
By _Ephemeral_Dream

57.5K 4.4K 1.6K

Kim V is one of the most successful men in South Korea. He buries himself in work, neglecting his husband, Ki... More

Kim Taehyung


2.5K 209 38
By _Ephemeral_Dream

The place was buzzing with people. Taehyung looks around for the hundredth time. He and Hoseok were currently at a convention. Just in the audience. He really didn't want to be here. But, V always come to conventions.

Though boring, it was a good way to avoid thinking about Jin. Wait-he's thinking about Seokjin and Jimin right now. Shoot. A couple days has already passed. He should move on. Heck, why is he so bothered anyways?

Sure, he likes Seokjin. But, doesn't everybody. He's nice, caring, fun to tease, polite, hardworking, smart, and handsome. Taehyung opens his water bottle and takes a sip. 'Focus Taehyung. You're here for the convention.'

Hoseok's phone buzzes again. He just ignores it. "If you need to make a call, you can," Taehyung leans over to tell him. Hoseok shakes head.

"No need to. It's not important," he smiles but Taehyung could tell it didn't reach his eyes. His phone buzzes again.

"Seems pretty urgent to me," Taehyung says. Hoseok excuses himself and leaves the room. Taehyung goes back to listening to the speaker. Hoseok comes back right before it ends.

They leave and Hoseok tells him the rest of the things he needs to do for the day. He hums in answer. There were a lot of people rushing to get out. Unintentionally, his eyes land on a familiar face. Min Yoongi.

Although he only met Yoongi a couple times, he could tell Yoongi is good at masking his emotions. It takes a beat or two before Yoongi also looks at him. It doesn't take long until he and Hoseok passes Yoongi.

He gives Yoongi one last glimpse and he swears, there's some sort of feeling in those eyes. So small, he's lucky to have caught it. It was like . . suspicions.


"I'll be clocking out. Don't stay too late," Taehyung tells Hoseok who bids him goodbye. With his phone in hand, he gets in the elevator. The elevator dings signaling his arrival. 'Did I forget something?' Taehyung stands in the elevator for a second. 'Nah.'

He gets off and makes his way out the building. Just as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the bustling street, realization hits him. He forgot some reports he's supposed to look over. He could just leave it but, knowing it now, he has to turn back.

He gets on the elevator and quickly presses the top floor button. He arrives. Hoseok should still be here. As nears his office, he hears another voice other than Hoseok. He stills as he listens.

"Stop," Hoseok says. A giggle follows afterward. "I'm supposed to be working."

"You work too much," the other voice says. Taehyung's ears perk up. He recognizes this voice. He steps out from his hiding spot.

His jaw drops as he sees Jungkook back hugging Hoseok, lips pressed to Hoseok's cheek. "Chairman Kim," Hoseok exclaims and pushes Jungkook away. Jungkook frowns at first but, when his eyes fall upon Taehyung, he stands up straighter.

"Tae," he mouths silently, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.

"I'm sorry, Chairman Kim. Please forgive me." Hoseok bows as Taehyung was still trying to piece all of this. So, Jungkook and Hoseok are a thing? Jungkook has a fiancée, though.

"Jungkook. Office," he goes into V's office, closing the door when Jungkook follows him in.

"Please don't tell anyone," Jungkook pleads just as he turns around. Desperate eyes stare at him.

"I don't understand. You have a fiancée," Taehyung remembers Namjoon telling him that. "Is Hoseok why you don't want to marry her?"

Jungkook nods. "We've been together even before you became V." Taehyung opens his mouth to speak but, Jungkook continues. "I know everyone will oppose since I'm already engaged."

Jungkook runs a hand through his nearly gel hair. "My parents won't like him. He's just a secretary. While my fiancée, brings a whole company with her."

"No one knows about you two?" Taehyung comes to Jungkook's side.

"Only you," Jungkook tells him.

"Does Hoseok know you're engaged?" Taehyung ask. He doesn't want Hoseok to be hurt. Jungkook shakes his head slowly. "You should tell him."


"He has the right to know. You're putting on a charade to everybody because of him. He should know the true you," Taehyung tells him.

"I can't. He'll leave me. He'll be heartbroken," Jungkook's eyes cast to the ground. "I'll be heartbroken."

Taehyung puts his hands on both side of Jungkook's head and lifts his head up. "Hey, Jungkook." Jungkook blinks up at him. He's never seen Jungkook so scared and vulnerable. "It'll be okay. Trust me. It'll be okay."


A couple days has passed since the whole Jungkook and Hoseok thing. He has not seen or heard from Jungkook at all. Hoseok acts like nothing ever happened. Smiling still, but Taehyung has a feeling Jungkook did follow his advice.

He catches Hoseok just zoning off multiple times already. Whether it's when he's at his desk or at a meeting. Now he feels bad and guilty for advising Jungkook to tell Hoseok. The two are good people. This shouldn't be happening to them.

"You seem exhausted," Seokjin voices as he finishes applying the medicine to the fading bruise on Taehyung's forehead.

"Just work stuff," he lies. Jungkook doesn't want anyone else to know about his and Hoseok's relationship.

"Do you want to talk it out with me?" Seokjin suggests. Taehyung's eyes cast over to Seokjin. "Maybe it'll help get it off your mind." Seokjin looks at him anxiously.

Taehyung wishes he could. Seokjin seems like he'll know what to do. He shakes his head and leans forward. His head falls onto Seokjin's shoulder. "I don't want to talk about it. I spend too much time thinking of work." He peeks up at Jin. "Can I just lean on your shoulder like this?"

It takes a moment for Seokjin to reply. "If it makes you feel better, then sure." Taehyung feels less troubled already. He closes his eyes.

"How are you feeling, Jin?" He asks, eyes still closed and leaning on Seokjin's shoulder.

"I'm fine," Seokjin murmurs.

"That's good," Taehyung hums, feeling slumber take over him.

The next day as Taehyung's eating breakfast, a thought comes to him. "Can I drop you off at work, Jin?" Surprisingly, his thoughts haven't been occupied by Jin. More of Jungkook, Hoseok, and work.

"Okay," Seokjin says. When Taehyung looks up, he catches Seokjin's eyes twinkle? 'What am I thinking? It's probably just the lighting.' Taehyung and Seokjin finish their breakfast.

As Taehyung drives, he tries to make conversations with Seokjin. What is something he wants to know? "What made you decide to open a restaurant?" He asks. Simple question to start with. 

"I like cooking. I like seeing people enjoy the food I make," Seokjin smiles as he speaks. "Food can make your day so much better. Food can start your day good. So, I want to make food that'll make people feel so much better."

Taehyung listens with his eyes on the road. He can tell Seokjin is really passionate about this. "What about you? Why do you like your job?" He thinks for a second, not because he doesn't know what to say. Just because, Seokjin's continuing the conversation.

"Well, my parents is why I started doing it," Taehyung stops and thinks about what else he should say. "I use to see it as a duty. Just work. But, once you get in a rhythm, you keep going. It's not so boring and hard once you just sit down and think. And," he turns to Seokjin. "I like accomplishing big things. Knowing that I use my brain makes me feel good."

It's true. Although he groans and moans about V's work. He always feel so alive and powerful once he's done. It may not be as good as V but, he knows it's somewhat great. That's why the company hasn't burn to the ground yet.

Seokjin seems to be satisfy about his answer. Taehyung brings his eyes back to the road, thinking that'll be the end of their talk. "What would you be doing if not for your parents?"

He masks his elate state and presses his lips together. "Acting." The memories of him in high school wanting to act resurfaces. "Before that, a k-pop idol." He chuckles at his younger self. "I even played the saxophone, wanting to start my musical talent somewhere. Eventually, my interests on idols performing on stage went to actors acting on t.v."

In a way, he considers himself an actor. Now that he talked about it, he still kind of want to do that. "I didn't expect that," Seokjin says. "Looks like we have something in common." Taehyung raises a brow in his direction. Seokjin laughs. "In college, I took an acting class. It was fun and I learned a lot."

"But," Taehyung waits for Seokjin to continue.

"It's hard. There's so many people wanting to be in that industry and so many already in the industry. So, I turned to the other thing I love doing." By now, they pulled up to Seokjin's restaurant. Seokjin unbuckles his seatbelt and turns to Taehyung. "Thanks for dropping me off."

He opens the car door and steps out. Seokjin closes the door and Taehyung rolls down the window. "Jin." Seokjin turns around. "We should star in a drama together some day."

Seokjin smiles and plays along. "What role will we be playing?"

"The main leads." Seokjin's smile falters but, he doesn't look sad. Happier and something else. Taehyung grins his boxy smile. "I'll pick you up this evening."

He rolls up the window and drives to his workplace. All the while, smiling and feeling like he's on top of the world.


"Today is not going to be a good day. Look at the sky. It looks so gloomy and like it'll storm any moment."

"I don't think it's going to be a bad day. What do you think, Chairman Kim?" Hei Ryung looks at Taehyung who is obviously in a good mood. A small smile planted on his face since he walked in.

"I agree. Today seems nice. A storm wouldn't ruin it," he gets up. "I'll be getting back to work. Secretary Jung?" Hoseok looks a little tired but he nods and it goes away. He stands up, saying bye to the others before following Taehyung.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Hoseok chirps beside him. Any signs of tiredness and faraway-ness gone from him.

"I am. What about you?" Taehyung peers over to Hoseok who just smile. They arrive in front of Taehyung's office. "Talk with me." Taehyung goes into the office and Hoseok follows.

He seems shocked as Taehyung closes the door. He's always done it. Taehyung strolls over to his chair and gestures for Hoseok to sit down across from him. Hoseok reluctantly sits down. Now that he thinks of it, Hoseok never sits down when in his office. "You seem . ." Taehyung thinks of the right words to say. "out of it lately."

"I apologize. I haven't been getting lots of sleep. I'll try to sleep more so to not ruin your schedule," Hoseok bows his head.

Taehyung's eyes widen at his response. "Hoseok," he says even though they are still at work. Hoseok looks up at his name. "Did Jungkook tell you?" About his fiancee. Hoseok nods and he turns his head. "I told him to tell you." He could see the other freeze.

"You have every right to feel distrust and hurt. But, I know you both. I know that you two are good people. Whatever decision you guys make will be alright."

Hoseok seems surprised at his words. "You're not mad at us?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "Why would I be? Sure it's unexpected and Jungkook's already engaged to someone." Hoseok winces at his words. "But, you two like each other a lot, right?" Hoseok blushes and Taehyung chuckles a little. "Knowing
Jungkook, he's probably really sad and regretful right now. Give him a chance."


Taehyung feels himself humming as he pulls up into the parking lot of Seokjin's restaurant. This morning still in his head. He goes into the restaurant. He smiles as he kindly asks where Seokjin is.

"He just went out the back." He thanks the staff and makes his way to the back. To think they both wanted to be actors before. He smiles. How cool. He reaches, what he assumes is the back door.

"Jin," he says as he pushes the door opens. His small smile stops. He looks between the two, eyes flickering. "Jimin . ."

When the door revealed the outside, it also revealed Jimin holding both of Seokjin's wrist. They were both facing each other, as if in the middle of an important conversation.

"V . ." Seokjin steps away from Jimin. He looks like he's trying to say something. Taehyung couldn't look at them at all. He didn't want to see the image of the two later. Like the last time, Jimin wiping Jin's cheek.

Overwhelmed with other stuff, he kind of forgot about that. Thinking, it's for the greater good. "I came to pick you up," Taehyung utters as he looks down at his feet. Black dress shoes stare back at him. He wants to just turn around.

He could feel this feeling overwhelming him. Suddenly, he wishes he didn't come pick Seokjin up. Maybe then, he would still be in his office smiling at the thought of Seokjin. Alone. Not with Jimin.

Jimin. He looks up at Jimin who's eyes linger on him as it does when studying something. Or shall he say, someone. He stands up straighter, pushing his earlier feelings away.

"What are you doing here, Jimin?" Jimin's name comes out sharp. Jimin's hand slides into the pockets of his pants.

"Visiting." Jimin leans back. "Surprised to see you doing the same."

Taehyung clenches his jaw. How often does Jimin 'visit' Seokjin? "Shouldn't you be used to surprises by now? Especially, since I always have a surprise up my sleeve." Taehyung turns their talk towards their work.

Jimin takes a step closer and he looks into Taehyung's eyes with a piercing gaze. Prepared, Taehyung stares back blankly. Just like how he practices for acting.

"V," Seokjin comes to side. "Let's go home." He tugs on Taehyung's arm, who doesn't budge. Taehyung's starting to feel uneasy about Jimin. He has a feeling it isn't just because of the possibility that Jimin orchestrated V's accident. Something else to it now. "V," Seokjin says again, almost pleading.

Taehyung turns his head slightly, catching sight of Seokjin's worry face. His lips pressed together and brows furrowing a bit. Taehyung nods. He gives Jimin one last glare before turning and following Seokjin in.

They get in the car and Taehyung's the first to speak. "Sorry."

"What for?" Seokjin asks as Taehyung starts the car.

"I overreacted." Taehyung's bottom lip comes out as he remembers how he was feeling. "I just-don't like you being so close to Jimin," Taehyung blurts. His eyes widen. What did he just say?

"You don't?" Seokjin ask unsurely.

Taehyung licks his bottom lip. "I don't." From what he sees, Jimin seems to want to beat him more than just their businesses. "Do you," he couldn't bring himself to look at Seokjin even though he could feel the other looking away as well. "Do you like being close to him?"

As the words left his mouth, he instantly wished he didn't say that. He sounds almost afraid and like a child. "No," Seokjin replies. Taehyung felt a little bit of relief settle over him.

Taehyung wants to ask so much more. But, he doesn't want to seem controlling or possessive. Or anything towards that direction. So, he drops the subject of Jimin.

When they arrive home, Seokjin goes up to their bedroom. Taehyung on the other hand, goes out to their backyard, running around the yard, doing push-ups, squats, etc. Whatever could get him tired, out of breath, and not thinking of Seokjin with Jimin.


"Here." Taehyung turns his head and sees Seokjin who's handing a mug of coffee to him.

"Thanks," he takes it and sets it down on the desk. Only occasionally does he work at home. This is one of those times. Honestly, his mind kept wandering off to Seokjin and Jimin. He doesn't know why he cares so much. Seokjin continues standing by him as he goes back to the paperwork. "Do you need something?" He peers up at Jin.

"You're not going to drink the coffee?" He asks, glancing to the untouched cup.

Taehyung nods and takes a sip of it. The black coffee brings a very, very bitter taste. He hasn't drunk one for a while now. Telling Hoseok to get him a sweeter coffee instead. He conceals his reaction and put down the cup of coffee.

"You don't like it," Seokjin states.

"What? I didn't say that," Taehyung says calmly. Does Seokjin know?

"I know," Seokjin looks at him. Taehyung's eyes flicker between Seokjin and the coffee. Should he take another sip to make it believable? Seokjin's hand reach out to the mug, beating his idea. His fingers wraps around the handle as he speaks. "You're just hiding you're reaction."

Taehyung stares at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

Seokjin wraps both hands around the mug. He looks into the coffee. "Does it taste bad?" He peeks up at Taehyung who is still lost. Taehyung closes his mouth as he thinks of what to say. "I made it."

"You made it?" Taehyung asks. This would be the first time Seokjin made coffee for him. Seokjin doesn't make him a lot of things. "It doesn't taste bad." He reaches for the mug. But, Seokjin moves the mug away from him.

"You're lying. This is the first time I ever made coffee."

"It's very yummy. I couldn't even tell it's your first time." Taehyung reaches for the coffee again, only for Seokjin to step back, nearing the bed. Taehyung smiles in his head at Seokjin's reaction. He stands up. "Why do you think I'm lying?" He really couldn't tell that it's the first time Seokjin made coffee.

That could also be because he can't focus on anything else other than the bitterness. "I just know," Seokjin says confidently. Taehyung allows his smile to slip through and raises his brows.

"You just know?" He steps closer to Seokjin.

"Yeah," Seokjin stands straighter. "You told me you're an actor. I have a feeling you were acting just a moment ago."

"How reliable are your feelings?" Taehyung wraps his hand around the mug, his hand settling on top of Seokjin's.

"Very," Seokjin looks into his eyes.

"Very?" Seokjin nods. "Then," he steps even closer to Seokjin. "What are your feelings right now?" His eyes make contact with Seokjin's dark brown eyes. From far away, it's almost black. However, up close, it's a pretty pecan color with a tint of caramel.

Seokjin blinks, which causes his eyes to travel down his face. Far away or close up, Seokjin's beauty is no joke. His gaze settles on Seokjin's lips. Full, plump, and pink. When has it been so pink?

"I like your lips." He looks back up to Seokjin's eyes, which were still trained on him. "They're very pretty."

Seokjin's lips part and he pushes Taehyung. Coffee still in hand, his back makes contact with the bed and the coffee hits his chest. Staining his white dress shirt.

"V," Seokjin gasp. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's fine. I'll go clean myself up," Taehyung stands up and rushes to the bathroom. He closes the door and goes to the sink. He looks at his reflection.

His cheeks heat up as he thinks of Seokjin pushing him. 'Why did I do that? Of course, he'd push me. Even though, I've been with Jin for some time now, I'm still not used to his beauty.'

Taehyung shakes his head. His brown hair swaying with him. He unbuttons the first button of his now dirty white dress shirt. Remembering Seokjin's pink lips, he blushes even more.

The door opens and Seokjin comes over to him. His hands drop to his side as Seokjin brings his hands up to the buttons, slowly unbuttoning them. "Sorry, for pushing you again," Seokjin apologizes, head tilted down.

"It's alright. It was also my fault," he didn't even realize he was holding his breath. He could feel Seokjin's gaze on his new revealing skin. He licks his bottom lip, wishing he had worked out more.

Seokjin finishes and step away from Taehyung. It isn't long until he's found a towel and is back in front of Taehyung. He wipes Taehyung's chest. Patting softly. "Why did you tease me again?" Seokjin breaks the silence as he continues to wipe Taehyung's chest.

"I wasn't teasing you. Like I said, I won't tease you anymore. Everything I say or do is the real me," Taehyung looks down at Seokjin's hand. "I was just saying what I was thinking." He can't see Seokjin's face but, he could see his ears that were slowly turning pink. "That is, I think you have pretty lips."

Seokjin's hand stops moving. He tilts his head up. Now the two are eye to eye. "Well," he looks into Taehyung's eyes. "I think you have pretty eyes."


Taehyung falls onto the ground, trying to calm, his breathing. The grass kisses the side of his face as he stares up at the tranquil sky. He could feel the sweat, now that he's stopped moving. He had just sprinted for ten minutes.

He hasn't heard from Namjoon or Jungkook for some time now. It worries him, and he makes a mental note to visit them some time soon. 'I think you have pretty eyes.' Seokjin's compliment echoes in his mind and he soon finds himself with a giddy smile. Speaking of the angel, Seokjin appears at his side.

Taehyung sits up, legs stretched out and hands leaning back. "Hey, Jin." He hopes his cheeks aren't too red. Whether it's from exercise or thinking of what Jin said.

Seokjin's sitting to his left, knees pulled up to his chest. His arms wrapped around his legs. He gives Taehyung a once over. "What's with the sudden workout every day?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "It's not everyday. I just want to be healthy and in good shape." He also wants to be safe if he's ever targeted again. Having better stamina and athleticism will definitely help him more. But, Seokjin doesn't need to know that. "Maybe you should workout with me?"

That makes Seokjin crack a smile. "Maybe I should." He turns his back to Taehyung, grabbing something. "For you," he hands Taehyung a cold water bottle.

Taehyung takes it and shows his signature smile. "Thank you~" He takes a big gulp, liking the feeling of the cold water traveling down his throat. As his thoughts are on the water powering him back up, he feels a soft touch on his cheek.

He freezes and brings the bottle down from his lips. He turns his head slightly to Seokjin who is wiping his sweat away with a handkerchief. Seokjin doesn't seem to notice that his only focus is now on him. His tiredness and thirst for water vanishing completely.

"You know, your brown hair looks nice," Seokjin tells him as he continues wiping away his sweat.

"I've had it for a while now," he says the only thing coming to mind. His eyes still fixated on Seokjin.

"I know. I just never said it." Seokjin finally looks up. "It makes you look younger, boyish, and . ."

"And . ." Taehyung continues, anticipation rising. Handsome? Cute? Sexy? Charming?

"Soft," Seokjin tells him with a slight smile.

"Soft?" Taehyung scratches his head. As V he's supposed to not be acting soft. So, how did he come off as soft to Seokjin? "How so?"

Seokjin seems taken back by his question. Nonetheless, he answers. "You just look soft." His right hand falls to his side, playing with the grass. "And I guess, you're a little gentle."

Gentle. Seokjin saw him as gentle, soft, and boyish. "I never heard someone describe someone as soft," Taehyung tells Seokjin.

Seokjin laughs a little. "A lot of people do."

"Yeah, when it's an animal," Taehyung says exaggeratedly, making Seokjin shake his head.

"Yah, it's not only used to describe animals," Seokjin has a bigger smile on his face now.

"Cuz it's used to describe clothes and blankets. Guess you see me as a blanket then," Taehyung shrugs, holding back his smile. Seokjin gives him a little shove with his shoulder. "Ahh," Taehyung holds his shoulder. "Violence is not the way to go, Jin," he says, innocence lacing his voice.

Seokjin scoffs but, still has a smile on his face. "I forgot that you're a big baby."

"I'm not always a baby though." Taehyung drops his hand and scoots closer to Seokjin. "I can be strong, rough, and manly."

He tilts his head a bit, staring at Seokjin. "I'd like to see that," Seokjin says almost as if to provoke him.

"You will," Taehyung tells him laidback.


"I'll come over right now," Taehyung says into the phone. He had just finished work. He feels so in the dark seeing Hoseok everyday but, not being able to read him. Therefore, he has no knowledge about how Jungkook's holding up.

It's not his business and he only knows because he walked in on them. He can easily pretend he saw nothing and knows nothing. However, that won't sit right with him. He wants to help them both.

He knocks on Namjoon's door. As he waits, he leans back and looks around the neighborhood. He has not been here before. His eyes fall on this black suv. 'What a nice car.'

"Hi, Taehyung," a familiar voice greets him.

He turns his head. "Hey, Namjoon." He comes in the house and Namjoon closes the door. He enters the living room. Though messy, it still looks kind of neat. "Where's Jungkook?"

He picks up a piece of paper on the coffee table. A picture, along with information of a guy he didn't recognize. "He's busy. Work and all," Namjoon chuckles. "I'm actually surprised he's working. Usually, he would always contact me saying he's having a brain break."

Taehyung chuckles, seeing Jungkook do that in his head. He hopes that Jungkook is indeed doing work, not dwelling on Hoseok and his fiancé. He probably is doing the later though.

"Anyways, who's this guy?" Taehyung shows the paper to Namjoon.

Namjoon puts his hands in his pockets. "Bae Jinyoung. You don't recognize him?"

Taehyung runs through his memories. "Nope. Not a thing."

"Hmm," Namjoon goes over to the coffee table. "You know when you and Seokjin got in an accident, no one was around." Taehyung nods and follows Namjoon. He sits on the sofa as Namjoon continues. "Well, there was another car accident a street away just before you crashed." Namjoon finds a photo and hands it to him.

It's a CCTV of a car accident just a street away. "Jungkook and I think that that car accident was planned to block any help to you and Seokjin when the bomb explodes." He shows Taehyung more photos, adding on to Jungkook and his evidence. "As of now, I'm still trying to find the truck driver and the car driver's connection to each other."

Taehyung looks at the CCTV of V's car crashing, still so thankful that Seokjin didn't get hurt. "Wow, that's great progress." He puts the photo down. "I have something to tell you." Namjoon collects the papers, stacking each nicely as he listens to Taehyung. "At the latest convention I went to, I saw Yoongi. There were a lot of people, but he saw me too."

Taehyung recalls the look in Yoongi's eyes. "He seems to be suspicious of me."

"He what!" Namjoon drops the stack of papers he was holding. The papers sprawl all over the floor.

Taehyung picks up the papers as he speaks calmly. "That's what I think. He's hard to read. I'm actually lucky I caught that." He reaches for another piece of paper but, Namjoon beats him to it. He sighs and turns to Namjoon.

"Tae," Namjoon grabs both of his shoulders. "How exactly did he look at you?" Taehyung gulps and he does his best to reenact the stare Yoongi gave him. Namjoon pulls away slowly as he continues doing Yoongi's stare.

"I think he's just studying me," Taehyung assures Namjoon. "Or else, he would've done more if he does suspect something." Despite his words, Namjoon's forehead is still creased. He nudges Namjoon a bit. "Don't worry. I'll try to act even more like V."

Namjoon shakes his head. "I'm not worried about that. You're great. Just," he puts a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "Be careful."

Taehyung grins at his compliment. "I will."


'How to act more like V?' Taehyung ponders as he walks around the shop.

"Do you like this one, Sir?" Taehyung turns to the staff next to him. He is currently shopping for a sofa for V's office. He couldn't believe it when he saw that the only furniture is the desk and three chairs. His chair and two for whoever comes in.

"Yes, I do." He has been standing by this white sofa with small black legs.

"Then we'll have it deliver tomorrow. Please come with me to complete the purchase." Taehyung follows her. He gives her his card. There weren't much people at this time of day. Only one other customer. "Sorry, this may take awhile."

"It's fine. Take your time." Taehyung smiles and goes over to a part of the store he didn't notice before. Crystals were dangling from the ceiling. His fingers graze them. 'How pretty.'

A loud crash interrupts his thought. He turns and the other customer is on the ground. Taehyung rushes over. "Are you alright?" Taehyung helps him up. He smiles politely at the person. But, upon seeing his face, the man's brows shoot up into the sky.

"I-I'm fine," the stranger stutters. His eyes were frantic, looking everywhere but,
Taehyung. Taehyung's smile falters. He feels like he's seen this man before. Also, why was he acting so fluster?

Suddenly, he pieced it together. The truck driver. Taehyung's smile vanishes in a second. He's probably been following him. Watching his every move and how he acts like.

Taehyung stands straighter, adjusting his blazer. "That's good." He glances at the desk where the receptionist was smiling at him, holding out his card and receipt. He smiles back then turns back to the truck driver.

He leans forward and whispers into his ear, "I don't like people who follow me. It's annoying."

He steps back with a small, polite smile. The man stands frozen and Taehyung goes to the desk. He grabs his card and receipt, not looking back as he leaves the store. He has to be more like V.

What he thinks V is like. It is hard though, for he never actually even met V.

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