He's Still Mine. [SEQUEL TO H...

By princessofbreezy

102K 4.5K 944

Andre isn't exactly who we think he is, but will Zion be able to make Brianni see that? Will they get back to... More



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By princessofbreezy


All the way back from the hospital to home I was in the funky mood because of the incident we had earlier today and she put it on Facebook. Her exact post was.

I was pissed off... She is the same person I partially got angry at Zion over, the whole rape situation, we weren't the closest of friends but I was there when she was down and had no friends at all suffering from depression. Now because she got her life and her voice back I am the first person she comes at? I do feel very much touched. I wanted to strangle her so bad.

I couldn't even control my anger my leg was taping the whole entire time. Dre thought I was still in shock over his neighbour being raped.

We got back home Carol was going to spend a night at the hospital since the doctor wanted to carry out more thorough tests and the police gave her time to rest before she can speak on what happened but the case was reported.

Jessika was sitting on the couch with her legs high up on the table and watching tv like she owns the place seeing her set me off, I excused myself and went to the bathroom to recollect myself before we really argue.

I sat down on the toilet seat and cried my anger out, all my life I have never found myself in such a situation. I have never wanted to fight someone this bad because my sister has always done the fighting for me and now that things aren't quite good between us I don't know what I'm gonna do. And to make matters worse, Dre will be pissed if I fight his sister over my ex.

I took out my phone and immediately hit up Layla. "friennn" she answered happily.

I sighed. "Hey, girl."

"What's wrong boo?" She asked worryingly.

Now Layla is sweet just like me but she can turn into Brandi bitch mode within seconds over people she loves. "You won't believe the drama I have dealt with today, it's crazy..."

"drama? With who!?" She asked all ready, making me chuckle.

I started spilling the tea. "so apparently Jessika and Zion have something going on..."

"JeSsIkA?" She mimicked Soulja Boy's voice. "wait they have something going on?" She continued. "Give me the full story, I know how you get sometimes with your saboteur."

I grew frustrated she would think I'd make this up. "That's crazy Lay, she basically threw shade at me on Facebook, he denied they are doing anything. And now little girl is all up in here feeling herself." I sent her the screenshot.

"He denied it?" She asked again. "You know Zion would've just told you. He don't care about anybody's feelings."

"But when I confronted her, she goes and takes it up on Facebook talking about I'm an ex, I am jealous..." I scoffed. "I don't even know why I care."

"Because you love him. You always will love him. She's trying so hard to make you mad. Do not let her!" She told me. "Bet that bitch is a fraud! You jealous but she's up in here misleading all the rape victims like it's right to fall in love with the person that violated you! How many of the guys that raped her is she supposedly into?" Layla said after a while. I assumed she read the post.

I shrugged. "I need to just mind my damn business, then I wouldn't get hurt so much."

"she's clearly sending a message that she might have enjoyed the session between her and Zion that night, who gets off talking about they love someone who ruined their lives? Wasn't she locked up at home? Didn't she suffer a mental break down? What the hell is going on with that psycho bitch? Where she at now!?" Layla got worked up. I sighed regretting what I just told her.

I knew I had to calm her down. "Boo, it's all good. I just need to ignore her, I'm not about to let a child really do this to me. Zion just doesn't see how much he is hurting me, first it was Brandi now it's Jessika... well I can't really count Jessika since we have broken up."

"Don't ever let that bitch make you cry. You're with Dre now and I may not like him but crying over another man right now would not look good." She advised me.

"You're right. Why am I involving myself in Zion's business? Let me leave her and be happy with Dre." I sighed. I needed this talk with Lay, I need to finally let Zion go.


The lady gave us some biscuits and juice. "you came at a bad time I don't have anything better" she joked.

"No, this is totally fine." I smiled back. She was really sweet I won't lie and later on I learned that her name is Krystina.

"you girls haven't told me what you're here for..." She smiled again. Her Jamaican accent was really beautiful, even she looked beautiful.

I took out the envelope and handed it to her. "recognize this?"

She looked at it for a while. "who are you? How did you get this?"

"I'm Brandi Parker." I told her and instantly her eyes widened. "Brenda Parker's daughter. I was going through my mother's things and I found several letters together with a picture of you holding a baby at a hospital. The baby looks exactly identical to my little sister."

"did Brianni ever read the letters?" She asked. I was taken back that she knew Bri's name. I shook my head no. "I am not surprised..." she said looking down like she was fighting her emotions.

"Why did you abandon her?" T smacked my arm. I had to ask.

"I didn't abandon her, I gave her up for adoption to one of my nurses, which was your mother." She explained.

"Why?" T asked.

"I had just moved to America with my struggling family. Look at this house... look where I am... there's circumstances in life that will force you to do things that you don't want..." she paused and wiped her tears. "But you have to do them... for the ones you love."

"Yeah, raising a child in this environment is something I could never do." T said looking around. Now it was my turn to smack her.

"My mother raised 2 girls in the hood and now an additional one, since her damn mother doesn't want to take her." I said talking about Taela, but then I realised it was like I was talking about Brianni.

"I was 14 back then, I had no home, no money, I knew Brianni would be better off with a family that will love her and take care of her. And I saw how Brenda was so good with you when you would visit her at work. I wanted my child to have that type to happiness and love." She defended herself wiping her tears.

"who is Brianni's father?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know." She said honestly. "I was selling my body for cash and I don't know who her father is."

"what is a 14 year old doing selling her ass?" T was as shocked as I am.

"don't judge me, you don't know my full story or what I have been through." She got offended and defensive.

I looked at her, Brianni must look like her father because they weren't that many features similar to her biological mother. "when are you planning on meeting her?"

She looked away. "she seems happy, I don't wanna complicate things."

"No!" I quickly objected. "you have to make contact so you can take her, she has complicated my life!"

"I don't understand..."

I sighed. "just come and get your child please..."

"is there something going on, that I don't know about?" She asked confused. "Is she okay?"

"Krystina, just make contact. You owe her that much." I said getting irritated.

"it's a big step I don't know how she's going to feel about me." She looked worried.

"honestly... I would never forgive you." T chuckled.

"T!" I glared at her.

She laughed. "what? It's the truth!"

"I am sure she will feel the same." Krystina sighed then looked at me. "I would really appreciate it if you could just stay out of this matter, it's deep. It doesn't concern you, that's why I am even surprised that you're here." She said. She better make contact with her child before I spill the tea.


Later on Jessika left and I took a long well deserved bubble bath, I needed to relax, my body was tensing up from everything that has happened today.

I was still a bit disturbed thinking about her and King. After my bath I went on to put on my pajamas that's when Dre walked in. He had been out, driving his sister back to her dorms. "Hey baby." He pecked my lips.

"Hey." I replied dryly.

He closed the door. "can we talk?" He asked. I looked at him. "first let me ask something..." I nodded. "do you love me?"

That was a difficult question to answer too. I chuckled and nodded. "I do love you. What's going on?"

"do you really mean that?" He looked into my eyes and brushed my cheek. I used to love it when Zion would look into my eyes, it gave me so much life in me. With Dre it was was different but at the same time he was treating me so good, he is what we call the perfect boyfriend but I'm just still in love with that idiot. I nodded giving him an answer. "then why are we busy going back and forth acting like some kids?"

I was confused. "... I don't think I am following."

"I love you Brianni, I felt this way about you ever since the first day I laid my eyes on you. I hate all these fights between us."

I smiled. "me too."

He walked over to the drawer and took out a small box. "I am tired of playing..."
He got on one knee and my eyes widened.

"what are you doing?" I was shocked.

"Brianni Parker, will you marry me?" He asked looking at me with hopeful eyes. My jaw dropped. It was too soon.


Jessika has been all up in my DMs hitting me up that we need to meet and everything saying it's now time. I tried ignoring her messages but she wasn't stopping that she even dropped her number. I was at the traphouse with guys. We were discussing business matters, my phone rang, I checked who it was and it was my mom. "I gotta take this..." I told them.

I moved a bit far from them and went to answer her call. "Ma."

"Baby, where are you?" She asked.

"just out with friends, everything okay?"I asked. She sounded a bit down.

She sighed. "I will be fine."

"Ma, what's the matter?" I asked her again.

"with how deep my depression is, it's just hard for me to be alone... I tend to overthink a lot." She finally admitted.

"you want me to come home?" I was in a tight position because I would have to leave the meeting.

"that would be lovely." she sniffed.

"I am on my way. I'll bring some food okay? I love you." She replied with her sweet words then we hung up and I made my way to the guys. "I have to go."

"Everything okay?" Kam asked me

"not really, I'm gonna go handle it though." I told them.

"what's up?" Kevin asked.

"I'll hit y'all up later to wrap this up. I gotta go check on my mom real quick." I told them briefly before making my way out.


I woke up the following morning and Andre was not laying next to me I looked at the time it was 5am he usually leaves at 7am since we now live closer to work. I got out of bed and went to prepare myself a bath, I know why he is avoiding me. I turned down his proposal last night.

I am confused I think I love him but at the same time I am still mad about King. I wanna talk to King today so that we know where we stand before I take things far with Andre.

I found a note on the table with a $100 it was written enjoy your day. I took my bath and then I got dressed.

I made sure that I finished everything a bit earlier since I wanted to see Zion before I headed to my campus. My first class was at 09:45am I started walking to his place at 08:00am. I got there and knocked at the door the helper opened. She smiled. "good morning."

"Good morning." I smiled back. "is Zion around?" She didn't say anything. "is Zion around?" I repeated a bit louder this time around.

She jumped a little shocked like she was in a daze. "Sorry, yes he is " She let me in. "can I get you something to drink?"

"No, thank you, I am not staying for long." I told her.

"I'll go see if he is awake." She disappeared to the bedrooms. He came to the kitchen after a few minutes, from how he was yawning I could see he just woke up. He rubbed his eyes. "Brianni, what are you doing here so early?"

"I wanted to talk to you..." I told him.

"It couldn't wait? You're good?" He asked still looking tired. He sat down on one for the chairs.

"No. Yes... I'm good." I answered him after he gave me a look.

He stretched himself. "Then what's wrong?"

"I wanna talk about you and Jessika."

"you woke me up for that?" He looked at me like he could murder me right now.

"Yes Zion." It was really bothering me. I didn't want him with anybody else... it was hard for me to accept as selfish as that may seem.

"there's nothing going on between us." He said with an angry expression on his face.

"do you guys talk on Facebook?" I asked.

"as friends, yes." he shrugged.

Why would he even talk to her? "you are petty as hell..."

"What?" He chuckled.

"Out of all the girls you could talk to... this is the one?" I folded my arms.

"You're fucking up my day and it's still early in the morning." He got up ready to go back to bed.

"you have no shame, King! You are disgusting! You annoy me so much! I hope the day you do fuck her again, she screams rape and gets you locked up again! Because you cannot keep your pants up, now you fucking with your victim, you're really a low down dirty scum-" He shut me up by slapping me, I put my hand were he had slapped me and looked at him shocked he'd hit me because of her!

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