Fighters Academy{ Luke Hemmin...


9.5K 261 12

Molly is a student at Fighters Academy. Students there become agents or body guards. Molly is set on being a... Еще

Regular day
The first day competing
The run
After the run
Night mommy!
What happens when you get grabby
I have anger!!!!!
Some of my past
Mind reading
Last day of sparing
Free day
Final chapter - reality
Its been a while

The beginnig

1K 19 2

Hey guys this is my first fanfic hope u like it. Different POV's will be featured. 5SOS will not meet Molly for a few chapters. The outfits at the beginning of the chapter are what Molly is wearing. Here we go. -

Luke's POV

The guys and I were heading over to James, our managers, office(I know that's not their real managers name bear with me) he wanted to talk to us about something important.

When we entered and he motioned for us to sit on the plush grey couch.

Mikey was the first to speak," so what did you want to talk us about?"

" I wanted to talk to you guys about protection, in other words I'm going to get a body guard or guards for you four." Replied James

"Well how are we going to find one, I mean how many are we going to have to interview?" Asked Calum

We're getting a body guard wow that's a lot of work for everyone. " yeah it does sound like a lot of work." I stated

James just looked at us hopefully " well I was hoping you boys would come up with something creative to find a body guard."

Ok Luke time for ideas time to fire up the brain but Mikey beat me to it.

" we should host a contest, gather people from the top fighting schools and have them compete and stuff?" Mikey suggested questionably

"That," said James " isn't a bad idea."

He was right I liked that idea

Molly's POV

I was currently looking over the younger students, probably 12, watching them converse at lunch. I had received the punishment of lunch duty for talking back the the teacher after a match. Not my fault she was getting on my nerves. I had wanted to punch that old-

" will Molly Shells and Katie Markson please report to the front office, thank you." The intercom reported loudly cutting off my thoughts.

Someone tapped my shoulder, I turned. It was Sam I gave small smile "hey." I greeted

"Hi, I was send here to take your place." He stated

" ok," I said starting to walk away, "have fun see you in sparing class."

" okay see Ya."

I met Katie in the hall she was my best friend I've known her since first grade. She was 5 ft 8 " ( same as me ) with pale skin green eyes and curl auburn hair. She was wearing a pair of blue overalls with a grey sports bra and flowered combat boots with her hair in a bun.

" I wonder if we are in trouble." she said nervously bitting a nail.

I chuckled she was my partner in crime in every class we had together. But I don't remember doing anything bad lately.

We were silent the rest of the trip to the office once we arrived we were guided to the principals office. When we entered the room Ms. Samson gestured for us to sit in the two red velvet chairs in front of her brown oak desk.

When we had sat down she spoke, "well I suspect you lady's are wondering why your here, you're not in trouble but this is important."

Katie let out a sigh of relief and I just smiled and shook my head.

" A couple weeks ago I entered you two in contest to become a body guard for someone."

" A body guard for who." I asked, I was jumping out of my seat not laterally but finally a job or a chance at a job I could tell Katie was excited too.

" For a band and you've been accepted you leave in three days a car will pick you up, but pack for a couple weeks."

" Oh my glob!" Katie and I screamed we jumped up and hugged each other. Ms. Samson coughed and chuckled then we attacked her with hugs.

" Thank you thank you so so much ." We squealed

" oh it's nothing girls now go get ready you still have classes it's only Tuesday so you leave Friday now go you two need a break you can leave early, make the time up tomorrow though." Said Ms. Samson

" Okay and thanks again," I said, as I was walking out the door I had a sudden thought and turned around.

" Who's the band?" I asked

" 5 seconds of summer" she replied

The end of the first chapter oooooh a cliffhanger I'm so mean. 😜
Vote and comment I need feed back please.
I will try to update every day.
- Maddy

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