Summer Fun (CLEXA au)

By J_kum_Clexakru

77.2K 2.9K 2.7K

Clarke is a lifeguard at the beach just tying to have some fun. Maybe too much fun. Then she shows up. Lexa w... More

Final Part


3.2K 129 52
By J_kum_Clexakru

I finally get to go back to work today and I can't wait to murder Finn. I'm assuming Wells will try and stop me being the perfect peacekeeper he always is, but I told Finn not to tell anyone and he goes back and tells Lexa. The worst part of this entire situation is Lexa completely dropped the topic and let me off the hook. Why would she do that?

"Morning Griff." Raven greeted me as I walked through the main door of the Lifeguard Center.

"Hey Raven, have you seen Finn today?"

"No, why, did he do something bad?"

"Yes he did."

"It wasn't his fault Clarke." A voice called out from behind me. I turned around to see Lexa already in her uniform and ready to go, and she looked especially good today.

"What was that about something not being someone's fault?" Finn asked, walking into the room.

I was so ready to murder him. To jump him and strange him and explain to him the embarrassment he had caused. I took a step closer to him, anger practically radiating off of me. But right before I could attack, Lexa stepped in front of me and brought me into a hug. My anger melted away instantly, and I felt myself relaxing into her arms and pulling her closer. Why does this woman have these powers over me. Clarke Griffin doesn't relax into other people's hugs! But shit, it feels so good.

"I'm glad you are feeling better Clarke." Lexa whispered in my ear, and I nodded my head in thanks.

"Clarke! Lexa! What the hell are you doing?!" Go get changed Clarke!" Niylah yelled, as soon as she walked through the doors. "You Can hug your puppy dog later, you have lives to save!"

"Sorry Niylah." I mumbled as I let go of Lexa and walked into the locker room to go change into my swim suit. When I was done I came back upstairs to see everyone was already there and waiting for me, and Niylah seemed extra annoyed today.

"Finally Clarke, you are so insanely slow." Niylah grumbled, gesturing for me to sit down next to my coworkers. I wasn't that slow though, that was maybe 7 minutes at most but it didn't seem like a very good idea to argue with her right now. "Today we have Raven with Lincoln, Finn with Wells, and Clarke with Lexa. Clarke and Lexa if I hear that you guys were outside giving each other hugs and kisses all day you are both fired." Niylah said, giving us her 'don't test me' glare.

I nodded my head then stood up to leave and go out to our post. Lexa and I sat down in the chairs next to each other and just enjoyed the sounds of the ocean in the morning. The waves crashing on to the beach and the sounds of the birds and the wind created the perfect setting for thinking.

I turned my head so I could see Lexa. She looked so effortlessly gorgeous today, and I wouldn't be surprised if she just woke up like this. Maybe one day I'd get to find out. No what are you thinking Clarke? Not with Lexa. We can't. She is super hot though.

"What are you thinking about Clarke?" Lexa asked, giving me a small smile.


Lexa nodded.

"I was just thinking about how beautiful you are and how unfair it is."

I watched as Lexa blushed a little. "I was actually thinking the same thing."

"Well that's a little bit egocentrical of you don't you think?" I asked, and I saw Lexa roll her eyes.

"No Clarke. I was thinking about how beautiful YOU are."

"Oh. Well thank you."

I was about to say something else when I heard screaming from the ocean. Me and Lexa both jumped up quickly and took off towards the water where we saw a 20 something year old man struggling in the water.

"Help! Help! Shark!" The man yelled, kicking and screaming.

Lexa and I went swimming towards him and we quickly saw that there was blood everywhere. I went under the water and saw the shark was pulling on his leg with his teeth, inflicting a lot of damage. I decided to kick the shark in the nose and it worked and he swam away while Lexa was helping the man get back to shore. Just when I thought we were safe though, I heard another shriek of pain, only this time it didn't come from the man. I turned around frantically praying to god it was just my imagination but what I heard was right. It was Lexa. Another shark had swam up to her and bit her too.

"Lexa!" I yelled, making my way to her as fast as I possibly could. She was crying out in pain and clutching her leg. The shark that had bit her was already gone and a few of the people who were on the beach were helping get the first guy out of the ocean.

Lexa called out in pain, and I watched as she struggled in front of me. I worked as hard as I could to get to her then grabbed her and took her back to the shore with me. When we got there I let her down in the sand and then I first checked to see where the other guy was and I saw he was being helped by Niylah as well as some of the other people who were on the beach. I then looked down at Lexa and I saw her bite. The shark got her pretty good in her left calf and there was already a pool of blood under her.

"Here use this." A guy said, bending down next to me and handing me a flannel. I thanked him and wrapped it around her leg tightly trying to ensure she didn't bleed out.

"Clarke?" Lexa asked, in the most broken and defeated voice I've ever heard her use.

"I'm right here Lexa." I assured her, as I moved to hover over her face so she could see me.

"Stay with me. Please."

"I'm right here." I repeated, grabbing on to her hand. I felt Lexa squeeze back but much weaker then she usually might have, then her eyes started to shut.

"Hey Lexa, I need you to stay awake ok? Can you do that for me?"

Lexa opened her eyes and looked into mine and I felt the whole rest of the world wash away. It was just us now. Blue and green crashing together and no one and nothing else mattered. I almost didn't hear the sounds of the 2 helicopters that were arriving. When I finally looked up and saw them, Niylah was now kneeled by my side.

"How's she doing?" Niylah asked, checking out Lexa's leg.

"She's going to be alright." I told her, not totally sure if I even believed it but I needed to make Lexa feel better.

"Ok. Clarke if you want, you can go with her. You both have the rest of the day off, congratulations." Niylah said, then stood up and ran towards where the helicopters were landing.

"She's always pleasant." Lexa joked, and I watched as she gave me a painful smile.

About a minute later there was a team of medical staff loading Lexa into the helicopter. I asked if I could go with and they said yes, making room for me inside next to Lexa. The chopper took off and we were at the hospital in 5 minutes. They rushed Lexa into an emergency room and had me wait outside as they tried to stitch her up and stop the bleeding. I paced around the hallway frantically, trying to distract myself from the sounds of Lexa screaming out in pain, and I was seconds away from bursting through the doors and telling the doctors to not touch her ever again when a pair of big arms pulled me into a hug.

"Clarke. I heard what happened." Lincoln mumbled, squeezing me tightly.

I relaxed into his arms and for the first time today started to cry.

"Hey it's ok Clarke." Lincoln tried to reassure me. "Lexa is strong, you know that."

"I know Lincoln." I said breaking away from the hug. "It just hurts me so much to hear and see her in pain. I don't know why but it kills me inside. I wish I could take all of the pain for her. What is wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you Clarke. Lexa is lucky to have someone like you."

"I just hope she's ok."

"Me too. How about we go sit down and wait until she's all stitched up."

"Ok." I agreed, following Lincoln towards two chairs that were next to the door. We sat there and waiting for another half an hour or so until Lexa's doctor came out of the room.

"Excuse me are you Lexa's family?" The doctor asked, and Lincoln stood up.

"Actually doc, can I talk to you in private?" Lincoln asked, and the doctor nodded.

"I'll be right back Clarke." Lincoln smiled, and walked off with the doctor but right before they walked into another room the doctor turned around.

"You can go in and see her if you want."

Before anyone could say anything, I had jumped up from my chair and ran in an all out spring to get to Lexa's room. I burst through the door and saw Lexa lying in a hospital bed, with her leg being held up with some kind of rope system.

"Hey Clarke." Lexa greeted me, giving me a small smile.

"Thank god." I sighed, and walked over to Lexa and gave her a hug. "I was really scared Lexa. I...I wasn't sure if... I-"

"It's ok Clarke. I'll be ok." Lexa assured me, breaking apart from the hug.

"Clarke, you look upset. Were you crying?" Lexa asked in a soft voice, moving a strand of my hair out of my face so she could see my eyes better. She tucked the strand behind my ear but she left her hand there, cupping my face.

I nodded my head, not having the strength to talk right now without my voice cracking.

"I'm sorry I worried you Clarke."

"Don't apologize Lexa, you were bitten by a shark it wasn't your fault."

"I know, I just hate you have to see me like this."

"Lexa I don't care ok? I just want you to be ok. What did they say about the bite?"

"Well it's pretty deep and they had to give me a bunch of stitches as well as some blood to make up for the the blood I lost. I can't do any big physical activities for a while and I can't go in the ocean either so I'm gonna have to quit the lifeguard job."


"Yeah. It sucks."

"You can't quit the lifeguard job." I protested, taking a step away from her.

"Clarke I can't swim. Lifeguards have to swim."

"No Lexa, you can't quit. You can't."

"Clarke I'll still see you all the time. We can hang out over the weekends and we can have movie nights and stuff and once I get better we can go to Bellamy and Murphy's house for parties and stuff all of the time."

"But I won't get to see you every day."

"Well probably not but-"

"But you will have to go back to Australia soon anyways." I finished for her.

"What? Clarke please-"

"No. I'm sorry Lexa. I have never felt like this...I just I don't want hurts. It hurts so bad. If I lose you now it will hurt less in the future. I...I'm sorry." I said, backing up towards the door.

"Clarke where are you going? Are you really leaving? Please don't Clarke."

"I'm sorry Lexa. It will hurt too much. I care too much. I can't. You can't. I'm not strong enough." And with that I had turned around and walked out the door, trying my hardest to ignore Lexa calling for me to come back. I couldn't come back though. I've never cared about anyone as much as I care about Lexa. I can't get hurt. I won't. I won't be strong enough. I care too much.

An: This was certainly eventful. Secrets will be revealed next part. (Lexa and Lincoln secrets) also I love the comments so much and thanks for reading and votes and stuff y'all are the best

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