Book 3: Stolen Crystal (Rogue...

By Silver-Tigress

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Akira Suishou Mizuno has been taken back by her former dark guild, Dark Star. Everyone is devastated by the l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Special Chapter: Fairy Tail Academy
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 1
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 2
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 3
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The End, Part 1
The End, Part 2
The End, Part 3
Thank You!!

Chapter 5

583 6 1
By Silver-Tigress

Pic above is Karasu Kage—->

Natsu's P. O. V:

"I'm all fired up now!" I say as I grin back at Atsui, flames emitting from my fist when I punch it against my palm.

"Even if you could beat me, you still won't be able to take Akira-chan back. You'll still have to defeat Karasu, and then our Master, which wont be easy. She was a member of Dark Star, and always will be," Atsui tells me, making me angry.

"Akira is a member of Fairy Tail! And we're not gonna let you bastards take her away!" I yell back. "Fire Dragon: Roar!" I shoot hot flames from my mouth straight at the blue eyed man.

Atsui leaps into the air to avoid my attack which ends up hitting a few of his comrades. They cry out as they're knocked down. I turn to make my roar attack follow Atsui. He just smirks.

"Fire Magic: Fire Wall," Atsui says as he lands and throws out his hands. A wall of fire appears and my attack is just absorbed into it. "Fire Magic: Fire Wolves."

Five wolves made from fire leap out of the magic circle and charge at me. "Fire Dragon: Wing Attack!" Flames burst from my arms when I throw them out to my sides and flap them up and down. The attack hits the wolves, knocking them away from me.

Fire engulfs both our fists and Atsui and I run at each other. I punch for Atsui's face but he blocks it with his arm. He punches my left jaw, knocking me back a bit. Atsui lunges toward me and swings his leg, landing a solid kick in my stomach. I stagger back with a grunt.

"Fire Magic: Fire Blast!" I jerk my head up in time to see a large sphere of fire shooting toward me. When the sphere of fire hits me, it explodes. I quickly devour those flames, too.

"Fire Dragon: Iron Fist!" I lunge at Atsui and aim a punch for his face. He once again blocks it and attempts to punch my face. I just barely manage to dodge this time. "Fire Dragon: Talon!" I swing my leg for Atsui's stomach but he dodges my attack.

"Flame Beam!" Atsui throws out his hands and a blast of fire shoots toward me, which I easily dodge. The beam hits a Dark Star member and they cry out in pain.

I gasp, "You just took out one of your own men!"

"So?" Atsui asks once the fire vanishes. His uncaring tone just sparks my anger again.

"How can you not care?! Akira was never like that!"

Atsui smirks back at me as he says, "I don't care. You should've seen how the Crystal Girl was when she was a member. Aki-chan actually enjoyed killing! She never once hesitated to kill her enemies."

I was getting angrier and angrier with each word that comes out of the redhead's mouth.

"She wouldn't—!" Lucy gasps in shock, her brown eyes wide as her hands cover her mouth.

"No way! Akira-chan was just being controlled by your master! She would never enjoy taking people's lives!" Happy cries, his dark eyes wavering as they start to become wet.

"Even so, she still killed like the rest of us," Atsui states. "It would seem as though you don't know your comrade as well as you think you do."

Flames swirl around my fists as I growl angrily, "You know nothing about Akira! She's not like any of you!"

"Fire Magic: Inferno Vortex!" Atsui throws out his arms and a vortex of fire spins toward me. The vortex slams into me and sucks me up, the flames stinging and licking at my skin.

I just grin and start sucking up the flames, much to Atsui's shock. Once all the flames were devoured, I land with my knees slightly bent, and fire gathers in front of my hands. "Fire Dragon: Flame Lotus Exploding Flame Blade!"

A torrent of flames shoot out of my hands and at Atsui. His blue eyes wide with disbelief, the redhead is blown back by the impact of my spell with a cry. When the flames die down, Atsui lands in a heap on the floor, twitching.

I glare at him as I say, "You don't know Akira-chan. She was never one of you."

"You did it!" Lucy exclaims joyously.

"Aye, Sir!!" Happy exclaims.

"N-No way! H-He defeated Atsui?!" A Dark Star member stutters in shock, his eyes wide.

"This guy's nuts!!" Another exclaims.

"L-Let's get out of here!" A third yells fearfully. They all shout their agreement and go to run past us. I throw out my arm and grab at the jacket collar of a dark wizard, causing him to jerk back as I slam him against the wall.

Flames wrap around the hand gripping his neck as I demand in a rushed tone, "You're gonna tell me where your Master's headquarters is."

The man starts sweating profusely and trembling before I release the flames. He stammers, "O-Okay!! M-Master Sora's headquarters is the top floor, right at the end of the corridor!"

I grin deviously back at him as I say, "Thanks for that." I release the man and he runs after his comrades.

"I'm glad that's over," Lucy murmurs.

"Aye!" Happy chimes in agreement.

"Come on! We'd better hurry if we wanna catch up to Aki-chan," I say. Loke, Lucy and Happy nod their heads.

"Natsu!"We turn to see gray standing at the end of the corridor.

"Gray!" Lucy exclaims in relief.

"What are you doing here, Ice Princess? I thought you were looking for Aki-chan?" I ask the ravenette as we go up to him.

"I was, but then I heard a commotion coming from here. Should've known it was you," Gray responds.

"Wait—did you have to fight a member of Team Kage, Gray?" Loke asks.

He nods as he replies, "Yeah. The ice wizard, Isolde. She was kind of crazy. Tch. Why do I always end up fighting the crazy blue haired girls...?"

"You always get the crazy blue haired girls, we always get the creeps," Lucy mumbles, deadpanning at him. Gray sweat drops at her.

"We need to hurry and find Aki-chan!" I cut in. I was worried—I know she's a freakin' Wizard Saint and can handle herself in a fight, and I have no intention of interfering because she'd never forgive me, but this is Kaminari she's about to face. He basically destroyed her life, and is about to take Akira away from us again.

No way in hell am I gonna let that happen!

"Do you even know where Sora's headquarters is?" Gray asks.

I nod as I reply, "Yeah. The top floor. So let's go!"

They all say their agreement, and we race to find our comrades.

Akira's P. O. V:

I run in front of my comrades with Rogue, Erza and Momo beside me as we continue making our way to Sora's headquarters. We'd run into more members the further up the stairs we got. We were now on the top floor, and heading for Sora's headquarters, at the end of the corridor.

"Sora's headquarters is at the end of this corridor," I say.

"You sure?" Sting asks from behind me.

I throw him a deadpan look over my shoulder as I reply, "Since Master Sora usually kept me at his side under his mind control whenever I wasn't being tortured or locked in our cell, I still remember. So, yes! Of course I'm sure!"

Sting gives me a sheepish look in return. "So, how do we avoid Sora's min control?" The blonde asks.

"You don't," Shiro says bluntly. "Not unless you can fight him with your eyes closed."

"Well, what do we do if one of us is caught under his mind control?" Nanami asks.

"You have to either hit the person under his mind control hard enough, or defeat the mind control user in order to free them," I explain.

"Great... that's helpful," Sting mutters sarcastically.

We continue running, but then I see what looks like shadows in the shape of claws slash for my arm. I leap back just as the attack goes through me, landing between Kuro and Wendy.

The others jerk to a halt and whirl in my direction. Erza asks, "Akira? What is it?"

"I'd always wondered how you'd escaped 10 years ago, Akira, but now I know why," A low, soft male voice says as a man emerges from the shadow before us. He wears a long sleeved black shirt with a high collar, and a high collared black coat paired with black pants with a belt around his waist, and black boots.

His crimson red eyes are fixated on Kuro and Shiro as he says, "To think that you would betray us, Kuro, Shiro."

"And who are you?!" Sting demands.

"That's Karasu Kage. He's the leader of Team Kage, and another of Dark Star's S-class wizards," I explain.

"I'd always suspected you were behind Akira's escape, Kuro, but I didn't know you were involved, Shiro," Karasu says.

"My sister wasn't involved in helping Akira escape. It was all me," Kuro says unwaveringly.

"Since you've betrayed us, I'll capture both Akira and you, Kuro. And then you shall be punished for betraying Master Sora," Karasu says.

"Get out of my way!!" I yell, creating a Crystal Katana. I lunge at Karasu and go to slash at his stomach. However, he simply uses his shadows to disappear, like Rogue.

Karasu reappears behind me and says, "Shadow Magic: Shadow Spikes." Spikes burst forth from my shadow and pierce right through my body. However, because my body is made of water, the attack just goes right through me.

I leap away from the spikes just as I see Rogue appear behind Karasu, his right arm pulled back. "Shadow Dragon: Slash!" Rogue thrusts his arm forward and sends a barrage of shadows slashing at Karasu.

Being much quicker than Rogue, Karasu disappears with his shadows. Rogue appears beside me as my body fully reforms. "He uses the same ability as I do," Rogue states as Karasu reappears before us, his thumbs resting inside his pants pockets, the rest of his finest sticking out.

"Yes, he does," I reply, nodding my head once.

Karasu gazes at Rogue with a hint of curiosity as he says, "The Shadow Dragon Slayer... I take it you're the one who gave Akira that mark."

Rogue tenses, his crimson eyes narrowing dangerously. I know that Karasu is referring to my mate mark.

Shadows swirl around the older man as he says in a monotonous tone, "I'm going to very much enjoy killing you. Akira belongs to Master Sora—no one else."

Shadows swirl around Rogue as he growls angrily and says, "I won't let you take her away! And if any of you harm her again, I swear, I'll kill you!"

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