My Best Friend's Step-Brother...


1.8M 58.4K 39.3K

"Not here Ace" I begged as his fingers went under my short skirt and straight to my knickers. I was so anxiou... Еще

Notes By Author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chaper 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48

Chapter 47

28.8K 1.1K 374

Bria's POV

We were back home once again and everything seemed so amazing. I was more happier than I would like to admit.

Liz and I stayed at my mom's- well my house and Ace drove back to his. As much as we didn't want to say goodbye to each other, we had to. We were all tired from the long flight and needed to catch up on some sleep.

Ace had organised a day of festivities for me tomorrow along with a welcome back party. He thinks that I don't know about it but I overheard him whispering on the phone last night to find out if things are ready. He is so cute sometimes.

The following morning, I rose from my bed and got myself cleaned up to start the new day. I decided to dress in a Bright yellow sundress that caused my skin to glow. I wore minimal make up but enough to highlight my features. After making sure I looked gorgeous I head downstairs to make Liz and I some breakfast.

What I didn't expect to find was Ace standing in my kitchen wearing a pink apron and a spatula in his left hand. Should I be worried?

Liz was instructing him on what to do and he was laughing but following instructions. They were both so focused on what they were doing that they hadn't even noticed I was in the kitchen.

"Should I be jealous?" I asked and both eyes turned to look at me.

"You should!" Liz commented but Ace removed the apron and came over to greet me. His hands found my waist and his lips found mine.

"Hi baby." He cooed.

"Ugh! You're such a player." Liz groaned.

"Our fling is over. My heart just walked in."

"Aww.. You're so cute I can't be mad at you." She told him and he grinned.

"So I sleep for two minutes and you're already cheating on me?" I teased.

"Don't push it! I'd f**k you right here with Liz watching and you know it." he whispered in my ear.

"That's it. I'm leaving. There's too much heat in this kitchen." Liz said and left. She paused by the door once more. "Oh and Ace? For future reference don't do that anymore. You'll burn your house down once day."

"Do what?" He asked.

"You abandoned a lit stove when you went to Bria."

"Oh Sh*t!" He said when he realized but Liz had already turned it off.

Ace shared the breakfast that he had made and we all sat and ate silently.

After breakfast, Ace offered to show me around as if I was not from here. I rolled my eyes but went with him regardless of how stupid I thought the idea was.

The first place he took me was to his house. We got out of the car and he led me inside. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Ace I've been here like two hundred times. Why did you bring me here?" I asked but he didn't respond. He just took my hand and led me to the kitchen.

"This is where we first met." He said and his voice cracked a little.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he nod his head refusing to look at me.

"You gave me a false name and got mad when I used it." He reminisced and I laughed softly.

"You just gave me a bad vibe that's all."

"I did?"

"Yes! You were so huge and intimidating."

"Don't forget old." He adds and I laughed again.

"Yes, you were old grandpa."

Ace smiled softly. "I think it was at that moment I fell in love with you."

"Huh? How? You treated me like sh*t every time after that!"

"I did not! You were the one being a b*tch, Miss goody two shoes." He said and I smacked him.

"C'mere" He whispered and pulled me to him. He placed a hot kiss on my lips then mumbled softly.

"God, I'll never forget what happened after I first kissed you."

"You deserved it."

"Right! Did you hate it that much though?" He asked so I decided to change the topic.

"Don't get smart with me." Ace commented when he noticed what I was doing. "You like getting kissed from this grandpa right?"

"Ace why are we here?"

"Answer me baby."

"Fine! I liked it a little. You happy now?"

"Ecstatic!" Ace grinned. He took my hand and lead me through the door once more. We drove a bit then we stopped at the school.

"You remember this building?"

"Of course I did! I went to school here."

"This is where I was forced to come to pick up my step sister. At first I hated it until I noticed there was a chance I could see you each time I came here."

"Aww.. you're such a creep." I teased.

"It is also where your car broke down and my step sister asked me to help you with it."

"That's your fault."

"How is it my fault?"

"Bad things always happened when you were around."

"I'm gonna act like you didn't just say that." He said and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Real mature" He mocked.

"You love me."

"That I do and I have no idea why. You were such an annoying b*tch back then."

"Hey!" I smacked him again.

"Babe, I'm serious! You remembered what happened after I offered to fix your car?"

"Can we not?"

"I wanted to tie you to the car roof."

"What? I thought we got along pretty great."

"That was after you realized what you did was wrong. And even though you were such a b*tch I still wanted you so much." He said and I smiled.

The next place we drove to was the beach.

"Let me guess. This is when you realized I had a hot body?"

"That and the fact that you liked me."


"Babe, I saw you piercing holes into Hailey's skull all day."

"I thought she was your girlfriend!"

"No, you thought I was yours."

"I did not!"

"You did. So when you saw Hailey in the vehicle your whole attitude changed."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want you to feel embarrassed."

"Well I am."

"A bit too late for that don't you think?"

"Leave me alone." I mumbled. I hadn't even noticed we were walking until we met up at the cove we had escaped to.

"I didn't know we could've walked to the cove. I thought it was pretty hidden." I commented and after noticing Ace's silence I got a revelation.

"Ace you knew?"

"Everybody did?"

"Well I didn't! Ace we did things in there."

"Relax, no one saw a thing."

"How would you know?"

"I just know." We were silent a bit as we both looked around and reminisced. Everything looked just the same. Nothing at all seem out of place.

"You know.. I really wanted to f**k you in that cove." He said and I laughed.

"Why are you like this?"


"Blunt, unapologetic, horny. Ace there are so many things wrong with you."

"Yet you love me. Flaws and all."

"Yes I do."

"So are you gonna let me f**k you here or do I have to wait."

"Anything for you Mr. Montgomery." I said and watched as his eyes darkened.

"D*mn baby, God made you just for me." He said before ravishing my body alongside the cove. By the time he was finished I was sore all over. My back included but I felt satisfied.

We sat on the sand and watched as the waves met the sand and went back. Ace laid beside me and seemed deep in thought.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I asked. He smiled and held my hand and played with my fingers.

"You asked why I am so blunt and unapologetic?"

"I didn't mean it as a bad thing. I quite like it."

"I wasn't always like this."

"What do you mean?"

"When I was young I had a speech impediment. At school, I was bullied about it and it made me insecure. At one point, I even refused to speak. There were so many things I wanted to say but just couldn't say them. So many times I wanted to stand up for myself but couldn't."

"Aww. Poor baby."

"Poor baby indeed. By senior year I had enough. I would stay up late at night just to practice speaking. I would try to rap to songs. Babe I tried absolutely everything until I succeeded and when I did, I became the most outspoken man. Teachers were shocked. I even got suspended a few times."

"You were terrible." I laughed.

"That I was."



"Why were you always so neat?" I asked and he froze.

"Um, I've always been that way I guess."


"Hey watch that mouth!"

"Tell me."

"I guess it had to do with my mom. She was always a messy person but always insisted I kept my surroundings clean. She would literally beat me if she saw so much as a hair out of place. I could remember many times dad had to fight her off of me. She mostly chose the days when dad wasn't home to beat me though. I always wanted my mothers love. I would do anything for it even if it seemed ridiculous. My dad thought that she was hurting me this way and confronted her about it but nothing ever changed. Eventually she got fed up and left us but the cleanliness still stuck with me."

"Is that why you used women?"

"What? Babe what are you talki-"

"Because she abandoned you. Is that why you never believed in love? Why you never wanted kids?"

"How do you even know all of this?"

"Ash spoke a lot about you."

""D*mn it Ash! But yes. I figured that if a woman could abandon her only child and her family then love doesn't really exist. Happily ever after is just some bulls*t fairy tales they sell to make money."


"I don't feel that way now though. You changed my perception of everything."

"I could see that. You are even more messed up than I thought."

"Don't give up on me though. I know I'm a work in progress but I can really be the man that you deserve baby. I can-"

"Ace, calm down! I'm not giving up on you. I love you okay. You're stuck with me."

"I like the sound of that." He said with a huge grin.

Ace took my hand once more and we went back to the vehicle. We drove around some more and before long I noticed that he was taking me to the different places we've been together or that has some significant memory of both of us.

We spent the whole day driving around. We stopped for lunch and resumed. We even made a stop at the prison that he described as his temporary home. We visited a few of the friends he made in prison and he introduced me as his wife. Pompous a**hole.

It was already night time when we got back to my house. I can't believe Ace kept me out all day.

The house seemed dark so I figured Liz was asleep by now. So much for my surprise party. I even missed it.

Ace walked me to the door and kissed me good night. When he left, I sighed and stepped through the door.

I was about to sneak up the stairs when the lights came on and popping sounds came from every where. I held my chest as I saw a room full of people yelling a loud surprise. There were balloons everywhere of every color. The room was beautifully decorated which can only mean one thing. Liz was involved. I looked at her and she smiled at me. She held her arms out for a hug and I gave it to her. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and that made her laugh.

"I'm gonna go get cleaned up. I'll be right back." I told her and head up the stairs.

I showered and did a pregnancy test that indeed came back positive. I was so happy that I cried even more. I wrapped it up in the gift box that I bought along with a onesie that said "Guess who's becoming a dad?" I decided to overdress as it is my party after all.

I went back downstairs to join the party and saw my dad, Laura, Ethan and Elsie. I hugged them all and welcomed them. I can't believe my dad was in on this as well.

The party has been in swing for hours now and there was still no sign of Ace. Is he not coming? He must be tired. I was starting to get depressed at seeing so many faces but not eh one I really want to see.

I head over to Liz to let her know that I was tired and heading to bed but she stopped me.

"But it's still early."

"I know. I'm just tired that's all."

"Alright." She said sadly and held out her arms for a hug once more. "I'm really proud of you." She whispered softly.

"Thank you." I responded and turned to head upstairs.

What I saw when I turned had me frozen in place.

Ace was down on one knee before me holding an opened jewelry box with the most gorgeous ring inside. Tears raced down my cheeks and my mouth dropped open unable to form any words. The music had stopped and everyone's attention turned to us.

"Babe." Ace began but his voice cracked. He started again but he looked extremely nervous.

"Babe. I know you said to ask again in ten years but I just couldn't wait anymore. I knew you were gonna be my wife since the first day I met you but had I asked then I would've never heard the end of it. I love you Bria and I swear I would love you to my last breath. I never believed in love until I met you. You have changed me so much and still keeps changing me. You are my weakness as well as my strength. And kneeling right here today in the presence of all of our friends and loved ones I'm asking you to marry me. You can pester me for the rest of our lives if you wish. I can overcome anything as long as you're by my side. So what is it baby? Will you be Mrs Ace Montgomery?" He finished but I still couldn't find my tongue. By then I was sobbing and not the cute kind of sob. As Ace waited for an answer, so did the crowd. They kept shouting 'say yes' but I was still trying to catch myself first. This has got to be the biggest shock ever.

"Well?" Ace asked nervously.

"Hell Yes!" I screamed and he grinned. His hands shook as he placed the ring on my finger and he and he rose to his full height.

"For a minute there I thought you were gonna say no." He whispered in my neck. He was still shaking.

"Of course not. I just need to catch my breath. Were you nervous?"

"Baby I'm literally shaking right now." He said and I could feel the heat in his cheeks.


"Kiss her. Kiss her. Kiss her." The crowd chants and Ace obliged. He placed a fiery kiss to my lips and held my body firmly against his.

After this every came to wish us congratulations and I decided to give Ace his present.

"This is your engagement gift." I told him with a smile.

"I didn't get you anything." He said but I waved him off.

When he opened the box and saw the blue fabric, he seemed confused at first. But when he opened it and saw the pregnancy test and the words on the onsie, Ace fell to his knees clutching the onsie tightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked when I saw he kept his head lowered.

He quickly rose to his feet and kissed me deeply once more. It was at that moment I felt moisture between us. When we broke the kiss he quickly placed his face back to my neck but I had already seen his red eyes.

Ace was crying.

"I love you so much baby. This has got to be the best day of my life." He said through a sob. He held me tightly and sobbed on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" My dad asked worriedly.

Ace turned back to the crowd with tears in his eyes.

"We're going to be a family!" He shouted and applauds and cheers erupted.


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