Interception (Book 6)

Dijah_Love tarafından

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Four years into the future, about to graduate college, Aliyah and Marcus have both created new lives for them... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Authors Note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter 51
Authors Note:Quick Vent
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 (PART 1)
Chapter 58 (PART 2)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 | The Prelude
Chapter 70 (PART 1)
Chapter 70 (PART 2)
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 47

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Dijah_Love tarafından

A.J P.O.V.
I stood underneath my shower head with my eyes closed, letting the cold water run down my face and body.

It had been almost a week since I flew back from Bora Bora, and my mind hadn't been right ever since.

For whatever reason, I was having trouble sleeping at night, and eating during the day. I even found myself not being able to focus at work. When I returned, I sat at my desk for six hours and completed nothing, so I just took it upon myself to call out for the last three days.

I knew my boss was annoyed, because I had already been away from work for the trip, and then I call out the day after I return, but I truly didn't give a fuck. I didn't give a fuck about what he thought, or the will that needed to be done. I truly didn't give a fuck about anything.

I turned my head away from the water, and wiped my face with my hands, before turning the water off.

I slid open the glass door, and wrapped my towel around my lower half, before stepping out into my slides.

I had found myself constantly in and out of cold showers throughout the day, because it was the only thing I could actually feel. If I sat around on the couch or in my bed, all I could feel was numbness. My eyes would be stinging, tears on my cheeks, but my body wasn't connected whatsoever.

When I started to feel to out of it, I would hop in the shower and stand directly underneath the cold water, just to feel something. I hated cold showers with a passion, but for the last couple of days, it had been my only relief for the pain I was under.

I hit the lights in the bathroom, and made my way into my bedroom. As soon as I pushed the door open, I could hear my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I quickly glanced over at it and sighed once I seen mama calling me for the hundredth time since I got back to LA.

I'm sure she had got wind of what went down between Marissa and I back in Bora Bora, but I honestly ain't want to talk to nobody right now. I just needed my space, and I wish everybody would just fucking understand that.

I hit the ignore button, and took my towel off, completely drying myself first, before I stepped into my boxers, and a fresh pair of sweats.

I automatically sucked my teeth, when I heard my phone vibrating on my nightstand again. "Just leave me the fuck alone," I mumbled.

I reached over, and quickly looked at the screen to see Mariah calling me. I shook my head, hitting ignore button, before I turned my phone face down, leaving the bedroom.

All the phone calls were truly starting to annoy me. The only calls I was answering were Marissa's whenever she would call to let me speak to Sky to let her hear my voice, otherwise, we didn't say too much to each other.

I stepped into the living room, throwing myself back on the couch, in the same spot like I never left. I pushed all the fast food wrappers that were scattered across the coffee table out of the way, picking up the remote.

As soon as I started to look through the channels for something to watch, there was a knock at my door. I sighed, re-adjusting myself on the couch, since I wasn't gone answer it. Whoever it was probably isn't important no ways.

I re-focused myself on my tv, when the knocking started to increase. I frowned, getting upset at whoever was knocking on my door like the goddamn police.

"AJ, I know you're in there," My frown deepened at the sound of Mariah's voice on the other side of my door. "I legit see your car in the parking lot, so I know for a fact you're in here."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her. I sat up on the couch straight, throwing my arms over the top of it, not moving.

"AJ," She started again. "I can hear your TV on nigga, I'm not dumb,"

I rolled my eyes again.

"My lunch break is a hour and a half today, so I can stand here the entire time....try me."

I sucked my teeth, shaking my head, getting up from the couch. I walked over to the front door, and unlocked it, pulling it open.

Before I could even say anything, Mariah pushes past me, making her way inside. "That's what I thought, don't ever have me waiting in the hot ass sun like that again please,"

I sighed, closing the door behind her. "What you doin here?"

"I'm here to check on you," She simply stated. "It's been three days since you called out from work, and since your not taking none of my calls, I had to take it upon myself to come see how you was doing."

I sighed again. "I told you I was fine,"

"You told me that four days ago, anything could change between now and then. You don't have any family out here to check up on you,for all I know you could've been in here dead,"

I shook my head. "Well you can see that I'm good, so you can go. You ain't gotta waste your lunch being here, I ain't really want the company anyways."

She rolled her eyes. "I'll go when I'm ready, anyways, what you doing in here?" She asked, looking around.

"Minding my business," I started. "Something that a lot of people have trouble with nowadays."

She rolled her eyes again. "What's that smell?" She asked, scrunching up her nose.

She looked over her shoulder, over at the couch where all my McDonalds, Taco Bell and Burger King Wrappers we're scattered across the living room floor.

"Really AJ?" She shook her head, before sitting her purse down on one of the counter tops, before making her way into my kitchen.

I automatically frowned, wondering what she was doing. "What you doing?" I asked, watching her.

"Something that you obviously should have down about three days ago by the smell up in here," she grabbed a trash bag from under the sink, and some Lysol spray, before making her way over to the living room, picking up all the wrappers and napkins and cups I left everywhere.

"You don't gotta do that, I was gone do it,"

She fanned me off, opening up my balcony door so the room could air out.

"When do you plan on coming back to work?" She asked, ignoring me.

"Ion know," I mumbled. "Why?"

"Because you just were out for a whole week, and then you called out the day after you returned, I heard your boss, Mr. Vontello ain't too happy,"

I sucked my teeth. "Fuck Mr. Vontello, he can kiss my ass, forreal."

She frowned, as she looked over at me, as if she was surprised at the words coming out of my mouth.

"What the hell has gotten into you?"
I was silent.

".....Look, I know you're still hurting over what happened between you and Marissa.....but you need to talk about it.... I told you the more that you try to skim by it and shrug it off, the more hurt and pain you're gonna keep bottled up inside, trust me, I know."

I sucked my teeth. "I already told you ion got nothing to say about it, it is what it is,"

She nodded slowly. "If we weren't as close as we are, and I had no idea how you actually felt about her, I would believe you. But because I do, I know you're lying."

I was silent, not trying to make eye contact with her.

"I don't know if you forgot already, but I can't forget how you called me, hysterically crying after she left Bora were heart broken....I never seen or heard you cry before, but when you called were crying so hard that you were out of breath.... I had to calm you down before you had a asthma attack or something."

I clenched my jaw together, not really wanting to relive that moment in my head again.

"So you now saying, it is what it is, doesn't even match up, and you know I can see through the bullshit AJ."

I paused for a second, before shaking my head. "....Like I said before, I'm good.....I'll be good, ain't nothing to talk about,"

She sighed. "I don't know why you're so stubborn.....but I'll drop it," She finished picking up all my trash, tying the bag closed.

"Since you wanna be alone, I'll go, but I'll be back.....leave that door open, it smells like ass in here,"

I rolled my eyes. "Bye Mariah."

She picked her purse up before walking over the front door. "....Call me if you need something....seriously."

She stared at me for a few seconds, letting me see the seriousness and concern on her face before she stepped through the door.

Aliyah P.O.V.

"So now that you obviously have more free time on your hands, how is the wedding planning coming along for you two?"

I kept a smile plastered on my face, as I counted down the minutes in my head, waiting for this interview to be over.

This was Ronnie's first interview since his injury, and I was just thankful that it was being done over Skype, since he still wasn't able to fly or get around a whole lot.

The only thing I wasn't expecting was for them to want to interview us as a couple, to talk about how life had been for us post injury, our wedding, and how we're doing overall.

Ronnie cracked a small smile, as he slipped his hand in mine, preparing himself to answer the question.

"Well thanks to my beautiful fiancée, I have been making a lot of progress with my physical therapy, and that could only happen with a great PT, which she found for me, just only a few days after I got discharged from the hospital."

"Because of her dedication to helping me recover has been apart of her daily routine since my injury, everything else has been put on the back burner as of now, including our wedding,"

I sat there, smiling and nodding, as I let him continue.

"I think our main focus is getting me on my feet again before we actually revisit anything wedding related. I mean, I would have to be able to walk down the aisle, you know?" He slightly chuckled, causing the interviewer to chuckle as well.

"Yes, that is very true, and I'm glad to hear that you're making progress with your physical therapy as well, I'm sure your fans will be so happy to hear that, it sounds like you have a great support system behind you."

"Oh yeah," Ronnie started again. "Between Aliyah, my mother and my fans outpouring love and support, I have all the support I could ask for, and then some,"

My smile grew a bit bigger, but I was honestly dying on the inside. I hated the fact that he was so good at these interviews, due to his years of media training, but right now it was definitely coming in handy for me, since I didn't have to say too much, and this time around, I honestly didn't want too. My mind had been somewhere else these last few days since Ronnie came clean about his past.

"That's great to hear, well we here at Inside Sports are wishing you a speedy recovery, we heard the Panthers have a high chance of making the Super Bowl this year, hopefully we can see you out there if things keep working out for you,"

"Absolutely, I would love that, I'm really trying to be optimistic about this whole thing, everything happens for a reason, so I'm trying to keep a positive mindset, and look for the good inside of this situation as I try to heal to make it back on that field."

The lady smiled. "You're such a class act Ronnie, it's always a pleasure speaking with you."

"You as well, thank you."

"Thanks everyone for tuning in, and I hope you and Aliyah have a beautiful rest of the year, and hopefully  an amazing wedding soon,"

Ronnie smiled. "Thanks Sharon, we appreciate it."

I nodded. "Yes, Thank you for checking in with us, we really appreciate the time you took out to interview us, have a blessed year." I added.

We both waved simultaneously at the camera, before ending our Skype session. Once we were logged out, I automatically let go of Ronnie's hand, standing up from my seat.

"......Devon will be here in half a hour for your need to eat something before he gets here."

I made sure not to make eye contact with him, as I turned around to walk away, but he called me back.

"Aliyah," He said in a sigh.

I hesitated, before turning around to face him.

"...Thank you for doing that interview with me... I know you didn't want too,"

"It's fine," I said lowly. "...I'm gonna go grab your breakfast."

He nodded. "Are you gonna eat here with me?"

"I'll be eating in the guest room," He sighed. "....Okay.....well Thank you."

I shot him a small weak smile before stepping out of our bedroom.

It had only been a couple days since Ronnie came clean about his previous relationship, and my feelings and emotions were still all over the place.

I had been sleeping in one of our guest bedrooms, just because I needed to think, without being around him while I was in the house.

So far he hasn't complained about anything, or given me any push back about wanting to be alone, letting me know how guilty he felt about everything he told me the other day.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, and picked up the tray of food I prepared for him when I woke up this morning. Even though I needed my space from him, there were still things I needed to take care of when it came to him, so I just decided to push through and do it.

I took a deep breath, and slowly made my way back upstairs again to our bedroom. I pushed the door open with my foot, and he automatically sat up a little in bed, when I stepped inside.

I walked over to him sitting his tray in his lap.

".....I called your mom last night," I started. "....She's gonna be coming over stay for a few days."

He frowned, picking up his fork. "Oh.....She didn't mention that to me when I talked to her this morning," He picked some eggs up on his fork, beginning to eat.

I nodded. "Yeah......Because I asked her not too, I wanted to be the one to tell you,"

"Tell me that she's staying with us??" He asked confused.

I sighed. "No, she'll be staying with you......once she gets here, I'll be leaving."

Once I said that, he automatically looked up at  me. "You're leaving? Where are you going?"

"I need to clear my head, I'll be back in a couple days,"

"....I can't know where you're going? How will I know if you're safe or not?"

"I'll be fine," I started. "I'm grown, I can manage being alone for a few days, it's not like you can't call me, I'll be fine, trust me."

He was silent as he looked back down in his plate, continuing to eat. I could tell he was hurt, but he wasn't going to tell me that.

".... I'll check in with you everyday, and your mom knows to call me if there's a emergency and vice versa.....I just need my space right now."

He cleared his throat, keeping his eyes low. "No, I understand.....just wherever you're safe."

I slightly nodded. "Yeah...I will."

I stared at him for a few more seconds before sighing. "..Enjoy your breakfast, I'm going to start packing soon."

He nodded, still not making eye contact with me. "Okay....thank you again for the breakfast baby,"

My eyes began to sting a bit just from the strength that he was showing. I know he didn't want me leaving, and he was trying his best to be supportive of me wanting my space.

I quickly blinked my tears away as I stepped out of our bedroom and made my way around the staircase to our guest bedroom.

Marcus P.O.V.

"Good morning sunshine,"

I slightly sat up in Delilah's bed, as she rolled over on top of me, placing her bare chest on top of mine.

"Morning," I ran a hand down my face, feeling exhausted after what me and her got into last night.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked, resting her chin on my chest.

"Decent, you?"

"More than decent," she said with a smirk. "You always make me well rested."

I chuckled. "I'm glad to hear that, I wish I can say the same about you, but between practice, the games, and our sessions, shit, all I been feeling lately is exhaustion,"

"Mmmmmm," she lifted her chin up, before kissing me on the lips. "That's not a bad thing," She started. "That just means I'm fucking you like I should, if you ain't exhausted from me, then I'm not giving it to you good enough," She bit down on her bottom lip, as she looked up at me, smirking.

"Touché," I said in a chuckle. "But nah, I have been hella exhausted lately, I ain't tell you but, I even forgot my little sisters birthday two weeks ago......she's still pissed at me about it."

She frowned. "I never knew you had a sister,"

I nodded. "Yeah, and she just turned 13 so you can imagine how her attitude is right now,"

"Oh yeah," She started. "I remember how I was acting at 13, so if she's anything like me, that attitude is on 1,000 right now,"

I slightly chuckled, scratching the back of my head. "Yeah, it's definitely something like that.....but forreal, I fucked up by forgetting, now I'm stuck thinking about what I should do to make it up to her, and the more time that goes by without me having a solid plan, the more I know she hates me right now,"

She smirked again. "Do you have anything in mind at all? Like any specific gifts?" I shook my head. "Nah, I mean, I was thinking about it and it's hard buying teenage girls shit, cause everything they like changed every other week. Last year I got her something that she told me she wasn't into anymore, but she had legit just told me about the shit like three months before I bought it, it's hell's confusing man,"

She laughed. "Okay yeah, that I definitely understand, but there's always one thing that'll never go out of style for girls."

"And what is that?" I asked looking down at her.

"Clothes, duh." She started. "You said she just turned 13 right? Meaning she'll be starting high school next year, this is the perfect time for her to revamp her wardrobe and get prepared for 9th grade, it's like a small entry to womanhood,"

I frowned. "She ain't no woman,"

She rolled her eyes. "Not fully, but she's only getting older, soon she'll be 18 and what you gone be saying then?? She'll damn near be a grown woman at that point."

The thought of Bria growing up sent chills down my spine. I honestly ain't even wanna think about her turning 18 or becoming a adult period.

"I think it would be a dope idea to let her have a little shopping spree to pick out some things she likes, get that 13 year old confidence up, and that way, you don't got to get her a physical gift that she might throw away anyways," she said, slightly laughing.

"Ion know," I started. "Ion know what she'll be out here buying, and ion wanna hear my mamas mouth about her buying thot gear and shit,"

She laughed. "Okay we'll give your mom the money and have her take her shopping,"

I shook my head. "Nah, then Bria's gonna complain about my mama making her buy "granny clothes" as she likes to call it,"

She laughed again. "Okay, well how about you fly her out here and you take her shopping at some of the dope stores we got out here, I know you got the cash to do so, since you Mr. big shot now."

I scratched my beard, thinking about what she was saying.

"The kids are still on summer break, so I think it'll be a good idea."

"And where would I even take her? Most of these stores and female boutiques are for grown women, and I'll be damned if she's walking around looking like some of these hoes in Atlanta,"

"There's plenty of places you can take her, you just gotta do your research first."

I sucked my teeth. "Seems like you know more about this shit than I do, I might need your help if I do decide to fly her and my mama out here," She smirked.

"Ohhh, is that a invite to tag a long?"

I licked my lips, looking down at her. "Maybe,"

"Hmmm," she started. "And if I did decide to tag a long, hypothetically speaking, what would you introduce me as?"

"That depends, what do you think you are?" I asked, resting my right hand on top of her ass.

"Well, What I think I am, and what I want to be are two different things." I nodded. "Ight, and what's that?"

"I'm just a friend, but it ain't no secret that I could potentially want to be more than that,"

"Oh really?" I asked, licking my lips again. "That's the first time you've told me that,"

"Mm well, I thought it was pretty obvious," I laughed. "Nah it wasn't, what happened to the Delilah that's always straight up about what she wants?"

"That's still me," She started. "And I'm being straight up now and I'm telling you that I can see this going past us just hookin up,"

I nodded, slightly impressed by her honesty.

"I can respect how honest you always." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "And since you're so honest, I'll be honest too."

"Ion know if I can see this going past just sex right now, mainly because I haven't gave it much thought, you know I just got out of a long term relationship with my baby moms, so I ain't really looking for anything else right now,"

She nodded. "I know, and I ain't tryna rush shit between us either, I'm not that type of female, I live in the moment and don't stress about what the future holds, I'm having a good time with you, the sex is immaculate, and I enjoy your vibe, that's all I'm worried about right now, and I know that's exactly what you need at the moment,"

I smirked, feeling my dick throb in my boxers. I had never met a female like Delilah, and it took so much stress off me that she just understands where I am right now and ain't pressing me about labeling shit without me having to break it down to her, and it was sexy as fuck honestly.

I lifted her chin up, before leaning down and kissing her lips. "You a different breed, I swear man," she laughed, rolling off of me.

"As long as you know,"

I watched her slide her naked body from under the covers, before grabbing her robe that was sitting on the side of her bed.

"You wanna shower?" She asked, tying her robe to her body.

"Yeah I guess I could, you going first?" She smiled. "I meant with me,"

My dick began to throb again, as I sat up in her bed a little bit more. "Oh, hell yeah, you know I'm down."

She smiled. "Ight, I'm going to put my hair up and get the water ready for us, meet me in there in 5."

"Will do," I bit down on my bottom lip as I watched her step into her bathroom, closing the door behind herself.

Once she was gone, I leaned back, getting comfortable, since I knew it took her a minute to put her hair up and take her makeup off from the night before.

I reached over for her remote, turning on the TV. As soon as I did, I chuckled to myself at the fact that the channel that was on last was Inside Sports Network.

"This girl," I said lowly. I leaned back, and automatically frowned once I seen Aliyah and Ronnie's face appear in the screen.

I quickly grabbed the remote again, turning up the volume.

So now that you obviously have more free time on your hands, how is the wedding planning coming along for you two?"

"Well thanks to my beautiful fiancée, I have been making a lot of progress with my physical therapy, and that could only happen with a great PT, which she found for me, just only a few days after I got discharged from the hospital."

"Because of her dedication to helping me recover has been apart of her daily routine since my injury, everything else has been put on the back burner as of now, including our wedding,"

"I think our main focus is getting me on my feet again before we actually revisit anything wedding related. I mean, I would have to be able to walk down the aisle, you know?

I automatically sucked my teeth, folding my arms across my chest. I would be lying if I said I still ain't feel a way about Aliyah playing with my emotions awhile back, but I was slowly getting over it.

I just think it's still hella bogus how she's planning on marrying a nigga that she clearly ain't that into because if she was, she wouldn't have fucked me.

Half of me was still salty that she chose him over me, but it was nothing that I was gone keep dwelling on, as far as I was concerned, my shit with her was behind me.

"Yes, that is very true, and I'm glad to hear that you're making progress with your physical therapy as well, I'm sure your fans will be so happy to hear that, it sounds like you have a great support system behind you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah," Ronnie started again. "Between Aliyah, my mother and my fans outpouring love and support, I have all the support I could ask for, and then some,"

I quickly glanced over at Aliyah who was just sitting beside him, smiling. I frowned a bit, noticing that something about her body language seemed off, but I ignored it, not wanting to care too much or read into it.

"She do look good though," I mumbled to myself.

"That's great to hear, well we here at Inside Sports are wishing you a speedy recovery, we heard the Panthers have a high chance of making the Super Bowl this year, hopefully we can see you out there if things keep working out for you,"

"Absolutely, I would love that, I'm really trying to be optimistic about this whole thing, everything happens for a reason, so I'm trying to keep a positive mindset, and look for the good inside of this situation as I try to heal to make it back on that field."

I rolled my eyes again. Even though I ain't have no real issue with Ronnie, seeing them together annoyed the hell out of me for whatever reason. I mean, it ain't like it's my first time seeing them out as a couple, but after that last team get together, I really was viewing Aliyah differently and her man too, just by default.

"You ready?"

I quickly turned off the TV once Delilah opened up the door, naked.

"Yeah I'm ready sexy,"

She smirked. "What were you watching?" I shook my head, as I made my way out of the bed.

"Nothing important," I walked over to her and kissed her cheek before slapping her ass that was begging for me to touch it.

"Get in," I grabbed a condom out of the condom box that I had left on her bathroom counter.

"Yes daddy," she pulled open the glass door, stepping inside. I tore open the plastic, before stepping out boxers, following suit right behind her.

Amara P.O.V.

"Thanks for inviting me out, something came up with my best friend today and she canceled our plans to meet up," I took a sip from my mimosa, sitting back In my seat.

"Oh yeah, no problem, thank you for agreeing to come out with me, now that I've switched jobs, my work schedule is different from the rest of my girlfriends, so usually I'm stuck going out alone these days,"

I nodded slowly. "Oh right, damn, I didn't even think about that, well I'm always down for brunch, so you can always hit me up."

Jess smiled. "I appreciate that," She glanced over at her phone that was sitting on the table right beside her, before looking back over at me.

"So how are you liking Atlanta so far? I know it's kinda different from North Carolina, so what do you think?"

"Well like you said, it's very different, but I like it, it's funny because  I actually always planned on moving out here for college but.......things just ain't work out that way,"

"Mmm, tell me about it," She started. "Even though I'm from Atlanta, I really wanted to go to an out of state college just to kind of break away from my family's name and their money and success. Not that I'm ashamed or anything, it's just that I've been trying to do my own thing, you know?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I get that, I was fortunate not to have that issue since my dad retired way before I even entered middle school, I mean, people knew that my dads side had money, and they knew he used to rap, but back when I was in middle school and high school, nobody was really checking for a retired rapper,"

Jess laughed, glancing over at her phone again. "That's facts,"

"Same goes for my best friend too, our dads both retired before we hit our teens, so even though people knew about our parents or the fact that we had some money, it wasn't that big of a deal back then, but I could see how hard it may have been for you with your dad being the head coach for the long has he been working for the organization?"

She sighed. "Practically all my life, don't get me wrong, he's been fortunate to still be coaching all of these years later, but just like you said, it's been hard dealing with. Unlike Mario, I feel like it's affected me more in a negative way than positive, like, not knowing who's actually trying to befriend me for me or my family's status, guys trying to date me because they actually like me or they'll just be tryna get free tickets to the game, or just to say they dated me to boost there popularity."

"I feel you, I've had a couple encounters with guys in college and in high school that knew who my dad was and I could tell they were only interested for that reason, and even though it's fucked up, it can make you appreciate a real man that's not impressed by all that once you find him."

She smirked. "Ohhhhhh sounds like to me you found one of those, does he have a brother??"

I laughed. "No girl, I'm super single, recently single, I mean, we hadnt been together together in awhile, but we were kinda in this situationship type - you know that, Nevermind, it's way too complicated to explain."

She fanned me off. "Try me girl, I'm the queen of a complicated ass situation, spill the tea,"

I took another sip of my mimosa before leaning back in my seat.

"I dated this guy back in high school, when I was very young and naive and I thought I knew it all," I shook my head, not wanting to think about the old me.

"Looking back on it, I probably should've never dated him, just because our relationship was originally solely just built off of a friends with benefits type thing, like we were just sleeping together and saying we were cool."

Jess nodded. "Girl, trust me, I understand that."

"Yeah, so he actually broke things off with me as far as our little friends with benefits thing, because he had started dating some new chick that was moving to our area.....turns out that same chick just so happened to be my dads new girlfriends daughter,"

Both of her eyes widened. "What???? Say you swear!"

"I swear. After he found that out, he started to play games with us both, somehow we ended up in a real relationship again, after he found out about some of the crazy things my stepmoms daughter was into, but to make a long story short, I ended up physically fighting my so called "stepsister" now, and me and the guy got back together again towards the end of my senior year. I followed him out to North Carolina for school and we fell back into our usual on and off pattern again."

"Damn," she said lowly. "Things can never go the way they should with these niggas."

"Right, and to put the most recent cherry on top, we've been living together for almost 3 1/2 years now, and still being in an on and off again relationship. He flew back home one weekend to visit his mom, and came back home to me like nothing ever mom recently passed from breast cancer, and once she got really really sick, I flew back home and ended up staying longer than I originally though I would, and that's when I found out my "stepsister" was pregnant."

Jess lifted a brow. "Pregnant?? Like how many months?"

"The same amount of months since he had came home to visit "his mom".

"Oh my god," she mumbled, looking over at her phone again.

"You can kinda already tell where this is going, he cheated on me on the weekend trip back home with her, and got her pregnant. I actually didn't find out about any of this until the morning after my mom's passing, since she gave birth in the same hospital my mom passed in."

She placed her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Girl I'm speechless right now......I'm so sorry about your mom though, I had no idea, no wonder you needed a fresh start in a new state."

I nodded. "Yeah, and that's why I'm not rushing to find work right now....I'm still going through the motions of his bullshit, then obviously trying to deal with my mom not being here anymore."

She sighed, placing her hand on top of mine, gently rubbing it. "I'm so sorry Amara, you're hella strong though, a lot of people would have fell apart completely after going through all that at once, all of this just speaks to how strong you are as a person."

"That's what I keep hearing, but thanks, I didn't mean to throw the mood off, the story wasn't supposed to be about my mom, but about my ex and his trifling ass bullshit,"

She chuckled. "Right, but wow.....that's crazy, and what kills me is when women say that men ain't shit, they really gave the audacity to be offended, like this is the shit we're talking about!"

I laughed. "This is true, but since I spilled my tea, you gotta spill yours now, are you dating anyone??"

She shook her head no. "No, I'm super single just like you.....but I've had my fair share of complicated situations this year, so trust me when I say I feel you and what you went through in high school with your ex."

I smirked. "Well tell me, I'm here for all the tea, what's your complicated situation? Does it have something to do with you eyeing your phone every five minutes? You waiting in your boo to call?"

We both chuckled. "Girl I wish, no, um, I have one of my good guy friends staying with me, he kinda got kicked out of his spot after him and his baby momma broke up, so he's been at my condo for like a month and a half now....he actually didn't come home last night, so I sent him a text this morning that he hasn't replied to yet," she said in a sigh.

I lifted a brow. "And you feel some type of way about it? Him not coming back last night?"

She sighed, pushing her hair back. "I mean yeah, he's one if my best friends, and I know he's been lowkey spiraling lately.....I just wanna know if he's safe,"

I smirked a little bit. "There has to be more to it than that....I mean, you said it was a complicated situation for a reason right? Do you think you could be feeling him now that he's moved in?"

She paused for a second before speaking. "Well.....we had ever since that happened.....yeah,"

Both of my brows shot up at the same time.

"I don't know what took over him this one night, but we ended up having sex, and I can't even front, it was hella good,"

I chuckled. "So what's the problem? Are y'all doing the friends with benefits type thing? Are you having a issue tryna tell him how You feel?"

She sighed, shaking her head no. "No it's not that, we haven't slept together since then or done anything else was awkward being around each other after that, but eventually we talked about it, and he made it clear to me that he had zero feelings for me, and that we crossed a line, because we were both horny,"

"Damn," I mumbled.

"So I would be stupid as hell to try to tell him I think I may be feeling him now....I've been trying to move past it, but seeing him everyday ain't helping, especially him still walking around shirtless and shit like that.....I mean, I know he probably does it still because I never looked at him like that in the past, but the sex really changed things for me and I can't shake it."

"Damn Girl, that's understandable you know if he's dating anyone else right now?"

"As far as I know, no, but I think he's definitely dealing with someone, since he's always coming back to the house early in the morning, or not until the following day, I even had to pick him up one time because he left his car on all night, and he was all the way across town. None of his friends live over on that side, so I'm pretty sure he was with a girl, but I'm not 100% sure about it."

"Damn, I don't even know what to tell you, that's tough though, because if he's still viewing you as just a friend, and you have feelings, admitting that can potentially end your friendship with him." She nodded.

"Exactly, and I didn't want to risk that, he's legit the first person that's found out about my family that hasn't tried to use me in any way, and I know if I need him he'll be there for me in a second,"

"And that's probably why you have feelings for him too," I added. "I don't think it was just the sex that made you feel this way about him, I think the sex unlocked something you had tried to keep out of your mind, if you ask me."

"Maybe," she said lowly. "And to make matters worse, not only is he staying with me right now, I have to see him at work every time too."

I frowned. "Work? Aren't you the assistant coach for the Panthers? Why would you be seeing him at work??"

She sighed, shaking her head. ".....I was too embarrassed to keep going back and forth with Mario when we met up for lunch last week, but he wasn't lying when he brought up Marcus Richmond, he's one of the  wide receiver for the Panthers."

Both of my brows shot up again. "Oh, oh damn, that's who were talking about? Marcus Richmond?"

She frowned a bit. " you know him?"

I shook my head no, not really wanting to tell her the truth or get too involved with her business with him since we don't know too much about each other.

"No, no I just wasn't expecting it to be a player on the team, but that's crazy, he has a baby on the way right?"

"Yeah, and that's probably another reason why I shouldn't have any feelings for him, but here I am, having fucking feelings,"

"Don't beat yourself up about it, if you already know that he doesn't feel the same about you, then you need to try to move on....and that's hard to do when that person is living with you."

She nodded. "So what are you saying? That I need to kick him out my crib like his baby mama did to him?"

I chuckled. "I'm not saying you have to kick him out, but he's been staying with you long enough, he's a grown man that has a whole job in the NFL, he can afford his own apartment or something, he doesn't have to shacking up with you."

She was silent.

"You have to put your feelings first girl, especially if you care about his friendship and don't want to lose that,"

"Yeah I hear you....thanks for the advice," I smiled. "No problem."

"Maybe once we're both over our situations we can start going out and tryna find out next boyfriends."

I laughed. "I'm down, and I'll bring my best friend, even though she's engaged, she's definitely understand our struggles about coming from a well known family, she can help pick out guys for us, she has a ring, so she has to know something,"

Jess laughed. "That's facts!! Make sure you bring her,"

Aliyah P.O.V.

I kept my eyes glued to my lap top screen, and I continued my search through google.

I had been here in my office at the boutique for about a hour now, and I hadn't done anything that was work related since I got here.

Thank god the shop was closed today, because all I had been doing was sitting here at my desk, trying to find any information I could on Ronnie's ex, Isabella.

The only information that I could find on her so far was that she graduated from Clark Atlanta around the same time that Ronnie did from Emory, with her Bachelors in English Literature.

I even tried to Facebook search her,but that was a quick dead end since I didn't really know what she looked like. I say back in my seat, feeling defeated, when my phone began vibrating beside me.

I quickly looked over and sighed once I seen mama calling me. I took a breath and cleared my throat before answering.

ME: "Hello?"

MAMA: "Hey baby, how are you?"

I switched the phone to my right ear, leaning up against my desk.

ME: "I'm alright, I'm kinda busy here at work, so I may have to call you back later,"

MAMA: "Oh....Okay, I haven't heard from you in a few weeks, so I was calling just to check up on you, But before I let you go, please tell me you've spoken to your brother lately."

I frowned a bit.

ME: "Uh, no, I haven' he okay?"

Mama sighed.

MAMA: "He's been fighting to get Marissa back ever since they broke up, apparently he ended up flying Marissa out to Bora Bora as a surprise, he just showed up at the house, asking me and your daddy if we can watch Sky for him while they went away......Marissa cane back the other day alone, visibly upset."

My frown deepened.

ME: "Like mad?"

MAMA: "No, more like sad and heartbroken. She came by to pick up Sky and I could see the pain written all over her face, she wouldn't tell me exactly what happened between them, but she did tell me that they won't be in one another's life's anymore if it doesn't have to do with Sky, also she just wants to keep her distance from the family until she heals."

I raised both of my brows, in slight shock. I would have never imagined Marissa saying she needed to distance herself from us, knowing how much we all love and care about her, and consider her apart of our family, but then again, I did understand why she needed to do so.

MAMA: "If she was that upset, I know your brother is too, and he has no family around him. He hasn't taken any of my calls these last couple of days and I'm just hoping that someone has heard from him. Marissa told me she tried to call him yesterday, just so Sky could hear his voice and he took none of her calls either, I'm just really worried,"

I sighed.

ME: "You know how AJ is mama, when he lost his shot at playing at UCLA he kinda withdrew himself from everybody, I'm not saying it's right, but when traumatic things take place in his life, that's the way he copes. We all know AJ isn't crazy and wouldn't do anything to harm himself or anyone else, I just learned that he likes his space and ends up shutting everyone out........I know how much he loves Marissa, so I know he's heart broken."

MAMA: "I know he is too, and I know he shuts everyone out as a way to cope, he started that as a little boy, after he found out about his grandma passing......can you please try to reach out to him? And if he answers, tell him he needs to call me, and most importantly his baby girl."

I nodded as if she could see me.

ME: "I will, I'll try to call him tonight mama, but I'm sure he's okay.....I'll let you know once I hear from him."

MAMA: "Okay, please.

She took a sigh of relief, continuing to speak.

MAMA: "How are you doing though? You sound like you haven't slept,"

My eyes stung a bit, hating that she knew me do well. I hadn't got much sleep after Ronnie's confession to me the other night. I cleared my throat, trying to fight through the tears that were forming.

ME: "I'm fine mama, just a lot going on with the boutique,"

MAMA: "And with Ronnie too huh?"

I automatically froze, not sure what to say.

ME: "What?? What are you talking about??"

She chuckled.

MAMA: "His injury baby, I know you got to have your hands full with nursing your soon to be husband back to health and managing the boutique all on your own. Oh! I saw the interview that you and Ronnie did this morning, he's looking great, and you never mentioned anything about you two deciding to put the wedding planning on hold."

I sighed, running a hand down my face, not in the mood to discuss any of this right now.

ME: "Yeah, we just thought it was the smartest thing to do right now, there's more important things to take care of. Like you said, I'm really busy, and today's no exception, so we can talk later mama,"

I hated rushing her off the phone, especially because we haven't talked in awhile, and she's already worried about AJ's well being, but I honestly couldn't handle anymore talk about Ronnie, his injury or our wedding, since all of those things were the furthest thing from my mind right now.

MAMA: "...Okay, well I'm sorry for interrupting, I know you said you were sure you're okay though? I can't put my finger on it, but something's off with your voice."

ME: "I'm fine mama," I said staring up at the ceiling as I began to wipe the tears that were beginning to roll down my cheeks.

ME: "I'm fine, I just gave a lot to get done today, that's all."

MAMA: "Okay, well I was just checking, you know you can talk to me if somethings stressing you out.....if it's the boutique Li-Li, I can send one of my friends to help you out.....I've been noticing that the Atlanta location has been the slowest with production, and I know it's probably because you've been closing the store to be home with Ronnie more, which is understandable, but also we don't want to get too behind on things,"

I sighed, as more tears fell down my cheeks.

ME: "I know mama, I just have a lot on my plate right now, I'll get back to being on top of things here,"

MAMA: "I know you will, but don't be afraid to ask for help either."

ME: "I know mama," I said again. "I have to go, I'll call you later,"

As soon as she said bye, I immediately hung up the phone, dropping it on my desk. I pushed back my messy hair that I hadn't even bothered to comb before I left this morning, and wiped my face that felt hot from my tears. I had been trying not to overwhelm myself with everything that had been going on these last couples of days, but I felt like I was slowly unraveling as each day went by.

I wiped my face one last time, before looking up at my laptop screen, trying to pick up where I left off. I was having no luck finding out anything about Isabella or her family, and it was starting to frustrate me.

I bit down on my bottom lip, when a thought cake to mind. I picked up my phone and quickly scrolled through my contacts until I got to Uncle Treys number. I placed the phone to my ear, hoping he would answer.

UNCLE T: "Hello?"

ME: "Hey Uncle T, how are you?"

UNCLE T: "I'm doing good baby girl, how are you? Everything okay??"

ME: "Yeah, everything's fine.....I um.....I actually needed a favor from you,, and I was hoping that you could come through for me,"

UNCLE T: "What's the favor?"

ME: "Well, I heard you used to be a PI back in the I kinda need you to look someone up for me,"

UNCLE T: "Well if you know that, then you would also know that I don't do that anymore, but are you ok? Why would you be needing to look into someone? Is someone trying to harm you?"

ME: "No." I said in a sigh. "It's a long story, and I can't get into all the details right now, but you're the only person I know that can help me with this.... I really need you to do this for me."

He sighed before going silent for a few seconds as if he was thinking.

UNCLE T: ".....What's the name?"

ME: "Isabella Martinez...I'm trying to figure out where she is, so I can get in contact with her and her family,"

UNCLE T: "Location?"

ME: "As far as I know, Georgia, possibly Atlanta."

UNCLE T: "Do you have any pictures, a phone number or email address I can use?"

ME: "No, all that I know is, she graduated from Clark Atlanta with her Bachelors in English Literature about two years ago.......and she has a past with Ronnie,"

UNCLE T: "Your fiancée Ronnie?"

ME: ".....Yeah."

UNCLE T: "Aliyah, what's going on? Are you sure you aren't in any trouble?"

ME: "I'm sure..... I just really need to find her....can you please let me know what you find, if anything?"

UNCLE T: "You know I will, but if something else is going on here, you need to tell me so I can help you, is this woman threatening you and Ronnie?"

ME: "No, it's not like that, I really can't explain it, I just need you trust me."

UNCLE T: "Alright," He said lowly.

ME: "Thank you....and one more thing, please don't tell mama or daddy about this,"

UNCLE T: "Alright, you have my word."

Kelia P.O.V.

"Okay, so this one is a two bedroom, two bath with a screened in Patio out back,"

I stepped inside the fourth apartment that Terrance and his friend Magic was showing me.

I placed my hand on my belly, rubbing it gently, since baby girl had decided to give me hell today with all the kicking and moving around she was doing in there.

"Nice living room space," I said, stepping further into the room.

"New cabinets in the kitchen I see," Magic nodded. "Yes, I know that was one of the things you asked for, something more modern and updated."

I nodded my head, slightly impressed. "Very nice, I'm going to check out the bedrooms,"

"I'll come with you," Terrance added, walking behind me.

We walked past the kitchen and down the hallway to where the bedrooms and bathrooms were.

"You know, you don't have to follow me every time I want to go into a room alone, I told you I'm fine now,"

He chuckled. "I heard what you said, I'm just making sure that you are, you scared me and Magic at that first apartment we saw this morning,"

I sighed.  "I told y'all she was just kicking the life out of me, and I just needed to sit down for a few minutes, it happens all the time, I'm fine, I don't have to be monitored,"

He chuckled again. "Okay fair enough........but what do you think of this one so far, do you like it?"

I stepped inside the master bedroom, taking a look around. "I like the space, it's not too big or too small, I think it'll be just enough space for me and 'Kenzie,"

He smiled. "Kenzie? That's her name?" I smiled a little.

"Mackenzie, but Kenzie for short," He nodded slowly. "Wait a minute, isn't that your last name?" I nodded.

"Yeah, it was my grandfathers last name, who passed a few years back.....when Marcus and I were discussing names, I thought Mackenzie would make a cute first name, since I didn't want my last name to be completely gone, when I thought Marcus and I were gonna get.......well you know," I cleared my throat, pushing my hair back.

"Anyways," I started again. "It's a name that's very special to me, and she'll have his last name it's the perfect balance between the two of us."

Terrance nodded. "Well I think it's a beautiful name, first or last." I cracked a small smile. "Thanks........I'm going to take a look at the second bedroom, I'll meet you and Magic back out front,"

"Will do," He gave me a slight head nod before disappearing out of the bedroom. Once he was gone, I took a deep breath, walking down the hallway to the second bedroom that would be for Kenzie.

"Nice space," I said to myself, imagining where I would eventually put her crib and changing table.

I reached down into my purse, pulling out my phone, checking to see if Marcus has finally texted me back yet. I had an appointment for baby girl scheduled for this Friday, and I texted him to confirm that he would be there this morning, but of course, he hadn't text back yet.

I rolled my eyes, dropping my phone back in my bag, happy that I was finally doing this for myself. It was apparent that I couldn't ever count on Marcus for anything, and he repeatedly shows me that.

I shook my head, clearing all my thoughts as I made my way back out to the living room with Terrance and Magic.

"Thoughts?" Magic asked, holding his arms out with a slight smile on his face.

"I like it, I think it's my favorite out of all of the apartments we seen much is the rent and first and last?"

"The rent will be $1200 a month so first and last is double that,"

I sighed. "Alright, let me sleep on it and I'll get back to you about this one tomorrow,"

He nodded. "Sounds like a plan,"

"Thank you."

"No problem Ms. Mackenzie, thank Terrance not me." I chuckled looking over at Terrance. "Thanks again."

He fanned me off. "No problem,"

"Before I head out," Magic started again. "You can reach me on my cell at this number." He reached down into his shirt pocket, pulling out a card.

"This is my business card, call me anytime tomorrow once you've made up your mind." I nodded, taking the card from him. "Thank you, I will."

He gave Terrance and I both a quick head nod before pulling his car key out of his pocket. "Well I guess I'll be heading out then, thanks for giving me a call man."

I pulled my purse up on my shoulder as I watched them dap up each other. "No problem man, aye, thank you for coming through for me, you always been a real one,"

"You know it." He smiled at me before walking over to the door. "Have a good evening y'all."

Once he was gone, I took a quick second look around the apartment, making sure to take everything in.

"I'm gonna be heading out too," Terrance said, speaking up. I turned around, nodding my head. "Okay...thank you again for safe."

"How are you getting home?"

I shrugged. "Uber most likely, I was actually about to call them once you left." He chuckled. "You think I'm about to let a whole pregnancy woman  take a Uber by herself? Let me drop you home."

I sighed. "You've done enough for me, don't you think? I can manage one Uber ride alone,"

"Oh I'm sure you can, I was just saying that you shouldn't have too."

I was silent for a few seconds.

"Come on," He started. "Let's get you home,"

Before I could say a thing else, he turned around, making his way out of the front door.

I took a deep breath, following behind him.

"....How much do I owe you for the ride?" I asked, following him over to his Mercedes.

"The ride is free, I offered didn't I?" He chuckled a bit, shaking his head.

"Let me atleast give you something for your gas, since you're going out of your way,". He fanned me off, pulling open the passenger seat door for me.

"Don't worry about that, just get in." I hugged a bit, sliding into the seat, as he closed the door beside me.

He jogged over the driver seat and got in. "Which way to take you home?" He asked as he backed out of his parking spot.

"Um, if you come out right here, you can make a U-Turn and make a left at the light."

He nodded.

I sat back in my seat silent as I watched him follow my directions.

".....Thank you again for hooking me up with Magic....and being here today......and taking me home,"

He smiled. "You can stop thanking me, that's what friends are for."

I smiled a bit. "I hope your wife doesn't mind all the favors you've been doing for me lately....I don't want her to think anything is going on with us."

He cleared his throat a bit, as he pulled up to a red light.

".......My wife actually passed away a few years back,"

Both of my brows shot up, in shock of what he had just said. "Oh.....I'm so sorry....I didn't always speak about her so I assumed that she-"

"I know," He said, cutting me off. "My family tells me the same thing, I still speak about her in present's been hard trying to cope with the fact that she's family says that's probably the reason why I haven't had a date since she's passed, because I speak as if I'm still married.....and I still wear my ring,

I glanced over at his hand that was on the steering wheel, looking at his wedding ring that was still on his finger.

He slightly chuckled, trying to play it off, but I could see the pain on his face.

I frowned a little. ".....I'm sorry many years has it been?"

"About three and a half years now.......I know I should move on from her, but it's been hard."

I shook my head. "Of course, loosing someone you love is always hard, regardless of it you were prepared for it or not."

He nodded his head in agreement, as he took off from the light.

"Right, and I wasn't prepared at all......she died in a car crash,"

I gasped. "Oh my god,"

".....I remember it like it was yesterday, getting that call was one of the worst moments of my life,"

"I could only imagine," I said lowly. "....How long were you two married?"

"Almost three years, our anniversary was only a few months away before her passing, and we were actually expecting an addition to our family,"

My eyes widened. "She was pregnant???"

He nodded. "Yeah, we had just found out that she was a few weeks pregnant not long before the accident."

"Wow." I mumbled. "Again, I'm so sorry...I never knew all of this, nobody should have to go through what you went through."

"No need to apologize," He started. "It's hard, and I wouldn't wish that pain on my worse enemy.....but I'm managing," He glanced over at me and let out a small smile.

"....Well I hope that when you're ready, god has another special woman out there for you, and you can get re-married when the time is right and start a family,"

He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. "Thank you Kelia, I really appreciate that."

"No problem,"

Ronnie P.O.V.

"Can I get anything for you baby? You haven't even touched your lunch at all,"

I sighed, leaning back into the couch, shaking my head. "No mama, I'm fine, I don't have a appetite,"

I slowly lifted up my leg, placing it up on the coffee table where the pillow she had placed for me was.

"Well you need to eat something," she stared. "You have to take your next round of meds in a half hour and you need to have something in your system."

"I'm not hungry," I simply stated. "So I'm not going to eat if I'm not hungry." I kept my eyes glued to the TV that was in front of me, but I wasn't actually watching it.

My mind was too caught up on Aliyah and my fears of where our relationship was going after my confession to her.

I heard mama sigh from the kitchen, as she made her way over to where I was sitting.

"You alright?" She asked, sitting beside me. "You've been quiet ever since Aliyah left this morning, and the only time you're ever this quiet is when you're thinking, so tell me, what's on your mind baby?"

I took a deep breath, folding my arms across my chest, as my eyes began to sting. I cleared my throat, blinking away the tears that felt like were forming, not wanting to cry in front of her.

".....What if she's done with me?" I asked, keeping my stare at the TV screen.

"What if she's too afraid of me now mama? What if she thinks I'm going to harm her??? I love her so much......I don't wanna lose her."

She sighed again, gently placing her hand on my thigh.

"What you don't need to be doing right now is overthinking,"

"In Aliyah's defense, what you told her was a lot to digest and take in, and I don't blame her for needing time to process it all.......and once she does, if she feels like it's something that she can't move past, then I think it is best for you two to go your separate ways because it's only going to create my problems in the future for you both,"

I shook my head. "I don't wanna let her go mama, she's the one, I know she is, the only one, the only woman I wanna be with and spend my life with....I don't know what I would do if she comes back saying that things are over, or she becomes so afraid of me that she flinches at my every move. I just want her to know that I would never harm her....I would never lay a finger or a hand on her. I just don't know how to prove that to her."

"She has to give you the opportunity to prove that to her," she started again. "And that's her choice, that's why I'm saying to you that if she chooses break off the engagement and end the relationship then you need to let her, if someone doesn't want to give you a chance to prove that what you're saying is true, then it's out of your hands baby, and you can't be upset about that,"

I ran a hand down my face, beginning to feel depressed about this whole situation.

"I need her,"

"She's everything to me and then some, I just pray that she can move past this, and come back home soon."

"And if it's meant to be between you two, she will." She leaned over, kissing my cheek. "Now." She started. "Let me get your lunch, and eat it please,"

I sighed. "Okay....I'm just gonna run to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

"Do you need help?" I slowly stood up from the couch?" grabbing my crutches. "No, I got it, thanks though mama."

I inched my way over to the stairs and slowly made my way up until I reached Aliyah and I's bedroom.

I pushed the door open with my left crutch, Making my way inside. I closed the door behind me, automatically dropping my crutches.

I still occasionally needed to use my crutches, but they weren't a necessity ever since I had been using the Oxy.

I limped over to our master bathroom, closing the door behind myself. I quickly glanced over at Aliyah's sink, feeling more depressed at how empty it was since she took her things this morning.

I walked over to my sink and opened up my cabinet, pulling out my shaving kit where my Oxy was stashed. I grabbed the needle and vile, and was just about to put it together when my phone began to vibrate in my pocket.

I reached down for it and sighed once I seen Delilah calling me. Even though I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, I knew I should answer since she was Hooking me up with my supply. I answered, placing the phone to my ear.

ME: "Hello?"'

DELILAH: "Well if it isn't Mr. injured, how you been holding up?"

ME: "I'm fine, did you need something?"

DELILAH: "Ew, what's up with the attitude? You sound like someone pissed In your cornflakes this morning,"

I sighed.

ME: "I said I'm fine,"

DELILAH: "And I say you're not, so wassup? Wifey found out about your new drug habit?" She chuckled.

ME: "She hasn't found out about anything, and I don't wanna discuss her with you," I lied.

DELILAH: "Uh oh, is there trouble in paradise? Sounds like it is to me,"

I sucked my teeth.

ME: "What'd you call for? Cause I'm not in the mood right now D,"

DELILAH: "Well if you weren't being such a ass, you would've heard me when I asked how are you holding up? I haven't heard from you in a few weeks so I just checking in. I finally got some time away from the rookie, so I had to check in on my homie, you still good on the Oxy?"

ME: "Yeah, I'm still good on it, and I'm fine like I said, you can get back to sucking up the rookie now,"

She smacked her lips together.

DELILAH: "Whatever, you sound very jealous,"

I automatically frowned.

ME: "Jealous of what?? By the way you was throwing it at me my first year in the NFL, I could've had you, easily, but we all know I wouldn't touch you with a 10 feet pole, besides I always had a real woman at home,"

She smacked her lips together again.

DELILAH: "First of all, fuck you, and second of all, I was talking about me you idiot, I was talking about Marcus. It's no secret that he's slowly becoming that nigga, and it's only his rookie year. And without you there to stop him, all I can see is him going up, and I know that irks you,"

ME: "Why the fuck would that irk me? I don't got no beef with the kid,"

She laughed.

DELILAH: "No, you don't got a real actual issue with him, besides the way he stepped to Aliyah months ago, but I know you, and the fact that he used to smash her back in high school, and the fact that he took your endorsements and your shine on the field irks you, I know it,"

I was silent for a second.

ME: "Whatever, look, I told you I was good, I'm not in the mood to be bothered with anyone right now, so I'll hit you up later."

DELILAH: "Well Damn, are you even going to ask me how I been first??"

I sighed.

ME: "How have you been?" I asked plainly.

DELILAH: "Good," She replied happily. "I've been chilling with the rookie almost every other night now if you know what I mean, and shit has been really good between us, I think I might even be meeting his mom and sister soon,"

Both of my brows raised up.

ME: "Then he's dumber than I thought, what you meeting them for??"

DELILAH: "Stop being a hater for once in your life, but he's thinking about having them come down and visit, and he kinda gave me a invite to tag along when he takes his sis out,"

ME: "Well congratulations," I said sarcastically.

DELILAH: "You're such a hater, I don't even know why I bother sharing shit with you, I wasn't acting this salty when you first told me about proposing to your girl,"

ME: "That's cause we had already been together for a while, and my woman isn't a hoe, or gold digger, or none of them type of females your friends with."

DELILAH: "Whatever, I'm gonna let you go since you're just on a roll with the insults today, I hope you and wifey work out whatever you're going through,"

ME: "Were not going through anything," I said, lying again.

DELILAH: "Uh huh right, I might call you to check on you again and give you a update on my plan, but we'll see since you're acting like a ass,"

ME: "Yeah, Bye D,"

DELILAH: "Bye Salty,"

I hung up the phone, staring at myself in the mirror for a few seconds. I glanced down at the vile and needle I had laid out to use and sighed.

I pushed them both to the side, and picked my phone back up, dialing Aliyah's number.

Aliyah P.O.V.

I pushed open the door, stepping into my hotel room.

I had spend the whole day inside of the shop doing absolutely nothing work related. I had a pile of orders stacked up on my desk that I kept eyeing all day, but I couldn't concentrate long enough to put one through.

I took my phone away from my ear, hanging up my fourth call to AJ. Just like mama said, he hadn't picked up any of my calls or returned any, even after leaving him several voicemails.

On top of everything that was going on, the last thing I needed to be worried about was AJ and his well being. But before I started to trip myself out about that, I said I would try to reach him tomorrow to see if he'll answer me.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, as my phone began to vibrate in my hands. I quickly turned my phone around to see the screen and sighed once I seen Ronnie calling me.

I stared down at his name on my screen, not wanting to speak with him. This has probably been the longest time I went without reaching out to him if I was away from the house, so I was pretty sure that was why he was calling me now.

I stared at the screen until he hung up, taking a small sigh of relief. A few seconds later, I got a notification for a voicemail from him.

I bit down on my bottom lip, unsure if I should listen to it or not. Before my mind could even fully process what I was doing, I opened up his voicemail, playing it out loud.

"Hey baby it's me...... I haven't heard from you since you left, so I was just checking in to make sure you were okay and you didn't need anything...........Please call or text me whenever you can.....I miss you, and I atleast wanna know that you're safe.....I know you probably have a million thoughts running through your head right now, but I just want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world, and I would never do anything to harm you, please believe me baby.....I love you, please call,"

I held the phone in my hands, as my eyes began to stink and welt up with tears. I didn't even have to blink for the tears to begin rolling down my cheeks.

I couldn't believe this was happening, everything had felt like it had turned upside down and it was out of my control. I felt so conflicted since I knew I loved Ronnie, but his confession had me feeling and seeing him in a different light.

I threw myself back on the bed and began to sob uncontrollably. My chest heaved up and down as tears spilled out of my eyes. I didn't know what to do next or who to turn to.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Did anyone see that Kayla Phillips (Aliyah's character) and DeSean Jackson (Marcus' character) just recently got engaged? I just thought that was sooooo cute lol

Mariah in the multimedia

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