Gorillaz and Me (Pt 3)

By Pearl2002

6.7K 184 28

Its been a while but now i finally remember who i am...Sia Rosemary Niccals Daughter of Paula cracker and...h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 22

171 7 3
By Pearl2002

I don't remember much after me demanding her so much but I was tired by the end of...whatever happened. I don't even know if I threw up or not.
But the next day was hell...not to mention the lecture not only Mudz and 2D got for letting me get into weed brownies but having everyone have a massive talk about drugs...like they were bad or something. (Drugs are bad. Don't do drugs) like they didn't do them and they were perfect. Anyway that day was awful...but at least that wasn't the worst thing that happened to me. Which is why it gets worse...kind of.

Today was like any other day. Noodle was doing yoga in the lounge, Murdoc was passed out on the sofa from his hangover, Russel was...somewhere and D, he was playing video games...as for Cy. She kept her distance from me...which served her right.

"Sia-Chan! おはよう!"
Noodle smiled happily at me as she completed a king pidgin pose

(This pose)

"H-Hello Noodle."
I yawned as I stepped down the stairs wearing a T-Shirt and shorts.

" 'ello Sia."
2D shifted in his seated position as he played his game.

"Good morning DD."
I smiled heading towards the kitchen to make myself breakfast.
Jam and toast. The perfect breakfast. I get my breakfast and sit on the floor next to 2D watching him play video games as usual. Just a normal day...well it would've been...until someone had to bring something up.

"So...ummm...yew sure yew don' like Cy?"
Everyone groans at 2D's question. Even Murdoc who was dead asleep attempted tho throw a shoe at him.
"Wot?! 's a genuine question...dat was quite a ki-"

I proceeded to speak loudly to interrupt him.
"That NEVER HAPPENED! I hate Cy and NOTHING will ever change that!"

I didn't want to think about something I hardly remembered, let alone even THINK about touching Cy. She's disgusting.

"Toochii, we've been through this and we all know Sia-Chan would never. Besides, she's got a ummm...a friend already right. Daniel? Am I right?"

I smiled happily at Noodle who I could always count on to have my back. She was there to support me. And even if I accidentally kissed Cy...the very thought of it now made me want to vomit.


2D gave Noodle and I a look, as for Murdoc he shot up from his snoozing position.

"A wot? A friend? Like...a boyfriend?"
2D blinked a few times in shock.

"I- No. No no no no no not you. You of  all the girls in this house. No boyfriends."
Murdoc slurred tiredly and made a snorting sound.
"I paid him to watch ya not...be with you."

"For once I've got to agree wifh Muhdoc..."

"What's wrong with having a boyfriend?"
My confusion and curiosity struck. That question just made Noodle sigh.

"Okay, well. I'm going to go elsewhere, yo' can tell her and deal with her."
Noodle gets up and walks to her room not wanting to have anything to do with what they were about to tell me.

"Y-Yew can' just have a boyfriend Sia."
2D began, turning his game off and making direct eye contact with me...at least that's what I think he was looking at.

"Sia. I love ya like a daughter. You-You are my spawn. My little she-devil I love ya to bits!"
Murdoc places his arm around me and pulls me close. I could easily smell the alcohol on him.
"And because of that I'm not gonna let anything happen to ya. So that said. I see a boy here...I'm smashin' his head in."

"But...why? It's not like anything bad is gonna happen. He loves me!"

"Nothin' bad?"
2D gave me a half chuckle.
"Ye'h righ' an' shes talkin' about boys. Sia, do yew even know wot goes through a boys mind. Especially when 'e goes ou' wifh a pre'eh young lady like yew?"

"Ummm...dinner dates, movies and a cuddle?"
I was getting confused as to what they were going on about. Danny is nice. Not to mention they've met him before. But all the sudden becoming a couple is a problem?

Murdoc practically shouted.
"All he's probably thinkin' about is how to get in your pants. And that's not gonna happen!"

My mind went blank and filled with confusion. Why would Danny ever think of that? He's Danny. He's not gross. Besides what's so interesting about a girls pants? That's just weird.

"That's weird. Danny would never do that?"

"All boys wanna do dat Sia."
2D added.
"Den when dat happens we've got to worreh about babehs. An' we're not keepin' a babeh for one...an' two. You're just not gonna have a boyfriend and dats dat!"

I looked at them puzzled as 2D kept his arms crossed and Murdoc took a swig from his mostly empty bottle.

"I'm confused...what does going out with Danny have to do with my pants and having a baby?"

Murdoc immediately spit out his alcohol, coughing from choking on it. 2D went completely pale and began to fidget.

"S-Sia? Yew do know how babies are made right?"

Both looked shocked and scared, like I was supposed to know automatically know where they come from.

"Ummm...a doctor and a tube and..."
I began thinking more about it which made me more puzzled than ever.
"Well they've gotta get in the mums stomach somehow. Is that what the belly button is for?"

Murdoc tried his hardest not to laugh...or cry...I couldn't tell...he was still practically choking on his alcohol. 2D however, his face went completely red.

"Y-Ye'h...dats how dare made..."
He practically stuttered.
Something was off. Both were acting really weird.
"Dats definitely how...day are made...I'm gonna go- im goin' to mai room now...jus' uhh...no boyfriends okay."

He gets up and runs upstairs, nearly tripping over a few stairs. As for Mudz he immediately scrambled up and headed towards the garage.
I sat in confusion as to what the hell just happened?

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