World's Apart

By klutzy17

57.5K 1.5K 364

All Jack knew was that he loved her...and one day, any way he could, no matter what it took, he'd make it bac... More

Here In Your Arms
A Long Way From Home
In His Wake
Yesterday's Tomorrow
The Two Of Us
Together Again
For Old Times Sake
A Night To Remember
Farewell Kisses
The Wheel Keeps Turning
Back To Square One
Bye Bye Birdy
The Waiting Game
As The Snow Falls
Christmas Kisses
Winter Wishes
One More Good Day
Right Back At It
Auld Lang Syne (Part 1)
Auld Lang Syne (Part 2)
Yesterday's History
The Phone Call
Fools Gold
A Mother's Words
Through The Rain
I Will Love You
A Lesson in Love
The Last Time
Till Death Do Us Part
Old Friend
Into War
Flight Of His Life
An Ocean Of Blue
Forgotten Shoes
Living Nightmare
No News is Good News
The Love Of Two Hearts
The Long Night
J Is For...
By And By
Jack II
Jack III
Love, Lies And Death
In Minds Eye

New Beginnings

937 25 4
By klutzy17

'Hmmph' Jack grunts as he heaves the last of the heavy sacks into the back of the truck. He jumps down from the wagon and gives the side of the vehicle a heavy pat-pat. The driver gives a lingering thumbs up out of the window before slowly pulling away.

Sweat drips down his back as the summers sun beats down on him. It was now the first week of September and Jack had remained at Uxbridge for the past two weeks.

The base was gradually becoming more busy as men returned back from France. The officers and higer-ups are spending endless days drafting out a new course of action. Since the debacle regarding Dunkirk, word has it that old Churchill is reluctant to send troops back over to France. There's a feeling in the air that the German Luftwaffe will move their advances to Britain and Churchill wants us to be ready.

"Collins!" A stern voice calls out to him.

He spins immediately on his heels and salutes automatically "Sir,"

"At ease"

Jack lowers his hand and relaxes somewhat.

"Captain Blake wants to see you," the squadron leader announces. He makes to leave.

"Did he say what for?" the words escape Jack before he can stop himself.

"Do I look like a fucking mind reader Collins? Get over there now and find out for your fucking self," he turns impatiently and Jack salutes as the man walks away hastily.

He watches him leave, lowers his hand then starts to jog towards the officers building.

Once inside the building Jack knocks gingerly against the solid bottle green door. A voice murmurs from inside.

"Ahh Collins, come in and close the door,"

Captain Blake is stood behind a solid oak desk. He is flicking through an open file in his arms and scanning the papers.

"You wanted to see me sir?" the door clicks shut behind Jack.

"Hmm," Blake muses idly "Sit," he gestures to the chair infront of Jack. Blake himself sits across the desk from him.

"I'll get straight to it Collins, your efforts in France were admirable and the higher ups want to see more from you,"

Jacks eyes widen, this wasn't what he expected.

"You're being promoted to flying officer,"

Jack's ears ring and he pauses momentarily.

Blake nods "Yes well, congratulations. Keep up the good work lad and you'll make lieutenant before you know it,"

Blake stands sharply and Jack follows suit.

"Sir-" Jack makes to speak but is cut off by Blake.

"Oh and one more thing, I believe you have need to be returning home very soon,"

Jack's brow furrows "Sir?"

"Unless you want that baby of yours to grow up without ever knowing you," Blakes tone remains the same.

"I was under the impression I wouldn't be granted leave so soon upon returning to Uxbridge,"

Blake busies himself shuffling papers on his desk "Well you assumed wrong didn't you. I think you best get along and pack your bags Collins, the bus to the south-west leaves this afternoon,"

Jacks struggles to collect his thoughts, his words stick in his throat as he stares dumbfounded at Captain Blake.

Blake eyes him "Of course we can always retract this period of leave if you'd prefer?"

Jack shakes his head furiously.

Blake nods "Right, then get the fuck out of my office," he shoos Jack away.

Jack salutes quickly before turning and scuttling from the office.

"And shut the door behind you!" Blake hollers.

As Jack leaves, the door slams behind him and a small smile plays on the lips of Captain Blake.


"So what do you think? Katie asks. Ali can hear the smile in her voice.

Ali jerks the swing to a stop and Katie cranes her neck to gaze at her sister.

"I think it's great Katie," Ali smiles warmly "Peter makes you happy and that's all I want for you,"

Katie grins then "Thanks Ali!"

"Now, push me again!" Katie spins forward and grabs the ropes tightly.

Ali rolls her eyes but grins as she takes the ropes from behind, pulls back and lets them go. She pushes against Katie's back and before long her little sister is soaring higher and higher.

Ali steps back and laughs at her sisters excited screams. This same swing, which Thomas Dawes had built back when Ali was six, had given them endless memories when they were younger.

As she laughs her stomach tightens and Ali rubs a gentle hand across it.

"Ali!" squeals Katie through her laughter.

"You asked for it," Ali calls back still grinning.

Another sharp pain.

Ali cups underneath her bump and staggers back to the bench. Sitting down she winces and tries to breathe deeply.

Katie, oblivious, still sings and squiels as she soars high on the swing.

Ali watches her. Backwards... Forwards... Backwards... Forwards... Backwards...

"Ahhhh!" Ali shrieks now and cradles her stomach. The tightening and pain radiates through her.

Katie shoots off the swing with a daring jump and sprints towrds her sister "Ali?" Katie is crouching beside her.

With a pained expression and rosy cheeks Ali meets her eyes "The baby,"

"Mum!" Katie is on her feet hollering towards the house "Mother!"

"Oohh," Ali chews her lip and taps her foot quickly. She holds her breath as the surging cramp tightens once more across her stomach.

"Mother its the baby! The baby is coming," Katie briefs Mrs Dawes who is wiping her hands on her apron as she hurries down the garden towards Ali.

"Shhh, there there my darling, come on we need to get you inside," Elizabeth Dawes touches Ali's cheek gently and together with Katie the three of them walk slowly and carefully back towards the house.


The bus had dropped him at the edge of the village and he was idly walking the familiar route up the old tree lined lane.

He had his large rucksack slung over his shoulder with one hand and his other was buried deep in his trouser pocket. His fingers flipped and caressed the small brown envelope and he smiled to himself. As he was packing his things back at Uxbridge, he'd come across the envelope resting on his bed. Two words in elegant writing were written on it 'Thank you'.

As he reached the front gate of the cottage he unslung his rucksack and approached the front door.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

He waited patiently. Nobody came.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Again nothing. Jack stepped back and looked up at the house. He took a cursory glance through the downstairs window and knitted his brows together. The Dawes always came to the door.

He was about to turn and leave when a deep wrenching scream echoed from upstairs.

Suddenly his heart was beating out of his chest. He drops his rucksack and runs towards the door. It's open! He pushes his way inside and takes the stairs two at a time.

Another scream.

Its coming from Ali's bedroom.

He reaches the door and grabs the handle "Ali!" he calls as he enters the room.

"Jack?!" Mrs Dawes and Katie announce in unison.

"Jack," Ali croaks.

Jack moves towards her and crouches at the side of the bed. He takes her clammy palm in his hand and kisses her sweetly.

Her face is rosy red and her blonde hair is sticking to her forehead and cheeks.

"You're here," Ali breathes.

Jack nods "I promised you, I told you I'd come back to you,"

"I'm scared Jack," Ali whimpers, her eyes laced with fear.

Instantly Jack is transported back to that fateful day in May and before him it's Erica speaking those same fearful words.

Jack gulps and shakes his head. This wasn't Erica and this baby wasn't Rosie. He inhales deeply and kisses Ali's hands again.

"Don't be scared my love, we're about to meet our baby," he can't help it but a smile breaks out onto his face and Ali smiles too then.

"Okay Ali, you need to push now, you're ready," her mother is breathing with her as she watches under the sheet.

"Thats it Ali you're doing great,"

"Ahhhhh!" Ali cries out through gritted teeth.

Katie brushes a damp cloth against Ali's forehead. "Thats it Ali, you can do it," she whispers.

"Come on Ali another push!" Mrs Dawes eyes widen "The head is out,"

Jack instinctively leans forward to look. His eyes cloud over with tears "They're nearly here Ali, you can do it,"

Ali shakes her head "I can't do anymore, I'm so tired,"

Jack kissed her hand over and over "One more Ali, one more and its done. You're doing so great, don't stop now,"

"Okay Ali push, push, pussshhh!" Mrs Dawes and Katie both call.

Ali scrunches her face and tilts her chin towards her chest. "Aahhhhhhhhhh..."

"We have a baby! They're out," Mrs Dawes sings just as the sound of a beautiful newborn cry fills the room.

"Oh oh ohh," Ali pants breathlessly.

Mrs Dawes expertly wraps the infant in a soft towel before laying the baby in Ali's arms and cutting the cord.

"It's a boy Ali," Katie beams kissing her sister "It's a boy!"

Ali turns to Jack "We have a son,"

Jacks eyes are filled with tears. They roll down his cheeks as he smiles at Ali "We have a son," he agrees with a croaky voice.

Ali and Jack peer down at the bundle in Ali's arms. Their sweet boy is blinking his eyes very slowly. A tiny fist is resting against his chin. Underneath the hood of the towel, small tufts of matted blonde hair cover his head.

"He has your eyes," Jack whispers as he rests his forehead against Ali's.

"Congratulations darling," Mrs Dawes approaches them. "You did so well," she peers over to look at the baby and tears prick in her eyes. "He's wonderful Ali, he really is,"

"Come on mother, we'll see him later," Katie puts an arm around her mother and the two of them leave the room.

"You were amazing Ali, I'm so proud of you," Jacks heart swells as he looks at her.

"How did you make it home?" the rosines in her cheeks is fading now.

Jack shakes his head "I wouldn't have missed this,"

The baby starts to fuss and Ali looks back at him. "Do you want to hold him?"

Jacks eyes widen but he holds his arms out instinctively. As Ali places his son into them, the perfectly balanced weight sends a surge of warmth and love through him.

"Hello my boy," Jack whispers "We've waited so long to meet you,"

The baby stops fussing and listens to Jack's voice.

"What shall we call him?" Ali says watching the two of them.

Jack looks up at her "I was thinking Thomas, after your father,"

Ali's eyes prick with tears "And after Farrier,"

Jacks heart lurches and he blinks slowly as he remembers his friend "Thomas you are," he says to his son.

He then turns back to Ali "Thomas James," he affirms. "Named after the three best men I ever knew,"

A tear rolls down Ali's cheek then "It's perfect,"

Jack leans towards Ali, craddling Thomas in his arms and kisses her. "I love you Ali,"

Jack stands and places the baby into the little crib against the wall. He fusses momentarily before sucking on his fist.

Jack walks back towards Ali, he crouches at the side of the bed and gazes up at her "I love you more than life itself Ali Dawes. You and Thomas are all I need in this world,"

"Jack," Ali breathes.

"Hold out your hand and close your eyes"

Ali does as she's told and extends a flat palm towards Jack.

He reaches into his trouser pocket, takes out the small square envelope and tears it open. He tips the contents into Ali's hand.

"Open," he whispers.

Ali gasps. In her palm was Jacks grandmother's engagement ring. It twinkles in the light.

"Will you marry me Ali?

Ali's fingers close around the ring and she nods.

"Of course I will,"

Jack leans up and kisses her hard. He takes the ring from Ali and slips it onto her finger.

"Here's to us," he kisses her hand.

"To us," Ali nods warmly.

At that moment a high pitched cry echoes from the tiny bundle in the crib. They both turn to look at Thomas who is squirming and kicking his legs about.

Jack chuckles. He stands and scoops the baby up from the cot. He holds him up in front of him "You didn't think we'd forgotten you did you?"

The baby quietens down again and Jack kisses his son sweetly on the head before craddling him in his arms. He moves towards Ali again and places Thomas with her.

"My family," Jack whispers to himself as he watches Ali fuss over the baby.

His heart swells and a surge of warmth and love radiate through him. It was all worth it, every last bit was worth it.

"My wonderful family..."

The End.

A/N: Check out the sequel 'A Promise Broken' to find out what's next for Ali and Jack!    R.

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