philophobia | ksj+mb

By writingsbywyvern

35.2K 2.6K 878

𝐩𝐑𝐒π₯π¨π©π‘π¨π›π’πš (𝗇) 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘒𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘒𝘭𝘭π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 π˜ͺ𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 the most beautiful smiles are t... More

BONUS: Kwon Jihye


691 75 17
By writingsbywyvern

As soon as I stepped inside, I felt cramped, and kind of claustrophobic. Jin's apartment, I'm sure, is larger than mine, but the amount of furniture and things he kept made it seem smaller. It wouldn't be a problem if it's tidy, but sadly, Jin didn't have a conscience for cleaning. It's a wreck.

"Welcome." He spread both arms, giving me an awkward smile. "I haven't cleaned anything."

"I noticed," I mumbled.

Jin scratched the back of his neck. "Well, um... I mean we didn't plan on anything. If we did I would've cleaned the place —"

I chuckled. "It's fine."

No, it's not. It's a hell hole. But I don't want to wait thirty minutes just so that Jin could clean up his mess. I did not sign up for that.

"You're not coming in," he said. "It's really messy isn't it?" He shook his head and proceeded to lift a few clothing from the floor. "I should've cleaned up," he mumbled.

I stepped in, attempting to prove my point, though I'm not sure if I meant my words. But regardless of all the mess, his apartment is pretty nice.

"Well, make yourself at home, if you can call this a home." He pointed to the bed, the one spot that wasn't contaminated by his stuff. "You can sit there while I clear up some things..."

I rolled my eyes and did as he said. "Jin, I swear to god, it's fine."

"You don't look like you're fine with it."

"I'd rather sit in a dirty room than wait for you to waste hours cleaning up this... place."

He sighed, and walked over to his bed, sitting down right beside me. "I swear, I'm usually not this messy. I was busy."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're not allowed to use that excuse. It's copyrighted by me."

He let out his high-pitched laugh, throwing his head back and landing on his bed. He calmed down, letting out a tired sigh.

I turned sideways, sitting cross legged just beside his resting figure. "Bad director?"

He shook his head. "He's not really that bad. Just... bad at giving directions. I fail to understand what he wants." He chuckled and turned to his front, closing his eyes as the tiredness consumed him.

Jin let out another sigh, melting further into the sheets — if that is even possible. I leaned down, resting my head on my hand. Many have called him perfect, physically, and I have to say that he really is — if not perfect — on a whole other level in terms of attractiveness.

A stray hair fell to his face and I can't help but to brush it away. He opened his eyes as my fingers touched him, looking straight at me. I tried to ignore the quickening of my heart and pulled my hand back.

The corners of his lips turned up into a small smile, and his fingers went to his hair to brush it away from his face. "So," he started, "we're not going to just sleep, right?"

"We're not going to sleep at all, Jin." I rolled my eyes. "You're going to take me back later."

"Mhm. Okay." He smirked as he shifted to try and find the most comfortable position. "Tell me something about you that I don't already know."

I sighed, turning to lean on the head board. "I met Yongsun through that mentor thingy during our first year, from a high school friend." I turned to look at him. "Have I told you that?"

He shook his head, leaning closer to me.

I slid down, my back reaching the pillow. "Apparently that's where I met Jaehyun too, but we didn't really get along during the first meeting. Yongsun and I though, we're... chaotic."

Jin chuckled. "Aren't we all?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Some are quite civil."

He chuckled again, leaning his head to my shoulder. "What about Hoseok? How did you meet him?"

"He was with Yoongi at that dumpling stall, and I was with Yongsun," I answered. "I knew Yoongi since highschool, during detention, ironically. At that time the tables were full and Yongsun and I had to join the two of them. And the rest is history."

He let out a light laugh. "You had detention?"

I nodded. "Surprise? But I only got it once, and it wasn't even my fault."

"What happened?"

"Some kid took my homework and copied it, and I didn't know they took it, and I got the detention too." I shook my head, amused. "It's kind of weird though, I got detention when I didn't do anything. Kind of unfair too, but I didn't know that. Yoongi though, he's a different story."

Jin chuckled, shaking his head. "I heard he's... an untamable beast?"

I nodded. "There wasn't a week where he didn't get into detention. He's notorious. And surprisingly that's why all the girls want him."

"You too?"

"Sadly, no — wonderfully, actually," I said. "I am a man in the body of a woman — at least, that's what they like to call me."

"Does that mean I'm in a relationship with a man?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's figurative, Jin. I'm not really a guy. It's just that all those girls can't believe that I am unfazed by the notorious bad boy."

"So, you never had anything together?" He turned, eyebrows raised. "Not even for a single night?"

I blinked, mouth agape from disbelief. "Are you implying that Yoongi and I had a one night stand?"

"Well, you never know —"

"I just told you how I'm not interested in him and you asked if I ever have some kind of relationship other than friends?"

His arms went to my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I'm just joking."

His face is incredibly close to my cheeks, and even if we did this a couple of times, I'm still not able to remain calm. I don't think there will ever be a calm in our relationship. This guy gives me way too many butterflies for anything to be calm.

I turned on my side, staring into his eyes. It held so many things and I thrive to find out. It's beautiful, gleaming dark like the night sky. The lights reflected on its surface, looking like tiny stars.

His hands came up to touch the side of my face, tracing the outlines of my jaw. His thumb grazed my lips and he stared at it. I breathed out a sigh, aware of my beating heart and our proximity. He pursed his own lips, and brought his eyes back to mine.

He leaned forward, pulling me closer to him, nullifying the distance between us. I closed my eyes, and felt his lips against mine, brushing ever so lightly.

He pulled back, letting out a sigh. When I opened my eyes, I found his, staring at me so intently that I knew I'd melt.

"Byul..." He breathed.

I gave him a small nod. And he pressed his lips back to mine.

The sensation of our kiss sent shockwaves throughout my whole body, and all thoughts disappeared from my head. The only thing I could register was our closeness, and his lips against mine, filled with so much passion and desire I thought wasn't possible. His hand reached the back of my head, and his thumb brushed my hairlines, calming me from the world's problems.

I separated us, inhaling a large amount of air, the ones I missed during our kiss. His hand still held the side of my face, and as I opened my eyes, I saw him as breathless as I am. He gave me a smile, one I returned, and without a single logical reason, we broke into a laugh.

I turned to look at his pure white ceiling, my head under his arm as I calmed my breathless heart. He too, turned to his back, his chest falling and rising in sync with mine. His hand went up to brush my hair, touching it ever so lightly.

"So I never thought you're the type to make out in bed," he said.

"It sounds so wrong if you put it that way." I chuckled. "But in all honesty I don't usually do this often."

"Mhm." He nodded. "I can see by how awkward you are."

I rolled my eyes and hit his chest. He let out a grunt. His arm went around my waist as he rolled over to me, planting another kiss to my lips. "Hm, feisty. I like it."

"Oh god, you sound so gross." I pushed him away, the bed bouncing as his weight hit the matras. "Do you do this often?"

"I've done more than this." He gave me a side smirk.

I closed my eyes and turned away from him, mimicking a puking person. I could hear his laugh behind me, and his hand came back to my waist, pulling me back to him.

"Why am I in a relationship with you, again?" I asked.

"Because I'm handsome and attractive and can win any girl's heart — Ow! Why'd you hit me?"

"You are such a huge flirt." I rolled my eyes, trying to pry his hands away from my waist. Not that I minded, but circumstance and jokes are a priority at the moment.

"Are you always this violent?" He rubbed his elbow, the spot I hit him.


I know he meant it as a joke, but his choice of words bother me. I don't have a history of hitting people as I want, but I do that sometimes. And I never thought of my actions as violent, or anything of the sort.

I'm not violent, right? Or am I really? Does Jin really think that I'm that kind of person? Is that the reason why Jaesung —

"Byul? You're quiet." Jin's arm snaked back around my waist, pushing me to turn his way. I did and saw him frowning in concern. "You okay?"

I gave him a subtle nod, added with a tiny smile. "I'm okay."

The sound of an obnoxious beeping woke me from the land of dreams. I stirred, sinking deeper into the pillow, trying to drown the beeping from my head and put myself back to sleep. The sheets felt softer somehow, and the warmth of arms around me calms me down. Their steady breathing serenades me back to my dreams and soon, the beeping dies down.

Wait. Arms?

My eyes opened, only to stare back at a blue shirt. My head jerked up and found Jin's sleeping face, mouth opened and eyes closed. I breathed a sigh of relief, calming myself down and snuggling back to sleep.

It's just Jin, and even if that is kind of suspicious he isn't someone who would do something bad. We probably just accidentally slept last night and that's nothing to be worried about. The beeping was his alarm, and this is his bed and his pillows. That explains the weird unfamiliarity.

I tried to go back to sleep. Key word, tried. I didn't exactly manage to go back to sleep, even if it is very early in the morning.

I sat up, brushing Jin's arm away from me and leaned over to take my phone. Jin's alarm had stopped into a snooze, and his room was silent. I clicked my phone open, letting the screen blind me for a few seconds.

But then I found what day it is.

I hit Jin's leg with more force than necessary. "Jin! Wake up. It's wednesday!"

His eyes opened quickly and he looked around in confusion. "What?"

"I have to work. It's wednesday." I jumped off the bed, collecting my stuff. "You have to take me back to my apartment."

He sat up, staring at me with his eyes half closed. "Okay." And dropped himself back down.

I stomped over to him, shaking him awake. "Jin! For the love of god, please just take me back and you can go back to sleep."

"God, Byul. Calm down." He slapped my hand away and dragged himself to the floor, yawning as he did so. "It's still five."

"And I have to get there by eight." I put both hands on my hips. "And if we don't hurry you're going to be late. Or we both will."

He gave me a sleepy smile and leaned down to give me a small kiss. "Chill. You won't be late. Just let me get ready first, okay? And then we'll go to your apartment so you can get ready."

"But then you'll be late."

He shrugged, giving me a tiny smile while he took some clothes from his wardrobe. "It's fine. Rehearsals like to start late anyway."

"But —"

He cupped my face, making me look right to him. "It's fine, alright? I don't mind."

But I do. I do mind and if you're late it would make me feel bad.

But he entered the bathroom before I could say anything, and I was left to sulk on my own feelings.

summer break's over and i'm back with classes. and shooting. and stuff. and being busy. i guess byul and i have a lot of similarities. we're hella busy.

thank you for all your support. i can't believe philophobia is at 9k now! i really never expected this to happen. once again, thank you.

till next wednesday

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