Lean on me

Bởi Grace013310

16.4K 297 27

Grace Walker was Jensen Ackles' lifelong best friend. When she dies giving birth to her daughter, she asks Je... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 21

261 7 2
Bởi Grace013310

That night when Sloan got to her room, there were more papers on the bed. She picks them up and sees that they're three more polaroids. The first was when she crashed Jensen and Jared's panel. She was laughing at something someone had said and they were both looking at her with smiles as she was doubled over. The second was one from Sloan and Grayson's panel. The two were laughing about something, looking at each other with wide smiles. She flips the to the third and her blood runs cold.

It was of Jensen and Sloan in the green room. They were hugging and Sloan was clutching onto his shirt and you could clearly see the tears rolling down her cheeks. Sloan was sure she was the only one in that room. She flips the picture over to see one word and one number written on the back in red. Confused, she flips the other two over to see one word and one number on each of them. She arranges the photos in the only way the message would make sense. 

Watch your back. 02.05.12.

Sloan grabs the pictures as well as the one from the night before and runs to Jensen's room, banging on the door. He opens it almost immediately and she rushes in, not wanting to be in the hallway alone. Jensen closes the door and turns around, looking at the girl in concern and confusion, seeing the fear and panic in her eyes.

"Sloan, what's wrong?" He asks. 

"I think someone's stalking me." She tells him. 

"What? What do you mean?" He asks quickly. She starts to answer but then realizes that if the person was able to get into her room, they could be anywhere in the hotel. She puts the pictures in her jacket pocket before grabbing the hotel stationary. 

We can't talk here. We need to go someplace private. She writes and shows it to Jensen, who just looks even more confused. She sighs and quickly scribbles something else down. Someone got into my room. They could be anywhere in the hotel. We need to leave so we can talk about this.

Jensen nods and grabs his room key. Sloan pulls out her phone and texts Sebastian. Can my dad and I borrow your car for a minute? She waits a few minutes before she gets a  response saying to meet him at the elevator.

The two walk to the elevator and Sebastian joins them not long after with the keys. She thanks him quickly before the two get into the elevator and go downstairs, walking out of the backdoor. They get into the car and Jensen starts driving, every now and then turning onto a random street.

"What's going on?" Jensen asks. Sloan pulls the pictures out as he pulls into an empty parking lot. She hands him the photos and he flips through them. "Who took these?" 

"I don't know." She tells him. "Look at the back of the first one." He flips it over to see the note from the previous night.

"'Sloan and fake father'?" He reads. "What the hell?" Sloan takes the other three and arrange them on the center console between them. 

"Flip these over starting with this one." She says, pointing to the one on the edge. Jensen flips them all over and his eyes widen at the words.

"Where did you find these?" He asks, looking up from the photos.

"They were on my bed." Sloan points to the first pictures. "I found this one last night."

"Last night?" He repeats. Sloan nods. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I thought it was just a fan that didn't like me or something." She tells him with a small shrug. 

"That's why you came to my room last night." He realizes. Sloan nods again. 

"I found these right before I went to your room earlier." She tells him, pointing to the other three photos. "They weren't there when Grayson and I were there."

"How is this guy getting into your room?" 

"I don't know." Sloan says, shaking her head. "You and I have the only keys. I don't know how he's getting in unnoticed."

"Do you think it could just be a fan or do you think it could be an actual stalker?" Sloan asks. Jensen shakes his head.

"I don't know." He admits. "But I do know that until we figure this out, you're not going anywhere alone. When you're in Vancouver, you stay with me, Jared, Grayson, or Cliff. You don't go anywhere alone, even if we're on set. When you're in Virginia, you stay with one of the guys that you trust." 

"What about in Austin?" 

"You stay with me and Danneel." He says. "If for some reason we're not there, you stay with Jared. If the two of us go out of town for whatever reason, you're not staying at the house by yourself. You'll stay at Jared's." Sloan nods, knowing that, even if she wanted to argue, she wouldn't win this one. This is the most serious She's ever seen Jensen and that fact alone is what scares her most about this situation.

"How scared do I need to be?" She asks, the frightened tears glistening in her eyes making Jensen's heart clench. "How much danger am I in?" 

"I don't know, sweetheart." Jensen says, pulling Sloan into a hug across the console. "I don't know." He whispers before pulling away and driving back to the hotel. "We need to let Jared, Grayson, and the Marvel guys know what's going on. 

"How? We don't know who this person is or where they are." She points out. "It could be one of the hotel staff members or one of the convention volunteers." 

"We'll meet in the green room after security clears it." He decides after a few moments of thinking. Sloan nods and creates a group chat with the Padalecki brothers, Sebastian, Chris, and Anthony. 

Emergency meeting in the green room. Don't tell anyone that's not in this group chat where you're going. I'll tell you when to come down. 

Sloan sighs quietly just as they pull into the hotel parking lot, trying not to get too stressed over the situation. Jensen explains the situation to the head security guard and asks him to sweep the room before they all meet in it. Once the security team clears the room, Sloan sends a text to the group chat to meet now. The security guards stand outside all of the doors leading to the room, only letting in the people Jensen and Sloan tells them to. Sloan hands Sebastian his keys when he walks in. 

"Thank you for letting us use your car." She says. 

"Anytime." He says, giving her a confused look. "What's going on, kid?" 

"You're about to find out." She tells him as Jensen closes the door. "Just sit down and we'll explain everything." Sloan walks back over to Jensen and they make sure everyone they need is there before locking the doors so no one can sneak in. 

"What's going on, J?" Jared asks as the group sits down. 

"Last night, I went into my room and found this on my bed." Sloan says, placing the picture on the coffee table in the middle of the circle of actors. "I thought maybe it was a fan who didn't really like me. But then I found these when I went to my room tonight after dinner." She places the other three on the table and allows the group to look at them before flipping them over so they can see the message on the back. "I don't know who they are or how they got into my room but as of right now, we're assuming that someone is stalking me.  Now, those three pictures from today weren't there when Grayson and I were in my room but they were there when I came back from dinner, which means that somebody managed to get in and out of my room unnoticed within the hour that we were all downstairs."

"We don't know if this person is a member of the staff here or one of the volunteers. We don't know who they are or what they look like. Which is why the text y'all received was so vague." Jensen explains. "The reason we wanted to talk to you all is because, while we don't know who this person is or what their endgame is, it seems pretty clear that they want to harm Sloan somehow.

"I can't be with Sloan every second of everyday but I know the stupidest thing to do is make her an easy target, so I told her that when she's in Vancouver, she has to stay with one of us." He continues, gesturing between himself and the two brothers. "Since she's here the other half of the week, I told her to make sure she's near one of you. She doesn't have to be right beside you all the time but I would like for her to be able to get to someone if anything happens." 

"Basically, you're the people we trust the most and I spend most of my time with so y'all are my babysitters." Sloan jokes, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. "Now, any questions?" 

"What happens when we're in Austin?" Grayson asks.

"I stay with Mom and Dad. But if they're not there for some reason, I get to annoy you more." She says. 

"Great." Grayson says sarcastically. 

"Assuming that's okay with you, Jar." Jensen adds, making Jared look at  him like he's insane. 

"Of course. You know you don't have to ask." He says. 

"Aww, how sweet." Sloan says sarcastically. "Anymore questions before they start to stare at each other all misty eyed and emotional?" Jensen smacks the back of Sloan's head, making the girl grin cheekily. "Totally worth it." 

"What about her trailers?" Anthony asks. "If this person can get into a hotel room, can't they get into a trailer pretty easy?" Sloan purses her lips and looks to Jensen. She hadn't thought about that. 

"I'll talk with  the security teams for both sets and see what we can work out." He says, thinking fast. "Anything else?" When no one says anything, Jensen nods. "Alright. Thanks, y'all. I apologize for the over the top aspect. We didn't really know how else to tell y'all." 

"He's just overprotective." Sloan says, getting a few small chuckles. 

Sloan walks with Jensen and Jared back to the rooms. "It's like having my own personal body guards." She says, looking at the two giants on either side of her. "Do you think we can train Bandit to be an attack dog?" 

"No. Because if we did, you'd be telling him to attack everyone who gets on your nerves and pisses you off." Jensen tells her. Sloan frowns. 

"But that's the fun part." She mutters. 

They reach the room and Sloan's about to put her key in when Bandit starts barking and growling, staring at the door. Sloan frowns and puts her hand on the dogs head. "Bandit, hush." The dog stops barking and Sloan moves to unlock the door, freezing when she hears something on the other side.

"There's someone in there." She whispers, her heart racing. 

Jensen pulls Sloan behind him as Jared flags down the security guard at the end of the hall. He busts the door open, gun drawn, before walking in and doing a sweep of the room. He tells the actors it's clear and Sloan's eyes widen at the sight of the room.

Her clothes had been dumped on the floor, covered in what she assumes is red pain. All the furniture had been knocked over, the couch cushions had been cut open, there was glass all over the floor from the broken glasses.

"Where could they have gone?" Jared asks. Sloan looks up and sees the big vent in the ceiling. 

"Oh my God." She murmurs, remembering how her dog had acted the day before, barking at the ceiling. The three men look to the girl before following her line of sight to the vent. "He crawled through the vent. He could be anywhere." 

The security guard quickly reports their findings and the head of security calls the police. Jared volunteers to give a statement while Jensen and Sloan find another place to stay. Sloan quickly texts Sebastian and asks if he can drop them at the nearest hotel, which he agrees to do. Jensen grabs his bag and Sloan clips Bandit's leash to him and they walk out of the building, meeting Sebastian at his car.

"So what's with the change of hotels?" He asks as they pull into the parking lot of the new hotel. 

"He's crawling through the vents in the ceiling." Sloan tells him. "That son of a bitch could be anywhere in the hotel." 

"Let me know when you need another ride." Sebastian tells the two as they get out of the car. 

"Thanks again." Jensen says before closing his door. 

The two walk into the hotel and Jensen gets a room for the two. They walk into the room and Jensen does a quick sweep of it just to be sure it's safe before allowing himself to relax. Sloan removes Bandit's leash and vest, setting them on the couch before turning to Jensen. 

"Can I borrow something to sleep in?" She asks. He nods and hands her one of his t-shirts and a pair of basketball shorts. Sloan goes into the bathroom to change, the shirt practically swallowing her whole, stopping at her thighs.

Sloan walks over to the bed and crawls in, curling into Jensen's side, feeling safer in the arms of her dad. He places a kiss to her temple before quickly falling asleep, but Sloan stays awake the rest of the night. Every time she would doze off, she would hear something and be wide awake again, every little sound setting her on alert.

The two had to be back at the convention by 8:30 for the last day. Sebastian came and picked them up at 7:00, of course telling Sloan that she look like hell. Jensen and Jared had the first panel of the day at 9:00 so Sloan stayed in the green room with everyone else. 

"Where'd you go last night?" Grayson asks, sitting down next to the girl. "You and J just disappeared after the meeting and Jared was acting shady all night. He wouldn't let me sleep in my own room."

"He was in the vents." Sloan says, catching the attention of the other males who were aware of the situation. "We went to my room after the meeting so I could get my stuff and Bandit starting acting crazy then I heard someone on the other side of the door. By the time the security guard got us in the room, he was gone. I figured out he's been using the big vents to get in and out of my room."

"So what'd you do?" Chris asks. 

"We went to another hotel." She says. 

"You look like you didn't get any sleep." Anothy tells her, sitting on the other side of the girl. 

"I din't." She admits. "Every noise put me on alert." 

"Why don't you sleep now?" Grayson suggests. Sloan's about to take him up on the offer when Richard walks in and tells her that the fans are asking for her. Sloan stands up and starts to follow him when Sebastian suggests that it might not be the best idea for her to go out there.

"What's he gonna do? Shoot me in a room full of witnesses?" She asks cheekily before following Richard. 

Sloan takes Richard's mic when they reach the stage. She walks out and puts on a smile as the crowd cheers. She stands between the actors, leaning against Jensen's chair on her right. 

"Please excuse my appearance." She tells them, gesturing to the t-shirt and basketball shorts. "There was a little mishap with my stuff." 

Sloan doesn't stay on the stage very long, just long enough to make an appearance before telling the fans goodbye and that she'll see them at her and Grayson's panel. She returns to the green room where she immediately flops down on the couch, laying down and placing her head in Grayson's lap. Grayson chuckles and grabs the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch, laying it over her body. Sloan smiles and looks up at him. 

"Any girl who dates you is damn lucky." She mutters. Grayson rolls his eyes playfully before brushing some hair out of her eyes. 

"Get some sleep." He whispers. He starts to move his hand when Sloan reaches up and wraps her fingers around his palm. 

"Don't go anywhere." She whispers, looking up at him with tired eyes. Grayson can just barely detect a trace of fear in them. "Please. Stay with me." Grayson gives her a small smile. 

"I'm not going anywhere." He tells her. He picks up their hands and places a light kiss to the back of the girl's hand, making her blush. 

"Thank you." She says, releasing his hand and pulling the blanket up to her chin, quickly falling asleep.

When Sloan wakes up, the first thing she notices is that Grayson stayed true to his word and was still sitting on the couch, her head still resting in his lap. Sloan sits up and looks around to see that they're the only two in the room. Grayson looks at her and smiles. 

"And sleeping beauty awakes." He says. "Are you hungry?" Sloan shakes her head. 

"Where is everybody?" She asks. 

"Busy." He says simply. 

"How long was I out?" 

"About three hours. Scarlett brought some clothes from your trailer." He says, gesturing to the small stack of clothes at the end of the couch. Sloan stands and grabs the clothes before walking to the bathroom. 

She quickly changes into the sweater dress and leggings before leaving the bathroom. Sloan sees the knee high boots by the end of the couch and grabs them before sitting down. She slides her feet into them and smiles at wearing clean clothes that are actually hers and not her dad's.

After an hour and a half, the teenagers' panel is in full swing. A girl around Sloan's age steps up to the mic and the two greet her with smiles. 

"So, you talk about each other a lot." She starts off and the teens nod. "Are you two dating?" 

"No." Sloan says, chuckling lightly. "We're, uh, we're just best friends." The girl nods and walks back to her seat. 

"So I have an app that you can put in the pictures of two people and it will tell you what their kid would look like." The next fan says. "So, I got curious and put pictures of the two of you in it. This is what I got." Sloan steps forward and approaches the fan, taking her phone before returning to the stage. She looks down and gasps at the picture on the screen. The baby in the picture was a girl with brown hair and bright green eyes, a splatter of freckles across her nose. 

"Aww!" Sloan gushes, turning the phone and her body to Grayson. "Lets do it!" Grayson, who had just taken a sip of his water, spits the liquid out in shock, turning to look at his friend with wide eyes. 

"What?" He asks. 

"Do you see how adorable this baby is?" She asks, shoving the phone in his face. 

"Nobody's doing anything." Jensen says, stepping out on the stage, making the fans cheer. Sloan laughs and hands the phone back to the girl. 

"Thanks." She says with a smile before returning to the stage. 

"What are you two doing out here?" Grayson asks Jensen and Jared. 

"We got bored." Jared says with a shrug. 

"That and we heard somebody talking about making babies." Jensen adds, shooting a pointed look to Sloan, making the audience laugh. "I figured I should stop it before it went too far." 

"Wise choice." Grayson hums. 

The group fields questions for a few more minutes when a guy with a hat and hood on steps up to the mic. The hat and hood makes it hard to see the man's face, making Sloan a bit nervous immediately. 

"Sloan, how do you feel when people call Jensen your fake father?" He asks. Sloan and Jensen share a quick look before Sloan turns back to the man. She sets her mic in her lap and stretches her arm behind her spelling the word 'security' out in sign language. Jensen whispers to Jared to get security and the man walks off the stage as Sloan picks her microphone up again.

"Um, no one's ever really called him that. At least not that I know of." She says. "But, he's the only dad I've ever had so it makes me a little angry that people might be calling him that. As far as I'm concerned, he's my dad and I'm his kid." There are a few 'awww's from the audience and Sloan forces a smile. "I'm not sure if that answers your questions or not." She adds. 

"It does." He says. "Thank you." Sloan nods and looks around the room as he walks away, looking for a security guard. Sloan tries to follow him with her eyes but he disappears into the crowd. Sloan gets the feeling that she's being watched, making her know that he's still there.

Sloan stands up and tries to think of an excuse to get off of the stage. She starts to say something when someone in the crowd suddenly screams. 

"GUN!" You've got to be kidding me. Sloan thinks just before all hell breaks loose.

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