Bad Boy Mahone

By blink182s

239K 7.5K 887

"Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare... More

Chapter One "School is school."
Chapter Two "I need you to do a favor for me."
Chapter Three "You're in danger."
Chapter Four "World so cold."
Chapter Five "That's my story."
Chapter Six "This Means War."
Chapter Seven "Bring it on."
Chapter Eight "There's something different about you."
Chapter Nine "Why do you always calm me down?"
Chapter Ten "It was time to let go."
Chapter Eleven "Oh? Do i make you nervous?"
Chapter Twelve "Don't act like you didn't like it."
Chapter Thirteen "I failed you and I'm sorry."
Chapter Fourteen "You're not scared of me are you?"
Chapter Fifteen "Keep an eye out."
Chapter Sixteen "Trust me."
Chapter Seventeen "There's something going on."
Chapter Eighteen "You never know what damage your enemies can do to you."
Chapter Nineteen "What do you want from me?"
Chapter Twenty "This house no longer is a home."
Chapter Twenty One "Hope is a bitch."
Chapter Twenty Two "Don't tempt me."
Chapter Twenty Three "Big mistake on your part."
Chapter Twenty Four "Sometimes you are destroyed."
Chapter Twenty Five "Stay With Me."
Chapter Twenty Six "I'm just trying to protect us."
Chapter Twenty Seven "Why now?"
Chapter Twenty Eight "Blown to bits."
Chapter Twenty Nine "I was afraid to love."
Chapter Thirty "We have a big problem here."
Chapter Thirty One "If you want to play with fire, you're going to get burned."
Chapter Thirty Two "How long can you stand the pain?"
Chapter Thirty Three "Its like you're screaming, but no one can hear you."
Chapter Thirty Four "Since when the hell do you smoke?"
Chapter Thirty Five "Pretty faces don't last long."
Chapter Thirty Six "I promise."
Chapter Thirty Seven "Don't judge a book by its cover."
Chapter Thirty Eight "You're turning into a monster."
Chapter Thirty Nine "Pick up the pieces."
Chapter Forty "I've already given up."
Chapter Forty Two "Memories will haunt you."
Chapter Forty Three "Letters to you."
Chapter Forty Four "Go get him."
Chapter Forty Five "When it's real you can't walk away."
Chapter Forty Six "Just another enemy."
Chapter Forty Seven "Everything feels different."
Chapter Forty Eight "Its time."
Chapter Forty Nine "Have fun in hell."
Chapter Fifty "It's already over."

Chapter Forty One "You threw it away."

2.4K 104 27
By blink182s

Dedicated to _loving_mahone

Chapter Forty One
(Part 2)

Chapter Song: Satellites (Act iii) - Crown The Empire
(Holy crap one of my all time favorite bands & I really like this song & it goes good with the chapter)

Austin's Point of View

I put my hood up and walked away from her like it was nothing. Like we were nothing.

It hurt me to do it, but that's what love does to people.

I balled my fist up and tried my hardest to not to break down. I needed to get the hell out of here.

It hurt me to see her cry. It hurts me to see her in pain. I was doing what was best.

Sean was parked a few blocks down in the SUV with everyone and all of our supplies like we planned. I hopped in and slammed the door shut.

"No more Elena." I said. "Drive. We need to leave now."

Sean hit the accelerator and soon we were on the road to Georgia.

"I still can't believe you just let her go like that." Sean said in the silence of the car.

"Do you really think I wanted to do that? I had to watch her have an emotional break down once again. She can't feel like that anymore! She needs to move on with her life in a positive way."

"It could've worked out is all I'm saying. You just decided to give up on her."

"How the hell would you know?" I spat.

"Because I've been in love before! I was in the same damn position as you."

I took my gaze off from the window and looked at him. "So tell me how it ended up?"

"Her name was Maria. I met her when I was doing this business 5 years ago with my uncle and his friends. I eventually broke away and started my own with you guys." We came to a red light. "Elena reminded me of her, beautiful, strong, and wanted a little adventure. We came to each other for everything and we fell in love. She didn't care about what I did or what happened, as long as it was us two together she was happy."

I was picturing Elena in my mind again. It was like Sean was describing her exactly. "Please continue."

"Sure enough we had a big gang against us. It was exactly what we were doing now, and you know what?"


"She stood by me the whole time. We never left each other. I told her I would do anything to keep her safe and that I was going nowhere without her."

"Why are you telling me this? Your relationship 5 years ago with that girl has nothing to do with me."

Sean laughed. "It has everything to do with you. I promised her things and I never broke them, no matter what came in our way. Do you know what you even did?"

"Yeah I know what I did." I spat. "I let her go because I had to."

"No you let her go because that what you thought you had to do." He shook his head. "You're running away from your problems and you let go of the most important things. That's what you do. You broke your promise to her."

"Yeah I know, you're making me feel like I'm fucking stupid."

I grabbed a beer and popped the cap off. I took a drink, the alcohol numbing away all feelings. That's what it does best for me.

"Everything would have worked out fine, take it from me. I've experienced it and so has Alex!" I looked next to me and Alex was sitting next to me, he wasn't giving me a friendly look. "Everyone believed in you both and you threw it away."

"I get it! I'm not either of you, I'm Austin! Nothing is going to be the same with me. You know me best and you know I'm not that kind of person. This is why I don't do relationships." I took another drink of my beer. "So what ever happened to Maria? Why isn't she here now hmm?"

Sean sighed. "She got in a car accident. A drunk driver hit her head on on the highway."

"Oh, I'm sorry man."

"It's all right. I will find someone else another day."

I closed my eyes and tried my best not to break down right now. My stomach was in knots and voices in my head kept repeating.

"I can't lose you too."

"No, you promised that you wouldn't leave me. I've needed you from the beginning."

"Don't go. Please just don't go we can fix this! We can find a way out of the dark!"

I pictured her falling down to the ground saying how much she loved me. I had to push it all away.

It took everything I had to not run back and pretend that everything was going to be alright and we were going to go back to what we were.

I opened my heads and looked up and tears slid down my cheek. I'm going to breakdown.

"Stop the car!" I shouted.

Sean pulled onto the side of the side and slammed on the brakes. "What?"

I flew the door open and threw my bottle out the door, breaking it to pieces. I ran my fingers through my hair and tugged at the ends, trying to forget everything.

"Why did this have to happen!" I yelled before punching the seats repeatedly.

None of this was supposed to happen and we let it happen. I still had my hands in my hair and I looked down crying. I was actually crying.

Alex rubbed my back trying to comfort me. "Hey man we're going to him right now and he's going to pay for everything."

It took me a few minutes before I calmed myself down again. "Okay, you can drive now. Make sure you hit that accelerator so we can get there sooner."

Sean nodded his head and turned the keys in the ignition. The car rumbled and we were back on the road again.

I looked out the window and watched everything become blurry because of the high speeds.

I also remembered that I left a letter for Elena an was wondering when she would be reading it.

No matter how much we wanted each other, it won't work out.


The picture I made & it's supposed to be Sean when he was talking to Austin.

Double update because this chapter is a part 2.

For those of you that think Austin is completely emotionless and thought he was an asshole for just completely walking away from her like its nothing, this chapter shows you how he felt.

Austin is a human too and has feelings. He loved Elena just as much as she loved him. Like he said, it took everything he had in him to not go back to her.

You're probably asking, why didn't he just go back?

Well, because it won't work out. It really won't work out! Not everything is going to end up the way you want it to and not everyone that falls in love will stay together.

They had to let each other go.

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