Summer Fun (CLEXA au)

By J_kum_Clexakru

77.2K 2.9K 2.7K

Clarke is a lifeguard at the beach just tying to have some fun. Maybe too much fun. Then she shows up. Lexa w... More

Final Part


3.8K 151 184
By J_kum_Clexakru

I'm kind of confused right now. I didn't think It was possible for anyone to interest me as much as Lexa Woods already does. I don't know what it is about her that interests me so much but I feel drawn towards her already. She's definitely attractive, I'll give her that. She's also smart and funny, and I don't know how I can tell already but she's definitely a bottom despite her efforts at radiating top energy. She can't fool me though.

Her first shift has actually been super calm and the only thing we've had to do is change the red flag to yellow signaling it was now much safer to go into the ocean. Bellamy and Murphy stopped by earlier inviting her and Lincoln to a party and I would actually be super happy if she came. I won't tell her that though I'm not some desperate girl seeking a new friend or something.

We are walking back to the lifeguard center right now to change and go home. "So coming to the party?" I ask, looking at Lexa as she walks next to me.

"Maybe I shouldn't have told you about that nickname." Lexa sighed, but I could see she was smiling. Aw shit. She has such a beautiful smile. Totally not fair.

"You didn't answer my question Lexa."

"Me and Lincoln will come but we don't know the address."

"That's fine I'll text it to you." I say, pulling open the door to the lifeguard center, and walking towards the locker room.

"You're going to give me your number?" Lexa asked, faking a surprised expression. "You didn't even hit on me first. Where's my pickup line Clarke?"

"It's in your dreams."

Lexa laughed a little and I couldn't help but smile. She has a really cute laugh.

"What are you smiling at Clarke?" Lexa asked as she pulled open her locker door and handed me her phone.

"Nothing Woods." I grab her phone and make a new contact called "Clarke" and put in my number then return the phone. "If you plan on drinking take a cab or something, there will be alcohol."

"Aww, worried about my safety already?" Lexa teased, smirking.

"Shut up Lexa. I'll text you the address, see you at 8."

I walked out of the locker room and changed out of my swim suit before walking out of the building and towards my car. I hopped in, and drove home, hopping in the shower as soon as I could. When I got out I saw a text on my phone.

Unknown number: so Clarke...where's this party (ps this is Lexa)

Clarke: hi Lexa the address is 8756 Sun Street. Bellamy lives with Murphy and two other guys in this big beach house you can't miss it

Lexa: cool. I'll see you soon Clarke

Clarke: looking forward to it commander

Lexa: I regret telling you that about that

Clarke: I'm glad you did

Lexa: at least when we fuck you'll know what name to scream

Clarke: "When?" you are such a dreamer Woods.

I smiled and turned off my phone, moving to put it down and get changed. I decided to go with a black dress that never fails me and some matching shoes before moving to the bathroom again to do my hair. When I finished I put on a tiny bit of makeup then grabbed a purse and my phone before walking outside where Raven was waiting for me in her car outside my place. I opened the passenger door next to her and got in.

"Damn Griff, who are you trying to impress tonight?"

"No one. You look good too though Rae."

"While I appreciate the compliment, I don't believe you. Anyone special coming to this party?" Raven asked, clearly suspicious of my actual intentions.

"Not That I know of. Now come on Raven. I don't want to be late."

"Whatever you say Clarkey. Let's go."

The drive to the house was only 10 minutes and there were already a bunch of cars parked all along the street. We got out of the car and walked to the door. I knocked on the door and it was answered by Monty, who was one of Bellamy and Murphy's roommates along with Jasper.

"Clarke and Raven! Yay!" Monty greeted us, pulling us into a hug. When we broke apart he had a massive smile on his face. "Come in."

We walked in to see the house, already crowded with people. There were people dancing, drinking, making out, and playing beer pong, creating the classic party scene.

"Hey Clarke, I promised to go help Murphy with some fire works he got so I'm going to go find him but come find me if you need me." Raven said, turning and walking towards the backyard.

I'm not going to lie, the concept of Raven and Murphy with explosives didn't sit well with me tonight but I didn't even have time to imagine all the possible outcomes of their project when I heard my name being called from outside. The back door was open and I saw Lincoln waving at me, so I walked forward.

"Hey Lincoln, I'm glad you could make it. Is Lexa here?" I asked, trying to make it sound casual, not like I was actually excited to see her.

"Yeah she ran off earlier mentioning something about Bellamy's ass and beer pong." Lincoln said, shrugging his shoulders. "I have a question Clarke. Is Bellamys sister single?"

"You like Octavia?" I asked, giving him an amused smile.

"Yeah." He confirmed, blushing.

"She is single, in fact... Octavia!" I yelled, trying to call my friend.

"Clarke!" Octavia yelled from behind me. I turned around to see Octavia running towards me and the next thing I knew she had tackled me to the ground in a bone crushing hug. "Ouch, you broke me O."

"Clarkey, I didn't know you were coming tonight."

"Not only did I come, but I found you a hottie." I said, standing up and pulling her up with me. "Octavia this is Lincoln. I'm going to go find someone but you two should talk."

"Hi Lincoln. It's very nice to meet you." Octavia smiled, walking up to Lincoln and shaking his hand. I watched as Lincoln turned her hand and kissed it, before I turned around to head to the roof where the beer pong tournament was most likely taking place. I don't know why but I need to find Lexa.

When I got to the roof, I saw a crowd of people surrounding the fancy beer pong table, and two people mid game. Bellamy and Lexa. Of course.

"Hey Clarke! You made it!" Bellamy slurred, clearly very drunk already.

"So I take it Lexa is winning this match?" I ask, looking between the two. My eyes stopped wandering for a second, when I noticed Lexa's outfit; jeans a white t shirt, and a leather jacket. She honestly looks fantastic.

"You know it Clarke. I don't know how to lose. In fact..." Lexa threw a ball sinking it perfectly into Bellamy's last cup. I win."

"No way. I have finally found myself a worthy opponent. Please never go back to Australia." Bellamy begged, picking up his final red solo cup and throwing it back.

"Hey Clarke, can I talk to you?" Lexa asked, walking towards me.

"Yeah, Let's go down to the beach though where it's quieter." I suggested, and Lexa gave me a grateful smile and a nod.

We walked downstairs and out the back door, and then we both took off our shoes and started walking along the beach. There was a peaceful silence between us as we walked, but I was still pretty curious about what Lexa wanted to talk to me about.

"Hey Clarke?"

"Yeah Lexa?"

"Can you do me a favor?"

"That depends, what's the favor?" I asked, not wanting to get into trouble or anything.

"There is this day I need off of work, July 19th. I can't tell you why but can you help me come up with some sort of lie for Niylah?" Lexa asked, and if I didn't know better, I'd say she sounded super nervous.

"Yeah sure Lexa. Why do you need to miss work though?"

"It's kind of a long story. I can tell you later though...just not yet. You probably wouldn't believe me anyways though."

I frowned at that last part. I wanted to think I'd believe whatever she had to say, but I also respect her privacy so I won't pry. "Ok. I'll help you."

"Really?" Lexa asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah, you seem surprised. Why?"

"I don't know?" Lexa shrugged. "I guess I thought you'd have more questions."

"It's clearly private. I'm not going to pry you. I do have more questions about the commander though."

"Oh no." Lexa winced.

"Did people actually scream that out in bed? Did you tell them to call you that in advance?"

"You really want to know?"


Lexa laughed a little and turned to look into my eyes. "I'd tell them to do it. I'm very dominant under the sheets Clarke."

This time I was the one laughing.

"What are you laughing at Clarke? This is a serious matter."

"Because you suck at lying Lexa. You are 100% a bottom, don't lie to me."

"A bottom?!" Lexa shrieked, and she stopped walking, so I stopped next to her.

"You heard me." I teased her, sticking out my tongue.

"Clarke you have just awoken a beast. You better run while you still can."

"I'm not scared of you commander." I told her, trying my very hardest not to smile.

"I warned you Clarke."

The next thing I knew, Lexa had swept me up in her arms, bridal style, and was now sprinting towards the water.

"No Lexa! It's night time! The ocean will be freezing! Don't you dare!" But before I could protest anymore, Lexa had carried me into the water and threw me forward. I went under first and was instantly freezing cold, but I was already seeking revenge. I resurfaced to see a laughing Lexa, pointing at me as I stood in front of her soaking wet, but I wasn't going to let this go.

I jumped forward, and tackled Lexa, pushing her into the water too, already feeling satisfied knowing she would be soaking wet too. When we both resurfaced, Lexa still looked shocked at first, but the surprised expression quickly turned into a happy one.

"I should have expected that." Lexa sighed, shaking her head.

"Yes you should have." I agreed, unable to hide the smile that was spread across my face as well.

"Wanna head back and get some dry clothes?" Lexa asked, and I nodded my head.

"Yes I do." We walked back to Bellamy and Murphy's house laughing and joking the whole way, and we received a lot of strange looks once we showed up, still soaking wet.

"Lexa?" Lincoln asked, me and Lexa turned around to see him and Octavia staring at us.

Octavia shook her head disapprovingly but then gave us a small smile. "Lets go steal some of Bell's clothes, you two look freezing."

I gave her a thankful smile and me and Lexa followed her into the house and upstairs to Bellamy's room where she tossed us each a hoodie and sweats then left us to change. I went to the bathroom to change and Lexa waited for me and then did the same.

"Better?" I asked, when she walked out in Bellamy's clothes which look much better on her then they do on Bellamy.

"Much better." She confirmed.

"Let's go hang up our clothes to dry on Bellamy's patio where they won't be disturbed."

Lexa nodded and followed me, and I opened the door and we both walked out. I spread my clothes out along the railing and Lexa did as well. Right before we were about to turn around and head back inside though, I heard a loud sound and then watched in disbelief as a firework shot up in the air.

"Oh shit." I mumbled, watching the firework explode as a burst of blue and gold lit up the cool summer sky.

"Woah." Lexa said, watching the scene above us. "So pretty."

"I know right." I agreed, but I had turned my attention from the beautiful sky to the beautiful girl next to me.

Lexa looked down from the sky and into my eyes, nodding her head. "Not as pretty as those magnetic eyes of yours though."

"Magnetic?" I asked, not used to hearing that adjective to describe my eyes.

"Yes. They pull me closer, and they are super attractive, therefore they are magnetic."

I chuckled and turned my attention back to the sky where another fire work was exploding. "You really are something special Lexa Woods."

"I try."

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