
By Boybandlover4lifeee

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A teenage girl meets a really hot guy who ends up to be her best friend's cousin and they live happily ever a... More

Chapter 1 : Schoolโค๏ธ
Chapter 2: Ib4eโค๏ธ
Chapter 3: Recessโค๏ธ
Chapter 4: I Promise ๐Ÿ’
Chapter 5: Forever๐Ÿ’
Chapter 6: Married Life๐Ÿ’ƒ
Chapter 7 : Married Life๐Ÿ’ƒ (continued)
Chapter 8: The More The Merrier ๐Ÿคฐ
Chapter 9: Yay! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
Chapter 11: The Concert๐ŸŽค
Chapter 12: Text me ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ
Chapter 13: A Long Day๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
Chapter 14: You Miss Me ๐Ÿ™ƒ
Chapter 15: WHAT? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
Chapter 16: Meet One Direction ๐Ÿ˜
Chapter 17: Divorce ๐Ÿ’”
Chapter 18: Riley, I Love You ๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 19: What Did You Do?๐Ÿ˜จ
Chapter 20: Yes or No?๐Ÿ˜Œ
Chapter 21: Pink or Blue? โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™
Chapter 22: Twins? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Chapter 23: Only You ๐Ÿ’‹
Chapter 24: Big Newsโ™ฅ๏ธ
Chapter 25: The Big Day ๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿป

Chapter 10: They're here! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

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By Boybandlover4lifeee

***5 months later***
It was at 3:00 p.m. when my water broke. "Ahhhhhh!!!" I yelled from the bathroom. MOMMY!? Are you OKAY?!?" Zach yelled running into the bathroom where I was. "Go get daddy please." I said to him. Not even a minute later Dorion ran into the bathroom and helped me into the car. We already had our things packed and put in the car. On the way to the hospital, Dorion called Natalie and Alexis. He told them to meet us at the hospital. When we got there they took me in immediately.
**An hour later**
"Hello, sweet babies. " I said smiling at the three little angels I was holding. Aubrey was the oldest by 1 1/2 minutes. Then came Austin. Last but not least was Ava. When Zach could finally see them, he said,"what are their names?" "This is Aubrey. This is Austin. This is Ava. " I said pointing to each of them. " Hi." He whispered to them. " Why don't they talk?" " Well, they can't talk yet but they will when they're your age." I explained sleepily. I then fell asleep, slowly but surely.
**2 Days Later**
" Thank you guys for helping me." I said to Natalie and Alexis. They stayed at my house for the past 3 days helping me with the babies. I had received gifts for the babies. Mostly clothes, diapers, and bottles. Everything was color coded. Aubrey got purple clothes, and bottles. Austin got green, Ava got pink. To be completely honest, they didn't look that much alike. They were all pretty different from each other. Austin had brown hair and blue eyes. Ava had blonde hair and blue eyes. Aubrey had brown hair and blue eyes. Zach was really excited to be able to play with Austin. They were only 3 years apart. I already knew the girls would be close, they were always together. They were all so cute. I savored their childhood because I knew it wouldn't last long, and I was right.
**16 years later**
Today was Aubrey, Austin, and Ava's 16th birthday. "Mom!!" I heard one of my kids call. "What is it? I'm coming!" I yelled while climbing up the stairs towards the girls' room. "Did one of you call for me?" "Yes now come sit we absolutely have to have these!" Aubrey said grabbing my hand and pulling me onto her bed. She and Ava were on Ava's laptop looking at something. It was concert tickets. "You want tickets to a concert?" I asked. "Not just any concert! One Direction!" Ava said matter-of- factly. " I don't know you have to ask your dad. When is it and how much do they cost?" I asked. "They are $60 each." Ava said. "And it is tomorrow night, I  New Orleans." Aubrey added. " Well we all can't go so you two want or excuse me, HAVE to go. So it will be me and you two going. Dad can stay here with the boys if he agrees. So what are you waiting for...go ask him." I said shooing them down the stairs. I walked over to Austin and Zach's room. I knocked on the door and Austin answered it."Hey mom!" "Hey where's Zach?" I asked alarmed. "Umm, he went to the Cafe down the street." "Why would he go there, he didn't ask me!" I said. " He said he asked dad. And he went to meet Madison." " Ohhh! Ok well I'll go ask Dorion if he knew. He didn't say a word to me." " Oh, I didn't know." He said. " It's alright. Happy birthday!" " Thanks mom." He said hugging me. I went back downstairs and Dorion was in the kitchen. "Did you take Zach to meet Madison at the Cafe down the street?" "Oh yes I did, my bad I forgot to tell you." " It's ok but it's his siblings' birthday today." " I was actually going to pick him up now he was only staying for half an hour." He told me picking up the car keys. "Ok bye see you in a bit." I told him. With that he left. I went back up stairs and into the girls' room. "Did you ask him?" I asked them. "Yep!" Aubrey said. "What did he say?" " We're going to see One Direction mom!!!" Ava said.
Alright well do you wanna help me make the cake or get Austin to help." I said. " I'll stay here." Aubrey said. " I wanna help." Ava said smiling. Ok I'll go get Austin too." I said.
"The cake is done!" I yelled from the kitchen. I had the cake finished and the ice cream was set out. Austin invited his friend, Mason. Zach brought Carter with him from the Cafe. Ava and Aubrey invited their best friend Bailey. That was they only people who were here. Ava, Austin, Aubrey, Zach, Dorion, Bailey, Carter, Mason, and me. "Mom!!" I heard two voices call. "Yes?" I asked. "I know it was just us going to the concert but can Bailey come too?" Aubrey asked. "Please?" Ava begged. "If she gets permission first, we can't just kidnap her and take her to a concert in New Orleans." I explained laughing. "Yes ma'am I'll go call and ask." She came back a few minutes later and said," I can go. Mom said she would give you some money for the ticket and concession stand. She is coming by to bring some clothes for me to go to the concert in." "Ok I'm going to get some cake. Bye girls." I waved. I walked over where the boys were at and got my cake. "Hey guys." "Hey mom." Austin and Zach said at the same time. Mason and Carter waved. "Are you guys staying the night?" I asked. "I can't I'm going to my dad's house tomorrow." Carter said. "I can't either, we are going on vacation tomorrow." Mason said. "Ok well good night I'm going to bed." "Ok bye Mrs. Riley." "Bye guys." I added closing the door behind me.

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