DC Legends of Tomorrow: The G...

By sparkle123tt

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Everyone's favorite Glitch is back for book 2. With the Time masters now destroyed it is up to the legends to... More

The Intros
Ch 1: French Mistakes
Ch 2: Secrets and Sides
Ch 4: If you seek Clarity
Ch 5: The JSA
Ch 6: Stowaway's and Cast-Off's
Ch 7: Wrath of Raiju
Ch 8: Flickers
Ch 8: Say Sayonara (The Real one this time)
Ch 9: Zombination pt 1
Ch 10: Zombination Pt 2
Ch 11: Compromised
Ch 12: Back to the West pt 1
Ch 13: Back to the West pt 2
Ch 14: Invasion Pt 1
Ch 15: Invasion pt 2
Ch 16: Invasion pt 3
Ch 17: Clarity's Missing Hours
Ch 18: Better Left Unknown
Ch 19: Ignorance isn't Bliss
Ch 20: Beyond Absolution
Ch 21: Can't Catch a Break
Ch 22: Scatter-Brained
Ch 23: A decision must be made
Ch 23: Too Close for comfort (the real one this time)
Ch 24: Dedooming the Legion
Ch 25: The Lady of the Lake
Ch 26: Christmas Surprise
Ch 27: Mind infiltration
Ch 28: Love you to the Moon and Back
Ch 29: Stuck Between Sisters
Ch 30: Love is Doomed pt 1
Ch 31: Love is Doomed Pt 2
Ch 32: Love is Doomed pt 3
The Third Book

Ch 3: Time to Scatter

1.8K 95 332
By sparkle123tt

"Captain Hunter is calling a meeting. It would seem New York is still in peril." Gideon informed Clarity who had just gotten through drying her hair from her shower.

It had taken her a while, a lot longer than she was proud of, to actually step into the shower under the waters spray, and it took even longer to so much as turn the shower on. Clarity having checked over the bathroom for a camera of any kind in even the smallest of crevices. Even in the bottle of hairspray Kendra had left behind on the ship that Clarity accidentally sprayed in her eyes when peering straight into the nozzle. Clarity'd had to calm her powers so she could shower. In order to do that, she had to be calm, to relax, and she couldn't do that without checking. No matter how many times Gideon told her there was nothing there, even though she couldn't feel anything with her powers, she didn't trust either, there may be something she was missing.

Her search came up empty and so she kept her mind as clear as she possibly could as she finally stepped under the spraying water. The Glitch doing her best to think of nothing but the temperature of the water hitting her bare skin, any other thoughts positive or negative, would lead to a thorough shocking. Enjoying a shower was something that Clarity didn't get to do anymore since she got her powers. No singing in the shower, no letting her thoughts run wild, or anything of the sort. It was one of the many things she sometimes missed about not having powers.

She was now changed back into the sweater dress she'd been wearing before. Her shoes, gloves, and jewelry already put back on. The Glitch now applying a fresh coat of makeup to her face.

"Thanks Gid." Clarity murmured putting her buret back on her head, touching up her make up. "I'll be right there...there's something I need to do first."

"Are you sure you're alright, Creator?" Gideon asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Clarity replied, leaning back  setting her pink lipstick down once it'd been applied. "Really, I just worked myself up over nothing that's all. So some old award winning scientist guy wanted to sleep with me...it's not like it'd be the first time."

Sure, Clarity didn't know how old Thawne technically was, especially not in his real body, but back then, that night, he had been in the body of a 50 something year old, or his body had looked like that of a 50 something year old? Clarity didn't exactly know the logistics of how Thawne had changed his appearance to look like Wells, but either way, to her, from her point of view, there was at least somewhere between a 20-30 year age gap between them that night. Similar to how big the age gap between Einstein and herself was.

Clarity shoved the dress, the shoes, and the rest of the accessories, even the bobby pins she'd put in her hair, into a trash bag. She tied it up, glitched to the ships incinerator, and threw it in to make sure she'd never make the mistake of wearing it again, feeling as if the stains would never come out, like it wouldn't ever be clean again, even if she managed to get out the spilled champagne there was something that would always feel dirty about it now.

"Okay..." Clarity took a deep shaky breath watching the bag burn away. "Everything's okay now...it was just the wind, Clarity. Just the wind and some disgusting old man who thought he'd get lucky at a party. That's it. Not a big deal. So, no more crying, no more thinking, there's a city that needs saving."

Clarity glitched to the parlour where Snart, Sara, Rip and Stein were already gathered.

"Is no one else coming?" Clarity asked as she walked over to the circular table everyone was standing around.

"Mick and Todd are watching Einstein, and Jax is still working on making repairs to the ship." Snart told her. "This is everyone."

"Now that you're here we can begin." Rip leaned on the table. "So, while we were busy safeguarding Professor Einstein..."

"The Nazis were busy kidnapping his ex." Sara crossed her arms.

"Of course they were." Clarity shook her head. Why had it never dawned on her to check on his ex? Maybe because she took it for granted it was Einstein himself who made the bomb. Why had she been so quick to assume that? Of course Mileva would've been the easier target. It hadn't even occurred to Clarity to think of her. The attempt on Einstein was probably just icing on the cake for them.

"Who is this ex of his? How does she know how to build a bomb? She peak at his notes?" Snart inclined his head in the Professors direction.

"Her name is Mileva Maric," Stein explained. "She's a fellow nuclear physicist."

"Who, let me guess, had no one guarding her." Rip sighed.

"But why take her? Are they trying to get Einstein to cooperate?" Snart asked.

"No, I think it's more straight forward than that. They don't even need Einstein now, She's actually a bit of a genius." Clarity replied. "I did a paper on her in eighth grade. I don't remember a lot other than there were some theories she actually helped Einstein with his work. Sorry... Honestly, didn't think of her til right now."

"Yes," Stein agreed. "Einstein's collaborations with Ms. Maric were a closely guarded secret between the two of them."

"Guess the secrets out now." Snart leaned back against the wall.

"A secret that the Germans apparently knew, so unless we can determine where they're keeping her while she manufactures their bomb... " Rip said rubbing at his forehead, hand karate chopping in the air.

"If I had to guess, I'd say she's with Damien Darhk's uranium." Ray walked into the room now changed out of his suits outer mechanical layer.

"Thats just who we need to have Uranium." Clarity bit her finger. "He's tried to blow up cities before or...is he going to?"

"He's going to." Snart replied, because Clarity had yet to hear that Sara hadn't killed him yet. Snart's comment conveying the hidden message to her.

"Damien Darhk? As in..." Stein began.

"The man who murdered your sister." Rip finished all eyes on Sara now, the assassin sighed. Clarity was quick to wrap an arm around her in a side hug.

"Thanks Clarity..." Sara whispered.

"How is Damien Darhk even alive in 1942?" Stein demanded finding it rather impossible.

"Thanks to the Lazarus Pit, he hardly ages." Ray answered him.

"I think his magic has something to do with it too. I mean Sara went in that mystical jacuzzi and she's not going to live forever." Clarity looked at Sara leaning towards her, eyes curious. "You aren't going to live forever are you?"

"No, Clarity, I'm not going to live forever. Yes, the pit brought me back from death, but it only extended it past that point. Damien went in uninjured and probably cast a spell or something."

"You have quite the knowledge on the subject." Rip remarked suspicion entering his tone.

"Sara's kind of an expert on Damien Darhk." Ray looked to the two women. "After that little spiel, I'd wager Clarity is too."

"Drop it, Ray." Sara warned.

"No one likes a tattle tale." Snart pointed his finger at him. "Zip it. We have a lady to rescue."

"I'm sorry," Ray told them turning to Rip. "but while you were all saving Einstein, Sara was off on her own secret side mission to kill Laurel's killer in the past with Snart and Clarity knew all about it and didn't say anything."

"Was that why you were crying earlier?" Rip asked Clarity, still trying to make sense of that.

"You were crying?" Stein looked to Clarity the genius not having seen the tears too focused on Einstein's brilliance. "When was she crying?"

"Back at the party." Rip replied with a wave of his hand. "Secret keeping become a bit too much for you, hm, Miss Springs? I'd imagine so, must be terribly hard keeping your relationship such a secret from everyone on top of some revenge scheme. Gideon didn't even know about it when I asked her. How'd you manage that? Another override? Thought we were done with those."

Claritys eyebrows furrowed in confusion and unease, hand dropping from where it had been curled around Sara's waist. What was Rip talking about? What relationship? She wasn't in a relationship with anyone. "And I thought we were done having Gideon dig through information either of us would rather keep private about our lives. Not that I even know what you were searching for."

"Oh don't act so confused. Everyone on this ship knows that your seeing each other." Rip told her, hands shoved in his pockets. "You think we don't hear you glitching around the place together every night? Couldn't be decent enough to tell people? Least Todd and Mr. Snart did so."

"Oh my god, Clarity and I haven't been sleeping together!" Sara exclaimed throwing her hands up slamming them down on the table. "What you people think I'm just going to start something with Clarity while Laurels killer is still out there?"

"Well, Clarity could've came onto you.." Ray argued.

"Really Raymond?" Stein gave him a withering glance. "I highly doubt that Clarity would be so insensitive when Miss Lance has been in mourning. She apparently isn't as over it as most of us suspected either."

"Over it?" Snart glared. "A dead sisters not something you get over. Someone hurts them you kill em, some kills them you make them suffer the most poetically painful death imaginable."

"Point is, I can't be with someone who I actually care about right now, not in any real way that matters and she deserves a lot more than just some meaningless sex on some library desk top. So would you all just stop spreading around rumors like that about us? Who even started that rumor? I swear I'll cut their tongue out."

"Uh, I believe it was Jefferson. I'll have a talk with him." Stein replied. "No need for bodily harm."

"Uh...t-thanks?" Clarity picked at the lace on her gloves. "I um..I-I think..." if anything Clarity just looked even more confused than before but for a different reason. Everyone had thought they were seeing each other? Was that why Jax had suggested she go upstairs with Sara? And everything Sara'd just said..she cared, she wanted something real, something more, something meaningful, but was it in the way Clarity was thinking? No, she was just overthinking things. Had to be. There was no way that the assassin liked her like that, right? Was she even Sara's type? Did Sara have a type? How did Clarity feel? What did she want?

She didn't really know, too many thoughts running around in her head, colliding with counter arguments zipping around. A relationship hadn't been on her mind at least not when she was Clarity. Amy was a different story, but Clarity... she hadn't thought about being with someone like that after everything with Tyler, with Eobard and then she was time traveling. Though Felicity had seemingly given her permission to date Ray way back when Rip first recruited them. She didn't seem the billionaire as anything but a friend. In fact, the very prospect of dating always seemed so hard now after her five year engagement went down in shambles. If someone who she was with for that long couldn't handle it then how could she suspect any one else to? Even if they were used to all this craziness. How to explain to someone that you glow and sparks fly from your fingers when you get turned on? Was she even ready for a relationship? And what about Eobard what if he was- no. No, Clarity. She berated herself. It was just the wind. A freak breeze that came out of nowhere. Stop thinking. It was nothing. In any case, she definitely wasn't coming to any conclusions any time soon.

"That solves that mystery." Snart clasped his hands together smirking lightly. "Or does it?"

"You still shouldn't have tried to kill Darhk." Ray protested. "I can't believe you dragged Clarity into it either."

"I didn't drag her into anything! She volunteered." Sara protested. "And I suppose you never thought about saving your fiancée?"

"Yeah, of course I did," Ray replied hurt that Sara would even suggest otherwise, "but I never did it, because it's against the rules."

"What rules?" Sara challenged. "We're not Time Masters, there are no rules."

"Not any that apply to us." Snart added.

"Well, if there were, there'd certainly be one about lying to your team." Ray glared.

"Wake up." Snart told him. "This team was built on lies. If anything that's rule 1."

"Okay, first that's horrible," Ray told him, "And second, That doesn't make it right."

"Listen to yourself." Sara scoffed.  "Look, we get it, you're perfect. Always the Boy Scout, aren't you, Raymond?"

"Yeah, well, I could say the same thing about you being an assassin." Ray replied not missing a beat.

"Ray, stop." Clarity told him because that had been uncalled for. Sara was so much more than being an assassin, even if she was using her skill set to try and kill Darhk. She wasn't doing it just to kill him, at least Clarity didn't believe she was doing it just to kill him.

"No, enough with the lies. Let's all be honest for once." Ray replied.

"Well, if we're being honest, then let me get something off of my chest." Sara walked up to him.

"Let's all just take a deep breath, shall we?" Stein tried to get between them. The tension in the room as thick as blood yet to be spilled. Though the professor went ignored by them all.

"You think that you're such a big hero, Ray?" Sara asked. "Without that fancy suit you're nothing but a self-righteous rich guy."

"Damn and people call me cold." Snart smirked.

"Shut it, Snart." Sara told him.

"Maybe you're right... but without my suit there's no way of finding Einstein's ex-wife, or Damien Darhk for that matter. Seeing as how Claritys not going to know what they feel like."

"Sorry, what are you saying?" Rip asked cutting in.

"That anyone who spends a lot of time around uranium... In this case Damien Darhk... Picks up trace amounts of radiation, which my suit can track."

"And lead us straight to the Nazis' nuclear bomb." Stein realized.

"Everyone suit up, and report to the cargobay. Time is of the essence. Gideon, spread the word to Mr. Jackson, Mr. Rice and Mr. Rory. We're going to need everyone." Rip ordered walking hurriedly to get any supplies that might be needed.

In mere minutes the team was all suited up in the cargo bay. Gideon flying the waverider to the Garrett Shipyard in Hoboken, New Jersey where Ray's suit had tracked the bomb.

"What's he doing here?" Clarity asked crossing her arms in front of herself shuffling back as Einstein walked into the bay behind Todd and Jax.

"To hell if I know." Snart sighed, making sure his gun was correctly assembled.

"I am coming with you." Einstein announced.

"Dude, wants to help save his ex." Jax held out his arms and hit his palms on the outer sides of his thighs.

"He can't do that." Clarity protested fingernails beginning to dig into her arms.

"Bah," Einstein waved his hand eyeing Clarity up and down. His eyes focusing on certain private areas. "I will not listen to the likes of a woman."

"Maybe if you had your girl wouldn't have left your sorry ass." Mick grunted, fixing him with a glare as he put his gloves on. "You're about three seconds away from getting socked in the jaw again. Quit trying to look up her skirt."

"I was doing no such thing!" Einstein protested at being caught.

"Yeah? And I'm the king of Belgium." Mick replied.

"It's true, he eats the most waffles. Haven't beaten him yet." Todd agreed, Snart cracked a smile as he nudged him. Clarity did too her lips quirking upwards just the slightest though she still felt uneasy with Einstein in the room.

"Wearing a skirt like that she is asking for attention." Einstein pointed to the ground.

"That's not how it works man." Jax denied eyeing Einstein in disgust. His mom having raised that boy right.

"You want a smoke screen between you two?" Todd asked Clarity. Despite his joking comment he was concerned.

"No, I-I'm good." Clarity told him. "Thanks though."

"I get it, Rip. I'll stay on mission." Sara promised though her fingers were crossed behind her back as Sara, Ray, Stein and Rip walked into the room the last to arrive.

"Ready to go everyone?" Rip clapped his hand together.

"Va, let us go."Einstein nodded. "Mileva is waiting for rescue. I must be there to save her."

"That's pretty noble for a divorcé." Ray said putting on his helmet.

"I concur, do you believe your ex is simply going to come running into your arms?" Stein raised a brow at him.

"Perhaps not." Einstein replied. "But it is my duty to be there if she needs me."

"Rip, he's not actually coming with us is he?" Clarity asked hesitantly, realizing he wasn't ordering anyone to take him back to the brig like she thought he would have. "I mean he's important to history."

"We might need him to diffuse it on site, Clarity." Rip replied. "Ray's confident his suit can do the job but we need a backup plan in case something goes wrong. As important to history as I know he is...he's coming."

"Alright, then I'm not going." Clarity shook her head taking another step back.

"What?" Rip demanded, walking over to her. "Clarity, it's all hands on deck right now. You can't just not go."

"I'm not comfortable with him being there with us." Clarity replied. "If he goes then I'm not going."

"You have to." Rip told her. "If we don't get this bomb New York explodes! This isn't about whether or not your comfortable. Might I remind you that millions upon millions of lives are hanging in the balance? Possibly even your and Mr. Rice's past selves, along with the rest of the JSA."

"I-I know, but..."

"We do not have time for this, Clarity. You can't stay on the ship. This isn't a normal mission you can opt out of. The stakes are far too high." Rip insisted. "Your going whether you want to or not. That's an order."

"Your not listening, Rip please, I don't want to-" Clarity didn't get to finish.

"No, I'm not. Not this time." Rip glared. "None of you ever seem to listen to a single thing I say well right now you get to see how it feels. This time your going to do whatever the hell I tell you whether you want to do it or not. And you Miss Springs are going on this mission do you understand?"

"Just this one time is all-" Clarity looked at him pleadingly.

"Do you understand?" Rip repeated voice raised cutting her off.

"I..." Clarity bit her lip looking down at her boots. "Yeah...I understand..."  Clarity walked dejectedly off the ship. Eyes kept downcast arms remaining crossed in front of herself. Einstein was walking behind them, Clarity and Ray leading the way, the rest following behind. Even though most of the team was separating them she could feel his eyes on her through gaps of space between where the teams arms would move, or they'd drift apart when walking leaving more peeping space. They finally crouched by some crates, Clarity placing herself as far from Einstein as she could. She still felt like she was being watched.

"We can't allow them to get that bomb onboard." Rip stated the obvious as Mick peered through some binoculars.

"Flick, can you glitch it away from here somewhere? Drop it in the water?" Obsidian suggested.

Clarity closed her eyes reaching out with her powers but she felt no hum from the a-bomb. "No, it's not on...and if I mess up when I magnetize it..."

"What happens?" Snart asked her.

"Boom." Clarity replied.

"Let's not." Snart told her. "How about you? Can you use your smoke to hurl it into the water?"

"If any of it slips in it'll ignite like a powder keg. If I lift it with my smoke it'll be the same as Flick lifting it with her lightning. It jostles then bye bye us. Why don't you freeze it?" Todd asked.

"Not sure how an A-bomb'll react to a rapid decline in temperature." Snart replied. "Something tells me it wouldn't be good."

"What about Mileva?" Einstein worries about his Ex.

"Don't worry, Doctor, we'll be sure to keep her safe, but we must secure the nuclear bomb..." Stein began.

"Atomic." Einstein corrected.

"About to be placed aboard a Nazi's submarine.
This is no time for subtlety." Stein complained, annoyed that Einstein tried to correct him again.

"Agreed." Rip stood up wiping his hands.

"Let's make sure we all follow the plan." Ray looked to Sara.

"Let's just get this done." Sara straightened up.

The team started walking down the docks and Ray fired a warning blast way to close to the bomb for anyone's liking.

"You call that a warning shot?" Snart pulled his goggles down.

"Well yeah... wanted to get their attention." Ray replied.

"We really need to work on your aim." Todd sighed hood pulled up.

"Guys, not the time." Clarity chimed lightning crackling in her palms. "Though speaking of ... wait til we're closer next time, you're going to have to yell for them to even hear you now."

"Step away from the lady and the bomb! Final warning!" Ray yelled walking in front. Mick and Snart on either side of him slightly behind. Sara, Rip, Clarity and Todd walking just behind them two.

"Schnell! Toten sie!" Darhk yelled, ordering them all to fire.

"I love roasting Nazis!" Mick remarked firing his gun at a few.

"Putting them on ice ain't so bad either." Snart agreed as he fired his cold gun at some Nazi's.

"We need to get Miss Maric to safety!" Rip exclaimed. "Sara!" Rip yelled at her as she went running straight for Darhk.

"Get down." Rip gestured for the old woman woman to lower herself behind a crate. "Miss Springs, Sara's gone awol, now would be a good time."

"On it!" Clarity rushed over. "This might feel a bit tingly." She warned the woman before she placed a hand on her shoulder and the two glitched to Einstein.

"Mileva! Darling!" Einstein smiled, at her as if he hadn't been trying and failing to seduce Clarity all day.

"Good work." Einstein slapped Clarity's ass making her jump in place. Her mouth dropped open and she stared at the scientist completely scandalized a single hand covering the spot the other pulling at her skirts edge. Lightning crackling across her body. Had he really just-!?

"Albert!" Mileva slapped him across the face, but it hadn't been for assaulting Clarity. "What trouble have you gotten us into you fool?"

"Nothing, that I cannot get us out of darling. Come. I know some place safe." The Einstein's both running off together Clarity still struggling to regain her composure.

"Uh, guys, a little problem here." Ray's voice crackled through the coms. "Suit's not as radiation-proof as I thought."

"Sara!" Rip yelled to the assassin, "Fall back!"

"Uh, guys, actually a big problem." Ray corrected.

"I'll say, the Nazi's are about to put the bomb on the ship!" Snart called as one particularly brave Nazi ran past Ray keeping low to the ground and pushed the bomb towards the u-boat.

"They can't get it on if they can't get on the sub." Clarity glitched close to the docks edge, and she pushed down with her lightning, forcing the ship to submerge under the waters surface. It was insanely heavy, and the water was working against her already trying to push it back up. Clarity fighting to keep it down.

"Haircut! Watch out!" Mick called as the Nazi's fired at Ray all of the bullets ricocheting.

"Mick, look out!" Ray called a moment later the arsonist going down.

Clarity felt a strong gust of wind hit her again from the water, so strong that she'd had to close her eyes or risk getting dust and dirt kicked up into her abnormal blues. She couldn't see if there was something there now, but it almost felt-no she had to focus. She was losing her grip on the u-boat. The submarine was big but if she could just keep it submerged under the water so they couldn't get away....
She felt a hand grab her arm, definitely a male going by its size, and Clarity instantly freaked out .

"Don't touch me!" She snapped stumbling back, catching herself before she could go falling into the water, but she lost her grip on the submarine and it popped up above the water again as she shocked whoever had just touched her with her lightning. The Nazi's successfully getting the bomb on board.

"What did you do!?" Snart snapped at her cradling an unconscious Todd in his lap. The smoke hero having just come to check on her and received a nasty shocking for it.

"Oh my god," Clarity's eyes widened bending down. "I- I didn't mean-I thought he was-" Clarity struggled as she panicked. "I-is he breathing? His body's still humming."

"He's alive." Snart confirmed with a glare. "You're lucky."

"Or not." Snart drawled as she got splashed by a poorly aimed fireball from Jax. The flaming ball hitting the water getting her splashed from head to toe.

"Fall back!" Rip yelled for the millionth time.

"Sara!" Rip snapped into the coms. "Mr. Rory's injured, Mr. Rice has been electrocuted, Dr. Palmer is incapacitated, Clarity is soaked from head to toe, we need to fall back now!

"Firestorm, cover Dr. Palmer and Sara." Rip ordered. "I'll cover Miss Springs and the rest."

The team all went back to the ship, the injured all being transported to the medbay. Everyone else scattering today change. Clarity changing into what she was wearing earlier one last time. Her hair was still dripping down her back, but other than that she was dry for the most part.

"Hey, sorry about splashing you." Jax apologized coming up beside her. "Thought I saw something moving in the water."

"You saw s-something in the water?" Clarity asked eyes widening.

"Yeah, saw something yellow before it dipped under the docks after I blasted by it. It was hard to tell from way up there, but it must've been a buoy or something." Jax replied.

"Yeah," Clarity swallowed thickly as she hugged herself. "Must've been."

"Okay, Mick's on the mend, Todd's recouping in his room, and Einstein and his ex are safe and sound with the security detail." Jax announced as Clarity and him walked into the bridge.

"And none of us got killed by Nazi's." Clarity added.

"Thank you, Jax. And that's good to hear Clarity." Rip answered them both.

"But the Nazis still have the nuke. What are we doing leaving New York?" Jax asked leaning forwards.

"Because the Nazis still have a nuke, which we saw being loaded onto a U-boat." Rip replied.

"They're gonna hit New York from underwater." Jax realized.

"That's such a dick move." Clarity complained.

"Yeah, I'm tracking the uranium signature recorded by Dr. Palmer's suit, but before we engage the Nazis I need you to make these modifications." He passed Jax a tablet, then turned to Clarity passing her a different tablet. "And I need you to program this into Gideons mainframe as well."

"Really? Is now the time for me to be playing mechanic?" Jax complained.

"And I just gave Gideon an update before we went on the France mission." Clarity protested. "Why does she need..." Clarity glanced at the screen. "a time tracking protocol on all of our electrical signatures?"

"Your and Mr. Jackson's tasks go hand in hand." Rip replied turning to face the two.

"Course they do." Jax complained.

"Look, I know that you consider the chores that I've been assigning you to be a waste of time, Jefferson, but believe me, they're more than just an exercise." Rip told him.

"What's the subliminal variance of the quantum manifold?" Rip quizzed.

"Two microns." Jax answered instantly not even needing to think about it.

"And if one wanted to divert power from the axial array?"

"Can't be done, you'd have to go through the clavian adjunct." Jax replied.

"Mm-hmm." Rip hummed turning back around. "Clarity, I'm sure you'll find that you have similar knowledge regarding Gideons systems."

"All of the stuff you've been having me and Clarity do, you've been teaching me about the Waverider and Clarity about Gideon."

"I'm a time traveler, Jefferson." Rip told him. "I spend most of my time thinking about the future, specifically my own, and..." Rip trailed.

"And here I thought you were just being lazy." Clarity studied the tablet over.

"It occurs to me that that future might not involve me being aboard this ship, and I need someone to know its secrets in my absence. There has to be someone who can care for Gideon."

"Hmm, nice try, dude, but you're not quitting on us." Jax denied. "What's a "Timescatter"?"

"Hmm? Uh, a last ditch option, and one that I pray we will never have to use." Rip answered.

"We'll get this done." Clarity told him, Jax and herself going to do what Rip has asked.

Clarity froze as the ship rumbled.

"Gid? What was that?" Clarity asked, voice trembling.

"We are now submerged underwater and taking heavy fire." Gideon answered.

"Better hurry." Jax told her.

"Let's hope we don't spring a leak." Clarity winced,

"Okay," Jax looked behind him as a flurry of sparks erupted behind Clarity. The Glitch really really did not like being trapped underwater like this. Fresh water was bad enough but ionized ocean water was even worse. "I don't know what you wanted me and her to do, but we did it." Jax told Rip as Clarity glitched them back.

"Excellent work, Jax." Rip nodded taking the tablet from him. "Amazing as always, Clarity."

"What's going on?" Mick demanded.

"I am piloting us on a collision course with the torpedo, Now, with any luck it will hit us before New York City."

"How is that lucky?" Mick demanded.

"Can the Waverider handle the blast?" Sara asked.

"Honestly, I have absolutely no idea." Rip answered her. "Which is why... I'm doing this."

Doing what? Clarity's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as she felt a tingle. Almost like she was glitching, so naturally she started glitching as if in response to the feeling trying to make it stop, which in turn monumentally screwed up her time scatter. Instead of her landing in the golden age of technological rebirth in Paris France on a gorgeous crisp 70 degree day like Rip had intended, Clarity ended up in the indian ocean during a massive thunder and lightning storm.

Clarity screamed in agony as the salty water hit her skin, her body burning inside and out as her lungs were filling with water. Bubbles carrying her screams up into the open air. All the fish that surrounded her were now dead as lightning fanned out in all directions. She struggled to swim to the top fighting through the pain in hopes of staying above sea level gasping for breath. The air feeling frigid cold against her face introducing a new kind of stinging pain. Her eyes burning from the salt water. Just as she gulped in some air a giant wave crashed down, forcing her back into the dark salty depths. Clarity somersaulting under the water, her leg scraping against jagged coral, dress ripping at the skirt.

She popped above into the open air, thunder roaring above her. She couldn't keep treading water forever. She could barely keep her head above water now, her buret already lost somewhere in the massive waves. She had to get out of the water, get to somewhere dry, find something to stand on, even just to hang on to, anything at all, but how? Clarity looked around desperately but there was nothing but roaring ocean water for as far as the eye could see. There was no driftwood or random piece of wood to cling to. The fish she'd killed weren't big enough to lean on. There was nothing. Nothing she could use. Light flashed above her head and she looked up. Wait...lightning she had lightning!

It was going to hurt no matter what she did, using her powers was going to make it hurt even worse she knew, but she quite literally had no other options. Why would Rip send her here? Why hadn't she been warned not to use her powers? Where were the rest of the team? Were they all okay? Was Gideon alright? Or has she just lost her again?

Clarity reached her right hand up towards the sky. Her legs and left arm kicking faster tears streaming down her face as she struggled to compensate for the missing limb. She couldn't go under, she didn't have much energy left. She had one shot at this. The lightning flashed once more and Clarity screamed as she pulled with her powers the bolt flying down right to her open hand which closed around the bolt. Clarity's other hand reached up closed around it as well, the rain making it feel as if acid was being poured on skin, but it was better than being submerged in it. Clarity climbed up the lightning bolt, her muscles aching as she pulled herself out of the salty water. Her thighs squeezing around it like a rope in gym class. Clarity panted as she clung to the lightning bolt, rain hurtling down mixing with her tears, waves crashing up and down in the sea.

"Help!" Clarity screamed at the top of her lungs, a guttural sound that ripped from her throat, high pitched and pleading. Nothing but pain and agony filling it. No match for the roaring water all around. Not that it mattered. No one was around to hear her cries. "Somebody please help!"

Clarity clung to that single bolt of lightning for hours. Keeping it charged with the lightning in her body becoming more drained each second that passed. She screamed for help until her throat went hoarse. She let the cloud carry her, let it move the bolt wherever it roamed. At the 28 hour mark Clarity was starting to lose consciousness, her bolt was getting thinner and thinner starting to flicker. It was going to disappear! The cloud was beginning to disappear from the heat. Spots danced in her vision and she looked off into the horizon... was that land..? Clarity grit her teeth, she barely had anything left but surely she could recharge once she found a large city. She had to take the risk, if she fell in then she would drown. At least on land she had half a chance.

Clarity screamed as she held her right arm out in front of her. Her lightning bolt moving as fast it normally would towards landed. Clarity clinging to it for dear life. She didn't even have the electrical energy to glitch straight there, she wasn't even sure how many minutes she could go without a recharge. She could very well die from the lack of power. Just as the lightning fizzled out she glitched the couple feet that remained onto the dry sand. At least it was supposed to be sand, now Claritys lightning had turned it into glass. The tiny shards digging painfully into her skin. Clarity didn't even have the energy to cry about the new pain. She passed out. Laying in glass, soaking wet, unconscious and drained of energy god knows where in the timeline.

And that's chapter 3!! I hope you enjoyed it I know it was fun for me to write!! Especially the time scatter!! I've been waiting for this for like ever!!!! And I'm beyond excited that I finally got here! I'm not exactly sure when the next chapter will be out, but definitely expect it to be within the next few days sometime. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and please please don't forget to vote, or comment! I value your opinions people! Tiff out! Peace!! ✌🏻

1. So what do you think of the beginning of Claritys Time scatter? Where do you think she is? 🙊

2. What did you think of the interactions between Einstein and Clarity? How'd it make you feel? Be honest.

3. Are you excited for Clarity to meet Nate next chapter? Why or why not?

4. What do you think your ships first kiss will be like? Who will kiss who? Where will it happen?

5. Isn't it so freaking nice having Kendra gone?

6. If you could tell all the legends something what would you say to them?

7. What do you think of Thawne creeping around?

8.Whats your favorite legends season?

9. What character do you think most deserved a punch in the face this chapter?

10. What clothes would you like to see Clarity wear this season?

11. Finish this sentence "This story..."

12. If the legends were gemstones what would they be?

13. How do you feel while reading this chapter? What did you think of it?

14. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant or tell me?

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