Book 3: Stolen Crystal (Rogue...

By Silver-Tigress

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Akira Suishou Mizuno has been taken back by her former dark guild, Dark Star. Everyone is devastated by the l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Special Chapter: Fairy Tail Academy
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 1
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 2
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 3
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The End, Part 1
The End, Part 2
The End, Part 3
Thank You!!

Chapter 7

517 6 0
By Silver-Tigress

Rogue's P. O. V:

I stare with wide shocked eyes at my mate. Her once beautiful bright pink eyes are now glowing a bright red as Sora smirks back at us.

"A-Akira..." I stutter, knowing she could still hear me. Frosch, Happy, Momo and Vivienne stare at the blonde with wide eyes, Frosch trembling in fear beside Momo and Lector.

"Let her go!!" Natsu shouts angrily. He charges toward Sora with a flame covered fist, arm pulled back. "FIRE DRAGON: IRON FIST!"

"Protect me, Akira-chan!" Sora orders.

Natsu punches his fist toward Sora, but there's a flash of gold before Akira is standing between him and Sora, in a defensive stance. Natsu's tan coloured eyes jerk wide as he gasps, before the flames around his fist disappear. He skids to a halt in front of the Suishou, and slowly lowers his arm back to his side.

Sora laughs as he says, "You can't hurt me as long as I have Aki-chan but I sure can hurt you!"

I feel my blood boil in anger at that. Akira backflips and her left foot connects with Natsu's jaw, knocking him back with a grunt. Landing on her feet, Akira spins on her hand and lands a roundhouse kick to Natsu's stomach, sending him flying back toward us with a cry.

"Natsu/Natsu-san!" Lucy and Wendy exclaim in unison. Natsu hits the floor with a heavy thud.

Sora explains gleefully, as the Suishou straightens, "Beautiful, isn't it? My Mind Control makes those put under it more violent."

I take a glance at Nanami to see that she's giving Sora a murderous glare. Under any other circumstance I would be a little afraid of the bluenette, but I understand her anger.

Natsu grunts as he gets to his feet, wiping the back of his hand across his jaw where Akira kicked him. "Wasn't expecting that..."

"Rogue, we leave Akira to you. The rest of us will handle Sora," Erza states.

My eyes widen when a few crystal needles come flying at me at rapid speed. I use my shadows to disappear to dodge them. The needles think into the floor where I was standing a second ago.

I reappear, and Akira uses her enhanced speed to charge at me, a Crystal Katana in her left hand. The others all attack Sora.

"Ice Make: Freeze Lancer!"

"Water Slicer!"

"Requip: Lightning Empress Armor!" Erza requips into her Lightning Empress Armor, before shooting a beam of lightning from the tip of the spear at Sora. He destroys Gray's and Nanami's attacks with ease but deflects Erza's attack with his own Lightning Magic.

Kuro and Shiro transform into their wolf forms to attack the guild master, Kuro a black wolf, and Shiro a white wolf.

(Kuro's form—->)

(Shiro's form—->)

"Open, Gate of the Lion: Leo!" Lucy summons Loke and he attacks Sora, while Lucy wields her whip.

"Regulas Impact!" A lion made of light forms and slams into Sora, knocking him back only a little as he grunts. With a cry of exertion, Lucy swings her whip at Sora, which narrowly misses him as he dodges.

Sting, Natsu and Wendy all unleash a combined breath attack. "FIRE DRAGON...!"



"...ROAR!!" They unleash their attacks at Sora at the same time.

Akira leaps away from me and lands in front of the silver haired man. She holds out her hands and a giant pink crystal appears before her. The three breath attacks slam into it, and the crystal starts glowing. Once they were gone, Sting, Natsu and Wendy gasp in shock.

"She absorbed them?!" Sting exclaims in disbelief.

"I almost forgot about that spell!" Natsu mutters, frowning.

Akira slams her hand on the ground in my direction and spikes of crystal shoot up out of the ground at rapid speed. I again use my shadows to disappear, and when I reappear, Akira is running at me with her Crystal Katana in hand.

Our comrades resume attacking Sora, while I try to get Akira out of Sora's Mind Control without hurting her. She slashed at me with her Katana, and I jerk backwards to avoid it. "Akira—!" I gasp, dodging another powerful swipe from Akira's sword. She continues to slash at me. "You need to snap out of it! I know you can hear me! Please, Angel...!"

I use my shadows to disappear from another powerful swipe of Akira's sword, before I reappear right in front of her. I grab her wrists in a vice-like grip, preventing the blonde from slashing at me with her blade, though she still struggles against my grip.

"Please, Angel. I don't want to hurt you," I say pleadingly, still keeping a tight grip on her. I gaze into her glowing red eyes, even as she continues to struggle against me.

"Akira! Knee him between the legs—hard," Sora orders, a twisted grin on his face.

My eyes jerk wide at his command as I start to say, "Akira—!" My body goes rigid, however, when the crystal mage throws her left knee up and rams it between my legs, hard. In my peripheral vision, I see Sting and Natsu wincing, as though they too could feel my pain.

I hunch over a bit as I release Akira, feeling unbelievable pain down there. I jerk my head up in time to see Akira swing her Katana for me. I barely manage to jump back in time.

"Requip: Heaven's Wheel!" Erza requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor, and a dozen swords appear above her head. She raises her arm above her head and chants as Erza thrusts it toward Sora, "Now, dance my swords!"

The swords fly at the silver haired man, and while he was able to avoid many, quite a few manage to cut deeply into his arms, stomach and legs. He grunts loudly at the pain as the swords embed themselves into the floor behind him. Sora hisses at the pain, narrowing his black eyes at the scarlet haired maiden.

"Huh...? Rogue-kun?" I whip my head around to Akira, and I feel my heart pound in my chest when I see that her eyes are no longer bright red, but the beautiful pink I fell in love with.

"Angel," I murmur in relief. Her eyes land on the cut in my left arm before flicking back up to my face. I give her an assuring smile as I go up to her. "Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm just so glad you're back."

We look to see our friends are still focused on trying to defeat Sora. He's deflecting attacks thrown at him left and right, or destroying them with his Lightning Magic.

Akira clenches her fists as she glares at her former master.

"I always knew Kuro had betrayed me but I never imagined you would, Shiro," Says Sora.

Shiro growls back, "You lost my trust and loyalty the moment you threatened my brother's life!"

"I'd planned to kill him for a long time now. But, I suppose I'll kill you, too, for your betrayal," Sora muses, making the white wolf growl lowly, dangerously.

Third Person's P. O. V:

It was 7: 30 at night as Shiro and Kuro were helping their mother wash up the dishes after dinner. Their father goes into the living room to watch the lacrima tv. Almost as soon as they were done with the dishes, the door is thrown open.

Shiro, Kuro and their mother gasp as they whip their heads around. A small group of men enter the house carrying weapons.

Their father comes back into the hallway, his usually kind face set in a hard expression. "Who are you, and what do you want?!" He demands as their mother pushes Shiro and Kuro behind her protectively.

"We're bandits and we want your riches. So, hand 'em over and no one gets hurt," The one in front who Shiro assumes is their leader demands.

"Forget it! Now, leave," Their father orders. The bandits chuckle.

"Wrong answer!" The leader unsheathes a Katana and brandishes it, before running fast at the black haired man. Before he has time to react the sword is plunged into his heart, spraying red blood. Their father coughs blood before the bandit pulls his sword out and their father collapses.

"No!" Their mother screams in a horrified voice. The bandits turn to her, sneering.

The leader doesn't waste any time and runs at the white haired woman, plunging his sword into her chest as well. When he pulls it out, their mother collapses on the kitchen floor.

The leader chuckles as he flicks his gaze down to the black haired boy with amber coloured eyes, the spitting image of his father, while the girl trembling behind him is the spitting image of their mother, with long hair the colour of fresh snow, and eyes the colour of blood.

Shiro stares at her unmoving mother with wide, stunned eyes, her body trembling from both fear and shock. Kuro is just as shocked and frightened, being only 11 years old, but he has to try and stay calm—for his sister.

'B-Blood... so much blood...' Shiro thinks fearfully.

"You brats wouldn't happen to know where your parents keep your jewels, do you?" The leader questions with a twisted smirk.

Neither Shiro nor Kuro answer. Kuro does narrow his amber coloured eyes at the bandit, his body tensing in anticipation.

"No? Oh, well!" The bandit goes to swing his Katana at Shiro.

"Imoto-chan!" Kuro yells before he jumps in front of her and The Katana slices down his left eye.

"Kuro!" Shiro screams as he cries out, blood leaking down his face.

"How noble! Risking your life for your little sister!" The bandit mocks, causing the other five to laugh.

Kuro grunts as he clutches his left eye, hunching over a bit.

Shiro's blood boils before she feels herself changing.

"What the hell—?!" One of the other bandits exclaim in confusion.

"It's Transformation Magic!" His comrade explains.

Shiro is now in the form of a beautiful white wolf with blue eyes. She stands up to the leader's elbow in this form. With a dangerous growl, Shiro lunges at the bandit leader and plunges her sharp claws into his chest. He collapses, dead, but the pretty white wolf was already moving onto her next target.

The bandits cry out as the pretty white wolf stabs their chests with her claws, staining them red. In a matter of seconds, all the bandits were killed. Shiro pants as she reverts to her human form.

A pained grunt immediately catches her attention. She gasps, "Nii-san!" The red eyed girl rushes over to him, and crouches down in front of Kuro. "Your eye—!"

"Don't worry about me, Shiro. I'll be fine," He tells her but Shiro didn't believe him.

"We need to bandage that," Shiro states. "I'll be right back!" She runs off to get the first aid kit from the bathroom, returning a moment later with a white box with a red plus sighs on the lid.

With shaking hands, Shiro looks through the box until she finds the bandages. After cleaning the wound as best she could, Shiro carefully wraps the bandages around his left eye. Shiro wasn't the best at healing—she was only able to do the basic antiseptic cleaning and putting on the bandages. Their mother was the better healer.

Once Shiro had finished, she helps her brother to her feet. "What do we do now, nii-san?" Shiro asks worriedly, looking at her brother.

"I'm not sure. But it looks like it's just us from now on, imoto-chan," Kuro replies.

It was a few days after that incident that a man with long silver hair and black eyes showed up, offering the Ookami twins a place in his dark guild, Dark Star, after having heard about what happened.

While Kuro had his doubts, Shiro was more than eager to join. Kuro, despite his reluctance, joined as well, if only to be with his sister, so he could still protect her to the best of his ability.

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