Chapter 3: An almost kiss

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I rushed to get ready on Monday morning, running late for the first time in a while. I still had that same nagging feeling of loss that started when I left the music store on Saturday and it was starting to get really annoying. I didn't know if I lost or forgot something.

After I left the music store I was restless all day. I just couldn't sit still. But since I was doing nothing I decided to sit down and do the works cited page for our project. After I finished the paper I went downstairs to get a drink of water. As I walked past the stove to the fridge I glanced at the clock to see that it was already 10:30, so I just got my water and went to bed.

That night I had the weirdest dream. For the second night in a row! I was in a never-ending corridor type thing that seemed to stretch on forever but I could see a door at the end. The "walls" were blank except for strange flashing lights that were a weird kaleidoscope of blue, and a loud whirring sound that blocked out any other noise, if there was any other noise.

But that wasn't the weirdest thing, Wes was there holding my hand and pulling me urgently towards the door. He was trying to say something to me but the words got lost in the whirring noise. Right as we reached the door and it started to open, my alarm went off, for the second time. That was how I was running late.


I couldn't stop thinking of my dream the whole morning. I went through all my classes in a sort of fog. Finally I reached fifth period. Only one more hour to go. But fifth hour also meant seeing Wes and suffering through the project. But at least I didn't have to do it alone. I spoke too soon; Wes wasn't in his seat. Maybe he was late. But I knew that wasn't it because the days that Wes were here he beat me to class, always arriving first.

I was surprised as bitter disappointment flashed through me. And the obnoxious feeling of loss was back. I was able to forget it all day until now. Ugh! What was wrong with me? I should be happy he wasn't here. I didn't have to put up with his snarky remarks the whole hour.

I was putting scissors away when I received a text from a number I didn't know:

"Sorry I wasn't here, be there tomorrow.


I blew out a frustrated sigh. Did he not realize that normal people go to school everyday? Or was he just an exception? Either way it was annoying. This was partner work and so far it seemed like I was doing it all by myself.

As I was leaving school and getting ready to get into my little silver honda civic I received another text from the same unknown number.

"Meet me at the music store.


Um okay? Who does Wes think he is, ordering me around like this? Do I go or just ignore it? A part of me wants to go and yell at him for missing and deserting me yet again to do the project by myself. But another part of me wants to drive straight home and forget his texts. I mull over this as I drive, trying to figure out what to do.

I remained indecisive as I drove down main street. The weather was starting to cool down as October approached. People were already starting to put up Halloween decorations in there store fronts. I see the music store coming up, the rational part of my brain yells at me to keep driving but my heart is almost pulled to stop and see Wes. I don't understand when my heart beats my brain. I parked my car and got out. I walked through the door, once again setting off the chiming bell. This time I didn't have to look for Wes. He was sitting at the front desk with a chestnut guitar sitting in his lap, lazily stoking out chords.

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