
By _Ephemeral_Dream

56.3K 4.3K 1.4K

Kim V is one of the most successful men in South Korea. He buries himself in work, neglecting his husband, Ki... More

Kim Taehyung


3.1K 241 90
By _Ephemeral_Dream

Taehyung bit his lip as he read over the paper again, clicking his pen as he did so. "Chairman Kim?" Taehyung looks up as Hoseok stands by his door.

"Yes, Secretary Jung." Taehyung felt so exhausted.

"It's lunch time. What would you like to eat today?" Hoseok smiled brightly at the troubled Taehyung.

"It's alright. I packed food from home," Taehyung answers, looking back down at his work. He probably won't eat anyways with so much on his mind. "You can go." He smiles at Hoseok.

Hoseok excuses himself and Taehyung is left to float in his own thoughts again. 'You don't care about others. You don't care how they'll feel like with the words or actions you do. You look down on a lot of people.'

Taehyung's shoulders slumps as Seokjin's words play again. 'You're rude and full of yourself.'


The loud chattering stops. "Can I sit here?"

Silence beats for a minute. "Of course, Chairman Kim," Hoseok smiles brightly. Taehyung smiles back and sits down. All the other employees munch on their food quietly as Hoseok continues to speak like nothing happened.

Taehyung pulls out his lunch and tries to eat but, whenever he looked up, all his employees looked away. Whenever he spoke, they all stared at him as if expecting to be scolded.

In the end, he left dejected.

He didn't stay late, wanting to go home early. As he was leaving, Hoseok was leaving too. "Secretary Jung?" Hoseok turns and smiles. They go into the elevator together.

"What did I do wrong today?" Hoseok asks as the doors closed.

"Oh-uh," Taehyung splutters. He shakes his head. "You didn't do anything wrong. I did."

"Since when does Chairman Kim make mistakes?" Hoseok asks with a raised brow.

"During lunch today." Taehyung frowns at the memory. "And when we're not working, can you please not call me Chairman Kim?" Being called V is already odd.

"Then what should I call you?" Hoseok asks his boss.

"V. Just V is nice." Taehyung looks over to Hoseok. "And can I call you Hoseok outside of work?"

Hoseok nods. "Sure, V." Taehyung felt better already. This is a change. "Your problem with lunch, is it because of how they act around you?" Taehyung nods. "May I ask why you want to eat lunch with us?" Hoseok asks him.

The elevator doors open. "I know I'm their boss but, we should have a friendlier relationship. I don't like them always being scared and tense around me. Acting like I'm gonna chew them up then spit them back out. Also, it gets lonely being in the office all day."

"I thought you love being alone," Hoseok states.

"Everyone has a limit," Taehyung replies. Hoseok smiles at his answer.

They walk out the elevator. "If you want to be more comfortable around them, you should show the side of yourself you show Jungkook and Namjoon," Hoseok advises him. "But, not too much. You are still their boss."

Taehyung nods. They were already standing in the parking lot by V's car. "Thank you, Hoseok."

"Anytime, Chairman Kim." Taehyung makes a face at being called 'Chairman' again. Hoseok laughs. "Old habits die hard. Drive safely, V. Say hi to Seokjin for me."


Taehyung frowns when the maid tells him Seokjin went to sleep already. "Already? But it's still so early. The sun is just setting." The maid avoids his eyes looking down at the floor. "What time did he go to sleep?" Taehyung questions.

"Uhh. . ." Taehyung looks away and rubs his neck.

"I believe you Jieun. Though, I was really hoping I could spend some time with Seokjin today," Taehyung says innocently.

Jieun looks up smiling. "He just went up when your car rolled in. He should still be awake." Taehyung nods and hurries up the stairs.

He turns the door knob slowly and pushes the door open. Sure enough, Seokjin was "asleep" in bed. Taehyung got changed into his pajamas. He got in bed slowly, thinking of what he should do.

Throwing fire to the wind, he wraps an arm around Seokjin's waist. Seokjin stiffens under him. "Why do you always go to sleep so early?" Taehyung asks. Seokjin pushes Taehyung's arm away and stays silent. "Seokjin," Taehyung nudges him. "Jin?"

Seokjin sits up and looks at Taehyung. "V, I'm tired. Leave me alone."

"No, you're not," Taehyung scoots closer to him. "You just want to avoid me." He stares into Seokjin's eyes.

Seokjin opens his mouth then closes it. He pouts as Taehyung continues staring at him with a small grin. "Whatever. I'm going to sleep somewhere else then." Seokjin gets out of the bed and heads towards the door.

Taehyung's grin break and he runs after Seokjin. "Jin," he pulls Seokjin's wrist as Seokjin opens the door. It was dark as the servants had already left. "Just stay here."

"I will, if you promise to not bother me," Seokjin tells him.

Taehyung smiles nervously, "I can't promise that." Seokjin rolls his eyes and try to pry his wrist from Taehyung's grip. With his free hand, Taehyung grabs Seokjin's chin and looks into his eyes. "Since you don't want to go back to the bedroom. . ."

"V!" Seokjin yelps as Taehyung pulls him away from their bedroom and towards the stairs. "V, let go of me!"

"No," Taehyung says like a kid. They arrive in the living room and Taehyung lets go of Seokjin. Seokjin's lips part but before a word comes out, a finger comes to his lips. "Can you watch a movie with me, Jin?"

Seokjin blinks and Taehyung moves his finger away from Seokjin. "That's what you wanted to do?"

"Yes. I'm not sleepy yet and so I want to watch a movie. But, not alone," Taehyung tells him.

Seokjin looks at the clock. "What kind of movie?"

"Any you want," Taehyung answers quickly.

"Any?" Seokjin asks staring into Taehyung's eyes.

"Any. I won't complain," Taehyung tells him confidently.


Taehyung covers his face with the pillow as the ghost showed up on screen. The music became louder as the scene continued. He's starting to regret this movie night.

He can handle any movie. Just, sometimes a movie may be too good for his nightmares. Covering his face for a good half of the movie, it finally ended. He blows out a sigh of relief as they made their way up the stairs and into the comfort of the bed.

Being a gentleman, he let Seokjin go before him. But, by doing that, he kept looking behind him as they turned off the lights and the darkness covered his vision. Busy making sure no ghosts were following them, he stumbles.

Seokjin grabs his arm to steady him. "You alright, V?"

Taehyung licks his dry lips. "Fine." He smiles reassuringly. Then he notices Seokjin's arm wrapped around his. "Thanks." His smile grows. Seokjin tries to remove his arm but, Taehyung holds tighter. "But, my heel does hurt."

They go to their bedroom with Seokjin helping a limping Taehyung. When they reach the bed, Seokjin immediately lets go. Taehyung frowns but, gets into bed.

He closes his eyes but, not even ten minutes pass by before he opens them again. He groans as he remembers a scary scene from the movie. 'This is gonna be a long night.'

He peers over to Seokjin who seemed to be sleeping already. Slowly and carefully, he scoots closer. He keeps scooting closer but stops when his arm touches Seokjin's arm.

This is good. While he's sleeping, he'll know that Seokjin is just right next to him. Not a ghost.


Taehyung awakes with his alarm beeping. Unlike other mornings, he didn't roll over and groan. He had the best sleep ever! Somehow he felt so warm and comfy. It wasn't too hot or too cold.

He didn't toss and turn that much. He felt like he was floating. Then his arm shifted? Taehyung's eyes were still closed but he could feel something shift under his arm. He slowly open his eyes.

Staring back at him was none other than Kim Seokjin. Taehyung's arm was around his waist. While Seokjin's hand was resting on Taehyung's arm. They were both at eye level.

Seokjin's lips were slightly parted. His skin seemed to glow in the morning sun. They just look at each other as Taehyung's alarm continues beeping. Then his alarm stops beeping, causing Seokjin to move away.

"Good morning, Jin," Taehyung greets, voice deep from sleep. Seokjin rubs his neck and looks back at Taehyung.

"Shouldn't you get up? You don't want to be late," Seokjin tells him quietly.

"Right." Taehyung gets up and grabs his towel, heading towards the shower.

When he gets out, the bed is already made and Seokjin is nowhere to be seen. He quickly changes into a gray suit. He really wants to have breakfast with Seokjin.

He practically sprints downstairs. Seokjin is, thankfully still there. Just when he arrives, breakfast is served. Taehyung eats happily looking across the table where Seokjin is.

"Jin," Taehyung starts. Seokjin looks up from his plate. "Why don't you cook more. . .for us?" Taehyung knows Seokjin owns a restaurant so he should love cooking. The only time he tasted Jin's food was the first night he "came home" as V.

Something flash in Seokjin's eyes and he looks down. "But, the first time I cooked for you, you didn't want to eat it. . ."

Taehyung's eyes widen and his jaw drops. 'V didn't want to eat Jin's food! Did he even try it?'

Seokjin seemed as if he lost his appetite as he starts playing with his food. He kept looking down, so Taehyung couldn't read him.

"Well, I was busy that day," Taehyung tried his best to sound like he meant it. "I would love to eat a meal of yours again."


Namjoon sighs as he realizes another hour has passed. "How do we talk to this guy?" Jungkook asks from the other side of the room. "It's not like we can just waltz up to him and ask, "Hey, did you try to kill V?"

Min Yoongi is the prime suspect as of now. He called V on the day of the car accident. He has motive to kill V.

"What I don't understand is, if he planned to kill V, why risk himself by calling V on the same day?" Namjoon questions. "Min Yoongi is a wealthy and smart man. Would he really be dumb enough to call V deliberately?"

Jungkook snaps his fingers. "Exactly why. He's making himself look stupid because usually he's smart."

Namjoon gets up from his seat. "That's possible." He goes over to the window and gets a thought. "We need to see how Yoongi reacts to Taehyung."

Jungkook tilts his head. "What do you mean?"

"If Yoongi is not fazed by him, then that means he didn't try to kill V. But, if Yoongi looks somewhat bothered or suspicious of Taehyung, that means he tried to kill V." Namjoon tells Jungkook.

"That's right. To the world, V never got into a car accident. I'll call Taehyung."


Taehyung smiles as he gets home. He feels exhilarating as work had gone well. He was also looking forward to Seokjin's meal for him. When he enters the house, his phone rings.

"Hello," Taehyung answers as he takes off his shoes.

"Hey Taehyung, it's Jungkook," Jungkook's voice rings from the other line.

"Oh, JK. Is Namjoon there with you? I haven't seen you two in forever." Taehyung looks around for Seokjin.

"We've been busy. . ." Jungkook tells him.

"Busy enough to forget about me! I messed up so many times," Taehyung pouts, remembering his tiny mistakes.

"Sorry bout that. I'm sure you're doing a great job. By the way, we have a lead."

"A lead?"

"Yeah. Can Namjoon and I come over tomorrow?"

"Of course," Taehyung replies, wondering what they found so far. They exchange goodbyes then the call ends.

Taehyung makes his way to the kitchen where food is set on the table. "Seokjin cooked it," the maid tells him.

"Where did he go?" Taehyung asks.


Seokjin seemed to be sleeping and doesn't hear Taehyung's footsteps. He was lying on one of the chair by the pool. It was a sunny day. "Boo!" Taehyung yells as he puts his hands on Seokjin's shoulder.

Seokjin flinches and sits up. He pulls off his sunglasses. "V!" He scolds, only earning a small grin from Taehyung.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asks and sits down next to Seokjin. He looks at Seokjin who looks away and at the pool instead.

"Enjoying the sun," Seokjin tells him. "I've been out here long enough, though." He gets up, leaving Taehyung's eyes trailing after him.

"Jin." Seokjin stops walking when Taehyung grabs his wrist. Taehyung didn't know what to do though. He's not really good at doing anything really. But, he wants to make Jin happy.

And he can't do that if Seokjin keeps running away whenever he's close. But, before he could say anything, he was losing his balance. He watches as his view change from Seokjin and to the blue sky.

He heard a splash before he felt the water engulfing him. It felt so cold. He could still see the sky as he sunk into the water. He heard someone but it was muted by the water.

He blinks and only then, does he realize he fell into the pool. Stupidly, he takes in a breath. His arms were flailing as he races to the surface. He hears Seokjin yelling and servants rushing to the pool.

Seokjin looks at him worriedly and so do the servants. Taehyung coughs as the water gets out of his system. When he finishes, Seokjin and the servants are still looking at him with worried eyes.

He eyes them slowly. His laughter breaks the silence. He gets out of the pool still laughing. A servant hands him a towel to which he accepts. "Why are you guys so worried? I was only in there for less than thirty seconds."

He shakes his head, using the towel to dry his hair. "You were in there for two minutes," Seokjin tells him then dismisses the servants.

Taehyung sits down on one of the chairs and Seokjin sits next to him. "I've always been a good swimmer. I can hold my breath for a long time," he tells Seokjin.

Seokjin nods. "Sorry for pushing you." Taehyung felt happier as Seokjin actually looked at him. He didn't say anything as he made eye contact with Seokjin.

Seokjin grabs the towel he's holding. Hesitantly, he wipes the water droplets rolling down Taehyung's face. He didn't even realize there were water droplets rolling down his face.

Seokjin pats his cheeks and forehead before patting his nose. Taehyung scrunches his nose then sneezes, causing the other to laugh as he never heard someone sneeze like so.

They stare eat each other with the silence and the sunlight wrapping around them. Seokjin is absolutely stunning. No doubt. Then, Seokjin looks away and throw the towel in Taehyung's lap. He gets up and turns away.

"V! Jin!" They look towards the voice and find Jungkook and Namjoon walking towards them.


Taehyung watches as Seokjin steps out of the bathroom and walks to his side of the bed. He recalls what Namjoon and Jungkook told him earlier.

At the end of the week, he was to hold a party of some sort. Company stuff. There, Min Yoongi will come and they'll see if he acts fishy. To go with him is Seokjin.

"Hey, Jin." Seokjin hums in response.

"There's going to be this party for the company at the end of the week. Can you accompany me?" Taehyung asks.

Seokjin glance at him before going back to drying his hair. "I don't want to. They're boring."

Taehyung's jaw drops at his response and he remembers Namjoon's words. 'Bring Jin with you. V usually does.' So, why was Seokjin declining?

"You usually go with me though," Taehyung picks his words carefully.

"That's why I don't want to go anymore," Seokjin tells him and it sounds like the conversation should just end there.

Yet, he slides to Seokjin's side and whispers into his ear. "Come with me," he says in a deep, velvety voice. Seokjin blinks and turns his head away, allowing Taehyung to rest his chin on Seokjin's shoulder. "Please?"

Taehyung wanted to lean his head on Seokjin and wrap his arms around him, enveloping him in an embrace. Yet, he didn't as he smelled Seokjin's scent that is so calming.

He smells clean and a bit like nature. Taehyung was brought back to reality when Seokjin spoke. "F-fine." Taehyung moves away from Seokjin, noticing as he slumps.

'Did I make him that nervous?' Taehyung watches as Seokjin avoids his eyes. 'How cute.' He grins to himself as the feeling of glee overwhelms him. He moves back to his side of the bed, the lights turning off after him.

Time pass, however, Taehyung is still wide awake. The rain falls but, not loud enough to disturb the tranquility of the room. He can't believe that even though it's been a couple of weeks by now, he still can't sleep because he's not cuddling something.

"V?" Seokjin's voice disturbs the music of the rain. By now, Taehyung  was used to the name.

"Yeah, Jin." He turns his head to Seokjin who had his back turn to him.

"Did you always have problems going to sleep?" Seokjin notes.

Taehyung was bewilder that all those nights he couldn't go to sleep, Seokjin was awake too. "Not always," he answers safely. The sound of the rain could be heard again as Taehyung thought of what to say next.

"Can I wrap an arm around you?" Taehyung's soft voice asks. He doesn't know why he said that. Maybe, it was because of the rain and the night. Or, simply because he just needed to cuddle.

"No," Seokjin tells him right away.

Taehyung felt the warm feeling in his stomach fade away. He looks up at the ceiling, listening to the rain. He could almost feel the coolness of the rain on him. He closes his eyes, imagining the warmth of his bed back at his apartment.


Taehyung looks around the room, awed. The decorator comes over to him. "Is there anything else you would like added, Mr. Kim?"

Taehyung walks around with the decorator following. He looks over to the flowers on the tables. There were different kinds of purple flowers. It looks pretty but, seemed like it was missing something.

"Add some white flowers to the mix. Small flowers. Also add a big red flower. Just one," he tells the decorator.

"Mr. Kim, wouldn't that be clashing?" the decorator tells him, looking down at the floor.

Taehyung presses his lips together. "Put the red flower to the side. So it would look like a heart. Okay?" He asks with a small smile. The decorator peeks up at him, eyebrows raised. But, a small smile soon follows after.

With that, he was finished with checking on the party. On his way home, he smiles at the thought of Seokjin being dressed up. How would Seokjin look like in a blazer? What style and color will he be wearing?

He runs up the stairs to their bedroom when he arrives. As he steps into the room, he spots Seokjin on the balcony. He was leaning against the railing, looking out to the sky. Upon, hearing Taehyung's steps, Seokjin turns around.

Taehyung felt his face heat up as his eyes scans Seokjin. Seokjin was dressed in a black blazer with black pants. The dress shirt under the blazer, a red with ruffles running down the middle. He had a black ribbon choker around his neck.

Taehyung looks away when he feels Seokjin staring back at him. "Your outfit's in the closet," Seokjin tells him. Taehyung nods and goes into the closet.

Hanging when he walks in, is a black suit. Taehyung frowns as the suit was lacking color. Having only two small strips of colored sparkles running down on both sides of the buttons. Yet, it was still very fancy and expensive.

Like Seokjin, he had a black blazer and pants. His shirt has ruffles on the ends of the sleeves and at the top of the shirt, ruffles running around the neck. He changes out of his clothes and into the tight but, silky clothes.

He stumbles out of the closet, not used to the feel of such clothing. Seokjin comes towards him, pulling his hand up. Taehyung watches a bit embarrassed, as Seokjin fix his sleeves.

"You looking stunning," Taehyung blurts. Seokjin smiles a bit but, stops when he feels Taehyung's eyes on him.

"Let's go. You don't want to be late," Seokjin tells him, moving away.


Taehyung could feel everyone's gaze on them as they entered. He felt a flush come to his cheeks. But wait, V wouldn't be embarrassed right now. V wouldn't care about anybody else.

Taehyung closes his eyes and when he opens them, he's not shy anymore. He has an unreadable look in his eyes as he walks deeper into the crowd of people. Seokjin's arm still wrapped around his.

He isn't sure what to do now that he's here. They stop in a quiet corner, while Taehyung looks around for Namjoon and Jungkook. Seokjin peers over at him. "Who are you looking for?"

"Namjoon and Jungkook. They should be coming. Wait here," Taehyung tells him and pulls away. Where were the two? He doesn't know how he should talk to other people.

Taehyung gets a text from Namjoon. 'We'll be there. For now, just stay with Jin. Note whoever comes to talk to you or look at you weirdly.'

Taehyung turns off his phone. "Confidence. Confidence," he tells himself.

He turns back to Seokjin who was not alone. Taehyung tries to figure out who was talking to Seokjin as he walks closer to them. Seokjin smiles at something the man said. Now, Taehyung was even more curious at who this guy is.

He slides right by Seokjin's side, snaking an arm around his waist. Seokjin stiffens at his touch. Taehyung reaches his hand out for a handshake. "Kim V," he greets with a small smile.

The man is shorter than him, but his aura can pay for that missing part. His blondish silver hair is style nicely, hair flipping over to the right. Taehyung's starting to wish he took more time in styling his hair.

The man's face breaks out into a smile. If Taehyung was far away, he'd think that the smile is sincere. But, up close the smile didn't reach the man's eyes.

"You act like this is our first time meeting," the man tells him but Taehyung didn't even worry about his mistake. He was too focused on this guy. "I'll play along though." He grabs Taehyung's waiting hand. "Park Jimin."

Realization hits Taehyung as their hands shake. 'One of V's rivals.'

"The party looks nice," Jimin tells him, turning his head.

"I've been doing this for a while now so, it should look nice," Taehyung tells him, a harshness to his voice. He sneaks a glance at both Seokjin and Jimin to see how they react to his rudeness. Seokjin sighs and looks away while Jimin rolls his eyes and scoff silently.

He played V perfectly. "Well, it was nice seeing again V," Jimin says. "Nice hair color. It makes you look a little different." He looks at Seokjin for a second before turning and walking away.

"You and Jimin are friends?" Taehyung asks as Jimin walks further away from them.

"No," Seokjin answers. Taehyung couldn't read Seokjin but, he felt as if there is something between them.

The party continues and many many people talk to Taehyung. His nervousness disappears as he converse with more and more people. He was starting to figure out how V acts like.

Before he knew it, it was dinner time. The tables were round and held up to six people. He and Seokjin sat down with Namjoon and Jungkook. The food came and Taehyung dug in.

He didn't realize how hungry he was. The last time he ate was at home before he and Seokjin came. Mentioning Seokjin, he must be just as hungry. Taehyung looks up with his mouth full.

Seokjin was eating slowly and taking his sweet time. That's right. They're out in public. Taehyung eats calmly after realizing.

Time pass, only with a bit of chatter. Taehyung guessed Namjoon and Jungkook were still thinking about Yoongi. Seokjin finishes and excuses himself to the restroom.

Immediately, Jungkook breaks the silence. "So, anything suspicious?" He says this while cutting into his steak, masking his emotion well.

Taehyung sips his strawberry champagne. "Not that I'm noticing. But, there is one guy I keep thinking about."

"Who?" Namjoon asks as he wipes the corners of his mouth.

Taehyung wasn't sure why. But, all through out the party, he kept paying attention to
Jimin. "You guys know him." Taehyung looks at the two. "Park Jimin."

"Jimin?" Jungkook tastes the name. "But, weren't he and V frenemies?"

"He makes sense too. We'll look into him. Thanks, Taehyung," Namjoon smiles at him showing his dimples.

"Why did you guys come so late?" Taehyung asks looking at the two.

"Jungkook's parents were nagging him," Namjoon tells him chuckling.

"Well, I don't want to marry her," Jungkook grumbles leaning back in his seat.

"You're going to marry someone?" Taehyung asks surprised. Jungkook seems so laid back and single.

"Engaged already," Namjoon smiles. Jungkook rolls his eyes and rambles on about getting out of it.

Taehyung looks around, noticing Seokjin isn't back yet. He excuses himself and go to the restroom.

A hand touches his arm just as he's about to open the door to the bathroom. "V," a guy dressed in a fine suit who was shorter than him says. Taehyung squints as he tries to think of who this guy could be.

Then it hits him. A photo Namjoon and Jungkook showed him. Min Yoongi. "Hey, Yoongi," Taehyung says in a deeper voice that had a slight bit of rudeness to it.

"You know, my offer still stands," he leans back and puts his hands in his pocket. "You and me against Park Jimin." Taehyung gives a disinterested look. Inside though, he did not know a single thing Yoongi was blabbing about.

'Must be private conversation between V and Yoongi. Well, if V disagreed to whatever he offered. Then, I should do the same.'

"You know," Taehyung leans in. "I don't like repeating myself," he says into Yoongi's ear cockily.

He pulls away with a smirk. Yoongi scoffs and clenches his fist. Taehyung gives him one last take before opening the bathroom door. He has to tell this to Namjoon and Jungkook later.

He finds Seokjin standing in front of a sink. But, he wasn't washing his hands or checking himself out in the mirror. Just looking down, his hands gripping both sides of the sink.

"Jin," Taehyung rushes over to Seokjin, throwing his facade away. "Are you not feeling well?" He asks worriedly, turning Seokjin to face him. Seokjin looks a little dazed and doesn't answer. Taehyung presses a hand to his forehead. No high temperature.

Seokjin blinks and seems to come back. "V, I'm fine," his voice laced a bit with annoyance. He pushes Taehyung and heads for the door but, gets pulled back.

"No, you're not. Let's go home," Taehyung tells him, looking into his eyes. Seokjin looks away and was about to protest. "I don't want you to pass out here." Taehyung was serious. Since, Seokjin isn't going to tell him what's wrong then it's better to be safe than sorry.


Taehyung turns on the lights as Seokjin follows him in. The servants went home early as they were to come back late. Seokjin opens the balcony door right away, letting in the fresh night air. He goes out and leans against the railing.

Taehyung follows. "So, do you want to tell me what happened?" He knows he shouldn't push Seokjin. He was worried though. He didn't want Seokjin to be unhappy and burdened with something. Sure, he isn't close to him. And well, he wants to change that.

"No," Seokjin answers right away. Taehyung sighs. Nonetheless, he keeps his words and drops the topic.

"Pretty night, isn't it?" Taehyung asks trying to make conversation.

"All I see are gray storm clouds," Seokjin replies nonchalantly. Taehyung's eyes widen and he looks at the sky. No moon or stars in sight. He slaps himself mentally. Seokjin laughs quietly and that brings him back to reality.

Taehyung smiles cheekily at him, forgetting his embarrassing moment. 'You're just like the stars. Bright, beaming, and beautiful.'

Seokjin's eyes widen and the tip of his ears turn pink. "Oh, did I say that out loud?" Taehyung rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. 'Good job, Tae. You just screwed up. You're supposed to be his friend! Not something more. . .'

After a moment of silence, Seokjin speaks. "I would say I'm more like the moon though."

"The moon. . ." Taehyung says looking at him. Yeah, the moon. That's nice. It does match him. Glowing in the darkness. Alone sometimes, sometimes with the stars. Regardless, still shining brightly down on earth. Still orbiting earth.

Seokjin reluctantly turns his head and looks at him. Taehyung stares back. Seokjin's eyes aren't so harsh like they usually are. This time, they're soft and seemed to brighten. He looks away first and goes back to the bedroom, leaving Taehyung's eyes trailing.

'If Seokjin's the moon, can I be the earth?'

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