Jikook ff - Cold Hearted

By Brittbrittybritt

781K 30.4K 3.8K

Jungkook cold hearted alpha becomes mafia leader. Finds an adorable omega named Jimin. **I do not own any rig... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
End Note

Chapter 46

11.1K 446 60
By Brittbrittybritt


It's been a whole day since Jimin woke up. His mind was still chaos. He was ecstatic to know he is pregnant with two pups and he also has feelings of bliss from the sudden sweet tender behavior of his Alpha. His heart and wolf leap with joy everytime his Alpha comes around showering him with loving remarks, gentle touches, and soft kisses.

With all this happiness flowing through the omegas mind and heart why is there chaos? Well, he is absolutely terrified that his Alpha will suddenly go back to  his original behavior. He may even become worse because his body was touched and used by another wolf.

As Jimin struggled with keeping happy thoughts with in his mind, his anxiety would creep back out and send him down flying through what felt as a dark tornado of emotions. His poor mind went as far to even think that the Alpha was only being nice because of the pups. What if after the pups are born Jungkook takes them away and kicks him out.

How could he live with out his pups and without his mate?

Jimin shakes his head. Hoping the action would rid himself from all negative thoughts.

Jimin has been alone all morning except for the nurses that had come in and out to check on him and to do ultrasounds every once in awhile to make sure the pups were still doing good.

Jungkook had woke Jimin up earlier to tell him that he was going home real quick to shower, change clothes, and nap. Of course the Alpha was exhausted, Jungkook has had some busy days of saving him and staying by his side the whole time here at the hospital.

Jimin looked over to the door of his hospital room to see a guard standing there at his door. Jungkook has appointed the wolf as a bodyguard. He was informed to only allow nurses and doctors in the room. Jimin just sighed and looked back to his small TV that was mounted on the wall in front of his bed. The only thing he could find entertaining was a marathon of Friends.

Jimin was more spacing out rather than really paying attention to the show. That's okay though he has seen all the episodes already. He was still so lost with in his own thoughts.

"Even though he left a guard, I'm still scared when he isn't here."

Jimin laid down and cuddled into a pillow that was covered by Jungkooks shirt. The omega begged the Alpha to have a scented shirt of the Alpha scent so he could cuddle it and smell his scent whenever he needed too.

Jimin took a deep breathe into the pillow. Deep breath in and exhale out. "I miss my Alpha."

As Jimin was about to doze off into a nap he suddenly heard yelling from the hall.


Jimin giggled has he heard the loud voice along with running feet. He also heard commotion of nurses yelling after the loud wolf to quiet down and walk.


"Hey TaeTae." Jimin giggled at the sight of his breathless friend who obviously had been running for awhile yelling out his name. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

"Resting? You've got to be kidding! I let them keep me couped up for one day! NO MORE! I need to get out of here but, I also wanted to check on you."

"I'm doing good TaeTae. How did you escape Suga?"

"Oh, yeah that. Okay long story short okay so you better listen up and pay attention my friend. Got it?"

Jimin nodded his head.

"Soooooooooooo, I saw my dad back at that creepy place and he was trying to take me back home. Well that caused a whole fight right."

Jimin gave a nod to acknowledge that he was listening to Tae.

"Well, Suga came and was being the pissy Alpha he always is. That started a fight. Anyways skip all the nonsense to when I woke up here. I gave that stupid pig head an earful. I mean seriously how dare he disrespect my father like that. He should be on his knees begging my father for forgiveness in kidnapping his precious baby boy, ME!"

Jimin can't believe sometimes how brave and strong Tae is to stand up to the Alpha.

"Anyways, I know I'm rambling forever but, I sent him out to look for my father. I told the idiot if he doesn't go make things right with my family, I will lock a chasity belt on my nether regions and he will forever live the rest of his life with no mating!"

"What? So he seriously left to go talk to your family?" Jimin asked shocked.

"You bet your pretty little ass he did." Tae huffed with his hands on his hips.

Jimin giggled. "Tae Tae your quit the omega."

"I'm the baddest omega around." Tae chuckled.

"Okay enough out of you. Your friend needs sleep and so do you." A nurse said as she walked up behind Tae grabbing him by his arm and dragging him out to head back to his room.

Jimin let out some more giggles as he watched his friend protest against returning to his room.

After a couple of minutes Jimin had fallen asleep while he was tightly cuddling his kookie pillow. That's right, his kookie pillow. He decided to name his new favorite hugging pillow after his Alpha.

Jungkook who went home early that morning, just woke up from a four sleep. He knew that he was tired but, didn't realize that he was so tired that he would sleep for four hours during the daytime.

Jungkook made his way back to the hospital right before they serve dinner. He was excited that he made it in time to have a meal with his omega. It may not be the ideal setting but, any moment with the omega is bliss.

Jungkook walked up to the omegas room and stopped right at the door to talk with the guard he left to get a report of all who entered the omegas room while he was away.

"Report." Jungkook required rather than asked.

"Yes sir. The same three nurses are the only ones who have entered as well as the same two doctors. The only other's who came were his omega friend Taehyung, who you said could enter and you sir."

"Very good. When will the other guard arrive to switch shifts with you?"

"Right at eight o'clock sir."

"Great work."

Jungkook walked into the room after his quick talk with the guard. The sight of the omega sleeping snuggled to his shirt that has replaced the pillow cover, brought a big bunny smile to the Alphas face.

How can my mate be so angelic as he is sleeping?

Jungkook had brought a gift for his sweet omega and two stuffies for his pups even though they clearly will not be born until 6 months. He bought a black wolf and a white wolf because they were cutely displayed in the flower shop that he stopped at to get something for his mate. He bought a purple orchid for the omega and the two stuffies.

Jungkook walked over to the small table that was placed by the love seat within the omegas hospital room. He sat the flower on the center of the table with one wolf sitting on the left side and the other on the right side of the flower.

"Perfect." Jungkook stated softly with a smile.

He then turned around making his way over to the bed and sat at the very edge. He quietly moved his hand along his mates face. Caressing the soft skin along Jimins cheek. Jungkook leaned down and left a light gentle peck to the omegas forehead.

"Time to wake up beautiful." Jungkook whispered in Jimins ear.

Jimin wasn't ready to wake up from his sleep. He was so sleepy he didn't even realize it was his Alpha who was trying to wake him up. Jimin responded to the sweet wake up call by pulling in his kookie pillow tighter and nuzzling his face against the pillow to drift back into a deep sleep.

Jungkook giggled at the cuteness of Jimin rubbing his cheek along his shirt. Seeing that a whisper won't wake the sleeping beauty, Jungkook leaned down and kissed Jimins ear before speaking louder this time.

"Sleeping beauty you better awake and eat food with me before I change my mind about food and just indulge myself in eating you."

Jimin shot up with a face full of shock and red as a tomato.

"How can you speak such dirty thoughts while also mentioning dinner?"

Jungkook smirked at the little ones innocence.

"Oh little one you have no clue."

Jimin was so embarrassed at this point he had pulled the covers over his head in an attempt to hide. He knew it was a useless gesture but, the embarrassing moment led Jimin to burry himself under the blanket out of sight.

Jungkook was laughing at how freaking adorable his mate is.

"Jimin my mate." Jungkook said sweetly.

Jimin peeked out from under the covers.

"Yes Alpha?"

"Please come out from under there and eat dinner with me?" Jungkook asked his omega. He usually would use is Alpha voice and demand the omega to follow orders but, he didn't feel the need to do that. He wanted this to be a sweet moment.

Jimin didn't say a word but, gave a shy smile and a nod as he slowly came out from under the covers.


So everyone I kinda need an idea of where to take this story.

Would you like it to come to an end?

Or would you like to continue into a book 2?

As always thank you everyone for liking this story and reading. I love reading everyone's comments as they read the story.

Much love to you all. 💚✌

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