Bound By Hurdles

By thecrazybeingg

14K 1.1K 2.2K

➻ Previously called - Loving You Was Never Easy ❧ She was rude, hard-hearted & unusually dangerous to deal wi... More

❥ Prologue
❥ Characters
❥ Chapter 1
❥ Chapter 2
❥ Chapter 3
❥ Chapter 5
❥ Chapter 6
❥ Chapter 7
❥ Chapter 8
❥ Chapter 9
❥ Chapter 10
❥ Chapter 11
❥ Chapter 12
❥ Chapter 13
❥ Chapter 14
❥ Chapter 15
❥ Chapter 16

❥ Chapter 4

665 60 98
By thecrazybeingg


Aftermath of the kiss!


Warning: This chapter is looong & hot ;)

She was cocooned in his warmth. Her fragile body was glued to his hard chest & his strong arms were wrapped around her petite waist, securing her tight, tighter, tightest. He hovered over her & stared into her deep brown orbs for what that felt like eternity to her. His intense gaze was more than enough to make her surrender. She lowered her face down like any other love sick girl, blushing deep red. All the while his orbs were roaming around her lips that were inviting him to savour them. She bit her lower lip in anxiety & he felt doing the same to it. His fingers traced her upper lip, tugging it & she closed her eyes tight knowing what was coming. He bent down & took her lower lip between his teeth like how she did a while ago & bit it hard, once, twice & thrice until tiny drops of blood oozed out of it. She was chanting his name like a prayer all the while.

Without any delay he closed the distance between their lips. He was devouring her lips like a hungry beast earning faint moans from her. She pulled him closer and kissed back with same passion & urgency. His hands travelled down her neck & ended up near her waist which was bare due to his own efforts. He swirled his finger inside her navel making her squirm in pleasure. She rolled over him, flipping their position, their lips still locked & the smooch getting hungrier than before. Moving her hands greedily through his naked torso, she made him groan with sheer desire & need. He pinned her down again without breaking the kiss. The bed they were on swayed everytime they rolled over one another.

Sonakshi clutched his hair and pulled him even more closer, triggering him to eat her lips more passionately. He broke the kiss when they couldn't breath not even a bit more and buried his face in her neck, pampering her feathery skin by smooching, biting & smooching again. She couldn't breath because of the love knots forming inside her stomach. She arched back when his kisses on her neck became intense, it was her way of asking more.

"I love you Sonakshi, to an extent you can never think of" Aadyanth confessed making her eyes shed pearls in satisfaction.
She brought him closer & kissed him this time slowly following the rhythm of his his heart pressed against hers.

"I love you more" She whispered against his lips in between the smooches. His hands now roamed on her bosoms under the duvet teasing her treasures, taking her to another level of ecstasy. He looked at her & her eyes asked for more. He bent down towards her bosoms intending to taste them this time....

And then her world stopped.!!!!!!

Sonakshi woke up with a jerk from her erotic nightmare which had become a routine ever since she was kissed by Aadyanth. The whole incident still haunted her, to an extent where she ended up having dreams, with him & her on bed doing stuffs she can never think of in this lifetime or the next.

She was sweating in buckets & her eyes had teared up. Her face looked pale & body trembled like never before. Altogether she looked like she had just seen a ghost.

Sonakshi pinched herself & rubbed her lips to make sure it was nothing but a horrible dream and she was safe & sound on her bed in her house. She immediately emptied a whole bottle of water trying to cool her already heated up nerves. When that didn't help a little, she immediately rushed to washroom & stood under shower not even minding that it was 3 in the morning. Cold water pierced through her skin, spreading relief to her burned skin. Tear drops escaped from her eyes & she let them flow with water. She traced her fingers through her lips where she still felt his kisses. Her eyes shut in distaste everytime she thought about it. It had been two days already & she was still transfixed. Her numbness surprised & disgusted her at the same time. The Sonakshi who was reluctant to shed a single tear had become vulnerable & pathetic. The one who was always fond of ordering around had become so miserable. The reason being a kiss.

She didn't even feel like attending classes in these two days worried about the judgemental glances she would have to go through. She knew nobody would have the audacity to question or taunt her, but that didn't ease her insecurities one bit.

Within a few hours, he had brought so many setbacks in her perfect life. Still she was standing under the shower shedding tears like a weakling instead of thrashing him back & forth.

What went wrong?
When did Sonakshi become so weak & vulnerable?

She felt so sick of herself & that was when she decided to punish herself. After all she deserved to endure a bit of pain before inflicting it to him in many folds greater intensity. She didn't think twice & grabbed a razor from the nearest cabinet. She scratched her arms several times until they bled profusely before falling on floor & screaming her lungs out like a mad woman.

She didn't know when she dozed off in her own pool of blood, this time more peacefully than before. Blood surely did calm her a lot. It was oddly satisfying, atleast for Sonakshi!

Next morning

Sonakshi woke up to the sight of dried blood & an unkempt floor. It then occurred to her that she slept on the floor of her washroom throughout the night. Her body was aching terribly as if it had been pierced with thousands of needles, all at once. She clutched her head that was pounding hard & groaned in annoyance. After many futile attempts to stabilize her leg into getting up, she finally succeeded. Last night's incidents were carved as such in her mind. Thought of her own blood, tears & sweat nauseated her. She rushed to the sink & puked her guts out.

After cleaning up she decided to dress her wounds just for the sake of hiding the scratches from Juhi's hawk eyes. Juhi might eat her brain demanding an explanation, if at all her wounds were exposed. Though the cuts weren't that deep & have dried overnight, they were pretty painful. But even that didn't make Sonakshi flinch. She was done treating her wounds without even hissing for once or shedding a tear drop.

Sonakshi then saw herself in the mirror. She looked disoriented but the fire in her eyes was back. Her face though stained with dry tears was no longer cloudy. She looked exactly like how she wanted her to be; scary, bold & dominating. Through the mirror she saw her old self. The Sonakshi who spared no mercy. The same old Sonakshi who hunted down her prey till the very roots.

She hurried out of the washroom taking determined strides. If she were to destroy him as per her calculations, she would have to gather even the minutest detail regarding him. Grabbing her abandoned mobile phone, she dialled a number.

"I need every damn details about an asshole named Aadyanth Vikaas within an hour or you're dead" She yelled as soon as the call got connected & hung up without speaking or listening more. It was her dad's one of the most trusted employee who also happens to be a wanted criminal.

She then called Juhi to calm down her nerves. Talking with Juhi always eased her tensions & it helped as always. Though Juhi sensed something wrong from Sonakshi's voice, she was relieved that Sona had finally moved on from the incident & was back to her usual self. She didn't probe further as she was in no mood to offend her insane friend & then face her wrath. But she decided to confront Sona once they meet at the college.

Sonakshi chose not to go to college for the day not because of her bugging insecurities but because she wanted to plot a perfect plan against Aadyanth. She chose her penthouse as the location to revise her plans without interruptions.

Exactly after an hour she received a text containing the details she asked for. Without wasting any time, she surfed through the text to find something that can be used against him for her revenge. A darkened line caught her attention. She smiled in contentment. Her father's employee deserves to be rewarded, she thought with an evil grin.

"Mr Vikaas, your bad days are about to begin! You will regret for playing this sick game with me, this is Sonakshi's promise" mumbled her with a satisfied grin after planning what is to be done the very next day.


Aadyanth ran through the corridor of his office determined to reach on time. He entered inside the huge building only to be warmly greeted by his colleagues like everyday. He was known for his efficiency & was a charmer among the lady staffs. He greeted them back with his famous infectious smile & moved towards his cabin.

Just when he was about to sit, one of the staffs informed him that their boss had summoned him for something important.

"I was waiting for you Mr Vikaas" His boss said, as soon as he entered inside. Aadyanth nodded not understanding why the man who was always chilled out looked stressed all of a sudden.

"I have nothing to do with this. It was Madam's decision & I still don't know why! But then, I'm not allowed to go against her orders" His Boss said whilst handing him a neatly folded envelope.

Aadyanth's world stopped as soon as he read the letter.


He couldn't believe his eyes. He checked it once again only to find the same words. He was fired!!

He stood transfixed unable to process the newly gained information. His boss might have mistaken, he thought calming his inner self. But the man's expressions said another story. Thousands of thoughts, rather possibilities occurred to him all at once. This job was their major source of income. It served as their support system in the time of crisis. Above all that, he had spent his time & interest in it.

Aadyanth came out of the daze when his boss patted his shoulders. Chucking all the negative thoughts aside he spoke up, this time for himself.

"I don't understand which Madam you're taking about but I need an explanation sir. How can you fire me without pointing out a single flaw from my part? Where did I go wrong? Don't I have the right to know that atleast?" He still hadn't lost his cool.

He constantly reminded himself how important this job was especially when he had to bear all the household expenditure along with Rohaan's & Harsha's educational expenses. That was when it struck him. What would he say to his brothers if at all his boss wasn't mistaken & he was really fired? Just like that he realised losing this job would definitely cost him a lot & he should seriously do something about it.

"I really don't know Mr Vikaas. Madam called me this morning & asked me to remove you from the post as quickly as possible. She even appointed someone new in your place. When I asked for an explanation she shouted on me" The helpless man explained.

Aadyanth was about to speak up when his phone buzzed. It was an unknown number. He immediately excused himself & attended the call.

"Hello Mr Vikaas, remember me?" asked a female voice from the other end. Within seconds he recognised the owner of the voice.

How can he not when the one on the other side has been the reason for his sleepless nights since last three days!

There was not even a minute when he didn't think about the her or the kiss. She was indeed a distraction. Of course in a good way!

"Sonakshi" He said & his lips curved into the most beautiful smile ever forgetting the situation he was in right then. She was amazed by the way he recognised her voice in the very first attempt. The excitement in his voice did create a weird sensation in her tummy. She didn't know why that happened, so simply shrugged it off.

Here she thought he would be sniffing for his long lost job but he was excited like a kid.

"How did you recognise me?" She asked out of a second's curiosity & then found it to be the biggest blunder hearing him chuckle.

"How can I forget you Sonakshi? I can still feel your lips lingering on mine & you expect me to forget you? That's not fair" He acted all offended to annoy her.

She closed her eyes in disgust only to remember the kisses. Her first kiss(es) & she lost it to this roadside bastard!! The thought itself made her want to puke again. She clenched & unclenched her fists inorder to keep her emotions in check. She didn't want to lose her temper, atleast not until she was done speaking.

"This is just a starter Mr Vikaas, the simplest out of many plans I've for you. Now you have lost your job. No company is going to hire you as well. In coming days you are going to loss more of your treasured possessions. That reminds me of the reason why I called you. Keep a tab on your dearest brothers for whom you humiliated me. Make sure they're alive. What if they are murdered in your absence? One accident is all it takes you know!" Composing her explosive self, she spoke ever so sweetly.

"You can't touch them Sonakshi, not even one of their hairs. And if you do, I can't imagine what I will be doing with you. They are all I have. Try hurting them & see" Though he managed to speak without stuttering, there was a nagging feeling underneath his stomach.

Sonakshi flinched a little hearing him speak. He was no longer that chirpy, fun to be with Aadyanth who flirted with her seconds ago. His voice was cold & held no emotions. No anger, no anxiety & not even a bit of fear like she thought. She processed his words, imagined the things he will be doing to her only to get weird sensations in her tummy once again. This time she couldn't even shrug them off as they were in gross.

Hearing nothing from her side Aadyanth spoke again breaking her sinful thoughts,

"Also, I will make sure you keep my brothers away from your sick games Sonakshi. I won't mind even if that requires kissing the hell out of you like the last time" He hung up without giving her a chance to talk further.

All the blood drained from Sonakshi's face when she thought of him kissing her again. Her dreams started playing infront of her eyes. Seconds later her phone scattered into pieces followed by other things in the room.


After disconnecting the call, Aadyanth didn't stay there anymore. This job was important for him, but not more than Rohaan & Harsha. Hence he decided to deal with it later. It was time to check on his brothers. From the little encounter he had with Sonakshi, he could say how stubborn & crazy she was. She would go to any extend to see him lose. The last thing he wanted was his brothers being dragged into this mess & getting hurt in the process.

He tried contacting Harsha & Rohaan at once, but both didn't answer. Sonakshi's threat rang through his ears making him really restless. All he wanted was an affirmation that his brothers are doing fine to subside his growing nervousness.

"Just pick up the damn call Harsha" Aadyanth mumbled impatiently tapping his foot on floor whilst dialling Harsha's number for the nth time.

After two more continuous rings, Harsha finally answered his phone. As soon as the call got connected Aadyanth started yelling at him.

"Who on the earth do you think you're Harsha? Why the hell weren't you picking up my calls? Do you know how worried I was? Where the hell are you? Where is Rohaan? Come home right now!"

"Calm down Anna!! Why are you so riled up? Rohaan broke his phone. And I was busy"

"Are you for real? Just see the number of times I called you. Busy, my foot!" Aadyanth hissed making Harsha sigh.

"Actually Anna, there is something. I'll tell you only if you promise to hear me out patiently"

"What is it Harsh? Are you guys okay?"

"Not really! We got into a small accident on the way" He heard a sharp intake of breath from the other side.

"It's nothing huge. Both of us are absolutely fine. A few bruises here & there and yeah Rohaan is getting his stitches done" Harsha detailed calmly.

He was anything but calm. He survived with a few bruises but Rohaan's case wasn't the same. He had his forehead plastered & both arms fractured. If not for their luck, they wouldn't have made it alive. Coming by Aadyanth's over protective nature, Harsha knew he would go insane & act recklessly. So he chose to skip the details for now & decided to persuade Aadyanth later on.

"I so knew it. That little brat!! I should have looked onto her threats seriously. Wait! Are you two really okay? You are not lying right? Fuck! This is so messed up. Do one thing. Ping me the address & just stay wherever you're. I'll be there in a while..." Aadyanth went on ranting breathlessly until Harsha interrupted him.

"We are not hurt Aadi. Stop worrying, will you? And you need not come leaving behind your works. We will hire a cab" Harsha tried his best to convince Aadyanth. But who was he trying to coax?

"You don't get to decide that Harsh. Stay right there. I'm on my way!" Aadyanth hung up without listening more.


"What did Aadi say?" A curious Rohaan asked Harsha right after the call was disconnected. His stitches were done & he was currently laying on bed munching his favourite snacks that Harsha brought a while ago on his insistence.

"He is coming here. He sounds so pissed off already. I don't know how he is going to react after seeing you like this" Harsha was extremely tensed.

"You should have told him everything. Why hide & complicate things? Now be ready to face his wrath" Rohaan chuckled sticking his tongue out at Harsha.

"I thought we'll hire a cab & convince him once we are home. But that guy, he is too stubborn to go by my words or anyone else's for that matter" He glared at his brother who was stifling his giggles. "You are enjoying too much seeing me in this state. Aren't you?"

"Isn't that obvious brother?" Rohaan laughed.

"You're so mean"

While they continued bickering over silly things, Aadyanth entered the room. He was sweating & panting as if he had just finished a relay.

Rohaan immediately bent his head down & lifted his both hands to his tummy making his fractures obvious. He even faked a sad expression making Harsha roll his eyes in annoyance.

"This traitor & his silly tantrums. Such a drama queen!!" Harsha grunted.

Aadyanth looked Rohaan & then shot a hard glare at Harsha who chuckled nervously. 

"I will get the discharge papers ready. We will talk in detail after reaching home" He emphasised the word talk scowling at Harsha making it obvious that it's not just going to be a talk but more than that.


Go home & there is a huge surprise waiting for you!
- Sonakshi.

Aadyanth rubbed his temple reading the text from Sonakshi. After completing the discharge procedures, they were heading back to home. He was totally done for the day but it looked like she was not. After all it was his fault. He was the one to be blamed. He shouldn't have considered her threats as empty. Heck! He shouldn't have even gotten on her wrong side at the first place. What had he brought upon himself?

All he wanted to do was to sleep soundly like a baby forgetting all his worries. But Sonakshi's text indicated the opposite. It looked more like he was going to be sleep deprived until Sonakshi was handled in his way. The game was already on. No way he was going to back out now & give her the satisfaction of victory. He would stay unaffected & face her without faltering.

If she was stubborn, he was equally stubborn! If she could pull dirty stunts, he could do it too.

"Why is there a crowd infront of our home? Is there something going on?" Rohaan asked whilst breaking Aadyanth's thoughts.

Aadyanth became alert hearing him. Sonakshi's text kept re-playing in his mind. The surprise she mentioned a while ago, this has to be it!

He immediately got down the car & ran past the crowd, only to see their house set on fire. By then both Harsha & Rohaan reached the spot. They were equally gobsmacked. Seeing Aadyanth rooted in his place, Harsha immediately lunged forward & tried extinguishing the fire. Rohaan joined him ignoring the pain that shot from his wounds followed by a few natives. By the time they had put off the fire, an ample portion of their house was burnt.

A lone tear escaped from Aadyanth's eyes which he immediately wiped off without anyone's notice. It was too much for him to take for the day. He was so emotionally attached to the house as it held the memories of their good old days. It was the place where they grew up as a happy family. The same place that made them feel the presence of their deceased parents.

He was brought out of his reverie when Harsha tapped his shoulders.

"Are you going to stay like this forever? Come let's go inside & see!"

Harsha's voice was heavy with exhaustion. It hurted Aadyanth really bad to see his brothers suffering because of the mistake he committed. He would make sure Sonakshi is taught a lesson that would be etched in her memory forever. This was going to be her first & last time hurting his brothers.

The crowd dispersed & they stepped in. Rohaan gasped seeing everything shattered & misplaced. Furnitures were pushed down. Important documents & books were burnt. Mirrors & window panes were broken into pieces. Clothes were soaked in what it looked like ink. Rooms were a mess & kitchen no longer looked like one. Overall it looked like an awful earthquake had just hit their home.

"Looks like someone did this on purpose. But who could it be?" Rohaan was at the verge of breaking down. He was already in so much pain & on top of it they were almost homeless now.

That's when Aadyanth's phone beeped yet again.

Liked my surprise?
If you did, do let me know so that i can plan more of them often ;)
- Sonakshi.

He took a deep breath. How more are you going to provoke me Sonakshi? If only you realise, you are doing no good to yourself!

"It's her, Sonakshi! That spoiled, arrogant bitch! She is behind everything" Aadyanth shouted in rage & narrated the entire day's incident to his brothers who listened to him without any interruptions. He was shaking in anger with every word he uttered. If at all she was infront of him now, he would have slammed his fist hard on her face. How satisfying it would be to break her pretty little face!

He felt like a burden has lifted off his shoulders after the revelation.

"I can't believe she did this. I mean, how can she stoop so low?" Harsha asked. Even the ever so calm Harsha was pissed off beyond limits.

"Don't you dare take her side now" Rohaan yelled at him. His state was similar to Aadyanth's. He so wished to strangle Sonakshi to death.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? When did I do that?" Harsha retorted.

"You were only justifying her mistakes. Remember?" 

"Stop it both of you!" Aadyanth shouted making both of them flinch & zip their mouths.

"Both of pack your essentials & leave to Karthik's place. I have already informed him about your arrival. You two will stay there until I call you back. No excuses!"

Karthik was Aadyanth's best friend for years. For now, the only place out of Sonakshi's reach seemed to be Karthik's as it was located on the outskirts of the city.

"But what about you Aadi?"

"I have a few settlements to make with your soon to be Vadina" He replied whilst walking out as if what he said was no big deal. It took Rohaan & Harsha a few seconds to figure out Aadyanth's statement though his target was obvious.


Both Rohaan & Harsha shouted at the same time. They gaped at his retreating figure as if he had grown horns.

Soon to be Vadina?
Did they hear it right?
If yes, they were officially screwed! Because if Aadyanth had decided to keep something, he would get it either by hook or crook.


Indeed Aadyanth has decided Sonakshi was his no matter what & now there was no looking back. Though she was not an easy catch, he would have fun taming her.


I truly apologise for the delay. I almost gave up on this story owing to poor response from the readers. But then, a few of them asked me to update & here I am!!

So how was the chapter?
A lot of drama is going on right? Which team are you in? Team Aadyanth or Team Sonakshi 🤨

Next chapter is going to be their second encounter. Excited? What are your expectations?

I have already drafted the chapter. But yeah! I will only post it if I get enough response for this one, especially long long comments ;)

Please vote, share & let me know your feedbacks so that I can work on the story accordingly!

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