The Sky Screams Your Name

By ttiramisuu

572 17 0

Hersheys Dior Mercadejas, loveless in her 18 years of existence. But all that changed when she met Caylus in... More

SKY 2: Blessed eyes
SKY 3: Yes, baby. I surrender
SKY 4: Bus stop + Caylus
SKY 5: First Dinner
SKY 6: 143
SKY 7: Ghosting
SKY 8: Did I disturb you?
SKY 9: Midnight Proposal
SKY 10 : SaturDate
SKY 11: Let go and one Kiss
SKY 12: Carousel
SKY 13: Meet Elzay
SKY 14: The Countdown
SKY 15: Prom
SKY 16: Don't go
SKY 17: "Say Ahh"
SKY 18: Fireworks
SKY 19: "This is not how you treat a lady"
SKY 20: Matcha
SKY 21: Katsudon
SKY 22: I missed you

SKY 1: Unknown I.D

42 2 0
By ttiramisuu

"Hersheys, I need your help!"

Nere barged in as I was sipping my rock salt n' cheese milk tea I just bought in the canteen.

"I am planning to surprise Rainny for our valentines date!"

I rolled my eyes upon hearing Nere, one of my bestfriend asking my help to surprise her boyfriend Rain.


When your in a relationship you really end up doing something for your partner and loves bothering your friends for help. God, it's better to stay single. You won't bother any of your friends and relationship can be a purgatory in your wallet, geez no thank you.

I am in a relationship with my food. And we are celebrating our 18th year anniversary as couples next year in my birthday.

"C'mon Hersheys. Please, pretty please with toppings on top?" Nere begged paired with a puppy eyes and God knows how weak I am when someone uses the puppy eyes on me.

"Urgh, fine," I said in defeat.

"Yay! Thank you Hersheys! No wonder we are best friends," she said and gave me a playful wink.

"Yah yah yah. So what do I need to do?"

"I'll just notify you in our 'Jupiter GC' later."

"Why not now?"

"Because I have to pass these papers in the office. Bye! See you later! I love you!"

And there she ran off with those papers she's carrying.

I went back to the classroom with my milk tea not half way to finish, and as soon as I open the classroom door Febonee got my milk tea and sipped till halfway. Gold went dashing to me after noticing I have his favourite milk tea flavour, and same as Febonee he got my milk tea and drank almost to finish my cup. Emery came late and took the last sip of my milk tea, leaving me with empty plastic cup and ice.

It was too quick that I realized my other best friends finished my 70 pesos cup milk tea.

"Thank you Hersheys." Febonee patted my shoulder before returning to his desk and continued playing brawl stars with the boys.

"Good thing you came back with a drink. I was supposed to go down and get one but you came, you just save some money. Yes! Mac lipstick, I can sense your presences in my hand soon!" Emery left and went back to what she was doing.

I turned my head to Gold and was waiting for what he was about to say.

"Aren't you going to say thank you and go back to flirting with girls again?"

"Nah man. But thanks anyway for your free drink."

I gave him a dead pan look.

"So that's it? You just rushed to drink my milk tea and sparked interest to our other thrift best friends to drink my milk tea?"

"Well you could say that." Gold scratched his nape.

"And that stalker is bothering me again."

"Deal with it. That's your fault for letting girls fall for you yet you won't catch their feelings."

"I don't do relationship, Honey babes."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my sit and took a power nap, because science is up next and it's the most boring subject I have in the afternoon.

My day went pretty well except when my Social Studies teacher asked me to go jug 5 rounds around the campus due to me having sleepy eyes. I mean who the hell wouldn't get sleepy after a boring subject? Maybe not you, but hell I am.

I got home tired and when I opened the door I can smell my mom cooking my favourite dish, Menudo!

I rushed to the kitchen and there she is setting the dining table. I went near her and kissed her and got her hand to blessed and kissed her cheeks. "I'm tired ma."

"I know sweetie, mom can sense you being tired the whole day in school that's why I cooked you your favourite."

"Thanks mom! Your the best!"

"Alright, go wash your hands and let's eat dinner."

It's only my mom and I in the dining table. My dad is working overseas while my mom is here with me making sure I am not growing as a naughty kid. I have no siblings but I do wished to have a little and older brother.

Dinner went well and I brushed my teeth before dozing myself off to bed to do some homework's. Did I mention my school loves giving us a hella long ass homework in each subject? Now you know.

It's already 9:34 pm and I am getting tired in answering all these homework from my 'feeling major subjects' but in fact a minor subject only.

I got my phone and opened snapchat , and notification popped up.

CAPT. CAYLUS sent you a friend request.

Who the hell is Capt. Caylus?

I accepted it anyway and added back.

I swiped to the right and clicked on TASTY. It's getting late and here I am viewing food snaps that just made my stomach rumble. I can feel my saliva dripping down from my mouth watching all these delicious food this late at night. Curse you TASTY!!


His named popped up while I was viewing some snaps suddenly so I accidentally pressed his name and it brought me to him.

Caylus: Hey Valentine! I need my jersey, can you dropped it by my place tomorrow?"

Valentine? Since when was I Valentine?

And that hit me.

The name I used was not my actual name but Valentine Star. I don't use my real name in my social media account for safety purposes.

I was hesitant to reply or not but this person mistaken me as someone so I'll just clarify to him that I'm not the Valentine he is looking for.

Valentine: Hey! Sorry but you must have mistaken me as someone else. I am not the Valentine you are looking for.

I pressed sent and waited for him to open my message. I was counting silently in my head; 6..7..8.. 9..

Caylus opened my message.

I am not sure if he is reading my message or he is just staring at it. But if he won't reply then might as well unfriend him, to my surprise, he replied after I silently said that in my mind. Is he a mind reader or something?

Caylus: Oh you're not Valentine? I'm pretty sure I got her username name right, how come?

Me: Maybe she gave you someone else's username because your bothering her?

Caylus: Bothering her? From my good looking features, no girls have ever been bothered. In fact, most girls even begged my attention. *With a smirking emoji

Me: Wow!!!! I can feel the strong air of an overly self confidence human being.

Caylus: Your AC's probably just too strong that's why you can feel a strong air over there.

Me: *rolling eye emoji. Whatever.

Caylus: AHAHAHAHAHA, defeated.

Me: I didn't say I am defeated, nor did I raise a white flag. blehhh

Caylus: Okayyy if you say so MS. I WON'T GIVE UP.

Me: What MS. I WON'T GIVE UP!?

Caylus: Yes, you spelled your name right, MS. *winking emoji

Me: Urgh whatever. Anyway bye, not nice talking to you stranger. Chat you never! And I hope you get your jersey back. Ciao!

I left the chat and long pressed his name and was about to remove friend when he suddenly sent me a message.

Caylus: Are you unfriending me?

Me: Uh, Yah?

Caylus: Why?

Me: I don't even know you human. And why do we need to chat again? We are not friends nor bf and gf.

Caylus: So you want a relationship with me? I knew it, you fell for my charms.*smirking emoji

Caylus: You know you could've just asked me, I would say 'yes' to you. I mean your bitmoji seems cute and you seem harmless.

Ugh! What a thick skin! Me?! Liking him?! GOD! I think that is the most stupidest thing I can ever do. And I don't beg love, especially with a guy I barely know.

Me: Me? I caught feelings for you?! *vomiting emoji

Me: Sorry, but you got it wrong MR. STRANGER. I don't catch feelings easily on a guy. Maybe it's you who caught feelings for me but your just shy to admit.

Caylus: AHAHAHAHAHA, in your face dork! AHAHAHAHAHA

Me: You're wasting my time stranger. Bye and chat you never.

I was about to leave again but,

Caylus: WAIT!

Me: What?!

Caylus: Hey! I am Caylus Sky. 18 years of existence, I play basketball and the team captain. My height is 6'5 feet, my favourite colour is blue. My hobbies are gaming and playing basketball, and I do enjoy food hoping!

What the hell?!

Me: Why are you telling me this?

Caylus: So I won't be a stranger to you anymore.

Me: Why exactly?

Caylus: Because you're going to remove me as your friend and we are not in a relationship as you stated, so friends?

A smile appeared in my face.

Reading his bio especially knowing the height just made me feel like a dwarf. Yes, he said he is 6'5 and here I am a 5 feet flat. He loves gaming and basketball, typical campus heartthrob that will break your heart big time. And we have 2 things in common! We both like colour blue and I too love food hoping! This guy sounds pretty cute actually.

Wait did I just mention he's cute?

Nope. Erase, I didn't say that.

Me: Okay.. Friends then.

Caylus: Yes!

Me: Okay bye! I have to finish my homework. Chat next time.

Caylus: Your doing your homework this late?

Me: Yeah ,why?

Caylus: It's already 11:30 you know.

Me: Sooo?

Caylus: It's bad for your health. Do that tomorrow morning and go to bed. Sleep is important when it comes to studies you know.

I bit my lip to surpass my smile.

This is the first time someone is actually caring about me.

Me: Yes sir. *salute emoji

Me: After I finish my math homework, I'm almost done so don't worry I'll sleep after. You too by the way go to bed.

Caylus: Yes mam!

Me: Lol, bye!

Caylus: Goodnight and sweet dreams! *sleeping emoji with a moon

Me: You too!

Caylus: DREAM OF ME! *smiling and smirking emoji

I rolled my eyes and turned off my phone and went back to answering till it was time to sleep and I'm not gonna lie...



-love ttiramisuu

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