Angel's Lament

By Brother_Antros

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A Strike Force of Blood Angels and Lamenters are thrust into a completely new reality, along with a fleet of... More

Angels Run
A Shepard Gathers Her Flock
Guardian Angels
Shattered Angels
Angel's Hope
Angels Progress
Angel's Grace
Angel's Collide
Angel's Landing
Openings On The Horizon, Part I
Openings on the Horizon, Part II
Shock Upon a Shepard
An Angel's Dreams
Negotiations With An Angel
News of Angels
First Contact
Den of Angels
A Shepard separated from her Flock
Angel's Wisdom
Heralds of Dread
Angels Wrath Part II
Angel Wrath Part III
Angel's Wrath Part IV
Angels Mercies
Meetings the The Heralds

Angel's Wrath Part I

458 12 7
By Brother_Antros

Angel's Lament

Hello and thank you for joining me in this next chapter of Angel's Lament. I hope you are doing well and that if you are or you sadly aren't reading my story will at the very least entertain you. A quick note about this chapter it is long and about ⅓ through it becomes mainly about dialogue, But I promise next chapter won't I just had to get the talking out of the way for my sake and for the sake of what I'm setting up for next time. Now with my ranting and raving done enjoy...

Chapter 21: Angel's Wrath Part I

Shepard has met death once already and she had been prepared to meet it again, but then something happened. Something that shook the world around her like a Hurricane and Earthquake combined. Knocking Jane to the floor still half-blind and deaf by all that had happened.

Then just as Shepard was finally beginning to recover from her shock a voice roared through the room, like that of the Creature, but this voice was entirely different. It was powerful like the Creatures' voice but this voice possessed anger and wrath and it seemed like the roar of a mighty Lion pronouncing his dominion in an unknown language.

"Nequitiæ sunt in nomine Imperatoris mori!"

Then the Voice yelled again a moment later though it was now in English. "Leave these Mortals Alone In the Emperor's name!"

When Shepard heard the voice say 'Mortal' her mind slowly became aware of who the voice belonged to. It was an 'Angel's voice though it was now projected from speakers based on its volume.

Along with the yelling of the 'Angel', Shepard felt constant booming from what she assumed was the floor and waves of heat on her face. She also could lightly hear what sounded like more roaring from beings similar to Lucius, as well as the death shrieks of Collector Drones. But she could barely tell as her senses were still reeling from before.

After what felt like an eternity to Jane, she began to regain her senses fully, her eyes finally beginning to see straight, and her mind finally able to tell what was going on at least a little.

Shepard was prone on the ground behind the crate she had used as cover, her face past the threshold allowing her to look where the Collectors had been storming from. What Shepard saw in front of her was the Wrath of Angels against the Collectors, Shepard now seeing why people had described seeing them fight like they were divine.

The Angels were armed to the teeth with weapons Jane had never seen, enormous under-arm slung machineguns, Bulky dual-barreled guns, massive shotguns, and giant Gatling cannons. Each weapon fired rounds that destroyed the Collectors like they were mere vermin, arrayed against the might of Demi-Gods brought to banish them back to the depths.

The Angels were dressed in different armor than Shepard had seen before as well, most wearing gigantic suits that made them nearly 10 feet in height. Those dressed in that armor moved slowly but with a strange grace in their movements as they swept their weapons around the Collectors who charged at them like lemmings to their death. Other Angels were dressed in armor that was somewhat smaller making them only stand 9 feet but they still dealt the same crushing damage to the Collectors.

there was a commonality with all of the Angels one she had seen hinted at when she first encountered them. A hint she had blatantly ignored for the preposterousness of it. They were using melee weapons, not even on occasion when a Collector drew to close but as their primary weapon in some cases. Many of the Angels charging into the fray with blades held high ready to crash down on the Collectors that attempted to attack them.

Though the Angels were slowed by their massive armor they moved like an unstoppable wave crashing down upon the ground. their might was so overwhelming the Collectors were even being put to flight at their onslaught. the frenzied creatures scurrying to the exits like cockroaches exposed to light. But the Angels gave no mercy to their foes following them with roared words in their bizarre and unknowable language.

The Creature that had tried to kill Shepard and her team was now absent as his troops fled from the Angels. but this was something Shepard barely noticed as the spectacle of the Angels took almost all her attention. They were truly beyond humans from all they were doing, as even slowed by their giant armor they fought with such power and conviction that the Collectors had been outmatched a thousand times over, even with their overwhelming numbers.

Finally after the last of the Collectors fled the room, or lay in pieces on the floor, the Angels slowed their fighting. With several of the massive warriors taking formation around the door the Collectors had scampered through and aiming their weapons into the dark void that was the corridor beyond. Other Angels turned and began to patrol the room, though they seemed to ignore Shepard and her team.

Finally, after another moment of collecting herself, Shepard was able to push herself off the floor, where she began to check on the rest of her squad in the hopes of seeing how they had fared with all that had happened. Some part of her wanted to instead try and speak to the Angels but she knew the safety of her crew had to be her first priority.

As she got to her feet, she found the rest of her team also trying to regain their composure and their strength. Especially Jack who still seemed to be in and out of consciousness from her earlier displays of Biotic might. Shepard herself also felt the drain her use of Biotics had cost her, as her limbs sluggishly responded to each of her commands.

Jane finally spoke aloud, though she tried to keep her voice down in the hopes only her squad members would hear her. "What's everyone's condition?"

It was easy for Shepard to already tell most of their conditions but she still felt the need to ask. Jacob and Samara were the least affected of all the Biotics. Jacob mainly because of his relative restraint when using his biotic abilities and Samara on account of her well-conditioned use of them. While others were not drained by biotics they had still been somewhat terrified by the monstrous horde that had meant to kill them only a matter of a few minutes ago. Individuals like Joslyn and Alexandra both being somewhat visually shaken at all that had happened. Then others like Mordin seemed to have been completely unaffected based on the way the Scientist had already begun jotting notes down in his omnitool.

Some of the squad gave simple responses, Jacob, Samara, and Joslyn giving simple nods as an answer. While others like Miranda and Alexandra gave more saying something of their condition. The former being exhausted from her use of Biotics earlier and the latter stating her worries for Jack and Miranda's wellbeing as they had both been the worst affected by their use of Biotics. The latter of the two propped up against the crate they used as cover and her skin looking paler than was even remotely healthy. Alexandra doing her best to try and see to the Cerberus Operative in her drained state.

Mordin though had now changed what he was doing, the Salarian Scientist now looking after Jack and attempting to perform a rudimentary medical analysis so he would know how to help, or even if he could. Shepard continued to look over her squad in the hopes of keeping her mind occupied and in the slight hope, it would return her to some state of normalcy. Joslyn had now mainly recovered and was now attempting to help Alexandra in caring for Miranda. While Jacob and Samara continued to watch the Angels. The former with a basic military observation as to keep an eye on them. While the latter was watching them almost like a bizarre accident that she hated but could not look away from for fear of missing what they would do next that she felt violated some form of her code.

Samara had been quite vocal upon finding out the nature of the Angels, she despised them, they were abominations in her eyes beings tortured into monsters by some horrid master that held to none of her Justicar Codes. Others had tried to talk to her but she had heard none of it and she always stated her mind was made upon the matter of the Angels, and that she saw them as only criminals who had violated her people's codes and would pay for their transgressions, eventually. She even now still continued to hold this belief and she did nothing to hide her loathing of the Angels even with how their intervention had literally saved her and the rest of the crew.

Shepard only hoped the Angels wouldn't catch on to the Justicars boiling hatred. But some part of her doubted they wouldn't notice since very little seemed to escape them. Even now Shepard felt as though they were watching her, though the feeling didn't cause her paranoia like it usually would, but instead it felt more like what she could only describe as stewardship. They weren't cruelly judging her nor were they spying upon her, they were simply ensuring that peace remained. Shepard had no idea why she felt this way but it was the truth of what their observations made her feel.

At this point, Shepard prepared to go and speak to Zaeed and Grunt who were both some ways away from the group, their positions now compromised by the number of Angel's nearby. But even despite this clear point, Zaeed had remained crouched behind his cover, his eyes watching the Angel's with a bounty hunters suspicion. Grunt though had long since left his cover his eyes wide at the size of the warriors he now saw. His faces expressed almost akin to a child in a candy store seeing their favorite sweets, but instead, it was a large Krogan warrior observing Superhuman Warriors as though they were toys he desired most powerfully to take on.

As Shepard moved to meet with the two she caught sight of more of the Angels speaking amongst themselves in a far corner she had not been able to see earlier. They seemed to be discussing something with some vigor as even from her present distance of about 60 feet she could hear the voice of at least one of them. It was an Angel dressed in darker red armor, with strange black paint on it, his voice sounding more corse from a distance. He was taller than the others and he seemed even bulkier than them, the one Angel seeming to have a savageness to him. But as if in striking contrast his body moved with pure grace and sophistication, as if he were a scholar trapt within the body of a brute. Though they all seemed deep in conversation with the largest of them sounding displeased, to say the least.

This caused Shepard to question what they were talking about but they were, of course, speaking in their own language making all they said entirely unknown to Shepard. For all she knew, they could have been debating whether to kill her and her crew and she would have been none the wiser. All she could really do was hope that wasn't the case and that whatever they were discussing had nothing to do with her and the Normandy.

Shepard pushed back to talking to Grunt and Zaeed in the hopes to assess their conditions, though both seemed completely fine, she still felt the need to double-check. "How are you two holding up?"

Zaeed gave a primitive grunt in response and kept his eye following the closest Angels with a predator's perception.

Grunt was vocal in his response, saying in what Jane could only relate to wondering. "What do you think is their clan called?"

Jane raised an eyebrow at Grunt's question and said in reply. "I don't really know, all I know is about that is that people call them 'Angels.'"

Grunt, still enamored with the massive warriors around them, responded saying aloud. "Are you sure these warriors are human? They fight with more grace than the most veteraned of Krogan Battlemasters, so I find it difficult to think such a weak race as yours would be able to produce such mighty warriors."

The closest Angel to the Krogan Warrior seemed to have heard him as he turned to the Krogan staring him down a moment as if he had insulted the Angel, which Shepard realized Grunt might have. But after a moment the Angel broke eye contact turning around and returning to whatever they were doing before.

Grunt who seemed pleased with the reaction gave a light chuckle but said nothing after that. Shepard groaned but forced herself not to get angry at the foolish and dimwitted Krogan Warrior. As she knew it did nothing to phase him as he always continued to blurt out such statements and beliefs, especially at the most unfortunate moments.

After giving Grunt one last disapproving look Shepard prepared to head back to the rest of her squad. But before she could even take a step back she heard the heavy footsteps of an Angel approaching her. Shepard took a heavy inhale steeling herself and finally turned around to see who had approached her.

The Angel she saw upon turning around was suited in the larger armor, his helmet looking almost like a dog's head. The armor was red like all the rest but it was heavy in decoration and the weapons he carried were also decorated like they were historical artifacts rather than firearms. The weapon the Angel carried was a massive spear that seemed to have some sort of gun attached to the tip*.

The Angel spoke once he seemed to think he had given her long enough to recover from his presence. His voice was calm like a morning breeze yet powerful like a steam engine. "I would presume you are Commander Shepard?"

Jane was able to respond quickly enough, keeping her voice collected and with as much of an official tone as she could maintain. "I am." Shepard trying to keep her more professional attitude offered her thanks. "I'd like to extend a thanks for saving me and my crew."

The Angel seemed unphased by her thanks and said, his voice still controlled and powerful. "It was my orders to ensure your safety. Now you may aid me in my mission if you would tell me the condition of your..." The Angel looked at Grunt as the Krogan attempted to draw closer, the Angel seemed displeased by the sight of Grunt but he kept it to himself if he did. "Subordinates."

Jane tried to respond quickly, her mind quickly deciding that in being truthful she would be better able to help her team. "Alright, well the first thing we need is medical attention and refreshments. Some of my team have seriously been affected by overextending their Biotic abilities. And Grunt sustained a gunshot to his abdomen."

The Angel seemed to straighten at the mention of Biotics but he nodded after Jane finished, though the movement seemed exaggerated. After a moment he then spoke again. "I have requested such supplies be brought. Are there any other items you are in need of?"

Shepard was fast in her response saying. "We also will need more thermal clips. And we could use some heavier weapons... if you have any you can spare on us?"

The Angel had seemed to take some sort of insult when Shepard asked for some of his people's weapons but when he ignored that when he responded. "I was instructed that I was not to allow you, or your compatriots back into the battle. It is our task now, you have had your chance and you failed to save your crew, now we shall continue in your stead."

Jane nearly screamed at the Angel for daring to stop her in her mission to find Kaiden, but she was able to hold her tongue just in time. But she couldn't help but glare at the Angel for what he said, but her wrath seemed to do nothing to the Angel as he stood undaunted.

Shepard was able to get some more control of herself after another moment where she finally spoke again to the Angel saying in a desperate tone. "You have to allow me to continue. I have to find Kaiden."

The Angel was unaffected by her pleading. Shepard then said with even more rage in her voice saying. "And... and I have to make them pay for all they've done, to me and everyone else they have haunted for so long." This did seem to have some affect, if only a little one on the Angel

Him saying a moment later. "You may be able to seek your retribution and your additional ammunition, but know if you are allowed to continue with me and my brothers you will be subject to our every order. Even if they are contradictory to what you think or believe is appropriate or even necessary. Is that understood, Commander?"

Shepard in her desperation immediately responded with barely a thought about what she might have been agreeing too. "I understand and I agree to do as you order."

The Angel seemed to be somewhat pleased but it was hard to tell as Shepard had no ability to see his face or really any part of his actual body. After that the Angel seemed to communicate with someone, probably through his comms, as Shepard swore she could hear muffled clicking come from his helmet a few times.

Then after another moment the Angel looked back at Shepard and said. "Your requests have been heard, and you will be allowed to continue with us as we cleanse this ship of its pestering taint. But I will again reaffirm to you that in us allowing you to fight with us you are to do as you are told and to stay out of our way."

Shepard nodded and asked a second later, her voice now more controlled than she had been able to keep it for quite a while. "When will these supplies arrive?"

The Angel seemed to stare off a moment before he answered but when he did he was short in his words and vague in his answer. "Soon." then he said after another moment. His helmet looking from Jane to her team. "I would recommend you now wait patiently with your troops, Commander."

After that the Angel left, not even waiting to hear if Shepard had anything else she wished to say. As he left he gave one last stare at Grunt as if the Krogan presence so near him was a deep insult, but that was hard for Shepard to decipher from the way he moved. Shepard let out another deep breath and turned back to the rest of her team, ordering Grunt and Zaeed to follow her back to the rest of the group. The latter of the two was highly reluctant to leave his cover.


The 'supplies' arrived pretty quickly after she spoke with the Angel, but it was not at all through how Jane had expected. Shepard had expected for another group of Angels coming in through the doorway like Shepard had and how she assumed the other Angels had arrived. She had expected for them to be trailed by some sort of cargo hauler, or that the Angels would come carrying crates of supplies.

But none of that is what occurred. Once Shepard had finally sat herself down after double checking on her team, she noticed the Angels moving to two sides of the room. One group continued to watch the doorway, while the other moved near Shepard's team but they kept their distance seeming to only be willing to speak to one another. A pattern Shepard had noticed all too often with these Angels, that they seemed only truly willing to converse openly with one another, seeing everyone else as lesser, if them calling her 'Mortal' was any indication.

Then in the midst of Shepards thinking there began to come a strange and bizarre sound, one that broke Jane from her thoughts. It was like the sound of a jet engine almost, but it almost sounded more primal, more aggressive. The sound grew in intensity in only a few seconds of it beginning. It grew so quickly Shepard and the rest of her team began to scramble back behind their cover, Jane personally believing the Collectors to be leading some form of counter-attack.

As Jane finally crouched behind a Collector crate with Jacob and Samara, the noise suddenly broke through the far wall, bringing in with the noise a massive heatwave. Then the noise suddenly cut a millisecond after breaking through into the room. Soon the heat brought by the noise too ceased, and the only sound that continued to come from the direction, of what Shepard thought could only have been an explosion, was the hiss of cooling metal and the wirr of pneumatic mechanisms and parts.

After another moment of hiding behind cover Jane finally forced herself to look over the crate and try and see what had happened. What she saw caught her attention right away.

In the far corner of the room, where the Angels had walked away from, sat a massive shuttle-like device. It was red like one of the Angels but the front of the device was damaged like it had suffered an exposure to superheated plasma or something even hotter. Based on the warping of the ceramic and distortion of the paint near the tip.

It took Jane a moment of observation to finally realize how the object had been able to reach them. The realization was sudden and to her seemed almost impossible but here was the evidence against her disbelief. The shuttle she was looking at showed all the signs of having literally burned its way through the hull of the Collectors Base and all the way to this room. The device was barely held in the room, its size nearing the Normandy in length and almost equaling it in height. It had entered at a bit of an angle, the shuttle's nose touching the floor while its backside hung up in the hole it had created through the wall.

Once the metal began to cool the shuttle suddenly began to churn with life as if awakened from a deep slumber. The underbelly of the shuttle suddenly extending from within its hull a series of tank-like tracks. The tracks were also attached to a set of robotic arms allowing it to change its direction and placement quickly. The treads immediately set to work freeing the device from the wall. The backside of the device appeared to slam down to the floor, but at the last second its fall was suddenly cushioned by an invisible force causing it to touch down to the floor with barely an audible clang*.

Finally after the giant device touched down it retracted its treads again returning to looking almost like a giant, finely painted oil canister. Though this device seemed to be built more robustly and with endurance and fortitude in mind. As even in its current state it seemed like it could still endure countless more insertions like it just had. Another strange thing about the object was also to do with its construction, as on one hand it looked almost like a standard design, like one made on a mass scale, yet the other parts of it made it look like it was unique or at least a non-standard design.

Then the device again changed, multiple hatches on its sides opened and out from them came turret emplacements of more Angel weapons. With some looking like their blocky rifles while others had a longer barrel and a different design of a weapon Shepard could not identify in the Angels Arsenal from her previous encounters. Near the front on the side closer to Shepard there suddenly released a large ramp, which unlike the device's graceful landing, made a loud bang when it hit the floor, startling Jane and a few others in her crew.

After the ramp came down there came out a trio of Angels, one Jane believed she recognized. He was dressed in an incredibly similar fashion to what she had seen him in before, though his armor was of a stranger look as though, its exterior and whole shape making it look even more unique than any other Angel Armor she had seen. It was a cobalt blue with red and gold decorating it. The Armor was fashioned like an unarmored human physique, like how ancient greek armor had looked in movies Jane had seen. Then the Helmet was a golden color with red paint in addition and was designed to look like a warrior's face, bent into a howl of rage the face appearing to bellow a roar of defiance to those its eyes looked upon. The warrior it depicted was very close to how Lucius had looked, but the craftsmanship of the helm showed the person was much older, with the face carrying wrinkles reminiscent of someone in their late fifties.

On the one Angel Jane recognized, she saw the same sword he had wielded when she first met him. This caused Jane to wonder again how and why these people would use such primitive and inefficient weapons, but again she had seen these same looking weapons tear Collectors apart like they were made of paper. Shepard finally put that topic to the wayside a second later as she continued to observe Lucius. On his left hip, he had a pistol attached to his side, it was decorated, like everything, with the back of the pistol designed to look like Angel wings. The pistol also drew Jane's attention due to its powerful blue glow it was emitting. Whatever the pistol fired Shepard could tell at the very least that it wasn't a bullet or element zero round.

With Lucius was two additional warriors in elaborate armors. The closer of the two, who was also the tallest, was dressed in black armor with a high amount of gold accents that made it look almost just as well crafted as Lucius's. His armor's decorations seemed to be made to resemble people and stories. All of the images seemed to spawn from one original decoration, a face fashioned on the Angel's left pauldron. The face was even more angelic than Lucius's own face had looked, the face seemed to be sleeping but tears ran down the beautiful decorations. The other decorations were connected by the golden hair the face possessed. The face also seemed to carry a mournfulness in its slumbering face as though it was in grief at some unperceivable event. But this was not the most striking thing about this Angel, no the most prominent item on him was his helmet. It was made to look exactly like a human skull, even with the coloration and markings as though it were one.

The other Angel, on Lucius's right was differently armored too, his armor seeming more standard and very little in any decoration. The third Angel from the device was dressed in pristine white armor that looked as though it had just been through a waxing session. Another strange part of this Angel's attire was his helmet, it looked more like the standard ones Jane had seen on the 'normal' Angels, but it's right lense was enlarged, circular in shape, and glowed red instead of green, like all the others. It looked more like a high powered scanner than an eye. Then Jane saw a possible explanation for the lense. On the Angels left wrist there sat a massive box-like attachment on top of the box there sat a symbol Jane knew well. The serpent coiled staff* of a medical bag.

The trio of Angels disembarked their ship, and swiftly walked down the ramp, taking a hard left turn at the bottom, where they quickly walked towards Jane and the rest of her group. Who had still mainly remained hidden behind cover, with only Grunt, Mordin, and Samara peaking over cover. Though Jane mainly focused on the approaching Angel's she saw in the corner of her eye another group of Angels disembark along with what looked like some form of mechs, though Jane could not make them out with her focus directed as it was.

The Angels approached unhindered by the corpses of the Collectors, not one of them sparing a glance at the deceased they tread upon. Nor did they move their feet as to not step on a Collector, many of their footsteps being punctuated by the sound of Carapace cracking and vital fluids leaking. As the Trio came within ten feet they halted, Jane in turn standing up from behind her cover. When they came to a halt Lucius spoke, his voice seeming like it was well attuned to singing with a hidden melody in every word he spoke despite his words. Aside from that his voice was calm sounding as though he was expecting to be where he was like he had seen it happen before.

"Hello Commander Shepard, I see you took very little from my advice. But that is not important. I have come here with a purpose, one I will see fulfilled. Now would you allow me and by kin to meet with you? Know that I ask only as a kindness, and your refusal will result in the withdrawal of my aid to you present comrades and in resupplying you with munitions."

Jane felt offended but she tried to hide it, and she thought she did so pretty well. After a moment of brief thought Shepard said the only thing that made sense at the moment to say. "You may come closer, and I'm grateful for your help, Lucius."

Lucius nodded ignoring Shepards use of his name and stepped closer with his two companions. The two 'brothers' that Lucius had brought with him moved towards the Cover Jack and Miranda had been propped up against. Lucius drew closer with them but halted at about ear-shot so he could still listen to what was being said.

The White Armored Angel, the Medic, stopped next to Jack first crouching down beside her, while the Angel in black stood behind waiting and listening.

The Medic's voice was even more beautiful than Lucius's, his voice sounding calm, patient, and compassionate all in one moment. "Hello, I am Sanguinary Priest Albinus. Would you please tell me your name, Mortal Maiden?"

Jack even in her severely weakened state became aggressive at the Angels tone, believing the Medic was making a crude joke. "I ain't no damn maiden you prissy prick!"

The Angel took the insult in stride speaking again a moment later, his voice having lost none of its sweetness. "I do not mean any insult, Mame, I only wish to help you to recover from your fatigue. And I will be better able to address you if I know your name."

Jack seemed to think a moment about her response gauging whether or not she fully believed the Sanguinary Priest. Finally after a moment's thought Jack mumbled. "Name's Jack." She continued to mumble a little longer in what could only be considered curses and statements of her displeasure.

The Angel dressed in black armor spoke after Jack finished her mumbling, his voice older than the others by far yet it contained a cheeriness that was almost palpable. He spoke in the language the Angels used. "Hoc est hominis spiritus per ascensum Scorpionis ita ut ignis."

This caused both Lucius and the Sanguinary Priest to chuckle.

But it had the exact opposite effect on Jack causing her to attempt, and fail miserably, to get up, her hands flashing a moment with Biotics, before she fell back to the floor more exhausted than before. After a moment of Jack collecting her energy again, she spoke her voice quiet but still containing small traces of attitude between her somewhat ragged breaths. "What did... That bozo... say to me?"

The Sanguinary Priest answered quickly, his voice still kind, and patient. "He complimented you on your willpower." After saying that the Sanguinary priest drew closer to Jack bringing his left arm up and opening it with his right, though only he could clearly see its contents. After taking a second to peruse his medical bag he removed three items at first, a plastic bag full that looked like a normal IV, a tube to connect to the bag, and finally a needle to attach the IV to Jack.

Once grabbing these items his box automatically closed and he set to work on Jack saying as he prepared to insert the needle. "I am going to be giving you a 'Reviver' tap, it will help in revitalizing your body and helping your muscles relax so that you can press on. You should be able to sit up straight in a few minutes, Jack and soon after that you will be able to walk again, but I would recommend you take things slow for the next hour as the Reviver takes effect in your system."

Jack gave a meek nod as her only response.

The Sanguinary Priest performed a few physical tests on Jack, mainly asking if she felt any outlying pain anywhere. She had become too weak to give anymore cheek and so she answered plainly her voice sounding almost alien without her usual passive-aggressive and condescending attitude. The Priest found a few wounds which he saw too with injections of a substance none of them had heard of, though it sounded simple enough, Tissue repairers. The Priest though declined to say more about them other than they caused tissue Cells to repair at a highly accelerated rate.

After that he quickly finished his caretaking of Jack moving on to Miranda, who had been able to recover a bit. Once Jack had finally recovered enough to speak clearly and she could again sit on her own the black-armored Angel came to her and began to speak with her.

He spoke now in English, though had a slight accent that he could not hide, unlike the others. His voice was like before with its large base and with a heavy amount of cheer. "Hello, Jack."

As he spoke he came closer taking a seat on the crate across from Jack giving them a direct line of sight on one another. It was then Jane realized the bizarreness of what the Angel was wearing and equipped with. On the Angels belt was strapped two books each attached to his midsection by chains. As if this wasn't weird enough he also carried a mace-like instrument on his waist that looked like it was made to club people. But his strange equipment aside.

Jack responded quickly enough, her voice once again containing her usual aggression. "Hey, Angel." She said Angel like she was saying a curse.

The Angel responded, his voice still cheerful. "I am Chaplain Effriel. I wonder if you would speak to me Jack, about yourself and your feelings."

Jack was fast to speak, interrupting the Chaplain, her tone was condescending and unkind. "What do you wanna try and braid my hair next, you giant pussy."

Effriel took the insult and responded, his voice now harder and containing less cheer. "I would hope to understand you, but if you continue to be useless, I can have that Reviver tap removed and let you suffer the pain of your abilities as you would have naturally. It is up to you Jack, but I am not known for my patience so I suggest you answer quickly lest I decide for myself." As if to add to his threat the Chaplain placed his left hand over his mace which he lightly tapped for emphasis.

Jack's eyes widened a moment but she answered soon after she heard him, her voice more serious and not containing her usual angst. "Okay, fine I'll answer your questions."

Effriel responded quickly, his voice returning a bit to normal. "I am glad to hear that, Jack. Now would you tell me a bit about yourself. I mean why do you want to fight the Collectors?"

Jack answered a moment later a bit unsure of her response, her eyes darting from the Chaplain's mace to his macarabe helmet. "Well Shepard recruited me with the promise that I'd be able to look into the files of Cerberus if I joined her. That was really my only reason for joining, still kind of is."

The Chaplain gave a slight nod, and said his voice the same as before. After that he asked a few more questions about Jack and some of her personal values. Jack was honest in her answers, mainly out of a fear for the Chaplain. Jack tried to ask her own question once but was silenced by the Chaplain, who said that because of her obstinance she had forfeit the right to ask him anything.

After speaking with Jack for about another 10 minutes the Chaplain finished speaking to her, thanked her for her honesty and said. "May the Emperor guide you." In departure, which Jane took special note of.

The Chaplain then went to Miranda, who had been helped by the Sanguinary Priest and was now recovering.

The Chaplain crouched a few feet away from her and said, his voice cheerful and joyous. "Hello, Madame Miranda, I am Chaplain Effriel. How are you recovering?"

Miranda, who was scanning every inch of the Chaplain with a curious and inquisitive eye, answered a moment later her voice tired but with a curious edge. "I'm alright. But what does your title of Chaplain mean? Are you a religious figure for your group?"

Effriel seemed to chuckle at Miranda's straightforwardness, the giant man saying a second later, in a cheerful voice that had a slightly serious edge. "I will ask the questions first, Madame. But to answer your question. In a sense I am, and in a way, I am not. But now, would you tell me why you joined the fight against the Collectors?"

Miranda tried to tell the Chaplain as little as she could, the Cerberus agent doing her best to remain vague on her own feelings. But as if by some supernatural ability the Chaplain seemed to sift through her words better than she had expected, picking up on many of Miranda's more subtle words, and phrases. This caught Miranda off guard but she was able to catch herself from spilling anything more of important detail to the Chaplain.

Effriel spent only a little while talking with Miranda, in which he seemed to ask completely random questions to her. Then when he permitted her to ask him questions he was always as vague, if not more so than Miranda. Finally after finishing to speak with Miranda Effriel left her and went to talk to some of the others there.

First he went to Jacob, then to Alexandra who he seemed to give a special blessing to say in his native tongue "Imperator protegat animam tuam." Finishing the statement by unsheathing his mace and lightly tapping Alexandra on the forehead with the skull on the mace. Alexandra thanked him for whatever it was he had done and he responded with kind words to Alex telling her to hold firm to the light and that in doing so she would be able to endure any and all darkness.

After giving the strange blessing to Alexandra the Chaplain came to the last human of the group besides Jane, Joslyn. The devastated mother had been in a near frenzied panic for the last several hours after she had learned of her son's abduction. Now though she sat silent, staring off into some other world, her face white as a sheet and her mood bleak.

Effriel approached her slowly, ensuring to make more than enough noise to ensure she heard him, the Chaplain looking almost cartoonish with the exaggerated movements he made to ensure the devastated mother was safe near him.

When he was finally about four feet away from her he bent down on his one knee offering his left hand for her to take. Joslyn was slow to react, but Effriel waited with plentiful amounts of patience as he never made an attempt to speed the wreck of a person before him. Finally, after about a minute Joslyn quickly took Effriel's hand and pulled it to her chest, holding it tight in both her arms as tears and sobs escaped the horrified and scared mother.

As she cried the Chaplain placed his other hand upon her right shoulder, to give her more reassurance. Effriel said a moment later. "I was made aware by my brother that your son has been taken by these abominations. And know ma'am, by my honor as a Blood Angel, and by my oaths as a holy Chaplain, I will not rest until your son is safely returned to your care and those that took him are justly rewarded for their transgressions."

Joslyn broke down further at the Chaplains' promise, the poor and saddened woman jumping from her spot to hug the massive form of the Chaplain. Her arms only barely reaching the far sides of his back. The Chaplain returned the saddened mother's embrace lightly wrapping his arms around her and beginning to gently rub her back in an attempt to further comfort her.

The massive Chaplain then did something that shocked Shepard who had been watching the Chaplain and his meetings the entire time. He began to sing, lightly at first, only a hum, but after another few moments he began to sing properly, his voice though incredibly deep somehow sounding like it was meant to help wounds and emotional pains heal and set broken hearts at ease. The Chaplain wasn't singing in English though he was singing in another strange dialect, one that sounded alien even to the one he had used before.

This tongue was strange and full of emphasis, and more articulate sounding than even the Asari's language. His voice even as graceful as a professional Asari singer, though the Angel's voice was entirely opposite of a usual Asari Singer was somehow filled with the same dignity, if not more. The voice Jane heard was not that of any random person but of a man who could lead armies in singing as though he were born to do so. The tune itself was a basic one but a powerful one that held many feelings in its melody.

The Chaplain sang like this for a few minutes gently patting Joslyn as she continued to weep in fear for her son. Finally, after those few minutes, Joslyn was able to regain control of herself and was able to release her hold on the Chaplain. Who was gentle in releasing his own hold on her, with an over-exaggerated gentleness.

After Joslyn had finally recovered, wiping the last of her tears from her eyes the Chaplain simply spoke to her, giving her reassurance that he and his brothers not only knew her son was safe but that they had the might to save him. Joslyn was thankful for his kindness and thanked him for such behavior. To which the Chaplain responded that it was his duty to see to the spiritual needs and well being of those under his protection and oversight. Then after some more brief talking, the Chaplain offered to give Joslyn a blessing and prayer for both her safety, and her crew's safety, but mainly for her son's safe return. Joslyn agreed to his offer to which the Chaplain then quickly began his blessing and prayer.

The Chaplain while still kneeling next to Joslyn straightened his posture and laid his right palm upon Joslyn's head, Saying in a strong voice a moment later in his people's tongue. "Imperator hominis, magni custos lucis et victor tenebraum. Ego te nunc peto quod humilem servum vestrum in hac praesidio innocentes mulier infantis sui, et curare salutem. Tua Excellentia in nomine Amen."

(Emperor of Mankind, Great Keeper of the Light, and Slayer of the Darkness. I ask you now, as your humble servant to protect this innocent woman and to ensure her child's safety. In the Name of Your Excellence Ament)

During the Chaplains Prayer, the rest of the Angels nearby stopped what they were doing and lowered their heads in reverence, only lifting them and returning to what they were doing once the Chaplain had finished. The Chaplain finished his prayer by tapping his mace upon Joslyn's head. Though this time he lowered his own head seeming to have his skull helm offer a kiss to the mace as it touched Joslyn. Effriel then wrapped up his discussion with Joslyn swiftly offering one last promise before he stood back up to his full height and strode off.

The Chaplain walked back to Lucius, where the two spoke a moment in their own language making whatever they said unknowable to Jane as she approached. Once Jane was a few feet away the two fell quiet both looking at her a moment before either of them spoke.

It was Lucius who spoke first his voice calm and angelic like before, but with a slight edge to it. "Do you wish to speak with us, Madame?"

Jane was quick to give her answer saying, her tone coming across somewhat accusatory. "I want to know when we leave to find the others."

It was Lucius again who answered her, his voice no longer calm and with a heated edge. "We have not just been idly helping you Mortal. My Brothers in the Vanguard I sent to save you and your crew, from your ill-fated plans, have already been making their way to where the Collectors have taken your crew. I have been helping them in organizing their offensive from here while I, along with my brothers continued to ensure your safety and your crew's recovery. And if you desire to have me allow you the privilege of assisting us in their rescue, then you will hold your tongue, and watch who you attempt to level accusations towards. Am I understood, Mortal?"

Jane had to reel herself in once again so that she didn't say something she'd regret, for both her sake, her crew's sake, and especially for Kaiden's sake. Shepard said a moment later her voice as cool and collected as she could make it. "I recognize what you're saying, and I didn't mean to be so accusatory of you, I just need to save my crew," what she said next she whispered hoping to keep it from the Angels, "and my Kaiden."

Despite her hushed voice at the end, Lucius still caught what she had said, himself saying in a strong voice as she finished. "I understand your concern for those you care for and love, but these emotions are blinding you, as they do to many warriors. But you must gain control over these feelings, for if you don't it will only lead to those you want to keep safe being hurt, whether in body or in mind. This panic is a toxin, one that true warriors must learn to expel, or else they will lose their strength when it is needed most."

Jane let out a heavy sigh as she understood the clear truth in Lucius's words, but her heart shrieked at the thought of losing Kaiden. Eventually, after a moment of silent introspection, Jane said her voice now calm and more relaxed. "I appreciate what you're saying, and I'll try to keep my head level as we proceed, because as you said it will only lead to failure and my own misery."

Lucius took a long moment before he answered, the eyes of his helmet seeming locked with Janes, causing her to begin to sweat under the intensity of his stare, but eventually, he said his voice calm again. "See that you do, Jane. It is important for your future and that of many others."

After that Jane let out another sigh, trying to let her worry slip away with the breath.

Once Jane had finished her breathing she turned and said to Lucius. "When will we leave to find my Crew?"

Lucius answered her immediately his voice clear and articulate as if he wished to only give his answer once. "We already know where they are being held, It is in the lower levels in one of their Processing Rooms." He said the room's title with hatred Jane could almost feel in the air. "We will need to be careful when we attack it for if the Collectors suspect that they will lose their prisoners they will kill them. When we Attack the room we will need to be quick and brutal in our execution of the Collectors, and even more swift in our rescue of the prisoners. And for when we leave I will only say this. When I give the order, and not a moment sooner."

Jane wanted to press for a more clear answer and to how Lucius knew so much, but before she could speak Lucius spoke again his voice clear and pointed. "As well, when we do leave, you will leave the... Xenos, here."

Jane was suddenly shaken from her original thoughts at the strangeness of what Lucius had said, 'Xenos, What does he mean by that... Wait does he means Grunt and Samara? The Non-humans? Why on earth would he care about not having them with me when we attack again?'

Jane straightened and said. "Why can't they come with us?"

It was the Chaplain that responded his once cheerful voice now cold. "Because they are Untrustworthy, Foul, and Loathsome creatures undeserving of the right to fight alongside me and my kin."

Jane was again caught off guard but after a moment she said. "Why... How do you know they are so despicable? As far as I'm aware you've never met them." She said this indicating towards Samara and Mordin who had been silently attempting to listen to the conversations, with the rest of the present crew.

The Chaplain didn't follow where Jane indicated keeping his attention fully on her. He then said after he seemed to let out a heavy sigh, his voice still cold. "I do not need to know them to deduce this, they are of deceitful peoples, and their dress and attitude speak volumes to this in addition. I have no trust for them, and neither do my brothers. So we deny them the privilege to fight with us."

Jane was flabbergasted for a moment yet again, as her mind still raced to try and comprehend why the Angel's would be so extreme in their distrust of her Non-Human crew. Sure she was somewhat unsure of Grunt, but Samara and Mordin had both proven to be loyal and rational, so the thought of them suddenly being thrown to the bench simply on account of someone's dislike for them was an entirely bizarre concept.

Finally, after a second more of thought, Jane said, her voice her best attempt as trying to be forceful but convincing. "I can somewhat understand your hesitance about, Grunt, but the other two, Samara, and Mordin, are both good people, and I trust them implicitly. If you would at least allow them to continue with us it would surely show you that they are not what you think they are.

Effriel answered quickly his voice still cold but more showing signs of slight annoyance. "You May trust them, but that is your error, not ours. We know their kind and we know how they feel about us." At this moment the Chaplain finally looked away from Jane Turing, his skull helmets bright red eyes on Samara. He then said in a loud and clear voice full of anger. "Do you think I am blind to your hateful looks, Xeno!"

Jane looked to Samara, she was standing next to Mordin, her arms crossed and her expression harsh. She looked to Jane one moment before returning her sight on the Chaplain, once she had done this she spoke her voice as harsh as her glare. "You are abominations against the Goddess and you are monsters in your violations of my order."

The Chaplain straightened and set his hand on his mace as if weighing to grab it before he spoke again as if he was attempting to hold himself back from charging the Justicar. He even seemed to try and reach for the pistol holstered at his side but stopped before his hand touched it. Once the Chaplain had finally seemed to gain some control back over himself he said his voice sounding like it game from grinding teeth. "Do not speak to me witch, for your life is as much a violation against my order and against my master as you perceive me!"

Jane could sense Samara was about to launch a retort but she cut in quickly as Shepard knew the Chaplain was only seconds away from launching himself at Samara, and that could not happen. If she lost the help of these Angels that spelled doom for her crew, and Kaiden. So with that, all in mind Jane broke back into the discussion saying in her best attempt to drag the Chaplain into a better mood.

"Aright, I'll have them leave." Said Jane, causing the Chaplain to divert his gaze back to her. "I'll have Samara, Grunt, and Mordin return to the Normandy, she could do with more guards anyway"

This seemed to please the Chaplain enough as he finally removed his hand from his mace and nodded his head in agreement.

Samara though was quick to speak again, this time though to Shepard. "You would do as these beasts command?"

Jane turned to look at the gruesome Justicar, who was staring at her with a disappointed look. Shepard said after she had made up her mind. "I'm doing what's best for my crew, Samara, I would ask you to do the same in any other situation."

That seemed to work well enough on the Justicar as she gave a nod seeming to show her approval of Shepard's response. After that she turned and walked away to one of the far crates where she sat herself looking away from Shepard and the Angels.

Jane returned her attention to Lucius and the Chaplain, who were both silently watching her as though they too were judging her decisions.

Lucius was the one to speak next saying in a calm voice. "I will tell you when we depart to the processing area, once my Brothers have gotten as far as they can while still keeping the Collectors unaware of my goal of your crew members. Then you may dismiss your, Others to your ship." He said the last bit indicating towards the doors Jane and her team had come from.

Jane reluctantly nodded and said. "Understood, I'll prepare my team." Jane turned to head back to her team but stopped as Lucius called her back.

Lucius said, his voice as calm as a springtime meadow. "I will have my Automata bring you your additional supplies and munitions directly. I was unsure of the models of weapons your team made use of so I was broad in my collection. As well, I have brought additional firearms for your crew to make use of in the case of damages or malfunctions." While Lucius spoke he indicated towards his shuttle that had burrowed through the ship.

Coming from the shuttle was a trio of Mechs that were about the size of the Angels, their individual armors painted a similar but still different red, there's more reminiscent of rust rather than blood. The Mechs were bulky like everything to do with the Angels it seemed, with their arms looking like they had the strength to break through solid steel with little resistance. Their arms were clawed at the ends with an almost fist-like appearance to them. Their faces were strange as well, instead of the usual Mech optical systems these mechs had strange sheets of a metallic-like glass covering where their eyes seemed to be. The Mechs carried three containers each, all of them individually marked with a series Roman Numerals.

Accompanying the large Mechs was another robot, though this one looked completely bizarre. It was shaped loosely like a person but they were hunched over and draped in a Rust Red robe, that included a hood that obscured its face. But Jane could see the glow of at least three optics coming from under the hood. The strange mech also had additional limbs that sprouted from its back giving it a very ghoulish look as it carried in both hands a massive metal walking stick it seemed to actually be leaning on for support. All the mechanical pieces that showed through the robe and were on the outside of the clothes were hard-edged and almost rustic looking.

Jane found the final Mech entirely unusual, especially its dependence on a staff to walk. As well as its whole design was just strange as if it was more haphazardly thrown together over years of work rather than designed and manufactured at once. Jane rationalized that it must have been an old designed Robot that was used rarely and was for that reason only given the barest of repairs, but even that idea had its flaws that she did her best to ignore for the time being.

The three giant Mechs came about 10 feet away from Jane and her crew, which was where they dropped off their containers. The Mechs not wasting a second before heading back to work the shuttle they had come from.

But the small and unique Mech stayed a moment, it's optical sensors seeming to scan Jane and her team with an almost human-like amount of time and insight. The Mech's eyes seemed to land on Jane for the longest time, out of anyone, as though it was calculating her strength and other abilities on a simple glance. Jane attempted to make her own perceptions on the Mech but her lack of Engineering experience hindered her greatly in making any serious observations.

As if to make things even more confusing Lucius spoke to the Unique Mech as though it were a person, his voice when talking to it almost seeming to carry respect. "Lorem auxilium, Magistri cap. Si navis redituros."

Jane couldn't tell what he said but the Mech understood it immediately. The Mech gave a bow of its head to Lucius before it left, shambling back towards the shuttle., after the other Mechs that had already entered the massive machine. Jane was left a bit curious about the Mechs, specifically the one that had stared at her with such intensity as though it were alive.

But before Jane or any of her other crew members could say anything Lucius spoke to them saying in an almost commanding tone. "These crates hold your resupplies. I'd recommend you take them before you attempt to leave the safety of this chamber." He let out a heavy sigh before continuing. "That does not include you Xenos, you will leave now to reconvene with your ship which should allow you to resupply there."

Jane wanted to argue that it was unfair for her non-human crew having to fend for themselves but a glance from the Chaplain sent most of her words to the wayside.

After a moment she looked to Grunt, Samara, and Mordin and nodded saying. "Do as he said."

Samara gave a last glare at the Angels in the hopes to leave them with something of her temper, though they seemed to care little if any for it. Grunt was a bit outwardly saddened by not being able to see more of the Angels fight, but he nodded his head as a good soldier and left quickly with Samara and Mordin. The latter who had been the most silent during this time as he seemed more focused on observing the Angels than making any real comment.

After they left Lucius turned to the Crates and said in his tongue, in what could have been a voice activated lock. "In societatem bonorum."

The crates immediately opened showing off their large assortment of weapons and ammunition of several types and models. Some of the Weapons seemed like they were in disrepair or as though they had been an older model but they all seemed to work. While the Ammunition was similarly maintained, Jane realized these must have been the weapons and ammunition they took from the Pirate gangs they had slaughtered. There were also canisters of Medigel and a few basic medkits in one crate. But surprisingly there was also a full canister dedicated to refreshments such as energy drinks, protein bars, and a few other basic snack foods.

Lucius spoke again once it was open saying in english. "The Stimulants are meant for those who were affected by their Biotics, as such items have proven to be beneficial to such operatives in the short term. While the foodstuffs are meant for you all to refresh yourselves, so take them freely. Then of course the weapons and munitions are meant for the coming fighting. I suggest you restock and refresh yourselves quickly. As my Brothers and I are already to move and rejoin the Vanguard that is still ahead of us."

With that said the remaining crew of the Normandy quickly set to work grabbing what they needed and prepared to move on, Jane and many of them feeling a deep hunger to get back at the Collectors that had already taken so much from them.

And that's it for today, I hope it was enjoyable and it wasn't to slow there at the end, but I do promise that the next Chapter will deserve the name 'Angels Wrath.' With that all said thank you so much for reading and have a great rest of your day!

*Guardian Spears can be used by other groups not just the Custodes, though they aren't as powerful or effective as the Custodes versions, like this spear in the story has a clip of only five bolts before it needs to be reloaded manually, which is different to normal Guardian Spears.

*I'm using a boarding weapon called a Termite, it's not the one that shows up on the Lexicanum, nor the Fandom. It's from the Book Vulkan Lord of Drakes, where it is used similarly and also has such abilities as I show this one having. This of course could be inaccurate to have in my story as it is possible this was a Great Crusade exclusive since it is shown to be incredibly powerful and I've only found it in this one story. Or the other possibility is that it's a Salamander exclusive and that only they know how to make them. Which if it is that I'm gonna theorize to cover my butt, that since the Salamanders and Blood Angels are such close brotherhoods that an item like this one could have possibly been exchanged, but yeah it's a stretch, if this is all true. Hopefully, it's technically still a normal piece of equipment and that it's just rare or has seen little of any use in the canon.

*Again another sort of questionable inclusion but I have the Apothecary wearing this symbol because it was still being used by medical personnel and Apothecaries into the latter half of the Great Crusade. At least by the Thousand Sons Legion and Iron Warriors as both of their Apothecaries are shown to wear it. So I'm going to say that it is still probably around then as a medical symbol as I'm now also remembering it showing up, I believe in the Enforcer books on Arbite medics and their satchels.

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