, we were given a piece of parchment that had our scores listed for each class.


Flying - Outstanding

Transfiguration - Outstanding

Herbology - Exceeds Expectations

Charms - Outstanding

Defence Against the Dark Arts -

Astronomy - Exceeds Expectations

Care of Magical Creatures - Exceeds Expectations

Potions - Outstanding


"Whoa! I didn't know I did that well!" I exclaimed in a whisper out of pure happiness.

"How did you do, (Y/N)?" Lucas asked me with a smile on his face.

"Surprisingly well!" I said, handing Lucas the parchment.

His eyes went wide.

"How did you get all O's and E's!? I barely got 2 O's and 3 E's!" He asked, his tone letting me know how impressed he was.

"That's what studying for months gets you!" I chuckled.

~On the way to the Train - Friday Afternoon~

As we were about to reach the train, I felt someone tap my shoulder. Turning around, I noticed it was Severus who was standing there. We stepped to the side of the crowd and waited for the rest of the people to pass.

"Hey Severus. Here to say goodbye?" I smiled at him.

"Partially, yes. The reason I pulled you aside is because I want to make sure that if anything out of the ordinary happens, you will seek me out for assistance by any means possible." Severus wanted me to confirm this with him.

"Of course, Severus. You're the first person I'd go to if something bad happened." I reassured him.

The train's whistle sounded loudly, causing Severus to speak again,

"Good. Now, I believe you must enter your compartment. I have a compartment of my own to get to as well."

"Right. Well, hopefully I'll see you at King's Cross once more before going home. Goodbye, Severus." I smiled at him before leaving in the direction of my compartment.

Severus gave me a quick smile before walking towards the front of the train. I stepped into the train car and found the compartment Lucas and Alex were sitting in. Upon sitting down with them, we immediately began talking about Quidditch.


After a couple hours, we arrived at King's Cross. I bade Lucas and Alex farewell and immediately went to look for Severus and or either of my parents. Unfortunately, I saw my father wave me over. And being that I couldn't see Severus anywhere, I sighed and ended up walking over to him.

"Hello (Y/N). How does it feel to have graduated from Hogwarts?" My father asked me, mustering a smile that I knew was fake.

'Why was he attempting to put up an act like this? The last time I saw him, he was watching me get the Dark Mark engraved in my arm.'

"Great. Although, it would be better if I could actually pursue a career in Quidditch rather than be forced into being a damned Deat-"

"You best hold your tongue. Wouldn't want anyone to overhear you." He warned me after clasping a hand over my mouth.

I pushed his hand away and began walking out of the station. He caught up next to me and matched my walking speed. We had made our way outside of the station to the parking lot and then got in the car.

The drive home couldn't have gone by slower than it already had. But once we got home, I hopped out of the car and grabbed my things from the backseat, as well as Benny, who was currently fussing up in his cage. I made my way inside the house and was met with a semi high-pitched squeal.


I looked up as I was setting down my things and saw (B/N) come bounding down the stairs. I knelt down before he got to me and held my arms open for a hug. He crashed into me, almost knocking me over, and then giggled uncontrollably.

"Oh (Y/N), you're home! How was the train ride?" I heard my mother ask as she too came down the stairs.

(B/N) eventually got off of me and ran over to one of his toys that had been left on the floor.

"It was pretty good! I talked with Lucas and Alex for the majority of the trip." I replied as I opened Benny's cage so that he could fly outside for a bit.

"That's great! And how is Severus doing?" She asked me.

"He's doing well. I've got to say, he's rather good at teaching Potions. Stricter, yes. But good." I explained to her.

My father walked in fairly quickly and made a bee-line for his office.

"I have an urgent last minute meeting to get to. So I'll be off now." He blurted out as he rushed into the office.

Not a second later, 3 people walked out of the living room fireplace.

"Where is (F/N) (Y/L/N)?" One of them demanded.

They looked like Aurors. This worried me.

"What is going on!?" My mother exclaimed as they walked past us and kicked in the first door they saw, which was the door to his office.

(B/N) came running over to me out of fear. I lifted him up and held him close to my chest, keeping his face hidden from the scene unfolding before us. I heard things get smashed in the office and my mother gasped, walking over with her wand out to keep us safely behind her. We watched as they pulled my father out of the room and immediately pulled up his sleeve.

"What is the meaning of your intrusion!?" My father yelled as he struggled.

"That is our reason!" One man said as he pointed at my father's Dark Mark with his wand.

I pretended to seem shocked, worried that they might for some reason check me too.

"(F/N)!? You're a Death Eater!? But how.. why!!" My mother began to break down in tears as they took him back over to the fireplace.

"(F/N) (Y/L/N). I hope you'll find Azkaban welcoming." I heard one of the Aurors say to him before they disappeared in the flames.

"Mom.. I need to tell you something.." I spoke up shakily.

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