Our Once Upon A Time

By StaticBrooke

102K 2.3K 262

Holland, preferably called Holly is the firstborn daughter of Hades and Maleficent. The thing that makes Holl... More

Meet Holly
*Chapter 1*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 1/2 (Extra)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 1/2 (Flashback)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
*Sneak Peek*
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Remedial Goodness 101
Two Sides To Both Of Us
I Missed You Pt 1
I Missed You Pt2
I Missed You Pt3
I Missed You Pt4
Unlikely Pair

Chapter 7

3.5K 87 11
By StaticBrooke

During our little walk, we had come across a certain hallway. The only reason we turned down it is because of the claw marks on the wall which Uma pointed out,

"Uhm...whats this?"

Uma said as she felt the claw marks and looked back at us. Carlos examined them next,

"Uh... any chance this was already there?"

Carlos said as he pointed to the wall. I furrowed my brow and walked up to the wall. I ran my fingers into the claw marks,


I started,


"Is there any chance your boy toy could... I don't know... actually turn into a beast? Cause I feel like that's a long shot but I don't know, these claw marks are distinct"

"I don't think he can... unless he was spelled to"

She said as she grew quieter and walked up to me, realization hitting her. I sighed and rubbed my temples some,

"Well isn't that another important detail that you have conveniently left out, again"

I said with an eye roll, great there's not just a crazy privileged princess running around with a deadly scepter but also a beast. The day just keeps getting more and more absurd by the minute.

We came across a room full of armored knights. Mal had been shouting for Ben the whole time in between insulting Uma,

"I wonder how much sleep you lost over me being on the loose"

Uma said teasing Mal,

"Not much, dragons don't really need sleep. Hey, I wonder what friend octopus tastes like?"

Evie walked and stood in between them,

"Guys can we maybe... I don't know...TRY to get along? Let's set aside the past and celebrate our differences"

"Oh we're celebrating our differences all right"

Uma said glaring at Mal. They continued to argue as Harry and I stood somewhat out of the way of their conversation. Suddenly, I could've sworn that I saw an armor stand move,


I said furrowing my eyebrows,

"... did you... uhm, see that?"

I said pointing at the stand. His arm had found its way onto my shoulder again and I felt it get firmer as he pulled me slightly closer to him,

"Yeah, I did, did ye?"

"Yeah, are we crazy?"

The armor stand moved again. We both stepped back,

"I don't think so, lass. Girls!"

Harry called, Uma gave him the signal to be quiet,


I yelled. Mal simply glared at me and kept talking to Uma,


Both Harry and I yelled, Uma and Mal now looked at us, our eyes locked on the armor as it slowly began to articulate more,

"I believe we are being challenged"

Harry said, as he protectively brought me even closer to him despite the fact I bet he knew damn well that I was fine,

"You like a prince Mal? What about a knight in shining armor?"

A voice said through the armor as it bowed to us. Then suddenly all the armor stands in the room started to move towards us.


As we sang to keep the beat and keep Uma and Mal in check, I noticed something about one of the armor sets, the one that talked to Mal. It was radiating a sort of pink mist. I smirked and took a mental note of it.

 I had taken out my sword and was keeping up with the sword fight until we stopped singing, mainly because a whole new group of armor sets walked into the room. Surprisingly, we had kinda separated into groups almost to fight as. Harry and I had seemingly just done it without even realizing it. We would stand back to back or he would assist me in some way or I would assist him and all we had to do for that was call for each other. 

It was starting to get overbearing so I took matters into my own hands, especially when I saw one specifically attacking Harry pretty badly. I put my sword away and ran over and grabbed the armor sets 'collar' you could say and ripped him away from Harry and into the wall. He looked to me and we nodded to each other. I saw another knight getting to Mal. She was struggling pretty bad because she wasn't too good at sword fighting. I looked back at Harry and motioned to him. I jumped on the platform in the middle of the room and ran across it. I pulled out my sword while doing so. Harry met me on the other side as I jumped off. He interlocked his fingers and gave me a sort of step up so I could reach Mal in time. I stepped on his interlocked hands as he pushed up in order to give me a better step off. I jumped and flipped at the same time which gave me plenty of needed momentum. I landed on my feet and swung at the back of the knight's neck simultaneously. It struck it successfully and the knight fell to the ground. Mal fell back but before she hit the ground I grabbed her hand and pulled her back up. She gasped slightly as I brought her up. I turned around to see the fight still raging. I handed her my sword,

"You're welcome"

I said as I ran back to the fight, this time hand to hand. I've always been better at hand to hand combat anyway. I kicked and threw armor sets all around the room now.

 One, in particular, the one with the pink smoke got a sword to my throat. Right as the armor stand got in position to slit my throat, I thought I'd show this Audrey chick who's boss here. I grabbed the blade of the sword with my bare hands and started a fire within them, causing the metal to melt underneath my grip, and I only get a small cut. Then I pulled the sword to my chest which caused the armor to practically fall on me which I reacted to by putting one of my feet to its chest and kicking it to a wall, releasing its sword, and stumbling back. I dropped the melted and disheveled sword and flicked my hands, they were bleeding some from the minimal cut I received. The rest of the crew were also getting overwhelmed,


I yelled which got everyone's attention,


Everyone ran behind me. I heard Audrey laughing,

"Are you giving up yet?"

"You'll be wishing that you were the one to give up in a sec..."

I turned back to Mal,

"... could you get them all in one place for me?"

Mal nodded and stepped up to the platform. She came to the front of the platform, right behind me since I was on the floor in front of the platform,

"Suit of armor strong and true, make this metal bust a move!"

She began to dance and sing again in order to hypnotize the suits of armor which worked, they all came in front of me and mimicked what she was doing, then Uma stood up and danced, then Carlos. After they were nicely under the influence of the spell I did my spell,

"Until the night falls, you can trust..."

Evie continued to sing,

"I'm gonna help you win this battle because..."

Mal and Uma joined in. I looked up to the ceiling and brought my hands up and conjured my magic. My eyes lit up a vibrant blue and my hair was set ablaze. Then everyone began to sing,

"I got your back, got your back, got your back, got your back"

I silenced everyone with my hands and walked towards the suits, specifically the one with the pink mist,

"All for one and that's a fact..."

I began to say as I called my fire to my hands,

"Knights fall pitch black!"

I yelled as I did a certain hand motion in the air to allow the fire to gain strength. I shot a blue stream of fire at the pink mist knight. With that, all the other knights fell and we heard a scream come from Audrey's main knight. I took a deep breath and turned around to see everyone. Everyone began to celebrate our victory. 

My hair slowly tamed itself but my eyes kept the blue. Harry ran up to me and literally picked me up off my feet and spun me around. I laughed as he put me down,

"That was awesome!"

He said,

"No way, you literally read my mind back there and did what I wanted you to do, now that is awesome!"

For a second or two, I forgot that I didn't like him. In fact, I looked up at him as we celebrated and I completely threw aside my past assumptions of him, I no longer disliked him at all. Evie ran up to me,

"That was spectacular you two! You guys worked together so well!"

"Yeah, I guess we did huh?"

I said looking from Evie back to Harry. I realized now that his arms were still around my waist from picking me up but I, for once, didn't feel uncomfortable so I let it be. Uma then came next to Evie,

"See? You two are awesome together!"

"I know"

Harry said looking to Uma. She winked at him and smirked and walked off. I was confused for a second and wanted to think about the face Uma had just given Harry but I was distracted by Mal and Uma, nearly giving each other a high five and then stopping mid-air. Total bummer if you ask me. Evie sighed at the two parted ways back to their respective groups. Harry and I observed,

"Come on you guys! This was so great!"

Evie said trying to get Mal and Uma to celebrate together,

"Look at Holly and Harry! They've hated each other for years but guess what? They are being mature and setting the past aside!"

As Evie continued to rant to Mal and Uma, Harry and I just watched from a little ways away. I wasn't paying attention but I was somewhat surprised when I heard him whisper directly into my ear,

"I never really hated ye lass"

I turned slightly to him without moving my eyes from Mal and Uma,

"I never really hated you either"

He looked down for a second and saw my hands with slits in them from the sword, they weren't bad but they weren't pleasant either and I didn't feel like healing it, after all, I can't heal without the ember. Without saying anything he took an arm from my waist and pulled out two handkerchiefs from his pocket. He took the other arm away as well but gently grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand up. I looked at him confused until he took the first handkerchief and wrapped it around my hand and tied it up over the cut. He did the same thing to the other hand,

"What's this for?"

I whispered as Evie was still ranting,

"Ye were bleeding still lass, I saw how it happened though and I will say, it's a pretty badass way to get cut if ye ask me"

I snickered and folded my palms onto each of the handkerchiefs to keep them in place,

"Well in that case, thanks"

I said looking back up at him smiling a little. It looked like Mal and Uma were done fighting so Mal turned to me,

"My spell would've done the same thing by the way"

Mal snappily said to me while trying to seem tough,

"Not exactly, you see I actually thought through my spell. I noticed a pink mist coming from the knight Audrey talked out of which means that that was the knight that controlled all the other knights essentially. Because she had the scepter, I was able to use her knight and her scepter against her, imagine it like this. The knight is a portal leading to the scepter, I blasted the knight with fire, what's gonna happen on the scepters side?"

After a few seconds of thinking, Gil chimed up,

"Shouldn't fire come up wherever the scepter is if it's a portal effect? Because it blasted back the knight shouldn't that mean it should blast back this Audrey girl too?"

Everyone seemed surprised by Gil's educated answer. I smiled and nodded,

"Bingo, good one Gil! That's exactly what I did, wherever Audrey is, she's now laying on the floor on the other side of wherever she is from the blast"

Harry looked back to me, eyes wide,

"Ye thought of that?"

"Indeed so"

"Ah, ye're brilliant!"

He said quietly enough so only I could hear. Mal looked to Uma, ignoring Harry and I's antics,

"We should go check the dorms"

"Soooo my plan?"


Hiya! This chapter is a wee bit long but having them split into two just looked dinky and silly so I combined em instead. Also, the next chapter will also be short so I will probably upload two chapters tomorrow to make up for that. Now the next chapter does backtrack a lil bit but I'm sure ya'll get the point. When I originally wrote this I completely forgot the whole "Evie tries to get everyone to compliment each other" scene so I essentially just made it its own lil extra chapter if that makes sense.

Anyway, as always, remember to stay hydrated :D


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