Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 9: Revelation

159 6 2
By pknelson1


I woke to a sharp pain in my neck. Groaning I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Looking over I saw Wes watching me.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Hey," Wes reached up and started rubbing my neck. Weird how he could tell it hurt.

"Ah that feels good," I laughed and closed my eyes.

"Sorry if my shoulder isn't comfortable," Wes teased.

"It isn't your shoulder, I think it's from the accident," I eased back against Wes again.

"Oh how's your head?" Concern flooded his voice.

"Pounding," I groaned. Opening my eyes I looked around, "Where's my mom?"

"No idea," Wes stood up and stretched his arms above his head, his t-shirt riding up leaving a strip of skin bare. I watched, mesmerized by him, my cheeks growing warm and my heart began to pound. How could one boy create all of these feelings within me?

It took me a moment to realize that Wes was talking.

"Oh yeah," I stood up and looked at the clock to find that it was 6:30 in the evening. "Jeez we slept for a long time," I remarked.

Wes laughed, "Well we kinda had an eventful night."

Looking on the counter I saw a note from my mom;

"Got called into work for emergency. Left-overs in fridge for dinner. Put this cream on your stitches and take Advil on counter. I'll be home late so don't wait up, love mom.

P.S. behave with Weston, xoxo"

I laughed and put the note down.

"What's so funny?" Wes asked.

"Just my mom," I swallowed down the pills then squeezed some cream onto my finger. As I reached up to smear it across my stitches Wes stopped me.

"Here let me do it," taking the cream off my finger he gently placed his hands on my head and spread the stuff over my stitches. Suppressing a groan I swayed into Wes, my eyes closed. My heart tugging me towards him.

"Why am I like this around you?" I murmured.

"I don't know love, you affect me the same way. It feels like I'm connected to you,"

I felt Wes shift closer and I tilted my head up wanting his lips on mine. Wes's breath fanned over my face, causing me to shiver. Daring to open my eyes I saw his intense gray-blue eyes mere millimeters away.

"Please Wes," I pleaded, needing his lips on mine with a longing like never before. I saw a battle wage in Wes and his eyes slid unwillingly down to my lips. Leaning closer still, Wes curled his fingers into my hair. My heart thundered in my chest, my hands trembled, and my knees threatened to give out, but still I willed his lips to mine.

"Adelle," He whispered shakily.

"Yes," I sighed and his lips brushed mine so feather light, igniting me and setting an inextinguishable fire in my heart.

I groaned in frustration when Wes tore himself away from me as the garage door opened. Turning away I dragged shaking fingers through my hair, my cheeks on fire.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, feeling like a fool.

"Adelle, do not say that because I know you're not and neither am I. I want to kiss you so freaking bad but something always keeps us from it, but the time will come and when it does you will not be sorry."

I was saved from having to respond when my dad walked in.

"Adelle! Are you okay? I caught a plane home as soon as your mother called me about the accident," I let my dad draw me into a hug. He's been away for a week on a business trip to Ireland for his work.

"I'm okay, Abbys' okay, everything is fine." I forced my voice not to shake as I reassured him, grateful for the chance to collect myself. Breaking away, my dad finally noticed Wes.

"Who are you?" my dad's voice was laced with steel.

"I'm Weston Payne, I moved here a couple weeks ago, I'm Adelle's history partner and friend," Wes looked at me and added, "I hope."

I laughed, "Dad, Wes was the person who called 911. He was the first person to the accident," I hoped that would assuage my dad a little bit.

"You called 911?" My dad asked, turning to face Wes.

"Yes sir."

"Well then, Weston, I must thank you."

"You don't have to do that sir,"

"Of course I do, you saved my daughter's life!" It was so strange, my dad hadn't even threatened Wes yet, or talked about his "many" guns.

"Well then you're welcome sir," a smile touched Wes's lips.

"Are you staying for dinner?" My dad asked. I just stood there dumbfounded, this just kept getting weirder and weirder. My dad never acted this way with a guy I've brought home. I think it was Wes's charm.

"I wish I could but I can't tonight," Wes looked regretful.

"Oh well another night then," my dad responded.

"Of course sir."

As I walked Wes to his car I couldn't keep the bewildered look off my face.

"What?" Wes asked.

"My dad actually likes you. He didn't even threaten you once!" I was in shock.

"Ha I guess I'm a keeper then," Wes winked then leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight love," and with that he got into his blacked out car and drove away, leaving me without a heart because he took it with him.


Later that night as I got ready for bed I received a text from Wes:

Wes: "Are you going to school tomorrow?"

Huh, so now he wants to text me.

Me: "Yeah my mom is making me."

Climbing into bed I plugged in my phone to charge. Closing my eyes I started to fall asleep when my phone buzzed again. Blindly I groped for it then pulled it in front of my face.

Wes: "Okay I'm giving you a ride tomorrow, see you in the morning. Goodnight A ghra."

Me: "What does A ghra mean?"

Wes: "I'll tell you later."

Me: "Oh alright goodnight handsome."

Shutting off my phone I rolled over and fell asleep with a smile on my lips and thoughts of Wes in my head. Almost instantly I started to dream. First I flew through the same blue corridor and had the same feeling of weightlessness that I had every night, but when I reached the door at the end it opened and I hurtled through it. Then I saw the same family on their knees and again I felt overpowering emotions that didn't belong to me. Along with emotions I smelled scents, like a strong pine and the musty scent of the woods. It was so bizarre.

Suddenly I was whisked away into a dark room lined with candles. Looking down I saw myself in a gauzy, pure white dress that draped me like a sheath. Then looking across from me I saw Wes in an old Victorian era gentleman's suit. Our hands were clasped tightly and trembling. Wes's eyes shone with tears and I could feel tears of my own roll down my cheeks and plop silently to the floor. My heart pounded with anticipation and smiling Wes leaned close and before his lips could meld with mine I was again whisked away from the scene.

This time I appeared on a large grassy field which was ringed by tall, densely packed pine trees. Above, the sky rumbled and opposing black clouds churned, looking menacing with the threat of rain. Wildly looking around, I wondered why I was dreaming this. Looking behind me I saw a lone figure lying on the grass, when I saw that figure lying on the ground my heart plummeted but before I could take another step closer I woke.

Sweating, my hair was plastered to my forehead and neck. My room was dark and cold, the wind rattled the window pane. My heart pounded. Rolling over, my head swam and it felt like my room was spinning, I was going to be sick. Closing my eyes I waited until it passed then turned on my phone to find that it was only 5:00. An hour before I usually woke for school. Lying back down I knew sleep wasn't going to come so I got up to shower.

Looking in the bathroom mirror I saw myself with ashen cheeks and a wild, frantic look in my eyes. Bringing my eyes up to my forehead I saw the bandage that I put on last night. Reaching up, I pulled it off to clean the stitches to find I didn't need too. The cut was healed, leaving my forehead completely smooth. The only sign of the of what happened was a tiny, nearly invisible line. Gasping I scrubbed my hand over my forehead not believing my eyes, then quickly sat down when the world started to tilt. Squeezing my eyes shut, my breath coming raggedly I willed myself not to panic.

"What's happening to me?" Slowly I stood and started the shower.

Standing under the spray I closed my eyes and let the heat envelop me. Thinking over everything that just happened I kept coming back to one conclusion: Wes. He was the cause of this. Everything that has happened to me started when Wes showed up. Another questionable thing was why I was so attached to him? Like right now I was missing him so much it felt like I had a hole in my chest and I couldn't breathe. He was my breath and my heart and I needed him so much it hurt to be away from him for even a few hours. It felt like I was slowly going insane.

Tilting up my face, I let the water pour over my face. 


I woke when Adelle did and felt her thinking of me. Her thoughts swarmed in my head and I was tempted to call her. Something was wrong. I could feel it. Not knowing what to do I paced my room with phone in hand. I saw her dreams -she called them- when in reality she traveled. Into the future and Adelle didn't even know.

Growling in frustration I racked my fingers through my disheveled hair. She was in so much danger and I couldn't do anything about it! I needed to tell her what she was soon. Even though I dreaded to end her perfectly oblivious life. Her Time Traveling gene must have been activated when when our bond was woken up.

Cursing myself for being so careless, I felt her fear. Since we weren't bonded yet I wasn't able to Mindspeak with her, but I could send Adelle emotions. Concentrating, I focused on her presence in my head and sent her a feeling of calm and reassurance.

Knowing she was safe for the moment I got ready for school and planned to pick Adelle up at 6:45.


Stepping into my room I swayed as a feeling of calm and reassurance washed over me, and as I started to get dressed my headache slowly ebbed away leaving me in a much better mood. Feeling invigorated I walked into the kitchen clad in black skinny jeans, knee high boots, a scarf, and cardigan. My hair decided to be nice and dry in soft auburn waves.

"You're up early," my dad commented when he saw me.

"Yeah hilarious right?" I laughed.

"And in a good mood! I like this new morning Adelle," Laughing I pretended to scowl at my dad.

"Ha ha very funny. Is mom still at work?" I put some bread in the toaster then sat down next to my dad.

"Yeah the hospital was short people so they needed her to come in," my dad closed up the paper he was reading and drained the last of his coffee.

"How was Ireland?" I excitedly asked.

"Amazing as usual, I was able to help a lot of people this time," my dad was an international doctor so he worked with a lot of hospitals around the world. Manly he worked with Ireland so he took many business trips there.

"That's good!" I really wanted to go to Ireland and begged to go every time he went, but to my great disappointment I was never allowed.

"Yeah, speaking of Ireland, isn't that where your friend Weston is from?"

"Yep, he's from Blackrock. How did you know?"

"The accent of course," my dad laughed.

"Oh yeah," I smiled sheepishly. Getting up I grabbed my toast and smeared jam on it. As I finished my breakfast a knock sounded at the front door. Smiling I knew it was Wes.

"Who could that be?" My dad asked.

"It's Wes, he's giving me a ride to school," grabbing my bag I opened the door to reveal a grinning Wes.

"Hi," I felt breathless, whole, complete.

"Hi," His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Hi Weston," I cringed when my dad stepped behind me.

"Good morning Mr. Montgomery."

"Taking Adelle to school?"

"Yes Sir, thats the plan," I gave Wes credit; he didn't squirm one bit under my dad's hard stare.

"Alright well watch the roads they may be icy," That was it? Wow my dad must really like Wes.

"Will do sir."

"Bye dad see you after school," I gave my dad a hug then dragged Wes away.

As he opened my door Wes's hand brushed mine.

"Good morning, A chroi," Wes's eyes lit up in a smile.

"What does A chroi mean?" I struggled to pronounce it as I ducked into the Camaro.

"I'm not telling," Wes teased playfully.

"Great, it's probably the Irish equivalent for the B-word, isn't it?" I pretended to pout but quickly fell into a giggle.

"Ah I wouldn't call you that," I saw laughter in Wes's beautiful eyes.

"Mhm sure, I'll get the answer out of you sooner or later."

"Whatever you say beautiful," Wes retorted as he reached over and grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. I turned my face towards the window so Wes couldn't see my blush or smile.

Last night I was wracked with longing for him. I couldn't explain it. I just missed Wes. I needed him so bad, especially when I saw my healed forehead. I needed him and answers but I just didn't know how to get either.

"Last-" I began right as Wes spoke,


I broke off, "You go first,"

"Okay sorry, what I was going to say was that I owe you a date."

"What?" My mind went blank. That's what he was trying to say?

"I promised you a date so you're getting a date," Wes flashed a half smile, I swear that would be my undoing.

"Okay when?" I forced my voice to be nonchalant when I was actually shaking and a herd of butterflies danced in my stomach.

"This Saturday, I'll pick you up at 11:00 AM. Is that okay?" Wes looked unsure for a second.

"Yep it is, but may I ask what we will be doing?"

"Sorry love, that's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Oh alright," I grumbled. Wes laughed and I swear my heart skipped a beat, I was the cause of that beautiful noise.

Pulling up to school Wes parked then ran around to my side and opened the door.

"M'lady," Wes mock bowed.

I laughed and climbed out, "Oh thank you kind sir," I couldn't wipe the goofy grin off my face.

As we walked into school Wes grabbed my hand, questionably I looked at him.

"Won't people talk?" That worried me.

"Let them," Wes smiled rakishly and I blushed scarlet. When we stopped next to Abby's locker, her eyes widened.

"Oh," shock was written all over her face.

"What," I already knew the answer.

"I was right," Abby pointed out.

"I know," I laughed.

"Right about what?" Wes looked vastly confused.

"Oh nothing, except Adelle is really into you and I predicted this would happen."

I could have hit her. "Abby!" I hissed, pretty sure my face matched the color of a lobster now.

"Is this true Adelle?" Wes's voice got dangerously low and close. He was leaning down and whispering in my ear. So close I could feel his lips brush against my skin. Shivering I attempted a reply,

"Um-" but before I could speak Wes abruptly stiffened and stood up straight, bringing himself to his full height of 6'4. What? I looked up and saw Abby's boyfriend Jaymes walking towards us.

"Jaymes!" Abby squealed and threw her arms around him.

"Hey Abbs," He pressed a kiss to her temple but his eyes stayed on Wes the whole time. Odd. Releasing Abby, Jaymes came closer and held out his hand to Wes.


"Wes," they shook hands. When I looked at Wes I saw a cold look in his eyes and his jaw clenched. Eyes locked they seemed to be sizing each other up. Suddenly Wes turned to me,

"Let's go to class, the bells going to ring soon," putting his hand on the small of my back Wes started to lead me away.

"See ya in fourth hour Adelle!" Abby called after me.

"See ya!" I threw over my shoulder. That was weird. "Okay do you want to explain what just happened?" I was totally confused.

"He just looked like someone I knew that's all," Wes tried to sound casual but there was a hard edge to his voice. I decided to just drop it. By then we reached my class.

"I'll see you at lunch," And with a kiss on my forehead Wes was gone, lost into a sea of students.

Later as I was walking to my fourth hour class I saw a large group of students chanting and yelling. There must have been a fight. Usually I stay away from the fights but this time there was something drawing me towards it that I couldn't resist, so cautiously I walked towards it until I could catch glimpses of two boys fighting in the center; a elbow, black hair, a raised fist. As I drew nearer I heard what the kids were chanting, "Wes! Wes! Wes!"

My stomach dropped and I swayed on my feet as my vision was dotted with black dots. Wes was fighting. Pushing my way to the front of the circle I felt the air whoosh out of my lungs at the sight before me. Wes and Jaymes were rolling on the floor throwing punches and yelling curses. I was frozen to the spot. Wes pinned Jaymes under him and rained blows on him, blood splattered the floor.

"Tell me what you know!" Wes growled in his face. Jaymes spat blood onto Wes before bucking and throwing Wes off him. With a punch to the temple Wes staggered then fell to his hands and knees.

That was when I lost it, "Stop!" I shrieked and threw myself between Wes and Jaymes's flying fist.

"Stop!" I cried again, shielding Wes. "Don't you dare touch him!" I was seething. Looking at Wes, the sight of him, split my heart in two. His lip was split and bleeding, as was his nose. A nasty bruise was already blooming over his right cheekbone and eye, and his eyebrow was split and slowly seeping blood.

"Oh Wes," tears formed in my eyes.

"It's not as bad as it looks," he tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace.

I heard people start to move and when I looked up I could see why, the dean was coming down the hall, ready to bust anyone caught at the scene.

"Crap," I muttered to Wes, "You're so screwed."

"Oh well", Wes tried to get to his feet but winced in pain as he put pressure on his hands to stand, his knuckles were split. Putting one of his arms across my shoulders I helped him to his feet.

"Mr. Hill explain this right now!" Dean Morris was mad.

"I was just walking to class when Wes threw himself at me, demanding a fight," Jaymes innocently dropped his eyes but not before I caught a cunning glint in them.

"Liar!" Wes exploded and I flinched.

"Calm down Mr. Payne!" the dean commanded.

"I will not calm down, he threatened-" Wes suddenly broke off like he knew his story wouldn't help. I put my hand on his back to try and help him calm down, it seemed to work a little as he relaxed slightly against me.

"I want both of you to march straight to the office and Ms. Montgomery I suspect you have class." And with that Dean Morris turned on his heel and started towards the office, fully expecting Wes and Jaymes to follow. With a look of pure, raw hatred shot at Wes, Jaymes walked after Dean Morris.

"I'm sorry Adelle, but he threatened someone very dear to me and I couldn't let him go unpunished," Wes couldn't meet my eyes and that broke my heart.

"You don't need to explain. I know it wasn't your fault," I smiled slighly as I visibly saw him relax. "I'll wait for you by the Camaro after school." And as gently as I could I leaned up and placed a light kiss to his cheek then wrenched myself away and forced myself to walk to class when all I wanted to do was run right back to Wes.

When I got to fourth hour Abby already knew about the fight and she could tell I didn't want to talk about it. Gratefully I smiled at her to let her know I was okay then attempted to concentrate on the lesson. We went to lunch and I swore everyone was talking about the fight and Abby and I since it was our boys that fought each other. Even though I knew Wes and I weren't really a couple yet, the rest of the school thought we were since we walked in holding hands. I tried to tune everyone out except Abby who shared sympathetic looks with me.

Fifth hour went by and no Wes, which wasn't surprising. I feared the worst and thought of every consequence he could receive. I feared he wouldn't be allowed back to this school, that would wreck me.

Finally sixth hour ended and I was set free from the restraining bonds of school. I made my way out to the Camaro and leaned against the hood, waiting for Wes. I was scrolling through my phone when I felt my heartbeat pick up and my body prickled with anticipation and I knew Wes was here. Hurriedly I looked up and saw him walking towards me. A smile broke across my lips and before I knew what I was doing I was quickly walking to Wes.

"Is it bad?"I asked as soon as I was close enough.

"No I was let off with only a three day suspension and a warning since I'm new."

"Oh wow that's good!" I expected a much worse punishment.

"Yep, do you have a lot of homework?" Wes asked.

"No why?"

"Do you want to come to my apartment or get food or something?"

"Sure, that would be fun," I nearly sighed, I didn't have to part with him yet and now I had an opportunity to ask Wes all of my questions.

We went through the McDonalds drive through and loaded up on a ton of deliciously, greasy food before driving to his apartment that was nestled in the woods above Ashland. We drove in silence that wasn't awkward but companionable. I still chose to break it though,

"Does your face hurt much?" I asked.

"I don't notice it anymore, back home I used to get into so many fights my parents banned me from going out."


"Yeah I was an awful kid."

"Not all bad I bet," I joked.

"No, not all bad but I nearly drove my mother insane from all my practical jokes and antics," Wes got a faraway look in his eyes.

"Do you miss her a lot?"

"My mother?" Wes looked at me a little startled.

"Yeah," I wished I could ease his pain because it was obvious he still mourned his parent's death.

"Every day, I wish I could have been there when she and my father died. I think that is my biggest regret, having not been there for them," Wes quickly swiped his hand over his eyes and offered me a small smile. I returned it, grateful that he opened that vulnerable part of himself to me.

"So I take it you don't have any siblings?" I deftly changed the topic off his parents. But I didn't realize that my simple question would have such a strong effect on Wes.

"I did," he spoke softly, "I had an elder sister, Eliza, but she fell extremely ill and passed away before I was born."

"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to pry," I felt awful for bringing up more painful memories.

"It's alright I don't remember her well. I also had an older brother, Kyle. He was my best friend and accomplice in my many schemes as a child. I loved him very much and he tried to teach me everything he knew. We drove our mother crazy from all of our practical jokes and rough-housing," he looked at me with a reminiscent smile, "Kyle suffered the same fate as my parents and has also passed away," Wes's voice shook and I could tell how hard it was for him to talk about his family. He had no one left in the world.

"Oh Wes I'm so sorry. I know how cliche 'sorry' sounds because I don"t know your pain or what it feels like to lose so many loved ones but I promise that I will always be here," I was almost to tears, I hated to see him in this kind of pain, it physically hurt.

"Thank you, Mo shiorghra, you have no idea how much that means to me,"

"Your welcome and I'm not even going to ask what that means because I can't pronounce it and I know you won't tell me," I desperately wanted to see him smile and was instantly rewarded.

"Right you are," Wes smiled, grabbed my hand and my cheeks grew pink.

Before I could reply we pulled up to his apartment, It was surrounded by tall pine trees and the scent of pine was strong in the air.

"It's beautiful up here," I took a deep breath of the crisp, fresh air.

"Thank you, I fell instantly in love with this place,"

We walked into a pleasant little lobby then rode the elevator up to the fourth floor which was also the the top floor. Opening the door, Wes's apartment was masculine. All dark colors and modern furniture, but that's not what caught my attention. The whole back wall was glass that looked out over the forest and Ashland.

"Wow," I breathed, mostly to myself.

"That's what I said," Wes replied, coming to stand beside me.

"It's gorgeous,"

"The view was the reason I bought this place."

"I can see why."

Wes went into the kitchen and grabbed a first aide kit from a cabinet before returning to the couch. Riffling through it he found a few alcohol swabs and bandaides.

"Do you want help with that?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"Please," I took the swabs from Wes and tore open the packages. Turning into him I tilted his face towards the light so I could see better. The only cuts on his face was the one on his eyebrow and a small abrasion on his cheekbone. I swear there were more and the bruise didn't even look that bad anymore. Weird.

As gently as I possibly could, I rubbed the swab over and around the cuts. Wes hissed and flinched slightly.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"It's alright love," Wes tried to smile. As I finished I realized he didn't even need a band aid.

"There, done," I got up and threw away the wrappers.

"Thank you,"

"Your welcome," I laughed.

It was silent between us. Finally I decided it was now or never,

"Wes, last night I had these extremely life-like dreams, you were there and I felt these emotions I've never felt before. Then when I woke up and looked in the mirror the cut on my forehead was gone. Completely gone, not even a scar. And I keep having these flashes of a family being murdered and I'm feeling intense sadness and anger. It's scaring me. And it all started when you showed up in history that first day, so I know you're connected," looking down I saw my hands shaking, "Wes what is wrong with me?" I whispered as tears welled in my eyes.

"Oh Adelle I'm so sorry, I should have told you right from the beginning," regret shone bright in Wes's eyes.

"Told me what?" My heart pounded and I felt a heavy anticipation. Wes reached over and held both my hands in his and pulled me closer. Then looking straight into my eyes he said something that made my heart stop,

"What I'm about to tell you is going to change your life forever and I am so sorry,"

"Wes just tell me what's wrong!" I was terrified to hear what he was going to say.

"Nothing is wrong with my love, all of these things that are happening are side effects of your true self,"

"My true self? What am I?" I was so close to panic and tears brimmed, clouding my vision. Making it hard to see.

"You're a Time Traveler."

Authors note

Finally it's done! I'm so sorry I took forever to update! I got major writers block and couldn't write so I apologize for not updating. I would like to explain my writing process just a little bit; I have a journal that I got about three years ago and I basically I started writing on a whim. I already was an avid reader so I decided to try my hand at writing. So last year around this exact same time I started the amazing journey of writing Time Again. I first write the chapter in my journal and then I type it up. So that is why it takes some time for me to update. Along with that I also have dance and school that sometimes prevent me from writing even though that's all I want to do sometimes. So anyway this chapter is my longest chapter and I really like how it turned out so I hope you do too. The songs I chose for chapter 9 are I will follow you into the Dark by Death cab for Cutie, Firefly by Ed Sheeran, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, and Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran. All of these songs really describe the growing bond between Wes and Adelle. Thank you guys sooo much for reading Time Again and please please please comment, vote, and fangirl if you want! I know I do over Wes. I really want to know what you guys think of it! This book is a dream for me and you guys are making it come true so again thank you!!!

P.S. So sorry for the major cliff hanger but I just had too!

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