Love... Not Romance [BoyxBoy]

By JSBelard

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Everything started the night before we moved out of our town. I decided to take a late night swim at the lake... More

First - You can't Escape Love
Second - Love that Only Grows Stronger
Third - Love that Gives Joy for no Reason at all
Fourth - A Love that Shines through the Darkness
Fifth - My Only Refuge is Love
Sixth - There's no use Trying to Hide your Love
Seventh - The Sweetest Trap Called Love
Eighth - The Fight for Love Begins
Ninth - Caught in Love
Tenth - A Braver Love
Eleventh - Love will help you, until it Preys on You
Twelfth - There is Love, then there is Mystery
Thirteenth - Love and Mysteries
Fourteenth - Love is Afloat
Fifteenth - Getting Lost, even with Love
Seventeenth - Discord Sometimes Strengthens Love
XVIII - Love all over again
19 - Meeting your Love for the First Time, all over again.
20 - Getting to know Love Again
21 - Love that Starts from Friendship
22 - Love and Separation
23 - Lies about Love
24 - Friends, Rivals, Love
25 - When does a Lie Turn into Love?
26 - Gatherings with Love
27 - Confusing Love
28 - Don't Ever Think of Escaping Love
29 - Unprogressive Love
30 - Getting Drunk on Love and Affection
31 - Helpless Love
32 - Recollecting Past Love
33 - The Stories of Love
34 - Love that is the Beginning of the End
35 - The Secrets of Love Revealed
36 - Love... not Romance

Sixteenth - Those you Love, and those you once Love

277 19 1
By JSBelard

 "Drew, what's wrong?" Nico asked as he was driving towards our school. "You've been in a daze for quite a while now, and you look like you haven't got any sleep." He sounded very worried. "You know you could tell me everything, right?"

"You better pull over for this..." I sighed. "I don't know how you'll take it..."

Nico looked at me both curiously and worriedly. He pulled over and I told him everything that my Mom revealed to me. Nico was in the same state as I was last night, he was in a state of utter disbelief.

"Now you're the one in a daze..." I sighed.

"Sorry... I just... it's just..." Nico muttered.

"So unbelievable, impossible, crazy... I know, I feel the same. How do I accept something so farfetched? How can I disappear in the lake just like that and appear after a week without remembering anything? How come no one had any clue where I was? One week, Nico, I was gone one week. Many things could've happened in that one week."

"Calm down, Drew. I know you want to find out the truth, but panicking and being stressed over it wouldn't solve anything," Nico said as he held my hand.

"Nico..." I said in a very tired voice. "I don't know what to do anymore... What my Mom revealed is very hard to take in, but she's still hiding many secrets from me. Secrets involving me. If she's willing to reveal what happened four years ago just to stop me from asking questions about Joseph and that box..." I paused, sighed and squeezed his hand tightly. "I'm sure what she's still hiding is something even more unbelievable."

Nico leaned closer to me and then embraced me tightly. Through his embrace, I can feel his support, I felt stronger, and I felt more secure. "One step at a time, Drew, one step at a time," Nico muttered in a gentle tone.

The perfect boyfriend, that's how I'll describe Nico. He's caring, understanding, and very supportive. In fact, he's the one who pushed me to join the swim team, he said that it would help me take my mind of the incident four years ago and the secret surrounding Joseph and the box. Actually, it was not just the swim team that was taking my mind of the mysteries surrounding me at that time, Nico was a lot of help too. He would always come up with something to do, some activity that would not make me think about unwanted things, and it was working.

Being with Nico was distraction enough.

Whenever I am with him, all I could think about is him.

He would always, always, have my undivided attention.

There are times, though, that my mind would slip, and I would start to think about the mysteries, but then Nico would notice it, and as if he was reading my mind, he would take my mind off it. He would either make me laugh, tease me, or bring me somewhere amazing.

I did tell Brent what my Mom revealed to me. He was surprised as well. Brent apologized many times. "If I weren't on vacation back then, I would've known... I'm sorry, Kyle... I will make up for it, I promise. I will help you find out what really happened to you the week you were missing, I will help you find out where you went, and how you disappeared."

"Stop that, Brent. You don't anything to apologize for, in fact I'm really grateful for all the help you've given me," I told Brent. "Stop feeling guilty about it, okay? I'm fine, so don't worry too much." I added.

I heard Brent sigh over the phone. "If only I was there with you, then I could be a better support. I really wish that I was with you, Kyle, I really do," Brent said.

"I feel the same, Brent. I miss my bestfriend too, you know."

"I promise, if I get the chance, I'll visit you there. Then we can spend time together, like the old times."

"Can't wait," I said and chuckled.

"Kyle... Take care, alright. I wouldn't know what I would do if something happens to you while I'm away," Brent said.

"Nothing would happen to me, so stop worrying." Besides, Nico is always by my side, he wouldn't allow anything to happen me. He's like a bodyguard, but much stricter.

I also mustered up the courage to finally tell Perry that Nico is finally my boyfriend, and I never stop hearing his weird ideas after that. He kept on saying that I should be careful, because now that Nico and I were boyfriends, then there's nothing stopping Nico from trying to sleep with me.

"I'm telling you, one of these days, Nico would take away your..." He looked at me and then shook his head. "...innocence"

"You said that the last time, and nothing happened, I'm pretty sure you're delusional right now as well," I replied.

"Fine, all I'm saying is that you should be careful," Perry insisted. "Speaking of being careful. That Natalia, she's up to something."

"What do you mean?"

"Gale heard her taking with her evil minions," Perry said and then chuckled. "They're talking about you and Nico.

"What?" I was surprised. "What were they saying?"

"She and her friends were talking about how close you and Nico are getting," Perry said and then raised an eyebrow. "Her friends are not liking that you're monopolizing Nico all to yourself..."

"Tsk... I bet Natalia is the one who's not liking it the most," I said.

"Anyway, you should be careful around those girls. They might do something to pull you and Nico away, besides that, you should be careful that they don't find out what your relationship with Nico really is. Because if they do, chaos would ensue, and they would make your life a living hell," Perry said.

"We can't hide forever, Perry. When that time comes, I would make sure that no one can pull Nico and me apart, they could try, but their efforts would be in vain, I assure you. Right now, I don't think we're both ready for everyone around us to know, but that doesn't mean we would act differently just to hide it," I told Perry.

"I knew you would say that..." Perry sighed. "Well, you can't blame me for trying."

It had been two weeks since I first join the swim team. We practice every day, early in the morning, and after school. We also sometimes practice during weekends. Because of that, Nico somehow became a permanent fixture on the gym's bleachers. I told him he doesn't have to watch over me all the time, but he insisted. More than watching my practice, I know for sure that Nico was watching over me instead. He was there all the time to make sure that David wouldn't get too close, or any other members at that.

"You're number one fan is watching again, I see." David said after we swam one lap.

I looked at Nico as he smiled at me. I smiled back at him and chuckled lowly. "Well, he's my cheering squad, so..." I said proudly.

"You two are really close, huh..." David said.

"Yeah..." I replied carefully.

"Nico Bellard doesn't let just anyone into his life, let alone let anyone get as close to him as you are right now, so, Kyle, what's your secret?" David asked.

"What?" I was nervous, I was afraid that David might've finally caught up with my real relationship with Nico.

"I mean, what's your secret for getting close to Nico?" David chuckled. "What did you do to melt the ice prince's heart?" He said jokingly.

"He's not really cold, once you get to know him," I replied. "He's a lot childish than everyone thinks." I added with a chuckle.

"Wow, you really seem to know him..." David mused.

Our coach told us to swim another lap, and while everyone else were complaining, David and I seemed to be really excited. I mean, swimming is probably the most fun thing in the world.

The practice for the day was finally over. I just got out of the locker room, my hair was still a bit wet, when a girl recognized from Natalia's group approached me with a bottle of energy drink.

"You look really great, swimming, I mean," She said in what I would guess as a flirty tone... I think. "You must be really, thirsty. Here, have this," She said and then handed me the bottle.

"Thanks..." I said hesitantly.

"You must exercise a lot, to have such lean body..." She said as she stepped closer to me and then traced her finger on my chest.

It felt weird and I instantly jolted away.

What the hell is this girl doing?

What does she want from me?

Then I remembered what Perry told me. I just had a gut feeling that Natalia was behind this, I don't what exactly she was planning, but I knew that it was all part of a plan to pull me and Nico apart.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go..." I said.

"That quickly...?" The girl asked in a sweet tone. "Can we just talk for a while?" She said as she stepped closer again.

"I..." I looked around and found Nico standing by the entrance of the gym, looking with a very furious pair of eyes. If I stayed there for longer, then I would be in a big trouble. "...really have to go."

"My friends and I have a little... party, at my house later. You and your friend..." She said as she looked at Nico. I knew it, Natalia is after Nico after all. "...can come over..." She then leaned closer to my ears. "We can have a lot of fun..." She whispered into my ear and then blew gently on it.

Again, it felt really weird, it felt really wrong.

"He's not interested," Nico interrupted, thankfully. He sounded really furious. "What are you still doing there? Let's go," He said and I instantly ran towards him.

"Thanks..." I muttered as I walked close to him.

"Tsk..." Nico clicked his tongue. "I'm really pissed..." He hissed.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't want to..." I tired explaining instantly. I was afraid that he was angry at me.

"Not at you, silly," Nico said as he put his arms around my shoulders. "My competitions are multiplying ever since you joined the swim team. You're getting more popular to the girls and guys alike you know. I really hate that." Nico then put his hand on the back of my head, he caressed it and played with my hair as we walked down the hallway.

I felt relieved that Nico was pissed over such childish things. "They're really not your competition, if you think about it. I mean, you get all my attention, after all."

Nico chuckled proudly. "True, and they could all just die in envy," He added. "But, I still don't like what happened back there. It's bad enough that they're staring at you while you swim, they even have to flirt with you after."

"Actually, I think Natalia is behind that scene a while ago," I told Nico and then explained to him what Perry told me.

"What? Really, just what kind of people are her and her mother?" Nico sounded really pissed. "I can't believe Dad is still pushing through with the partnership, after finding out what Sylvia Robinsons is capable of doing..."

"Business is business, Nico, and somehow I admire your Dad for that," I said, using Rose Bellard's words.

Nico drove me home that day, we were on the road when his phone suddenly rang. "I'm driving Drew home, why?" I saw Nico looked at me as he listened to his mom over the phone, there was something in his eyes that caught my attention. Somehow he looked worried and I could see a glint of guilt in his eyes as well. "I understand, I'll be there," Nico said and then hanged the phone.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah..." Nico said, sounding a bit hesitant. "It's nothing, Drew... Mom... Ummm... She just wanted to have a family dinner. Right. I'll be meeting with them later." The way Nico spoke was a bit suspicious to me, but I didn't question him. I trust Nico.

When I was about to step out of the car, Nico suddenly spoke. "Drew... you know you're the only one for me, right?" He suddenly asked in a serious tone. I knew exactly then that something was up, but I didn't ask him. Nico would tell me when the time is right, that's what I believed.

All I could do at that moment, to make Nico feel better, was to smile at him and lean closer to him. "I know," I said and then kissed him sweetly on the lips. "And you're the only one for me too," I told him honestly.

Mom and I just ate dinner and I went back into my room. I jumped on my bed and stared at the screen of my phone.

There was no message from Nico.

No missed calls.

No emails.

I was starting to get really worried.

It was very unusual that hours passed by without Nico contacting me. Usually, Nico would message me or call almost every minute. He would call before I eat dinner, and even after, but that night, there was nothing.

I couldn't wait any longer. Something inside of me was simply urging me to call him, so I did. His phone rang for a while, which in itself was worrying me. "Hey, are you still with your family?" I asked when Nico picked up the phone.

There was a few moments of silence before Nico replied. "Yeah..." He replied meekly. It was so unlike him. Why did he sound so worried? Usually he would sound cheerful whenever he is talking to me. "We're still here at the restaurant..." He added, still in a worried tone.

Why does he sound troubled? He was making it sound like I was bothering him, well at least that's how it sounded it to me. It was as if he wasn't happy that I called.

"I see. Sorry, for disturbing you," I said, quite sulkily.

"Drew... that's not..." Nico sounded guilty, but I was already feeling irritated so I just ended the call.

"You didn't have to sound that troubled..." I complained to myself as I buried my face into my pillow.

My heart felt really heavy that night, I guess got so used to Nico being lively, supportive, and kind towards me that hearing him talk to me like he was disinterested and distant made me feel really bad.

Yet again, I was being really unreasonable.

I know that, I really do, but still, I couldn't help it.

The next morning, I was still feeling really down. I was a bit depressed and yet very anxious. I wanted to know why Nico sounded that way. Why did it seem like he was surprised that I called, like he was hiding something from me?

"Drew, are you alright?" Mom asked as I sat down for breakfast. "Are you feeling sick?"

"I'm alright, Mom." I said.

Mom didn't believe me and felt my forehead and neck with the back of her hand. "Your temperature is normal, but you don't look too good," she said and then smiled a little. "I see, so that's it," she said.

"What now? You know, a normal mother wouldn't smile like that after seeing their child is not looking too good," I complained.

"Well, any parent would be happy to know that their child is in love," Mom said and then smiled again.

"Not that again..." I complained nervously.

"You're not really sick, you're lovesick," Mom said as she went back to the kitchen to get our breakfast. "And I'm happy that my son is finally in love." She added as she placed the plate on the table. "And I was worried that you would grow old alone," Mom joked.

"That's very supportive of you, Mom," I said sarcastically.

"So, when are you going to introduce her to me?" Mom asked.

"There's no her to introduce, Mom," I said. Well, I didn't really lie that time, there really was no her to introduce after all.

"Fine, fine..." Mom chuckled. "She's welcome here anytime, Drew." Mom added and all I could do was sigh.

As we were eating breakfast, Mom started reading the newspaper. "Oh, isn't this Nico?" She said.

"Nico? He's in the news?" I asked curiously and worriedly.

"Here, look," Mom said. I moved closer to Mom and was surprised by what I saw in the newspaper.

"Liar..." I thought to myself.

The article was filled with pictures of Nico having dinner with some girl at an expensive restaurant. They were alone, and the girl looked really happy to be with Nico. In one of the pictures, the girl was even touching Nico's hand across the table. Seeing that picture almost stopped my heart, it felt like I was stabbed right through the heart, but that was only the beginning.

"A tryst of ex-lovers, is this a sign of reconciliation?" Mom read the article headline. "The son of one of the prominent business man, Anthony Bellard, Jovan Niccolo Bellard was spotted at the city's most expensive French restaurant having dinner with no other than his ex-girlfriend, Emily Green, the heiress of Genesis Hotels," Mom continued reading.

"Can I borrow that?" I asked Mom. Hearing the article aloud was too much for me, I'd rather read it myself.

"Sure..." Mom said and then handed me the article.

Reading through that article was very painful. Apparently, they broke up more than a year ago. Their relationship was really public and there were even rumors that they were planning on getting engaged as soon as they graduate. The writer speculated that their meeting the night before meant that they're getting back together and that the engagement would probably push through soon.

I don't know what was more painful; the fact that Nico almost got engaged to that girl or the fact that Nico lied to me.

He lied.

He said he was having dinner with his family.

He was not. He was with that girl, he's ex-lover.

Nico lied.

I see... I wasn't hurting because he was with that girl, I was hurting because he lied to me. My heart was in pain because the man I love lied to me.

That's why he sounded really guilty. That's why he sounded like he was troubled, like I was bothering him. Because he was with that girl.

Why? Was I getting in their way? Was I interrupting his dinner with his ex?

"Sorry, Mom, I don't think I can go to school today, I don't feel too well," I said and excused myself.

There was just so much pain in my heart at that moment I was afraid that I would only end up saying bad things to Nico if we see each other that day. I needed time to compose my thoughts and my feelings, I just needed time for myself.

I locked myself inside my room and started to drown everything in music.

At that moment all I could think do was hope that that girl meant nothing to Nico anymore, that he doesn't have any feelings for her anymore, and that he has a good explanation for lying to me.

Between the past and your present, who would you chose?

Both are equally important. The past shaped who you are today, while the present will determine who you will be tomorrow. If you were in the same situation as Nico, what would you do? Would you choose the one that could have been or the one who would be?

Emily Green might be the one Nico once loved, but I'm still hoping that I am the one that Nico loves.

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