Your Eyes Tell

By kimjungkoo97

49.4K 2.9K 330

'Your eyes which shines like a star which holds a whole Galaxy... I didn't know that I will fall hard for you... More

Bunny Boy
Anything For You
Always my love
Brave Soldier
New Beginning
Introduction - Season 2
Meeting the Kim's
Little Date
My Love
Midnight Confession
The Truth
Danger Ahead
The End
Jealous Bunny
My Everything
Epilogue - Your Eyes Tell

The Maknae

2.4K 189 26
By kimjungkoo97

Jungkook pov

I looked at my mom who is crying like a baby.. My father is trying to console her.. 'Eomma I'm just staying here in with the prince.. I will visit you often.. please don't cry then I will cry too..' She wiped her tears and holds my hand.. 'Koo I know you will do anything for your loved ones but you have to be careful too.. Being a soldier is not easy bunny you have to take care of your Prince from all the dangers and our people... But don't hurt yourself..' I hugged her so tight and nodded my head..

"Ji Eun I will be also there with him.. I won't let anyone to hurt our son.. Okay..' I break the hug and looked at my father..

"Father I can protect myself.. I'm already twenty and I'm a big boy.. Look my muscles no one can defeat me..' Both my mother and father chuckled and hugged me so tight.. "And it's not our home Jungkook don't be so troublesome.. You are going to stay with prince and his hyungs..,' Father said..

'I know Father... I will try to..' My mother glared at me.. I smiled at her sheepishly and took my luggage.. 'Okay okay I won't do any mischievous things.. I will be a good boy..' I pouts her.. 'koo..' My mom smiled and put a pendent around my neck.. 'I will miss you..' I know mother.. 'I will miss you too mother.. Take care of your health and dont worry about me..' she kissed me on my forehead before I leave.. I waved my hands to my mother and get into the carriage.. I feel like crying but I don't want to not infront of my father who will be sad too...

'I know it's hard my son.. We didn't let you to study like others.. we didn't let you to play outside.. We didn't gave you more freedom and we know how you hated to stay always in our home.. It's because we were so scared.. Scared of loosing you son..  Promise me Jungkook don't hide anything to me.. Remember that your father will protect you from everything..' I hugged my dad so tight and shed some tears but I wiped before I break the hug.. I can see his glossy eyes..

'You are the best parents in the world.. Take care of mother..' He smiled and linked our foreheads.. 'Love you bun..'

'Love you too father..' He wrapped his arms around my shoulder.. I know father you won't let me to get hurt I'm really greatful to you.. I will make you proud father.. I will.. Rest of the ride filled with some comfortable silence... After a free minutes ride the carriage stopped in front of the palace.. My father accompanied me till the big house inside the palace.. The guards were outside the gate who took the luggages from my father.. He smiled and caressed my cheeks..

'When I was twenty I became a loyal soldier to King Daehyun now you became a soldier to the prince.. Don't be afraid of anything if it's truth fight for the justice till the end.. Be with your king protect him with your life.. And be careful my son..' I smiled and bowed to him... 'I will Father..' I looked at him once before I entered into the gate.. I stood there until my father leaves the place.. I took a deep breath and looked at the sky.. Jungkook ah you have to save the prince and hyungs.. Otherwise I'm going to stuck here.. I know it's not easy but I have to leave the place so it's my duty to protect them.. Fighting Jungkook.. I said to myself....

No one's pov

"How dare he reject me.. That son of the loyal dog.. He rejected me in front of that everyone mother..' Bogum was fuming in anger he can't take the rejection.. 'I didn't know that Jeon has a beautiful son.. That bitch really over protective towards her son..'

'Prince You have to calm yourself first.. He is a boy.. He is just..' He Joon stopped talking when he saw Bogum glaring at him... 'Its.. He is really not worth.. And moreover Queen will not be happy about it..' Bogum sighed and nodded his head.. After Queen Tae Hee's death Bogum's mom manipulated king because of her the king didn't announced the next King of Silla.. A maid entered into the room and bowed to him.. 'Your majesty.. Queen wants to see you prince.. She is waiting for you in her chamber..' After she left Bogum looked at his friends..

'I'm leaving now.. I want to relieve my stress Minhyuk.. You know what to do..' Minhyuk smirked and bowed to him.. 'She will be here in your chamber Prince Bogum..'

Bogum is on his way to  his mother's room.. His mind was filled with many thoughts he know that his mother wants him to be the king but for the King Daehyun Taehyung is far more better than him.. He hates Taehyung and his friends.. He planned to kill Taehyung but all ends in vain because of his friends.. They are like a strong shield to taehyung who protect him from everything now another strong soldier is with Taehyung... When Bogum entered into the Queen's chamber maids left the room now they both are alone...

'Greetings mother..' Bogum bowed to his mother and stood before her.. Hae Ra smiled and caressed his son's hair.. She love her son so much that she will do anything for him.. 'Is something bothering you Bogum.. You look so tensed.. Is it about the new soldier..'

'Mother he rejected me infront of every one and choose that bastard..' Bogum said everything what happened during the game.. 'I know Bogum he is Ji Eun's son.. I know why she send her son to this palace but don't worry no one can save Taehyung.. I called you because in the end of this year our king will announce the future heir... His time is going to end..' Queen Hae Ra said..

'I heard that poison will weaken him but he looks so healthy..' Bogum asked.. 'Its the starting stage.. The poison will take some months to show the effect but he has only limited time... And he is covering up his sickness he did not want people to worry about him.. So he will choose next King soon than we expected and we already know that Taehyung has many supporters and he is the..' She stopped in the mid sentence she and Bogum knows the reason why he can't be the king.. She sighed and holds her son's hand.. 'But don't worry.. You know your mother will do anything for you.. You are going to be the future king of Silla.. No one can stop it.." She said with a evil smirk..

On the other side the King and Jeon Joon Ki were in the personal room where the king takes rest.. Except Joon Ki no one knows about the sudden sickness of the king.. 'Its better to check your health your majesty.. I will call  our Royal Physician Seo Joon.. He will..' But the king stopped him..

'There is no use Joon ah.. Every King has more enemies I think my time is going to end but before that I have to choose the right king for Silla..' Joon Ki was so worried.. Instead of a royal soldier Daehyun treats Joon Ki as his brother his best friend.. 'And moreover Taehyung has many enemies I'm glad that his hyungs are there for him.. and now I'm so relieved when Jungkook choose Taehyung..' King Daehyun said..

'But Daehyun ah you have to take care of your health first.. We have to know what's the reason for your illness..' He can't see his King to suffer and it's his duty to protect him.. But the King just smiled but inside him many thoughts running in his mind.. He remembered how his parents opposed to marry Hae Ra but now he is regretting now.. He loved her but she is so evil.. And it's too late now..

Inside the Prince Taehyung's chamber everyone were looking at the certain boy who is also looking at them.. 'Can you guys stop staring at me I know I'm so..'

'Pretty.. little one because I'm so handsome than anyone in this world..' Jin said which made Jungkook to giggle at him.. Namjoon smiled and stood before the younger.. 'Welcome Jeon Jungkook.. I'm Kim Namjoon..' Jungkook bowed to him.. The younger already had huge respect on the elder.. 'And he..' Everyone looked at Yoongi whose eyes were closed..

"I'm Min Yoongi.. And don't disturb me when I'm sleeping..' Everyone were sighed and looked at the younger.. ' Hello jungkookie I'm Jin and I'm the eldest in this group..' He said.. Jungkook smiled at him..

'Hey kookie I'm Jimin..' Jungkook already feels that Jimin is so lovable kind and caring.. 'Welcome Jungkook I'm Hoseok..' He ruffled the younger's hair..

'Hello Hyungs.. I'm so happy to meet you all..'  Jungkook said with a bunny smile which melts their hearts.. 'Aww.. He is so cute right yoongie hyung..' Jimin said while pinching the younger's cheeks..

'Yeah yeah.. He is like a bunny.. A cute bunny..' Hoseok said.. The door opened with a loud thud which made everyone to startle.. Jungkook tried to control his heart beat but he can't.. He can't take his eyes away from Taehyung.. 'H-Hai Prince Taehyung.. ' Jungkook stuttered a little and he cursed himself for stuttering.. But Taehyung didn't said everything he looked at younger without blinking his eyes.. His long staring came to end when Namjoon cleared his throat.. Taehyung came out from his imagination and nodded his head..

'Then it's settled.. Jungkook you are going to share your room with..' Before Jin completes the sentence Taehyung interrupted him.. 'With me.." Everyone looked at him with wide eyes.. When Yoongi heard those words from Taehyung he fell off from the bed his sleep were long gone.. 'But we have many rooms.. Why he should stay with you..' Jimin asked him..

'Because I want a personal servant..' Jungkook almost scoffed at his answer.. 'But Tae we already have many servants jungkookie is going to be one of the soldier he is one of our family member.. why should he..' Taehyung's sharp gaze stopped Jimin...

'I already have you guys.. He is just a kid.. I choose him because I hate Bogum..' Jungkook took a deep breath to control himself... 'He is going to stay with me.. He is my personal servant.. And you..' He looked at the younger.. 'Follow me..' Jungkook clenched his fist.. Taehyung turned and went to his room with a big smile on his face but no one noticed him..

'What happened.. He is the one who choose Jungkook then why he is behaving like this...' Hoseok asked.. Jin sighed at him and looked at the younger.. 'Don't worry.. That boy seriously have trust issues he didn't talk to us when he choose us at first.. He will understand you one day.. And we are here for you..' Jungkook pouts at them and nodded his head.. Everyone feel so bad for the younger.. He looks like a lost bunny in a big forest...

'I will take my leave now hyungs.. But where is the prince room..' Jimin said the direction to Taehyung's room after that Jungkook bowed to them all and went to meet Taehyung..

'Stupid Prince.. Who he think really is.. I'm here to save your ass you bitch.. I will show you who am I... That rude handsome pri..'

'Are you cursing the prince..' Jungkook stopped when he saw Taehyung behind him... He took steps towards the younger which made the other to step back.. Jungkook's back hits the wall he is little bit scared when he saw Taehyung before him..   'I-im n-not cursing you prince.. I'm just..' His eyes widened when he Taehyung stood so close to him..

'Lies... Do you know I can punish you for cursing me..' Jungkook was frightened.. 'N-no.. Don't punish me... I'm so sorry..' Taehyung smirked at him...

'Why should I forgive you.. I will tell to your father.. No I think Aunt Ji Eun should know about this.. Cursing the prince..' Jungkook gulped and shook his head he remember how he ran through out the house to escape from his mother.. 'Please don't say anything to her.. I will do whatever you say please..' Taehyung wants to smile but he control himself...

'Then you have to do what ever I say.. Understand.. ' Jungkook nodded his head fastly.. 'Now go and clean my room..' When Taehyung moves back Jungkook ran away from him.. Taehyung broke into laughter and looked at the bunny boy.. After few seconds he controlled himself and went to his room..

'Is he alright.. Do you guys see what I'm seeing now..' Yoongi asked.. The five males hide behind the pillar and saw how Taehyung is laughing..

'Yeah.. Our prince is laughing.. He looks so happy..' Jimin said with a smile..

'Guys.. What if he is the boy..' Hoseok asked..

'You mean the little bun.. Bunny.. ' Namjoon said.. Everyone now understand why Taehyung behave like this to Jungkook.. 'I'm happy that he found him but we shouldn't ask about him to Taehyung..' Jin said.. Everyone nodded their heads..

Taehyung saw Jungkook is arranging the room.. His eyes were filled with lots of love when he is looking at the younger.. 'Bunny.. I know you don't remember me but I don't care.. This time I won't leave you.. I will make you mine.. My little bun..' Taehyung smiled...

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