Summer Fun (CLEXA au)

بواسطة J_kum_Clexakru

77.3K 2.9K 2.8K

Clarke is a lifeguard at the beach just tying to have some fun. Maybe too much fun. Then she shows up. Lexa w... المزيد

Final Part


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بواسطة J_kum_Clexakru

An: Just a heads up to make sure you read part 8 first haha

I must have not heard her right. There's no way Lexa said what I think she just said.

"You're married?"

"Yes." Lexa confirmed, nodding her head.

I had a million questions swirling around in my head. I need answers. "Why lie and say Lincoln is your brother? Do you even love him?"

"I do love Lincoln. Not in a romantic way though. He really is like a brother to me."

"But you married him?"

"I did. I didn't want to though."

"I don't understand."

"I've been wanting to tell you the full story since the day I met you Clarke. Please, let me explain." Lexa asked, and I could see the sincerity in her eyes. I nodded for her to continue and she started the story.

"Have you ever heard of the company Trikru?"

"The billion dollar tech company?"

"That's the one. Anyways my father is the owner and ceo of the company."

"Your father is Titus? The Titus?"

"Yeah. He lives in Australia where the companies headquarters are. What a lot of people don't know is he's getting old now. The company is supposed to be passed down to my older brother Cage Woods."

"I think I heard about that. It's a big deal here in America. Trikru is super popular here." I explained, still lost as to where this story was going.

"What a lot of people don't know is that Cage is a super bad man. He's been working with a company called The Mountain and plotting with the ceo Dante Wallace because they want to combine both companies to create a monopoly. My father found out about his plans and we had a talk. He decided he wanted to give Trikru to me instead of Cage, but when Cage found out he was furious. He threatened to have me killed and even hired a hitman to take me out along with Titus and everyone on the board. I would have been killed if we didn't act quickly. We had to make it seem as if I had no interest in Trikru. We had to make it seem as if I fell in love and wanted to settle down with a family so Cage wouldn't think of me as a threat to his future position at Trikru."

"So you married Lincoln?"

"Exactly. Lincoln's mom Indra is a very close family friend of my father, and I grew up with Lincoln my entire life. He was like the brother I always wanted Cage to be. When I asked him if he would help me, he didn't even respond and just smiled and got on one knee proposing to me right there and then. We eventually had to get rings and make it official so Cage wouldn't get suspicious. I wasn't going to give Cage Trikru though, and I'm still not. There's a board meeting on July 19th. My father and Cage will both be there. Cage thinks he's getting the company but my father has already alerted the board to our plan. I will show up and the company will be passed down to me, and Cage will be too late."

"Woah." I said, staring at Lexa with wide eyes. "Why lie about Lincoln being your brother though?"

"Because when me and Lincoln came here we didn't want anyone to question the possibility of me being the same Lexa woods that was related to Titus woods. A lot of people know I about Lexa and Cage but no one knows about Lexa and Lincoln. I wish I could have told you sooner Clarke. I'm so sorry."

"Lexa is it even safe for you to be here? What if Cage tries to kill you again?"

"He thinks Lincoln and I are on a honeymoon here in the states. He has no idea what our plans really are. Plus one of the reasons I asked Lincoln to do this with me, is his background as a body guard. If anyone tries to kill me I have full confidence that Lincoln will stop them first."

" summarize, you and Lincoln are on an undercover mission to take full control of a billion dollar company?"

"Yes." Lexa confirmed, and she looked a bit guilty.

"Why the life guard jobs? Why not just actually go on a honeymoon?"

"Because we are technically doing two undercover missions. One is the illusion of being a married couple for Cage and the company, and the other is the illusion of being brother and sister on summer vacation so that we can lie low in the states without people realizing I'm related to Cage. If Cage heard about us from the media or something he might connect the dots and realize we have other intentions behind our summer vacation plans. I'm really sorry for lying to you Clarke. I know it's a lot to take in, but you deserve to know the truth."

"Does Octavia know?"

"I think Lincoln is telling her right now. Maybe after this is over me and Lincoln can get divorced and they can start dating or something."

"Wait you guys are staying in America?" I asked, now all of a sudden very excited.

"If the plan works out and we don't get ourselves killed. We want to change the Trikru headquarters to right here in California. I can't go back to Australia Clarke. I can't lose you." Lexa finished, giving me a sad smile.

Shit. This is not what I expected. I mean who could possibly expect all of this?

"Clarke? Please say something. I'm so sorry." Lexa said, now frowning and looking at the floor.

"Lexa. Look at me." I said, moving my hand to her chin and titling it up so she was looking into my eyes. "It's ok Lexa. I forgive you. Please don't feel so guilty."

"What?" Lexa asked, furrowing her brows. "You forgive me? Why? I lied to you Clarke."

"You didn't have a choice Lexa. It was a matter of life and death. I mean there was a hitman sent after you by your own brother. I understand that it wasn't safe to tell me."

Before I even had the chance to continue, Lexa moved forward and pulled me into a strong hug, holding close like no one has ever done before. I couldn't physically stop my body from relaxing against hers, and it felt so good. I nuzzled my head into the crook of her neck and I just took comfort there breathing in her scent. Then I felt something I wasn't used to feeling. Something that I know would change things forever. I felt insanely guilty.

"Lexa." I whispered, pulling back from the hug.

"What's wrong Clarke?"

"I left you Lexa. In the hospital. I got scared and I... I just left."

"Clarke it's ok."

"Why? Why are you just forgiving me?"

"Because I'm scared too Clarke. There are these feelings I have. Feelings for you Clarke. Feelings I've never had. I don't know what they are or what they mean but I-"

Before Lexa could finish, the front door was opened and in walked Lincoln and Octavia. Lexa and I both moved apart a bit on the couch and waved towards the other two.

"Clarke? What are you doing here?" Octavia asked, walking to sit next to me as Lincoln moved to sit next to Lexa.

"I told her Lincoln." Lexa said, turning to face him.

"Octavia knows too." Lincoln smiled.

"Wait Clarke, you know?"

"Yeah. Crazy stuff."

"Tell me about it." Lincoln laughed, causing all of us to laugh with him.

"So the board meeting is on the 19th?" Octavia asked, earning a nod from Lexa.

It's at that moment I realized the danger Lexa and Lincoln will soon be in. I need to know they are prepared for whatever they will be doing at that meeting. "So what's the plan?"

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