philophobia | ksj+mb

By writingsbywyvern

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𝐩𝐑𝐒π₯π¨π©π‘π¨π›π’πš (𝗇) 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘒𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘒𝘭𝘭π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 π˜ͺ𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 the most beautiful smiles are t... More

BONUS: Kwon Jihye


814 74 8
By writingsbywyvern

Art is a curious thing. You say random words, people call it art. You hum random tunes, people call it art. You scribble stuff on the walls of your house, people call it art. But then you spray paint others' walls and people call it vandalism.

That is, perhaps, the funniest thing I've said all week.

I stifled a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand and masking it with a cough. Jin turned around, raising his eyebrows. I answered with a shrug.

Murals surrounded us. Pictures of boys and girls, dogs and snowmans, all painted over the yellowish background of the village walls. Mabijeong was a village known for its beautiful drawings, and it's my job to write about it.

With my camera in hand, I feel like I'm some travel blogger.

I bumped into something hard. The something turned around. I looked up to see Jin's frowning face. "Are you sane?"

I sheepishly smiled, sidestepping him and continued my stroll. "I'm not drunk, thank you for asking." Behind me, I could hear him scoff.

The scoffing creature decided to tag along. As soon as I told him my job to Daegu, he asked — no, insisted on coming along. He says he has nothing better to do, since it's summer and summer is the season of premieres. Hence, no jobs for him, but I doubt that. Jin always manages to find reasons to spend time with me, like lots of other occasions. Not that I minded, I'm actually quite happy to have some company. But tagging along to Daegu is just too much.

I felt something tap the back of my head, and I turned to see Jin's forefinger. "Can you walk with your head on the ground?" He lowered his finger. "You look like a weirdo."

I turned around. "The only weirdo here is you."

"At least I'm handsome."

I rolled my eyes. If he's not annoying, he's incredibly over confident. Why did I let him come again?

I stopped as I faced a beautiful mural of childrens. I lifted my camera up to my face, positioning it to the wall before me. It captures the painting with a click, and I looked at the result. Not happy with it, I lifted my camera back up, taking the same position. But before I could capture anything, a face appeared on my lens.

Surprised, I clicked the camera by accident and yelped. The face laughed at my reaction, his high-pitched laugh echoing through the empty streets of Mabijeong.

I crossed my arms, my face turning into a scowl. "Not funny, Jin."

His laughter died down, but his face remains red. His chest heaved, breathless from the amount of laughter. 'You should've seen your face."

"If you noticed, I'm working." I took out my phone, letting my camera fall on my neck. Jin took it away, pulling me along with my camera. "Hey! Cut it out!"

He grinned. "Just how wonderful of a photographer are you?" His hands searched the buttons, trying to find one, but failed. He tugged it closer to his face and I stumbled closer to him.

"Jin! You're choking me."

He narrowed his eyes, still searching for the preview button. "Where the hell..."

"Jin!" I pulled my camera away from him, not forgetting to scowl. I pressed on the preview button, something I can do without even looking, and handed the camera back to him. He took it with a smile.

But his smile soon faded as he saw the screen. "What is this?" He turned the screen to me, and I burst out laughing.

His weird face was captured perfectly, without any blurred lines. It's meme worthy.

"Hey! It's not funny!" he crossed his arms, hands still securely holding my camera. He pouted, giving me a fake scowl. I only laughed harder.

His arms dropped to his side and his scowl faded. "Byul, seriously, stop laughing."

I stretched my hand out and Jin handed me back my camera. My laughter died, and I shoo him away from the view. Taking a large breath to calm myself down, I took the picture of the mural again.

"When is Taehyung and Wheein going to arrive?" Jin muttered, looking around the street.

The image of a murderous Wheein flashed through my mind. I shook my head, walking into the next mural. "You can't expect them to hurry. Wheein has a large lump on her stomach."

"Geez, I was just wondering." He followed my steps, falling a little behind me as he observed the walls. "I heard a funny story of how the village was created."

I hummed a response, not really paying attention to his words. The snowman on the wall is much more intriguing than he is.

"They said it's because a general beheaded his horse after it couldn't catch up with an arrow," he continued. "Kind of absurd to me. How do you run faster than an arrow?"

"You run," I replied. "Legends don't always make sense, Jin. You know that. Besides, it's a beautiful village, you can't complain."

"Yes I can. I'm complaining right now."

I rolled my eyes. I'm starting to regret bringing him over. My journey would be much more peaceful without this man.

I stopped at another mural, lifting my camera back up my face. "Don't bother me," I said before Jin could do anything. I heard a huff of air from somewhere to my right, not far from me, but I couldn't pay any attention. I have to take a good shot of the mural, and Mr. Meme-worth isn't worth the attention.

I heard a satisfying click when I pressed the button. Taking my phone back out, I noted some important details in the article.

"See, Taehyung? I told you we're late."

I turned to the source of the voice, seeing two figures in the distance. They had their arms around each other, and one had a large lump in her stomach.

If it weren't for you our baby could've survived.

I shook my head again, trying to push the memories of the nightmare away. Now's not the time. I can't depress on nightmares in the middle of a village in Daegu.

I forced a smile, and walked over to them. "You really didn't have to walk all the way here."

Taehyung glared at his wife, but his hands stayed at her sides, helping her walk. "I told you to wait at the car."

"Yes, but I'm excited. And you know you can't stop me."

Her husband rolled his eyes and Jin chuckled at the two.

Wheein walked over to a nearby bench to sit down, her breath heavy from all the walking. "Gosh having a baby is hard."

You could've saved the baby.

I blinked, trying to fight back the invisible rope around my neck. I swallowed, taking a large breath to calm myself. Jin noticed and raised his eyebrows at me. I pretend to ignore it.

Taehyung turned to us. "How are you guys?" His eyes met mine and his mouth turned up into a little smirk. His words echoed in my head.

Do you not just like him?

I wanted to laugh at myself for the irony of my life. I can't believe just three months ago I was a member of the anti-liking-Jin club and now I'm here. Life is complicated.

"We're good," Jin answered. "Everything's cool."

"How nice of you to enjoy life to the fullest." Wheein smiled. "Taehyung here has been making my life hard."

My breath hitched, expecting war.

"Hey! How am I supposed to know not to push the toothpaste from the top?" Taehyung argued. I breathed a sigh of relief, one I didn't know I was holding. Jin stared at me again, and our eyes met.

"How can you not know? We've been living together for the past 8 months!"

Jin raised his eyebrows, and I replied with a shrug. He didn't need to know about the nightmares.

"You never told me! And you've never made a problem out of it."

"Alright, guys, enough." Jin raised his arms to stop the two. His lips were tight and his expression was unfathomable. His eyes met mine for a brief moment, and I can feel that he knows something.

Wheein flashed us a smile. "As you can see we're great." She turned her head to me a mischievous grin making its way to her lips. "How are you, Byul? You're uncharacteristically quiet today."

"I'm fine, I guess? Kinda busy, but not too busy." I shrugged, blinking several times to clear my vision from the haze.

Taehyung frowned. "Byul, you okay? You seem kind of off?"

"I'm fine," I answered, a little too quickly. "Just tired from all the work."

Wheein gave a meaningful nod. "You need to lay off. I thought Jin was keeping you at bay."

I rolled my eyes, chuckling at her words. "Jin's doing nothing but being a wonderful stalker. He follows me everywhere."

He raised his eyebrows, the corners of his lips turning up into a small smile. "I'm not a stalker. Stalkers are ugly, I'm not."

Our eyes met. What's wrong?

I shrugged, looking away from him. Taehyung stared at the two of us, flashing his boxy smile. "Wow, it's like you're made for each other." He turned to his wife, the smile still plastered on his face. "Did you see that?"

"I did. It's like telepathy."

I groaned, rolling my eyes at their statement. But I couldn't help but admit its trueness. It did feel like telepathy. And it is kind of cool. I've only ever done that with...

I swallowed. I'm working, something's happening right now. So why do I think about those things again?

"You guys hungry?" Taehyung asked, looking at the two of us.

"Starving." Wheein replied.

"I'm not asking you," he muttered. "You're hungry 24/7"

I let out a laugh — tried to let out a laugh. It sounded much more forced than what I wanted. And as we headed to a nearby stall, I could feel Jin's eye on the back of my head, questioning me quietly.

What's wrong?

philophobia made it to 6k guys! thank you so much! i am genuinely thankful for everything.

till next wednesday

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