Golden Boy [Miya Atsumu x Rea...

By christmasvyt

960K 36.7K 63.5K

After transferring schools to Inarizaki, (Y/N) met a boy unlike anyone else. To say (Y/N) and Miya Atsumu did... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note

Chapter 35

18.4K 793 646
By christmasvyt

(Y/N) was still buzzing with excitement as they walked through the entrance hall. She quickly bought the T-shirt she had seen earlier, then both her and Atsumu headed towards the exit. Since the game was over, hoards of people were leaving through the doors.

From a distance she spotted Sakusa, "Atsumu, look." She pointed at the boy in the mask.

Sakusa was standing a few feet away from the arena doors, watching the many people push themselves out the exit. He nervously waited for there to be a break in the flow of people so he could leave.

Atsumu chuckled, "At this rate, it'll take a few minutes for him to get out."

"Poor guy. Let's wait with him." She approached the black haired boy.

They stopped in front of him, leaving enough room so that he didn't feel uncomfortable, "Hey Sakusa."

He pulled his gaze away from the door, "Oh, it's you guys again. Hi."

Together, they waited patiently until the masses of people were gone. Sakusa was quick to find an opening and slip through the doors without touching a single person. (Y/N) and Atsumu followed closely behind.

As the three of them walked back towards the metro station, (Y/N) looked at Sakusa, "Did you have fun today?" She asked.

"The game gave me some ideas for new attacks I want to run with my setter. And overall it was quite enjoyable..." He replied, "Except I was stuck in a seat next to a snotty child." He grimaced beneath his mask.

They soon arrived and boarded the metro, carrying on a light conversation with Sakusa. After a few stops, it was time for the boy to get off and go home.

"Bye." Sakusa said curtly.

"Seeya at the training camp." Atsumu waved in goodbye as the subway doors closed.

She and Atsumu rode the rest of the stops, arriving at the train station. It was beginning to get dark outside and (Y/N) was suddenly hit with a wave of exhaustion. Today had been a long day, and all she wanted to do now was sleep. She let out a big yawn and checked the clock at the station platform. Thankfully the train to Hyōgo would be there any minute. Glancing over at Atsumu, he also appeared to be drowsy, his movements a little more sluggish than usual.

Once the train pulled in, they boarded and found their spots. Atsumu took the window seat, but at this point, (Y/N) didn't mind. She flopped onto her chair and within a matter of seconds, she closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.


(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open. The train was still moving, but she couldn't see where they were since it was pitch black outside. She shuffled in her seat but abruptly stopped, feeling a tickle on her nose. She suddenly realized her head was resting against something. She shifted her neck ever so slightly to and turned to see that both her and Atsumu were lying against each other.

The boy was fast asleep. His hair was falling across his face and brushing up against (Y/N)'s forehead and nose.

(Y/N) didn't want to move. She felt surprisingly comforted by Atsumu leaning against her. She felt the strange urge to snuggle up even closer. His sleeping face was just so... adorable.

The train hit a small bump and Atsumu's hair moved across her face again. She reached up and carefully brushed it aside. His blond hair was softer than she expected. Without thinking, she ran her fingers through it again, enjoying the feeling of the thin strands against her hand.

Out of nowhere a groggy voice interrupted her, "Watcha doin there?"

Atsumu had woken up. (Y/N) quickly pulled her hand away in embarrassment, "Sorry." She gasped.

"Hm? What do you mean sorry?" He grabbed her hand and brought it back up to his hair, "Don't stop, it feels nice."

She flushed a little, but then went back to stroking his hair. For some reason, this action was relaxing for her.

After a little while, she brought her hand back down to her lap. Her and Atsumu were still leaning against each other. He shifted in his seat and brought his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"(Y/N)?" He whispered into her ear, his light breath sending shivers down her spine.

"Mhm?" She replied quietly.

"Thanks for coming with me today. The fact that you were there made the game 100 times better."

"I-" She was overwhelmed with a strange feeling. All she wanted to do was look him in the eyes and tell him that she... that she liked him. Wait. She liked him?

Yes. She did. In her mind, all of her confusing feelings slowly pieced themselves together. Lately, he had been making her feel different, and she hadn't figured out why. Now it all made sense.

She finished her sentence, "-Yeah, I had a great time with you Atsumu."

They stayed in silence, nestled side by side as the train sped home. She had drifted back to sleep when an announcement jolted her awake, signalling the arrival at their stop. Atsumu removed his arm from around her shoulder and stretched. They lugged themselves off of the train and onto the dark platform. It was 8:45pm and (Y/N) could visibly see the stars from above.

"I guess it's time we head home." Atsumu said.

"Yeah, we need a good rest since we still have school tomorrow." She answered, "Thank you so much for taking me today." She rushed forward and pulled him into a tight hug.

He seemed taken aback at first, but then wrapped his arms around the girl. (Y/N) held him in the warm embrace, faintly hearing his heart beat as she rested her head on his chest.

Moments passed and they finally stepped back from each other.

"Well then, I'll see you tomorrow." He grinned at her.


(Y/N) turned and left for the bus stop, feeling as if she were on top of the world. She repeated the thoughts going through her head. She liked Atsumu Miya.

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