Crow Of Death (BakuDeku)

By Dyno_Plushie

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Bakugo is the mafia boss of the Red Shinigami. Known to brutally murder their victims. Izuku was sent out to... More

Part 2 (Making Plans)
Part 3 (Meeting)
Part 4 (Family Time)
Part 5 (Chat Room)
Part 6 (Arrangements)
Part 7 (The Group)
Part 8 (Sleeping With Him)
Part 9 (Surprise Meeting)
Part 10 (Old Acquaintances)
Part 11 (A Talk)
Part 12 (Interests)
Part 13 (Shopping)
Part 14 (Emergency Mission)
Part 15 (Club Sapphire)
Part 16 (Captured)
Part 17 (Sitaution Resolved)
Part 18 (Dreams)
Part 19 (The Art Of Seduction)
Part 20 (Mind Games)
Part 21 (Exploiting)
Part 22 (Answers)
Part 23 (Taking LOV Down)
Part 24 (At Fault)
Part 25 (Hitoshi Shinso)
Part 26 (Family)
Part 27 (hugs)
Part 28 (A Kiss??)
Part 29 (Cold shower)
Part 30 (Ex Is Back)
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (The Real End)

Part 1 (Club Owner)

24.2K 596 104
By Dyno_Plushie

    It was just another night on the town. I was sent out to get some info about another mafia group called the "Red Shinigami". So how I ended up here is really beyond me.
   I often come to this club to grab some info, I'm a regular here. It was noisy and drunk people were everywhere as usual. So I went over to play some pool over in a seemingly quieter area of the club where I thought I was gonna be fine.
    I usually play pool when I ask people questions. They seem to focus on the game more than the questions that I ask. So they kinda just answer the questions without thinking. It's a pretty useful trick I picked up a while ago when I was around 16.
   Today was like every other night. I was just coming to the usual club to grab some info. Going to play some pool with some people. I was asking a question while I was bending over the pool table to play.
   "So do you know-" I was in the middle of asking someone a question, that's when a guy from behind me started feeling me up. I quickly turn around with a shocked expression. The guy had me pinned me between the pool table and his two arms. He was a pretty big guy too, around 6,3. That's pretty big for someone who's only 5,5.
   "U-um e-excuse me c-can you p-please back a-away-?" I tried to make some space between us by leaning back on the pool table. Though it didn't do that much of a difference since he quickly closed the distance with his body.
   Yeah, I'm in the mafia and I'm in a pretty high rank as well but my job isn't to fight. I never wanted to learn how to fight. Instead of learning how to fight I learned how to manipulate people and get inside of their heads. Along with hacking and strategy. I was the main mastermind behind most of our big missions.
   "Come on cutie you just looked so good up there..." he leaned in closer to my face. He didn't smell or seem drunk or anything so I couldn't really understand why he was doing this, maybe just a perv. The person I was talking to was a little tipsy and probably forgot about me.
   It didn't seem that people around us realized I was uncomfortable with the situation either. Probably thought we were just getting it on.
   "L-listen I-I need to g-go." I was starting to lose my cool. Things like this always did make me lose it. Reminded me too much of life before I met Aizawa, Hizashi and Hitoshi.
   I pushed my hands up against the guys chest trying to push him away. I looked away trying to get some distance between our faces. He just went down to my neck and started to kiss it. I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes, threatening to fall.
   "W-Woah! W-wait-!" Before he could go any further another guy pulled him off me. Pushing him onto the ground. I looked over at the guy or guys. That had saved me.
   It was a guy with red hair and a guy with blonde hair with a black lightning bolt going through it. They stood on either side of the guy who was now sitting on the ground. Another guy with ash blonde hair stood right above the guys head glaring down at him. He squatted down and pulled a gun out of his waistband, hiding it behind his jacket. Probably so the rest of the club didn't see.
   "That wasn't very nice~" I watched in shock at what was going on. My body still leaning up against the pool table. He pushed the gun up against the side of his head.
   "If I ever see you in my club again, I'll blow your fucking head off." The guy on the ground nodded his head really quickly. The ash blonde smirked down at him and put the gun back in his pants.
   "Good. Now get the fuck out." The guy quickly gets up and runs out. I watch as he runs out before turning my attention back to the guy with ash blonde hair and the other two men.
   "I need to talk to you." The ash blonde said before grabbing my hand and dragging me away. He dragged me to some kind of office in the upper level of the club. His two friends followed us the whole way.
   He walked into the office still holding onto my wrist before letting go and gesturing towards a couch in the surprisingly big office. I went over and sat on the couch already confused on what's going on. He went over to the other two men and told them to leave before coming over and sitting on the couch sitting across from the couch I was sitting on.
   "What are you doing here?" He said as he poured some whiskey into a glass.  I gave him a confused look. He couldn't actually know what I was up to right? He's just a club owner.
   "What do you mean? I'm just here to play pool and talk with people." He slammed the bottle of whiskey down on the coffee table. Leaning back and sipping on whiskey as he glares at me.
   "Do you think I'm that fucking stupid? What the hell is an info broker doing at my club?" My mouth opens before it quickly closes. I needed to think before I say something. Right now he just thinks I'm an info broker and doesn't know I'm actually in the mafia. Unless he does? I've been going to this club for years and I hadn't thought about checking out who the owner is?! How dumb could I possibly be?
   "What do you think? I'm looking for info." He leans in propping his elbows on his knees. He gives me a smirk as he twirls the whiskey in his glass.
   "Listen, I know you saw the gun downstairs. Don't make me use it on you sweetheart." My eyes widen for a second but I quickly calm myself down. It wouldn't be the first time I've had a gun to my head. Hell this isn't the first time someone's found out I'm looking for information. Though it's not a bad thing to be an info broker. When they find out you are an info broker they usually get angry when they find out you've been collecting info from them.
   "Now, tell me who you're collecting info on." I narrow my eyes at him trying to get why he'd want to know. Is he worried it's him? It's not like it is him so it's not that big of a deal if I tell him. Plus even if he goes around telling people that I'm looking into the mafia it's not like they'll know exactly who is looking into them. All I need to think about right now is getting out.
   "I'm looking into the Red Shinigami. They're a mafia group." He looks up at me from the drink he was twirling.
   "And why is that?" I roll my eyes from all the questions. It's usually me asking the questions not the other way around.
   "You've got a lot of attitude for someone that's being threatened with a gun." He says with a slight smirk. I lean back in the sofa.
   "Yeah well this isn't the first time. Anyways, someone I know wants to propose an offer to them. Before they can do that they need to know how to get into contact with them." The blonde got up and walked over to his desk. It was in front of a large window facing the city. He goes into one of the drawers and grabs a card before coming back to me. He towers above me holding out the business card.
   "Give them this." I take the card. On the card was written "Bakugo Katsuki" along with a number. I quickly jump up and stare at him.
   "Y-you're Bakugo Katsuki?!" He smirks at me and walks back over to the couch sitting down with his whiskey.
   "Yeah. Tell them to call me." I couldn't believe that for the last half an hour I had been talking to the leader of the Red Shinigami. I quickly put the card in my pocket and made my way to the door. Blushing from the embarrassment that I hadn't realized who he was until now.
   "See you later." He said raising his whiskey in the air as I opened the door and left.

Hope you liked the first chapter!


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