Our Once Upon A Time

By StaticBrooke

102K 2.3K 262

Holland, preferably called Holly is the firstborn daughter of Hades and Maleficent. The thing that makes Holl... More

Meet Holly
*Chapter 1*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 1/2 (Extra)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 1/2 (Flashback)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
*Sneak Peek*
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Remedial Goodness 101
Two Sides To Both Of Us
I Missed You Pt 1
I Missed You Pt2
I Missed You Pt3
I Missed You Pt4
Unlikely Pair

Chapter 5

3.5K 88 5
By StaticBrooke

The barrier opened and Mal led us through it. The ember let her have a taste of its magic which gave her hair a tint of blue,

"Mal, you got that Hades glow goin' on"

Evie said as Mal took the ember out of her pocket to look at it,

"That's pretty cool but..."

I said as I walked through the barrier, as I did my hair began to glow vibrantly and my eyes turned blue. A light blue smoke lightly filled the air around me,

"...I'd say this is pretty cool"

Everyone turned to face me, everyone's jaws somewhat dropped mostly out of slight fear which I could tell. I spun around to make more smoke just for fun. I walked up the group and put my arm around Evie's and Mal's shoulders,

"This is an iconic trio, it could be better if Uma were here"

I said with a laugh,

"But we all know what you think about her"

I sighed before hearing some shuffling behind me. I turned around in time to see Harry and Gil... running and jumping through the barrier before it shut,

"Seriously? I just got away from your annoying ass!"

I groaned as I turned my whole body around and locked eyes with Harry. He smirked and winked at me, in which I just rolled my eyes at. Everyone's heads snapped around. Harry and Gil chest bumped,

"We made it bro!"

"We made it!"

"Hey guys, we're just coming for a wee visit"

Harry said with one of those deranged looking smiles, he is awfully good at those I will give him that. They both started walking forward with plenty of momentum. Carlos and Jay stood in their way as Harry and Gil ran into them, twice. The second time, Carlos bumped into Mal which caused her clumsy ass to drop the ember supposedly into the ocean. She yelped and tried to catch it while I clutched my chest and braced for impact. If the ember ever did get wet, it would nearly kill me and it would make me hella fragile to pretty much anything and not in a very painless manner. The pain never came. I looked over the bridge to see a tentacle holding it carefully in its grasp. Slowly, Uma appeared out of the water. 

I sighed in relief, Uma knew about my ember thing and she's seen it. She looked over to me and winked which put me at ease. Mal yelled at Uma as if she was gonna just let it slip into the water. After some yelling that I had tuned out, Uma spun in the water and sent a wave our way. When the water calmed she was gone, no pain though,

"Miss me?"

I promptly turned around to see Uma with the ember in her hand,

"Haha! Welcome back!"

Harry said as he walked over to her side. I went ahead and walked to her as well. I whispered,

"Thanks for not killing me"

I said as I gave her a fist bump. She nodded and gave me a reassuring look,

"I got you, imma get something from Mal here. I promise I won't drop it"

She whispered back,

"I trust your judgment, do what you must"

I backed up and stood next to Mal. She pleaded at Uma to give it back. Uma said she would if Mal agreed to bring all the kids that wanted to back to Auradon with them. At first, Mal said no, that really put me off.

Why would she say no?

Uma held the ember over the water which made Mal say yes which really put me off. Thankfully Uma kept the ember with her. We began to walk down the bridge connecting the Isle and Auradon. I walked with Uma and Harry at my sides behind Mal. Mal constantly turned around to check on what I was doing,

"So, we don't have the barrier anymore. Holly what do you think you can do?"

Uma questioned,

"Don't even tempt her"

Mal said without turning her head around. Without saying anything I stopped walking. I signaled to Harry and Uma to stay quiet by putting a finger over my lips. Gil also turned around to see this. 

I put my hand out to the side and lit the ground directly under my hand in a singular blue flame. Then I began to walk, the flame spreading to wherever my hand went. I ended up making a fire trail across the bridge which had marked my line of travel. I slowly brought my hand up and the flame line began to grow in height and intensity. Then I quickly waved my hand once which put it all out. I went back in between Uma and Harry as they were looking in awe along with Gil. I laughed a little which caused Mal to turn around. I looked at her dead in the eyes,


I said with a dash of aggression,

"Why are you laughing?"

"Cause I'm allowed to laugh"

Mal scoffed and turned back around. I looked at Harry then Uma as we all laughed as quietly as we could. For fun, I decided to start a fire in my palm. I brought out my palm and started a small blue fire, I waved my other hand over it which caused the spinning air around it to cause the fire to form into a small firenado in my palm. Uma's jaw dropped and looked over to Harry as she began to smile. He looked around the flame as we got to the end of the bridge. I put it out by snapping my hand shut. 

We walked through some sort of forest which I haven't seen in forever. I roamed around slightly yet kept close to the group, Gil and Harry were doing similar things, Gil more than both of us. I went around some trees and looked at the leaves on them, something so simple but we don't have on the Isle. I found a small blue flower. It looked like it was on the other side of life and was dying out. I tapped the petals and lit it in a blue protective flame, it wouldn't burn it but it did radiate heat. The small flame flickered around. I heard some sticks snapping behind me. Harry came up next to me and crouched down to my level. He looked at the flower,

"We are ye burning it?"

"I'm not, watch"

Harry turned back to the flower. Slowly it began to straighten up. The leaves perked up and the petals stopped wilting. I waved my hand over the flower which put the flame out and left the once dying flower shimmering with life,

"So.... ye brought a flower back to life?"

Harry said rather skeptically,

"Pretty much, now it won't die for about ten years as well"

I said nonchalantly, he gave me a look. One that I hadn't seen before, it was sort of like a soft gaze.


She never ceases to amaze me


Anddddd we've arrived in Auradon... only took five chapters ~_~

I hope ya'll are enjoying everything so far, don't forget to stay hydrated as always :)


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