Diamond In The Rough (Ziam Fa...

By samaelxicarus

186K 4.9K 1.2K

Liam is the new kid in town, he is cocky and intelligent but he has a little secret. Zayn is the most popular... More

Diamond In The Rough (Ziam Fanfic AU)
Chapter 1: New City, New Friends, New Foes.
Chapter 2: You Again?
Chapter 3: Music Class.
Chapter 4: Let Me Be Your Last First Kiss
Chapter 5: I Want You To Be Mine
Chapter 6: Caught In The Act
Chapter 7: Reconciliation And Realizations.
Chapter 9: One Door Closes And Another One Opens.
Chapter 10: Bedtime.
Chapter 11: Will You Be My Boyfriend?
Chapter 12: Going Public.
Chapter 13: Tonight Is The Night.
Chapter 14: Infinite
Chapter 15: In Preparation and Anticipation.
Chapter 16: Getting Jiggy With It.
Chapter 17: I Love You (The End)

Chapter 8: Coming Out.

8K 260 86
By samaelxicarus

Everyone was worried about this night, this Saturday night. Louis was heading over to Harry’s for dinner, Zayn was talking to his parents, along with Liam too. It was going to be a busy night.

Liam POV:

“Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you about something.” I was playing with my food, I haven’t eaten since i was so nervous.

“Sure son you can tell us anything” my dad said.

“Yeah sweetie just let it out” my mom encourages. Troian whimpers beside the table, I think he can feel my nervousness.

“I am gay” I said. It felt so good to let it out, now it was just a matter of how my parents would take it.

“Really?” my dad said.

“One hundred percent honest.”

“I am going to tell you this only one Liam. Your mother and I will love you forever no matter who you love. We are completely behind you in this and we want you to know you can talk to us about anything you may need to.”

“Really guys?” I said looking to my mom for her approval.

“Nothing will ever make us think any less of you honey” my mom said, her an my dad got up to come and hug me. I was so glad things turned out this way. I just couldn’t help but think about Zayn and how his family was taking it.

Zayn POV:

“Mom, dad?”

“Yes Zayn” my mother said.

“Could I talk to you about something, something that I really need to tell you.”

“Sure Zayn, you can always talk to us” my mom says.

“Hey son, what did you need to talk about?” said my dad walking into the kitchen. My sisters were playing downstairs, thank goodness I didn’t need them to hear this.

“I need to tell you that I am gay.”

“You have got to be kidding me right now” my dad says crossing his arms.

“Oh my god, this can’t be happening, what did we do wrong?” my mom cries to my dad.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, you are the best parents I could ever ask for.”

“This is a disgrace Zayn, a young Pakistani man cannot me a homosexual!” My father says raising his voice.

“You can make these foul life choices Zayn but don’t expect that we will tolerate this under our roof, in front of your sisters” My mom says sternly.

“W-w-what? Your kicking me out?”

“It is for the best Zayn, we don’t want to catch your gay tendencies, your mother and I will help you pack.”

“What, what? Don’t you love me?”

“We will always love you Zayn, but we can never look at you the same ever again, you are a disgrace to our family.”

I just stand there and cry, sobbing my eyes out. How could they do this to me? I am their only son! Where will I go? Who will take me?

While Zayn was packing up his things and Liam’s parents were rejoicing in their son’s happiness Harry was bringing Louis over to meet his parents, and to come out, both at the same time.

Harry POV:

“You can do this Harry, I will be right beside you the whole time, okay?”

“Thanks Louis, I don’t know if I could do this without you.”

I was so nervous, I don’t know how my parents and my sister would react, hopefully they were okay, I really hope they would like Louis too. I just really want everything to work out for the best, I really want to be happy.

“Kiss me Haz.”


“Kiss me, it will ease your nerves.”

“Okay” I say grabbing Louis by the neck, pulling him into my embrace. His thin lips tasted like strawberries and they moved with grace along with mine. He was an exceptional kisser. We broke apart after a few minutes and he took my hand.

“Lets do this.”

I entered  my house, opening the garage. It was time to let it all out.

“Oh Harry you brought a friend over? Who’s this?” asks my dad.

“This is Louis, he lives on the other side of the street down a couple houses.”

“Oh? The Tomlinson boy! I had tea with his mother last week, Nice to meet you Louis, you can call me Anne.”

“Hello” he said shaking her hand then my father’s.

“So Louis do you have a girlfriend?” Gemma asks.

“Gem! You just met you don’t go asking people that!” I say staring her down.

“Okay, Louis. Do you have a boyfriend then?”

“GEMMA!!!!!” did she catch on that easily? Did she really figure me out this quickly?

“Okay I am going to set a place for Louis beside Harry and go get the food.”

“Thanks mumsy!”

“Mumsy? That’s cute” Louis teased.

“Don’t judge” I say fake pouting.

We all sit down at the table as my mom served everyone some chicken, potatoes and rice. My mom is a really good cook, she makes simple meals but they all taste like they came from five star restaurants.

I was quivering. Louis put his hand in mine and I grasped it tightly, he was doing everything to calm me down. What came next made me choke on my food, I was definitely not expecting this.

“So Harry, why were you and Louis kissing in front of the house?” my dad says looking up at me.

“W-w-w-what!” I choked.

Louis turned to me with a shocked expression, did they really actually see that?

“Son if your gay that is okay, and if Louis is your boyfriend we are more than happy for you, just be aware that we got camera’s this morning, so we will know if you are sneaking around” My mom says to me.

“So your not mad at me?”

“No we have know really forever, when you played soccer as a boy we could see you checking people out” my dad says teasing me.

“Really you knew?”

“We are just happy if you are happy Harry, by the way it was Gemma who pointed it out on the camera’s that’s how we all saw you two snogging eachother.”

“I was just trying to calm him down” Louis tells my parents.

“Or trying to get him up!” my dad says implying a sexual innuendo.

“No, dad NO!” I say covering my ears.

This night couldn’t have worked out any better, my parents know I am gay, they have always known apparently. And a major bonus they absolutely loved Louis! I just need to brace myself for school on Monday, I know I will be okay with Louis standing by my side, holding my hand.

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