The Soldiers of Azur Lane

By White_Tiger_1987

109K 1.2K 1.8K

6 soldiers who were long lost friends are teleported to the world of Azur Lane. They realized that they where... More

The soldiers part 1
The Soldiers part 2
Azur Lane
The battle
Back At Base
The Plan
The Battle
Awakening pt. 1
Awakening pt. 2
Awakening pt. 3
Awakening pt. 4
Awakening Pt. 6
Awakening Pt. 7
Revelation Pt. 1
Revelation pt. 2
Revelation pt.3
The Final Battle pt.1
The Final Battle pt.2
The End

Awakening pt.5

3K 35 97
By White_Tiger_1987

Third Person POV

The ships couldn't believe what they heard. Dimitri and all of his siblings couldn't believe it either. The train rocked back and forth as they make their way to the central rail station.

Dimitri: Their gone.

Nicoli: Are the rumors true?

Joseph: If they are I'm very pissed.

Natasha: How can anyone do this?

Dimitri: This changes a lot.

Maxim: They at least gave their lives to the motherland.

Natasha: Agreed.

Nicoli: Well than what are we waiting for?

Dimitri: Did you guys get your unit assignments?

Natasha: Well I got my wings.

Maxim: The beautiful night witches of Russia.

Nicoli: I got Moscow.

Maxim: A quiet place.

Joseph: Leningrad.

Maxim: Ah, the liberator that got us out of the Tsar's oppression. Very good.

Dimitri: Stalingrad.

Maxim: Dimitri you must have the motherland on your side if you are defending the city that bears our leaders name.

Natasha: Don't let that go through your head though little bro.

Nicoli: So I guess this is good bye until we meet each other again.

Joseph: Don't worry comrade, we can all make it through this war. After all the motherland is with us.

Dimitri: Well we are here. I wish you all the best.

Maxim: Until we meet again.

Maxim: Ura!

The rest of the family: Ura!

They all departed to go to their respective trains and they all left for their own war.

Atago: I could never say good bye to my dear sister like this.

Enterprise: I don't think anyone of us can.

Suddenly they heard gunshots and they turned to see Giovanni sprinting through a plain of some sorts. He quickly ducked behind a rock and loaded his rifle before charging again. Behind him are multiple trucks and what seem to be small tanks.

Giovanni: Come on!

Officer: Keep pushing forwards!

The men around Giovanni continued to run at a breakneck pace. Bullets fly past them and explosions send men flying. Some men fell down with holes of blood in their body while others have pieces of metal sticking out of them. Some lost limbs and their screams terrorized the ships.

Officer: Come on! We can make it!

The men continue to run as explosions and bullets continue. Suddenly a shape is seen and the ships noticed it had a red star on it that is the same as the red star on Dimitri's hat.

Giovanni: Enemy tank!

Officer: Take it out!

A man with a weird tube that has a large bulb at the end came and quickly put a knee down.

Soldier 1: Firing!

The tube launched the bulb towards the tank and the tank explodes. The crew got out, they were on fire.

Officer: Ignore them we need to go!

Giovanni complied and continued to run. Suddenly the shape of a man appeared in the smoke and Giovanni raised his rifle.

???: Wait wait! Friendly!

Giovanni keeps his rifle trained on the figure before the dust clears. The man had on the same uniform as Giovanni and Giovanni puts down his rifle.

Officer: We made the encirclement now let's go! For our Duche and for Italy charge!

Giovanni turned around to where the tank from earlier was and ran as fast as he can. The ships could see multiple tanks all with the red star on the firing at him and his comrades. 

Officer: Take them all out!

Giovanni aimed his rifle and fired a round. A man who was on top of the tank fell down with a spurt of blood coming from his chest. Soon the tanks began to explode and then a man came out of one of the few remaining tanks with a white flag.

Officer: They surrendered, cease fire!

Giovanni: We did it.

Soldier 1: Yes we did.

Giovanni: How many?

Officer: Around 10,000 prisoners. The force ahead of us already captured Petrikowka. Our job is done.

Giovanni: Today is a great victory for Italy.

Officer: Your right, now let's get the dead buried. We have to continue the push tomorrow.

Giovanni saluted the officer before he went off.

Enterprise: Such speed.

Belfast: It seems to be so violent.

Hood: At least one of the boys is out of this war.

Bismarck: Wait......the surroundings changed again.

The ships looked around and they saw that they were in a different place again. This time they were in some sort of troop ship. They saw Kaito in a transport then the ramp dropped and men begin to stream out into a harbor of some sorts.

Kaito: Hey Hinata.

A boy about the age of Kaito ran up behind him.

Hinata: Yeah?

Kaito: Do you know what's going on?

Hinata looked left then right before leaning in.

Hinata: I heard a rumor that we are going to invade the Philippines.

Kaito: But isn't that American?

Hinata: Yes but apparently we are declaring war on the soon.

Cleveland: You just had to jinx it don't you Hood.

Hood: Hey that was uncalled for.

Katio: Honorably right?

Hinata: Of course, why wouldn't we?

Katio: Fair point.

Hinata: Here we are.

The two stopped in front of a large building which reads "Barracks".

Kaito: Well home sweet home for now.

Hinata: Say Kaito your born in Hiroshima right?

Kaito: Yeah.

Hinata: Is the scenery really nice there? I heard the cherry blossoms are nice.

Kaito: Yeah they are beautiful.

Hinata: Lucky, I lived in Nagasaki my whole life.

Kaito: No kidding?

Hinata: Yeah.

Kaito: I got an uncle who lives in Nagasaki.

Hinata: Really?

Kaito: Yeah.

Hinata: Well we should get some sleep before dinner.

Kaito: Right, well see you later.

Hinata: Right.

The two drifted off to sleep in their bunks and the ships sighed as they saw him in a state of peace.

Takao: Well at least he is in peace right now.

Bismarck: Well that was nice while it lasted.

Denver: Hopefully nothing bad happens to that Hinata guy.

Prinz Eugen: Well this is intresting.

Admirak Hipper: What is?

Prinz Eugen: We are back at the Azur Lane base.

The ships looked around and they saw that they were in fact in a place that looked very similar to the Azur Lane base.

Enterprise: Well this is very interesting.

Hornet: I wonder why does this place look like the Azur Lane base?

Oklahoma: Hey look, that's my ship!

The ships looked at where Oklahoma is pointing and they where surprised to see a row of battleships.

Arizona: Hey that's my ship!

California: Are these our ships in this world?

Vestal: Hey there is a lot of other ships as well. Mine is right there.

Enterprise: But where is Yorktown, Hornet, and me?

Cleveland: I guess the United States is us in this universe.

Takao: So it seems.

Johnathan: Hey Tojo, Clark!

Two boys came running up to Johnathan who greeted them with a high five.

Johnathan: You guys ready?

Tojo: Yeah!

Clark: Today is a Sunday so I got some time.

Johnathan: Great!

Suddenly a plane screamed past them and a couple of other planes follow them.

Johnathan: Jesus!

Tojo: Army fly boys?

Clark: They are going way to low.

Suddenly an explosion rocked the ground and all three boys where knocked to the ground.

Clark: Am equipment malfunction?!

Johnathan: That could kill someone!

The ships where equally shaken by the sudden explosion.

Oklahoma: What's happening!

Arizona: This somehow seems familiar...

Suddenly a plane screamed overhead and both the boys and the ships could see a large red circle on the planes fuselage and wing.

Tojo: Those aren't ours!

Johnathan: Those are Japanese planes!

Clark: We need to go now!

Then a plane approached the boys and it was flying low.

Then it fires its machine guns.

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