A LunaTic and Her Gunn

Par R3b3lgrrrrrrl

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There once was a girl Who took Colson's picture But Then she ran away She didn't pop Back up Until His 29th B... Plus

The Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat
Backseat Truths
🎶Wonderful Tonight🎶
"I'm all in."
House Calls
"What'll it be Jack; five or a nine?"
Birth of a Backstage Ritual
Cut 'Em
A LunaTic and Her MAGICAL Tea Party
Fears; Casie & Large Jars
Fucking Mr. Baker
And to Cleveland She Goes...
Chicken Alfredo
Love, Sex, Fights & International Flights
Seoul? WHAT!?!
"Welcome Home."
🎶It's Kismet, Ain't It🎶
A Hippie, A Punk & An Alien
Work Hard to Play Harder
🎶Roll Me Up & Smoke Me, Love🎶
"Fuck me. Don't fight me."
Whole Lotta Help For Her Friends
"What did I do??"
A Little Hate•Fucking Never Hurt No One
Hades & Persephone
🎶Scared Is What You Should Be🎶
"Just listen, remember."
"I've GOT YOU. Forever. Locked."
That Fucking Jacket
MY Girl
"This dumbass... "
Bloody Mouths & Lost Teeth
Murder Motel
Rockingham, NC
Hangen' with the Locals
Brunch with Friends
Don't Talk Shit Around Nix
🎶Viva Las Vegas🎶
A Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Raising Serotonin Levels
Hey, Montgomery!! Hey!!
You GOTTA Fight for Your Rights
Bleta Got Balls
Revenge of a LunaTic
🎶The Boulevard Is Not That Bad🎶
Chats, Flights & Late Night Delights
Looney Tunes & CasieDilla
Helluva Night
Off to the Races
Here, There, Everywhere
Promos, Sass & Tapping THAT Ass
"Of ALL the Gin Joints... "
The Queens of Dirty Secrets
Chain Smoking, Hard Drinking Woman
Making Up Isn't Hard To Do
Saturday Night
Cheers, Beers & Unexpected Tears
Freak Outs on a Sunday
🎶I'm Scared🎶
Colson Smash, Lunatic Attack, Casie Love; Such a Sweet, Fucked up Mash.
The Gangs All Here
DAY 1: Cincinnati
Detroit Wasn't Ready
Pittsburgh Proposals
Always on the Move
Philly, Dilly... The Day of Dude Fuck•A•Tillary
The Aftermath
🎀A Spy at the Watergate🎀
Burning Memories in Massachusetts
Coming Home
Ex's & Broken Bones
Bridge Parties & Strippers
Snoozing Through Sayreville
14 Hours
Day 12: Chicago
XX Marks His Spot
Bad Kids
Dangerous But Sweet
Learning to Lock the Door
Father's Day; On The Road
Colson's Day Off
"We'll take it!!"
It's All Coming Together
Sweet Everythings
Met Some Friends at A Rock Show
Long Rides, Legal Troubles & LOVE
Ring Around The Ruby
Shows in Different Country Codes
Day 26: Seattle and Old Side Chicks
🎶CRASH Into Me, Baby🎶
Pinky Promise
Late Nights & Lazy Days
That Fucking Doorframe
The Calm After Their Storm
A Good 'ol Brooklyn Break In
Welcome to The Hotel Diablo
Charming... Isn't He?
Sliding Safely Back Home
Things That Real People Do
"Suck my metaphysical DICK!"
True Intentions
Baby Girl
Internet Thangs
Because I suck.

"This isn't my fault."

795 30 86
Par R3b3lgrrrrrrl

On his way upstairs Colson realizes he's much more wasted than he had thought. Stumbling behind Luna, he bangs into the bedroom door as they enter. Throwing himself onto the bed, he let's out an intoxicated groan before rolling over and extending his arms out for Luna to join him.

"Hi." Colson beams while wrapping his long arms around her once she's on the bed with him.

"Hi." She sighs out as a satisfied smile settles on her face.

Being tucked inside Colson's hold is the only thing Luna's wanted all day. Slipping one of his large hands around her face, he holds her in place with his other. Dipping down, he kisses her wanting mouth.

"You have to fucking tell him." Luna's mind starts to nag her as Colson distracts her body. "But do I really though? All it's gonna do is start a bullshit ass argument... And for what?" Luna continues making out with Colson until the consistent mental screams of "TELL HIM!!!" become too much to bare.

"I'm sorry..." Luna breaks away from him with a shameful look.

"For what? You're home." Colson drunkenly shakes his head while trying to pull her back in for another deep kiss.

"No... I know but that's not what I mean. He kissed me again. Which I STOPPED.... But... I kissed him GoodBye before I left." Luna admits as she adamantly pushes Colson away from her and sits up.

Looking deep into her oceanic eyes, he knows she's serious when he sees the ring around her iris's begin to blaze. As he watches them light up, the dangerous yellow flames are raging wildly inside their blue home. For the first time, her beautiful eyes scare the shit out of him. His heart sinks before hitting full throttle as he processes what she just said.

"Calm it down, Kells." He tries to control himself mentally but alcohol and other substances are clouding his brain.

"YOU FUCKING WHAT!?!" Colson barks as he flies up into a sitting position too.

"It's not what you think..." Luna starts as she sits up onto her knees.

"What I think is that you be out here kissen' MOTHERFUCKERS all willy nilly!" He shouts at her. "What the fuck would you do if I told you some shit like that?" He asks as his jaw clenches and he jerks his head at her.

"You're acting like I fucked him." She argues even though she knows he's right.

"I swear to fucking Christ, LUNA!!" Colson is shouting at her again as he jumps off of the bed. "Don't fuck with me." He warns while pacing. "I knew I shouldn't have let you go down there in the first fucking place." He mutters a bit too loudly. "How you gonna act like kissing someone isn't a big fucking deal?" He balks at her as he whips around on his unsteady feet.

"LET ME?" Luna howls with laughter at Colson's ridiculous words. "Oh, Sweetie, I know you're tore up, but you're not fucking stupid." She continues to laugh at him as she shakes her head. "You don't LET ME do shit. I do what I want.... And... what are we... In sixth fucking grade? I kissed him GoodBye. You're the fucking Master of Cheating, so don't come at me about some dumbass kiss shit." She scoffs as she rolls her eyes, standing up also she unbuttons her pants and begins to undress.

"If I'm The fucking Master... You're The GOD DAMN Wizard." Colson snarls at her after taking a huge step towards her. "I never cheated on someone for a year while fucking living with them." He breathes into her face, his angry tone laced with the familiar smell of Jamison.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Luna stops undressing as she asks him, mouth hanging wide in shock while her shirt dangles in her hand.

"That YOU, Miss High and Fucking Mighty are The Wizard of Cheating." He cocks his head to the side as his eyes shoot daggers through her soul.

"Okay..." Luna says in a low, calm tone as she begins to look around for her clothes, not realizing her shirt is still in her clutched hand. "I want you to go back downstairs to Phem and all the other bitches that were hanging on you when I walked in." She tells him as her heart pounds into her ribcage

"What the fuck? What? No. This is my fucking room. I'm not going anywhere." Colson cuts back, confused by her logic.

"Fine." Luna shrugs as she stops looking around and pops her unknowingly free hand on her hip. "I'll leave."

"Fucking WHAT? You can't just leave." Colson shakes his head as he scrunches his face up at her.

"Watch this Wizard do what THE FUCK SHE WANTS." Luna snarks as she realizes her shirt is in her hand.

"You're a fucking idiot." She scolds herself for a multitude of reasons. Luna HATES fighting with Colson. Whether he's right or not though... There is no one, no system, nor no dick that will ever control Luna. In any manner.

"You're not fucking going anywhere." Colson states.

Before she can pull her shirt on, Colson shoves her back onto the bed with all of his force. Slamming his palms right into her shoulders. It sends her flying so fast that she loses her grip on the shirt in surprise. Jumping on top of her, he traps her body with his straddle as he holds her down with her arms pinned across her chest. Where Luna was once hurt, confused and calm; now she's beyond livid.

"Get the FUCK off me." She growls at Colson as she tries to buck her hips up under his weight.

"No." He replies as he leans down closer towards Luna's face. "You're not going anywhere."

"Colson... I fucking swear..." Her threat is cut off by his aggressive kiss.

Holding her firmly in place. He presses his body down harder onto her wild hips. He can feel her give in as her tongue begins to dance violently along with his. Pulling away, she grabs his bottom lip between her teeth. Holding him for a sweetly painful moment.

"You better not let me up as you fuck me cuz Imma lay you out." Luna threatens Colson in a husky voice as he sits up and studies her, keeping her tight in his hold.

"So tighter?" Colson asks with a smirk as he pulls on her arms harder, watching her response.

"Much tighter." Luna challenges him as her shoulder throbs and her pussy lips swell from his authority while their eyes stay locked.

"You gonna run if I take my pants off?" Colson eyes her.

"I don't know..." Luna slightly jerks her head. "Guess that depends on how much I really wanna FUCK you, now doesn't it?" She answers as she cocks her lip and eyebrow at him.

"Keep your arms crossed. If not... Fuck you..." Colson challenges Luna back as he let's go and rises above her.

Standing over top of her body, Colson grabs the ceiling beam to steady himself. Unbuttoning his ripped, red jeans, he pulls them down along with his briefs. Using two hands, he grips the beam tighter as he uses his right foot to wrangle his left leg free. Hoping to not crush the body below him. Stepping from side to side of her, Colson grows more than frustrated as he drunkenly tries to free himself from his leg cages. Luna lays still, trying not to laugh as he wiggles around like a dumbass.

After mentally consoling himself out loud to Luna's amusement, Colson's finally free from his pant chains. Grasping the beam again with all of his might, his drunk ass is swinging around loosely. Leaning down a bit too far, he almost falls on Luna as he drunkenly realizes it's her he was trying not to stomp on. He laughs loudly as he looks down at her, immediately pleased by her still crossed arms while her eyes watch him and lips hold their own small smile. He's so intoxicated he forgets what they're fighting about.

"You're there!" Colson slightly shouts at the sight of her.

"I'm here." Luna replies as she continues to watch him.

"I love you." Colson gazes down happily at her as his body sways back and forth. "Shit... I'm fucked up, Loons..." He laughs. "I think need a minute, Kitten..." He trails as he drops down on the bed beside her and curls his naked body around her.

"I know, Bunny..." Luna coos softly as she let's him settle into her right shoulder.

Stroking his hair, Colson nestles deeper into her chest and arms. Luna starts running her nails along his scalp for a bit before looking around. To her relief there's a full joint in the ashtray and a lighter within reach.

"Thank you Colson and The Ever Loving Weed Gods..." Luna thinks as she exhales a deep hit while still running her nails through his hair. "Well, that was some shit..." She sighs to herself as she looks down at him. "He's gonna be fucking dick tomorrow..." Luna realizes as she puffs on the joint. "I can't believe he said that to me.... See, that's why I don't tell people shit. Judgmental ass fucks." Luna sighs out another deep hit as she looks down at Colson.

Finishing the joint, she slips down into the bed. With his body wrapped around her, she feels a weird anxiety interrupting her normal comfort.

"Fuuuck... I wish I could get to my bag..." Luna's mind moans. Trying to mentally manifest a Xanax, an Ativan... Anything "Fuck... I'd even take a fucking Valium suppository at this point." She slightly starts to bug out under Colson's weight. "Fuck this." She decides.

Holding her breath, Luna slowly shifts and wiggles out from under Colson's naked body. Slipping off the bottom of the bed like a snake, she stands up.

"FUUUUUUUCK." Her brain roars as she tries to survey the room.

Spying her bag, she grabs it. Heading into the bathroom, she opens a window. Digging through her bag, she locates her Newports. Lighting one to steady her mental insanity, she begins to riffle through her bag again. Finding 1,2,3 of her traveling stash, Luna stares at the pill bottles. Lined across the counter are Xanax bars, Percocet 30s and 800mg tablets of Seraquil. As she reaches for all three bottles, she remembers she's in Cleveland and that Casie's home. Opting for a half of a bar instead of her heavy sleeping pill, Luna drops her head under the faucet for a mouth full of water before letting the pharmaceutical miracle fall down her throat. Still staring at the bottles, she finds her joint box in her bag before chopping up a 30. Sitting on the toilet, she let's the familiar drugs swirl around her as they calm her wretched soul.

"You knew he'd be pissed... Yeah, but you also said you wouldn't sidestep him either, sooo...." Luna argues with herself as she puffs on the joint. "I hate this so fucking much...." Her brain whines as she stands up. Looking into the mirror, she drops all expectations and personal beliefs as she stares into her own eyes.

"Who do you REALLY want?" She asks herself out loud as her heart spins like a wheel.

Rolling over every significant name. Justin. Colson. Tommy. Jackson. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Like the carnival game, it hesitates. In her soul, the clicker lingers on Justin's name before flipping over to land solely on Colson's .

Still staring at herself, Luna let's out a gentle sigh of relief. "Thank you...." Her mind kicks out to her surprise. Catching her breath in her soul, Luna studies herself as she takes another hit off the joint.

Annoyed with herself, she shakes her head as she sits back down on the toilet. Allowing her brain to roam, it swirls wildly around her subconscious thoughts and feelings regarding the last three years.

🎼No one//Really knows//How hard//Life was//I try not//To think about it//Now because//I've finally//Found you🎶 Luna's brain sings to Colson.

High and feeling like she's finally capable of laying still, Luna strips off her bra and panties. Slipping back under Colson's dead weight, she settles into him. Letting out a content sigh, she allows herself to let go. Falling into him fully. Forgetting for the moment Life and all it's physical and emotional pain along with their fight from less than 2hrs before.


Luna wakes up again much earlier than she'd like. These things happen when her soul is unsettled. Colson is knocked, softly snoring as his slim body consumes the bed and Luna like a rock.

"How the fuck can someone so skinny be so fucking heavy...?" Luna huffs in her mind as she squiggles out from under his clutches.

She rails a perc and burns a joint before heading downstairs to smoke a cigarette. For as much as she bitches about not being able to smoke in public, Luna prefers a smoke free home. Call her a hypocrite... It happens.

Checking her phone outside, she has a text from Opie asking if she's okay. She responds with a Yes before texting Gemma an apology for leaving so abruptly.

"EVERYTHING about yesterday was a fucking shit show." She sighs as she stumps out her Newport.


Inside, downstairs is a wreck. Skipping the living room that holds a snoozing Mod, Phem, Noah, Caroline and Pete, Luna heads to the kitchen.

Standing silently, she stares at the mess. "It's like Oscar the Grouch took a shit in the sink while Roger from American Dad had a full fledged orgy on the countertops." She thinks, slightly impressed with a horrified look on her face. "Fuck me." Luna immediately regrets coming downstairs.

There is not one human in This World that would describe Luna as domestic. Of all the compliments and insults... Cleaning anything would not land on ANY CHART OF HER LIFE. Standing in Colson's kitchen, Luna's at Def Con Five.

It's fucking disgusting. There's random leftover drinks, beers and food. Clothes. People. Trash. Everything. All over the floor. The furniture. The house. Luna carefully steps over it all as she makes a cup of coffee and bops to Modest Mouse. Thankful that she knows that she's up to date on her vaccinations as she makes her way around the destroyed kitchen.

Draining and dropping beer cans, bottles and solo cups into recycling, Luna tosses out whatever rancid food is on the counters. Collecting the dishes that are in her radius, she loads the dishwasher and wipes down the counter.

"What the fuck am I doing?" Luna says out loud as she looks around in disbelief and bewilderment at the kitchen and broom in her hand.

Luna starts to question her whole existence after finding herself sweeping. "YOU are fucking Maleficent NOT Sleeping Beauty!" She yells at herself. "You loooove to sleep though." She quickly responds, always up for a argument inside her own head.

"Looney?" Casie's sleepy voice interupts Luna's mental breakdown.

"Morning, Dill..." Luna answers nonchalantly over the broom before she sweeps the pile into the dust pan. "You and Kev hungry?" She asks spying the alien as she empties the pan into the trash and washes her hands.

"Yeah... " Casie nods.

"What cha guys want? Eggos? Cereal? Bagels? Do you guys even DO bagels?" Luna asks with a hint of smugness while opening the bottom freezer door.

"Kevin thinks we should have eggs and toast. That's easy." Casie answers as a matter of fact.

"Does KEVIN know how to make eggs?" Luna asks as she slightly snakes her head.

"No. Don't you?" Casie answers curtly.

"Nooooo.... What would make you think I know how to make eggs?" Luna answers the ludicrous question with another ludicrous question.

"Cause you're a grown up...?" Casie says as she gives Luna a questionable look.

"But I'm not." Luna laughs at the absurdity of the thought. "Where's your phone?" She asks, trying to get a grip of herself, her life, Casie, Kevin and these fucking eggs. "Nope... Get over here and YouTube that shit." Luna declares as Casie tries to slide back into her seat at the island. "We'll learn together, Dilla." She asserts as Casie comes back over, leaving Kevin safely at the island.

Deciding they need tunes, first and foremost, Luna grabs her own phone. Without consulting Casie, she kicks The White Album on. Dancing around the kitchen the young girl helps Luna find utensils and ingredients as they sing together to Casie's delighted surprise. There's something so pure about knowing a song without knowing you know the song. Watching the moments when Casie's mind figured out that she knew certain ones had made Luna's soul jump in delight.

Standing to the side of the tall, slender girl, the two watch the YouTube video intently as they try to scramble eggs in a pan. Laughing at the instructors accent while trying to be serious.

"She's just like her dad." Luna thinks to herself as they sing Rocky Racoon together while scraping around the pan of eggs.

"He said 2mins.." Casie contests Luna while looking at the pan of their sloppy mess.

"He also used three eggs and we used twelve." Luna laughs. "It's gonna take longer because the quantity is different." She explains.

"So, it's like math?" Casie asks looking up at Luna as she makes the connection.

"Yes!" Luna beams as she continues to help Casie move the eggs around the pan the way The Man on YouTube said.

Luna doesn't cook. Luna doesn't eat scrambled eggs, so she has no fucking idea what's supposed to be happening right now. Convincing Casie to chill and replay the video, she's pretty sure she knows what scrambled eggs are SUPPOSED to look like. In her honest opinion, they're like halfway there.

"I don't think this is working, Looney...." Casie complains as she grows tired of the egg pool and goes to sit with Kevin.

"It's okay, kiddo... Take a break. You wanna do your toast?" Luna asks as she continues to move the lumpy gloop around the pan, feeling confident as she slowly watches it become solid.

"Yeah... You want some?" Casie asks, eager to start a new task as she stands back up.

"Sure..." Luna shrugs as she studies their experiment. "Come're.... I think the eggs are doing their thing." Luna shows Casie as she hands her the spatula and steps aside.

"Just scrunch 'em?" The kid asks.

"Yup. Like this..." Luna answers.

Taking Casie's hand, she shows her how to drag the spatula across the bottom of the pan. Switching directions, she shows her how to do it again while pointing out how the drippy, uncooked eggs fall into their clear path for a reason.

"Why?" Casie asks confused.

"So they can be scrunched and cooked too..." Luna laughs again as she kisses the top of Casie's head, she doesn't really know but it sounds good. "Is our toast ready?" She reminds the younger one.

"Yup. What should we put on it?" Casie asks another question as she pulls the hot bread out by her fingertips.

"We got jelly?" Luna asks as she moves the pound of eggs around the pan, slow and steady, like a turtle... It's what The YouTube Man told her to do.

"What's jelly?" Casie cocks her eye at Luna.

"Fucking MidWest, Man..." Luna snarls with a mental annoyance. "I can understand no lox... Or good bagels but fucking jelly.... Come on man... It's fucking squished fruit juices." Luna stares at the huge pan of eggs that she's been cooking for the last decade. "And I'm gonna be a fucking resident here...." Her brain scoffs at herself. "Oh, shit, they look like real eggs... Holy SHIT, I think I'm making eggs!!" Luna starts to freak out.

"Hey, Case!!" Luna yells excitedly. "Come check this out!! WE GOT EGGS!!" Luna shouts at their victory, making all her mental doubts evaporate.

"WE GOT EGGS!!" Casie shouts while high fiving Luna with a wide grin as she looks at their accomplishment.

"What do I do with it now?" Luna asks with genuine concern as she holds onto the pan.

"I don't know... We got toast and jam. Wanna just eat it?" Casie shrugs at Luna.

"Sure..." Luna agrees as she tosses a pot holder on the counter.

Setting the pan down, Luna grabs two forks, salt and pepper. Casie bringing over the toast and butter before locating the JAM. Luna butters both of their toast as they pick bites of their eggs out of the pan beside Kevin.

"This is so gross. Why's it so chunky?" Luna complains as she tries to smear jam on Casie's toast.

"I don't know... But it's delicious... And Kevin likes it." Casie states with a smile a she takes a huge bite out of her slice.

Luna tries not to SideEye Casie as she takes a solid bite from their pan of eggs. She may love the girl and her father but toast is toast and a bagel with smear is fucking heaven.
She doesn't even know what jam is. Expect that it's chunky and gross. Fuck Kevin's traitor ass opinion.

"Take a bite." Casie asserts as she thrusts her jam covered toast in Luna's disgusted face.

"Okay..." Luna reluctantly says.

Casie shoves the hard, flavored bread into Luna's mouth before she can fully prepare herself. Chewing with her eyeballs wide, she nods at Casie. Deciding the crunch is nice with the sweetness. It's not a bagel but it's okay.

"Alright... Toast is okay with jam." Luna agrees with Casie. "But bagels are the best." Luna teases her favorite girl with a dozen kisses as she nuzzles into her giggling face.

Kevin, Luna and Casie continue eating their eggs while they chat and munch on their toast. Talking about school, the latest gossip on Casie's friends, boys, clothes, what they wanna do for their birthdays and how Casie REALLY feels about Luna and Colson getting married.

"Am I getting a sister?" Casie asks bluntly as she stabs her fork into the pan.

"What? Nooooo, Dude... Why? Why do you want a sister so badly?" Luna asks as she watches Casie's reactions closely.

"It doesn't have to be a sister... I just want SOMETHING." Casie answers like Luna knows what she's talking about.

"For why?" Luna asks completely confused and turned off.

"Because with a brother or sister you have a friend forever." Casie answers with a simple shrug. "Who talks." She says, glancing quickly over at Kevin to make sure he didn't hear her.

"Oooh, kill my soul..." Luna mentally moans at the girl's logic, truth and sweetness.

"That's why?" Luna's stares at Colson's daughter while they sit next to each other at the kitchen island.

"Yeah." Casie shrugs as she reaches for more eggs. "And they can do half of my chores too." She says with a nonchalant tone.

"I fucking love you." Luna laughs as she leans over to kiss Casie's head.

After they finish their breakfast, Luna suggests Casie and Kevin watch TV in her room since the rest of the house is still a disaster and littered with bodies. With a full belly, it's an easy decision. Casie's lived this life all her life. She's happy to retreat into her personal oasis with Kevin in tow after kissing Luna on the cheek.

"Oh!! Will you wash my yellow shirt for today?" Casie stops to ask Luna.

"Didn't you just wear it yesterday?" Luna questions her.

"Yeah, but it's my favorite shirt." Casie explains.

"Sure... Bring it down. We just made eggs, I'm sure we can figure out the washer." Luna answers with a shrug.

"Thanks!!" Casie shouts as she drags Kevin up the stairs.

"Kids are so fucking weird..." Luna thinks as she watches her go.


"Dooon't...." Luna exhales with a cough as she tries to warn Colson from the back door.

She is not in time. Colson takes two steps onto the wet kitchen floor before he finds himself on his back. Luna only pisses him off more when she keeps laughing at the sight of his confused face twisting and arms flailing around as he went down. It was definitely not his most graceful moment and it was fucking hilarious.

"Here, Bunny, lemme help you..." Luna offers out her hand, trying to contain her laughter.

"Fuck you, don't touch me." Colson angrily spews as he gets up from the floor, he may have forgotten why he was mad at her last night but he sure as hell remembers this morning.

"Seriously?" Luna asks gently, using EVERYTHING inside of her to not scream the question at him.

Colson looks around the clean kitchen. Peering at Luna, he decides it must've been her who cleaned it. Pulling one of the large canisters across the counter, he opens it. Staring straight through Luna, he doesn't break eye contact as he picks up the jar of sugar and dumps it all over the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!" Luna can't help but scream now from the mix of anger and shock.

"That shit looks sweet. Wanna kiss it too?" Colson taunts Luna with more than just his words.

"You're a petty fucking cunt." Luna shakes her head at Colson before turning on her heel and disappearing upstairs.

Feeling content with himself, his feelings change when he hears Luna loudly trot down the stairs and out the door. His head is throbbing as he stares at the pile of sugar on the floor.

"I don't think we can call that a win..." Colson sighs to himself as he collects the dust pan. "Damn... I didn't even know I owned a mop..." He thinks as he rubs his sore elbow.


"You're up early, Buddy..." Pete says as he sees Colson in the kitchen. "Are you fucking cleaning?" He scoffs like they're in a fourth dimension.

"Yeeeahhh.... Loons... Ahhhh... It doesn't matter." Colson sighs. "Get out of my way." He huffs as he reaches for the dish detergent and starts the dishwasher.

"Wanna burn?" Pete asks as he lights a joint.

"Yeah." Colson sighs again as he sits down with him at the kitchen table.

"Where is said LunaTic at anyway?" Pete asks as he passes the bone.

"I don't know... We were fighten' and she walked out. She's probably on her way back to fucking New York for all I know." Colson says with a heavy tone of irritation in his voice.

"What's up with you guys?" Pete asks his bestfriend learily while he accepts the joint back.

"I don't fucking know." Colson coughs out his answer.

"Well, what the fuck were you talking about the other day with that whole Wouldn't Be The First Time shit?" Pete continues to pry as he inhales.

"Fuck. I was hoping he'd forget about that.... She's gonna fucking kill me" Colson slightly panics. There is no way for him to lie to Pete that would be even slightly believable.

"I was just pissed and talken' out of my ass." Colson tries to brush him off.

"Alright. I'll ask Loons myself." Pete shrugs.

"Don't you fucking..." Colson starts to bite back before Pete interupts him.

"YO!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING OVER THERE!?!" He yells in a panic pointing to the dishwasher.

"HOLY SHIT!" Colson screams as he jumps up.

Colson used Dawn. Not a dishwasher tablet. Dawn. Causing the dishwasher to explode with massive amounts of bubbles. Making both tall men run around the kitchen, hollering like idiots.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO!?!" Pete yells at Colson.

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" Colson shouts back as the bubble pile grows larger and larger.

"Why the fuck are you... OH!! MY!! GOD!! WHAT DID YOU DO!? WHERE IS LUNA?!!?" Rook begins to scream with the two of them as he enters the kitchen.

Hearing them from outside, Luna comes back in to complete chaos. Pete is crouched down on top of a chair, looking like an overgrown Gollum while still hitting the joint. Colson continues running around aimlessly while he freaks out and Rook is screaming her name as the massive sea of bubbles attempts to consume him whole. She stands in silent horror as she observes the scene.

"Where did you go?! How do we stop this?!" Colson cries out when he sees Luna.

Slipping and sliding, he rushes over to her. Losing his balance on the way, he disappears into the pile of bubbles. Luna can't help but laugh as the memory of him falling earlier flashes through her mind.

"It's not FUCKING funny!!" He yells at her before yanking her down with him.

"I fucking hate you!" Luna shouts as she spits out a mouth full of bubbles and lunges for Colson.

The dishwasher is still pushing out loads of bubbles as the two of them wrestle out their feelings aggressively in the foamy mess. Coming in to put an end to the unbelievable nonsense, Slim slips immediately trying to get to the dishwasher. Pete's still on the chair getting high as Rook slowly disappears.

"Guys..." Casie stops in her tracks when she sees the state of the kitchen.

"GET KEVIN THE HELL OUTTA HERE!! HE CAN'T HANDLE THIS!!" Pete shrieks at the girl in sheer terror as he cups the joint.

Casie doesn't move. Just stands there watching with Kevin as Noah, Mod, Caroline and Phem join her. Rook can't be seen anymore as he screams for someone to STOP THE FUCKING BUBBLES. Luna and Colson are still rolling around on the floor slap boxing each other as Slim army crawls to safety. All the chaos stops when Benny, the only actual human being amongst them, calmly makes his way over to their enemy by gripping the walls, cabinets and appliances. Finally shutting the dishwasher off.

The room is overfilled with bubbles. Rook is legit lost. Pete is stuck on the chair. Slim wants to know What The Fuck happened as everyone else puts their two sense in. Benny's busy looking for Rook while Casie and Kevin walk away from the "adult's" bullshit. Meanwhile, Colson and Luna can be found somewhere on the floor together.

"This isn't my fault." Colson begins to protest at the sticky nonsense surrounding them.

"I don't even wanna fucking know." Luna sighs out with a laugh.

"I'm still mad at you." He tells her lowly as he leans over for a kiss.

"I know." She replies softly, kissing him back as they lay tangled in each other amongst the huge mess.

It's not even Noon and Colson has a baseball game later. If yesterday was a Shit Show, today is already shaping up to be amazing.

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