Taekook Smuts and Drabbles

By pensiveprufrock

224K 3K 398

Wouldn't it be fate if we're under the covers. More

Euphoria pt1
Euphoria pt2
Showing who's the alpha
No Kissing Policy
Editorial Note
I'll Be Home For Christmas pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt2
My Ride Or Die pt3
My Ride Or Die pt4
My Ride Or Die pt5
My Ride Or Die pt6
My Ride Or Die pt7
My Ride Or Die pt8
My Ride Or Die (Epilogue)
You Drive Me Crazy
Birthdays like these
Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes)
if you want it ( you can have it )
Ripped Jeans and Velvet Skin
i can feel that body shake, and the heat between your legs
A Little Bit Dangerous (But Baby That's How I Want It)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Promises to Keep (and Miles to Go Before We Sleep)
I feel safe in the 5 a.m. light
and i want you
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go (2)
only you can set my heart on fire
the way i fuck him
Editorial Note
i'm still falling for you
Double Tap
Line of Fire (Taekook)
Line of Fire (Cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Hold You Close, Tonight And Always
Headed to Hell for the Company
Headed to Hell for the Company
Comeback Kids
bad habits
He's Always Right There When I Need Him
got my body so wet
Long Road To Ruin
i'm a darling (strong heart, soft touch)
i wanna get back (to the old days)
Tongue Technology
Punch Hard (Fall Harder)
Wanna make love
good vibration
Sated Enough?
The shoreline where you and i meet
Not an update
The perfect enemies to lover fic you didn't know you needed
The enemies to lover trope you didn't know you needed (2)
Should I ;(
Love will heal what language fails to know

Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)

3.3K 69 5
By pensiveprufrock

The dance floor is pretty packed and they bump into several people while Taehyung drags them right into the middle. Here the crowd is thickest, and Jeongguk makes a face at his choice of location and mouths something that looks a lot like 'really?' but since Taehyung can't hear him he just grins and starts moving along with the beat.

When he'd pulled Jeongguk out here he'd meant to start being seductive. He'd planned on throwing him dark looks and swaying his hips enticingly, maybe throw in a few lip bites if he was really feeling it. He'd had enormous success with his seduction techniques in the past and he'd been looking forward to getting Jeongguk down on his knees begging for him faster than he could forget the taste of their drinks.

What he hadn't planned on doing was performing an impromptu recital of every dance based meme that he knew, just to see the way it made Jeongguk roll his eyes and tell him to stop, all while biting back a laugh.

"Don't you miss a classic Gangnam Style?" Taehyung grins, doing the dance with so much enthusiasm that some of the people close to them back away a little, throwing concerned looks at Taehyung.

"Jesus, Taehyung, stop it!" Jeongguk cracks at last, laughing with his eyes scrunched up and reaching out like he's going to pull Taehyung in by his flailing arms, hand knocking against Taehyung's crossed fists before Taehyung jerks back, dancing out of his reach again. "You're going to smack someone's eye out!"

"Finally!" Taehyung crows, pointing at Jeongguk's (unexpectedly adorable) laughing expression. "The ice queen has melted!"

He does a celebratory dab, and, as elegantly as a prima ballerina, jumps straight into a whip-and-nae-nae, colliding with someone's back and tripping over his feet, arms thrown out in a less-than-glamourous flail.

He finds himself hoping, right as his balance fails him and he's tipping sideways, that his life will become a beautiful clichéd romance and Jeongguk will be the prince charming to catch him, pull him tight into his broad chest and he'll be saved.

But alas, fate rarely follows the whims of poor Taehyungs trying to woo intimidatingly hot men.

So he finds himself thudding inelegantly down onto a dancefloor that's vaguely sticky and damp, and he's almost certainly sitting on someone's empty beer can right now.

He feels himself frowning before he can stop it, whining as he wipes his hands over the front of his jeans to try and get some of the gross spilled-drink-and-dirt feeling off them.

Then someone's reaching down and grabbing one of his hands, hauling him up off the floor and out of the danger of careless feet, and maybe he gets a little of his fantasy story because Jeongguk is holding Taehyung's hand and they are quite close now.

It's not so fun that Jeongguk is laughing at him, and Taehyung can feel his frown turning into a pout, untangling his fingers to smack Jeongguk's solid chest in retribution.

"You deserved that," Jeongguk cackles, nose scrunched up by his grin. "Such a fucking dork, oh my god."

"Mean," Taehyung huffs and crosses his arms.

"Now that you've literally fallen on your ass will you finally act like an adult?" Jeongguk's smile becomes more of a smirk, eyes darkening as he cocks his head a little and steps closer, one finger tracing the line of Taehyung's jaw. "I thought we were getting somewhere before you started re-enacting distressingly out of date memes."

"You recognised them!" Taehyung forgets to be annoyed, brightening again and unfolding his arms. "Even –"

"No!" Jeongguk commands, hands shooting out to catch Taehyung's and winding their fingers safely together before he can dance away again. Skin on skin warm amongst all the moving bodies nudging them closer together, and Jeongguk's entrancing dark eyes, his face lit up in flashes of strange colours in the neon lights of the club. "You're a fucking public menace."

"I'm -" Taehyung finds his mouth suddenly occupied by Jeongguk's lips on his, caught awkwardly mid-word until he closes his eyes and tilts his head to a more comfortable angle, and this is what he'd wanted at the bar, stomach tightening and lips warm and smooth and a gentle squeeze of his hand in Jeongguk's.

Right up until Jeongguk's lips become too much teeth and he's shaking just a little. Taehyung realises he's laughing and pulls back to glare.

"What now?" he demands, tugging on Jeongguk's hands testily.

"Nothing," Jeongguk shakes his head, leaning in and pressing a lingering peck to Taehyung's pout. "You're just such a fucking dweeb."

So Taehyung pulls one of his hands free so he can loop it around Jeongguk's neck and pull him back into another kiss, taking care to be more aggressive this time, nipping at Jeongguk's lips and absolutely owning him when he opens his mouth, drinking in the noises too quiet to be heard by anyone over the music, only perceivable as faint vibrations between their lips.

They do dance properly after that. Or more like Taehyung planned to earlier at least; hips to hips and hands sliding over each other and fingertips teasing under clothes. And Taehyung breaking their kisses every now and again, surfacing for a breather, and to admire the reddening of Jeongguk's wonderful lips and the rising flush in his cheeks and how neither of them seem to be able to drag their eyes away from the other.

He doesn't know what time it is when Jeongguk starts mouthing carefully down his neck, and he suggests they go somewhere more private, like one of their beds, like, right now.

Jeongguk says he only lives a short walk away, so they go to wait in line for their coats, well-behaved until Taehyung can't resist ghosting his hand over Jeongguk's delectable ass and they find the need to lick into each other's mouths again until one of the people behind them in line tells them to get a room. Which they're already trying to do, so Taehyung placates himself by picking up Jeongguk's hand and playing with his fingers (and trying not to imagine what those digits could be doing in private) until they can get their stuff and tumble out into the orange glow of streetlights, and Jeongguk beckons him down the street, away from the centre of town.

"How far to walk?" Taehyung shivers a little in the cool night, pulling his coat tighter around himself as their footsteps sound too loud in the empty street. He can hear the occasional drunken shout, a siren in the distance and music from the bar quickly fading as they walk away.

"Not far. Couple of minutes, if you can keep up," Jeongguk grins mischievously, turning a corner onto the main road and beckoning Taehyung to cross over it with him without waiting for the lights to change.

"My legs are yards longer than yours, Jeonggukie," Taehyung laughs, lengthening his stride to speed up, power-walking past Jeongguk until they reach the next junction, when he realises he has no idea which way to go, so waits for Jeongguk to catch up the few paces he'd put between them, wrapping himself around Jeongguk's arm to let himself be guided.

"Long legs not getting you very far now, are they?" Jeongguk teases, teeth showing slightly when he smiles.

"Brains may get you further than beauty in life," Taehyung acknowledges with a tip of his head and a glint in his eye. "It's just sad for you that I have more of both."

Jeongguk laughs him off, pushing Taehyung away enough for them to walk comfortably together for another couple of blocks.

"How many piercings do you have?" Taehyung asks a few minutes later, eyeing the ear next to him as Jeongguk glances through darkened shop windows; two rings dangling from the lobe and two short bars through his helix.

"Eleven," Jeongguk turns to face him, face lit strangely by the orange streetlights.

"Four there," Taehyung points at the ones he can see on his ear. "Stop a minute and face me," he instructs, unwinding himself from Jeongguk's side. Jeongguk complies, letting Taehyung stand in front of him. "Five, six," Taehyung counts the hoops in Jeongguk's other ear, "seven," he points at the bar in Jeongguk's left eyebrow, then pauses, tapping his chin, before he looks down and remembers, stepping close mischievously and pressing a peck to Jeongguk's lips, hands coming up over his ribs and sweeping his thumbs over the hard points of Jeongguk's nipples, breaking into a grin when Jeongguk makes a small noise of surprise in the back of his throat, twitching away from the contact. "Eight and nine," he says, chuckling as Jeongguk catches his wrists to pull his hands away just like he'd done two months ago in the piercing studio.

"Not in public," Jeongguk scolds, though he does pull Taehyung in by the wrists for another kiss before shoving him back and walking on, so Taehyung definitely counts it as an improvement of last time.

"Sensitive much?" Taehyung teases, catching up quickly and grabbing Jeongguk's hand so he can wind their fingers together and walk swinging their hands between them. He enjoys being touchy with people he likes, okay?

"Maybe," Jeongguk's lips quirk.

"That's a yes, then?" Taehyung giggles, squeezing his hand.

"Mm. This way," Jeongguk pulls them down a street off the main road with their conjoined hands. This road is a little darker, a little quieter, and the shops have given way to flats.

"Eleven..." Taehyung muses aloud. "How many did I count so far? Nine?"


"Do you have ones in your ears that don't have rings in them for me to see?" Taehyung leans closer, finding it difficult to see between the bad lighting and Jeongguk's insistent pace making his head move too much. He reaches up with his free hand to squeeze at the smooth skin, pinching gently to see if he can feel the tell-tale scar tissue of a piercing.

"Nope," Jeongguk's pace falters a little with the pressure on his ear, so Taehyung gives it a particularly hard pinch before he lets his hand fall.

"Nose?" he guesses next.

"Hah. No. I think I said something about knowing what it was like personally when I was doing your piercing, didn't I?" Jeongguk snorts.

"You have an Albert dick too," Taehyung gasps, plastering himself to Jeongguk's side.

"No," Jeongguk says, laughing at Taehyung's enthusiasm and pushing his face away. "Well, yes, and no."

"What does that even mean?" Taehyung whines, poking Jeongguk's side repeatedly until Jeongguk grabs his other hand and pushes them together so he can restrain Taehyung with a tight grip around both his wrists, pulling them to a halt by a door with brass numbers on and digging into his pocket with his free hand. Taehyung doesn't fight the hold on his wrists, knowing he could probably break free if he wanted to, but secretly enjoying the hint of domination, giving an experimental tug just to feel Jeongguk's grip tighten, supressing a shiver.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," Jeongguk says, pulling a set of keys from his pocket and pushing one into the lock of the door, turning it to let them into a dimly-lit stairwell.

"No fair," Taehyung lets himself be pulled in and up the stairs by his trapped hands, passing the doors to several flats. "You know what I've got."

"You're unbelievable," Jeongguk finally lets go of him by a black door with a brass number four on it, finds the right key and lets them in, flicking the lights on to a short entryway, painted white and very tidy. A few pencil sketches and paintings hang on the wall and there's four doorways off the hallway, but the rest of Jeongguk's flat is hidden in darkness.

"This is... so clean," Taehyung says suspiciously, following Jeongguk in and closing the door behind himself, eying the shoes in neat rows and the pegs Jeongguk hangs his jacket on once he's shrugged it off. The floors are a bare polished wood, and Taehyung can't relate this to the small apartment of gently unfolding chaos he shares with Jimin.

"Problem?" Jeongguk raises his pierced eyebrow, metal stretching skin a little with the movement.

"No, no," Taehyung quickly toes off his shoes and kicks them to the side. "Just looks like you live with your mum, is all."

"I don't," Jeongguk reassures him quickly, making a face. "We would not be coming back to my place if my mum was here."

"Good, because I can be loud," Taehyung grins, gently pushing Jeongguk against the wall and pressing the length of their bodies together.

Jeongguk breathes in through parted lips, gaze flicking up to Taehyung's eyes, and he's so beautiful, Taehyung doesn't waste any time leaning in and kissing him, one hand around the back of Jeongguk's neck, another on his narrow hips. Jeongguk responds immediately, one strong arm dragging him closer with a hold around his waist, another tangling in Taehyung's hair, tugging firmly until he parts his lips, gasping into Jeongguk's mouth as they kiss deeper.

He pushes their hips together insistently, rolling forward into Jeongguk and resisting the urge to moan out already, trying to remember to breathe when he's so much more interested in biting down on Jeongguk's lips to draw out little breathy noises, and feel the way Jeongguk digs his nails in harder and twists the grip on his hair.

"Does your hallway count as private?" Taehyung pulls back to gasp, seeing Jeongguk's lips shining and red, eyes dark when he stares back at Taehyung.

"What?" Jeongguk blinks like he's struggling to focus on words, frowning as he looks down at Taehyung's lips.

"We're not in public anymore, right?" Taehyung lets the hand on Jeongguk's neck to trail down over his firm chest (which feels amazing, by the way, and Taehyung is a little intimidated by Jeongguk's body even without seeing it yet), Jeongguk catching on as Taehyung finds the peak of his nipple over his shirt and rubs slowly over it.

"Fuck," Jeongguk lets his head drop back against the wall, eyes closed and chest pushing forward into Taehyung's hand. "Jesus, Tae."

"Wow. You really are sensitive," Taehyung giggles, leaning in and biting gently over the tendon he can see standing out on Jeongguk's neck, eliciting an actual whine and grinning as he mouths over skin, tasting a thin sheen of sweat that makes him want to suck and mark as he keeps up his gentle movement over Jeongguk's nipples, feeling the small rings moving slightly under the material of Jeongguk's shirt. It's only when he gets curious and pinches the metal of the piercing through the material, pulling on it slightly, that Jeongguk gasps and yanks him back into a kiss, fiercer than before; tongue and teeth and nails digging into Taehyung's shoulders.

"Bedroom," he shoves Taehyung backwards. "Now."

"Aye-aye, captain," Taehyung bites his tongue between his teeth to hold back a chuckle.

Jeongguk practically drags him along, through the first door on the right and flicking the lights on to reveal a bedroom almost as clean as the hallway.

"You're weirdly tidy for a guy our age, you know," Taehyung tells him, as Jeongguk shoves him down on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows to stroke over the soft sheets appreciatively.

"Maybe you're just weirdly messy." Jeongguk pulls his own shirt over his head, and Taehyung's attention is quickly drawn back up to be struck breathless by those abs-shoulders-arms, muscle flexing under the black ink of a sleeve on one side that Taehyung makes a mental note to examine more closely later, and small silver rings shining like decoration for that mouth-wateringly sculpted chest.

"You're like a real life wet dream," he whimpers aloud, reaching out to touch. Jeongguk bats his hands away though, reaching down to grab the bottom of Taehyung's t-shirt and tug it off, throwing it down on the floor; their clothes strewn on the carpet a stark contrast to the neatly ordered room.

"Do you always think aloud like this?" Jeongguk asks, pushing Taehyung back enough to get onto the bed over him, straddling him and palming his rapidly hardening erection through his jeans.

"Most of the time," Taehyung admits, gasping as he arches up into the touch. "Does it annoy you?"

"No. You're funny," Jeongguk grins, rolling his hips down into Taehyung's thigh so he can feel how hard he is already. Taehyung moans out, briefly pitying any neighbours that share a wall with Jeongguk's bedroom for their noises, before he decides Jeongguk is hot as hell and any neighbours should feel blessed to be this close to such gorgeous men fucking.

"Good," Taehyung reaches up to pull Jeongguk into another kiss, licking into each other's mouths. Jeongguk tastes like rum and coke and Taehyung chases it, tugging Jeongguk closer with every little noise they make.

"Can I touch you now?" Jeongguk's fingers tease at the button of Taehyung's trousers, tips of his fingers dipping under the waistband.

"God, please, yes," Taehyung groans, lifting his hips to help when Jeongguk makes quick work of his button and zipper to tug his trousers and underwear down to his knees, letting Taehyung kick them off the rest of the way and toe off his socks, leaving him completely naked under Jeongguk.

Jeongguk makes a noise of appreciation, licking his lips as he stares down at Taehyung's cock, taking it in his right hand and giving it a long stroke from base to tip.

"Still saying it's only a six?" Taehyung shivers, trying to keep himself under control and resist the urge to buck up into Jeongguk's hand.

Jeongguk lets out a bark of laughter, adjusting his grip for another mind-numbingly slow pull, tops of his fingers nudging the bottom end of Taehyung's new piercing and sending a burst of sensation down his shaft.

"You were never a six, man. I was just winding you up."

"Fuck y-" Taehyung snaps his mouth shut to trap an embarrassing whine when Jeongguk uses his thumb to rub over the ball of the piercing in his slit, small circles that feel like they're pushing electric pleasure down straight through to his spine. One glare at Jeongguk confirms that he knows exactly what he's doing, sitting with his head cocked to one side as he plays with Taehyung.

"Okay?" His tongue is poking out of his mouth a little, the cheeky shit.

"Fu- ah. Fuck you," Taehyung manages to finish, hands winding so tight into the sheets he absently wonders if they'll tear, Jeongguk's teasing expression sliding out of focus a little when he pushes down just hard enough to make him feel the pressure of the end of the piercing pushing down into his slit, precum squeezing around the edges.

"How long did you say it's been since you got this?" Jeongguk checks, suddenly sounding more business-like as he stops touching the piercing long enough to let Taehyung breathe.

"Nine weeks," Taehyung's grip on the sheets loosens, able to breathe again. "No... wait... ten now."

"Great," Jeongguk eases back from him, shuffling to get between Taehyung's legs, bringing his face close to Taehyung's crotch, breath washing over sensitive skin in hot rushes. Taehyung lifts his head to see Jeongguk peering closely at the piercing, holding it towards the central light hanging from the ceiling.

"Did you only invite me back here to do a check-up on your work?" Taehyung huffs, pushing his hips up slightly into Jeongguk's face. Jeongguk smacks his hip with a chuckle, shaking his head.

"No, dickhead. I was making sure you're completely healed, so I don't have to grab a condom to suck you off," Jeongguk strokes over him, squeezing tight at the base and loosening his grip at the top enough to slide gently over the piercing. "No bodily fluids allowed near new piercings."

"Because of STDs?" Taehyung assumes.

"Them too. But everyone has different body bacteria. Even though I think I'm clean, if you weren't healed up properly I'd probably give you an infection just from my mouth, because of our different biological makeups," Jeongguk explains, lowering down a little on his elbows, mouth only about an inch from the head of Taehyung's dick. "Like spitting in someone else's open wound. Bad idea."

"Oh, I love it when you talk dirty to me," Taehyung moans over-dramatically, throwing his head back. "More, baby, more!"

"Shut the fuck up," Jeongguk laughs, smacking his hip again, Taehyung failing to hold back the outburst of giggles. Until he feels something warm and wet brush up the underside of his cock, which cuts his laughter off in place of a real moan, bringing a fist up to his mouth to bite down on when Jeongguk swirls his tongue over the end of the piercing just below the head of his dick, causing it to shift minutely inside the head of his cock, the feeling shooting far too strongly along his shaft.

"Fuck, Guk," Taehyung groans, hand flying down to Jeongguk's hair and holding on tight, able to feel the little shift in his balance right before Jeongguk sucks him down, bobbing up again to push at the piercing in his tip with the point of his tongue, pleasure and heat racing through Taehyung's cock and making him arch up, losing that delicious sensation when Jeongguk grabs his hips and pushes him down into the bed again, pinning him.

"Told you it was good," Jeongguk pulls off, a little smug as he licks his swollen lips, staring up at Taehyung.

"Yeah, that's good," Taehyung breathes heavily, letting out another long whine as Jeongguk seals his lips just around the head of his cock, sucking lightly as he flicks his tongue back and forth over the piercing so that he can feel the length of the short metal bar shifting inside him. He knows he's making Jeongguk work to keep his eager hips down, but he doesn't quite have the mental capacity to care right now, especially when it gives him such a nice opportunity to see those biceps flex a little.

"I guess that settles who's topping," Jeongguk sits back on his heels with a mischievous smile, still stroking over Taehyung's cock slowly, slick with saliva now.

"Huh?" Taehyung forces his eyes open, squinting at Jeongguk.

"Dude, come on," Jeongguk squeezes Taehyung's cock lightly. "You'd probably come in, like, ten seconds if you felt that inside someone right now. You're still so sensitive."

"Yeah," Taehyung huffs. "But you said you'd teach me how to use it!"

"Show, then tell, sweetheart," Jeongguk leans over him, pecking Taehyung's pouting lips. "Unless you have a problem with that."

"Don't know what kind of freaky metal you've got in your dick," Taehyung purses his lips. "Don't know what I'd be agreeing to."

"Apadravya and a dolphin," Jeongguk smirks down at him.

"I don't know what those are," Taehyung frowns.

"Show and tell, right?" Jeongguk pecks Taehyung's pout. "They're not freaky, promise."

"Dick piercings are already freaky," Taehyung huffs, though admittedly he can already feel his stomach tightening at the idea of letting Jeongguk fuck him, piercings and all. Like a textured condom, only actually part of the person.

"Not freaky for a dick piercing then," Jeongguk rolls his eyes. "I can take them out if you're really going to be a baby about it."

"Show me first," Taehyung pushes Jeongguk back so they can sit up together, working Jeongguk's belt open and undoing his trousers to push the material down, stripping Jeongguk down to be just as naked as he is.

His first observation is that Jeongguk has a nice dick anyway, so he's really down for getting fucked tonight by him either way. His second observation is a bead of metal sticking out of the top of Jeongguk's dick, halfway down the head. He pokes it tentatively, making Jeongguk's erection bob with the movement, and Jeongguk laughs but doesn't say anything, letting him observe. Taehyung takes it as a good sign, lightly pinching Jeongguk's heavy cock to see the underside, seeing what must be the other end of the piercing he's already seen coming out on the underside in the same place his Prince Albert comes out. About a centimetre further down the shaft is another ball of metal, though he's not sure where it connects to.

"Apadravya," Jeongguk murmurs, indicating the bar going vertically through the head of his dick, "and dolphin," he lets his pointer finger skim over the thumb Taehyung is currently brushing over the slightly lower piercing.

"Where does the dolphin come out?" Taehyung says softly, looking at the smooth skin of Jeongguk's cock.

"Down..." Jeongguk guides Taehyung's hand down his shaft, until he feels another bump of metal on the underside, maybe an inch or two from the base, "there."

"Not freaky, huh?" Taehyung runs his fingers between the ends of the dolphin piercing, taking great joy from the way it makes Jeongguk shiver. "You've got a whole stick of metal inside your dick."

"Shut up," Jeongguk chuckles, running his fingers through Taehyung's hair, pulling him into a kiss that Taehyung can't return properly with the way he's smiling. "I meant it wouldn't feel freaky for you. They're not super noticeable, and definitely not uncomfortable."

"Okay," Taehyung wraps his hand a little more firmly around Jeongguk, squeezing experimentally to see if he can feel the long piercing inside him. He can't, but Jeongguk grunts, bucking into his hand a little and pulling on his hair.

"Okay?" Jeongguk checks, blush high in his cheeks, just a little breathless. "Cool with it?"

"Yeah," Taehyung leans up to press a kiss to the end of Jeongguk's nose, making it scrunch up in a way that's far too adorable for someone with that many piercings and tattoos. "It's like you've got a half-mechanical dick. You're like a bionic sex toy."

"That's not even a little bit what it's like," Jeongguk laughs, pushing Taehyung back down to lean over him to the bedside table, pulling a tube of lube and a condom out and shutting it again.

"You're only saying that because secretly you're an android!" Taehyung tells him, settling himself comfortably back on the pillows, wriggling happily on the sheets while Jeongguk uncaps the lube, spreading a generous amount over his fingers. "That's why you're so freakishly tidy, and so unnaturally pretty and buff!"

"You're actually really weird," Jeongguk giggles, lowering his hand to circle his pointer finger around Taehyung's entrance. Taehyung resists a shiver at the cool gel. "Seriously, nobody's ever said this shit to me before in bed."

"What happens when you go through metal detectors at the airport?" Taehyung muses aloud, reaching up and fiddling with the piercings along Jeongguk's ear.

"Oh my god," Jeongguk pushes a finger in quickly to shut him up, Taehyung's back arching a little and gasping at the sudden intrusion, scrabbling at Jeongguk's shoulders for something to hang on to when Jeongguk starts pushing his finger in and out.

"Fuck, yeah, another," Taehyung encourages, rocking down onto the finger, adjusting quickly. "Gimmie another, Guk."

"You're amazing," Jeongguk breathes, complying with Taehyung's request, drawing a long whine from Taehyung as his fingers graze against his prostate. "You're like a dream."

"You're like a sci-fi movie with all your metal body, so we match," Taehyung grins down at him.

"I've changed my mind. I do want you to shut up," Jeongguk teases, pinching over Taehyung's stomach with the hand not moving inside Taehyung.

"No way," Taehyung pants, moaning out as Jeongguk moves his free hand to resume his slow stroking of Taehyung's dick. "You love me."

"Don't push your luck; we only just met," Jeongguk chuckles.

"You'll love me eventually," Taehyung amends.

"Maybe," Jeongguk says, rolling his eyes. He draws his hand up to the top of Taehyung's dick, squeezing gently around the head so that Taehyung can feel the pressure of the bar inside him, giving him delicious sensation from the inside out, making him shudder and push up into the feeling. Jeongguk's hand is wet from the lube and deliciously warm as he wraps his fingers around Taehyung, giving him maddeningly slow strokes that make Taehyung feel like his brain is melting.

"Come up here," he demands, grabbing at Jeongguk's hair and shoulders to tug him up and into a kiss, wasting no time in smoothing his hands down and rubbing the tips of his fingers over Jeongguk's nipple piercings.

"Hah, mm," Jeongguk breaks the kiss, mouthing over Taehyung's neck, fingers stilling for a second inside Taehyung before he resumes the motions, moving even faster inside him.

"These are nice," Taehyung giggles, twisting the metal a little, enough to turn the rings through Jeongguk's skin.

"Got them when I was eighteen," Jeongguk bites down on his neck gently, and Taehyung wonders if he's going to have marks to cover up the next day. He quite likes the idea.

"Kinky," Taehyung teases, pulling on one slightly, feeling the barely-there give of Jeongguk's body before the sensation makes the piercer jolt forwards.

"Stop distracting me," Jeongguk admonishes, leaning up to frown down at Taehyung, who bites his lip and pretends to look innocent. "I'm trying to stretch you properly."

"You're being very slow, then," Taehyung comments, shifting his hips down onto Jeongguk's hand. He's not unfamiliar with having something inside him, Jimin's teasing at the expense of Taehyung's ass would confirm.

"Well if you told me when you were ready maybe things could move a little bit faster, hmm?" Jeongguk pushes back in with three fingers, hooking them up and into Taehyung's prostate mercilessly, rubbing over it until Taehyung feels his legs start shaking either side of Jeongguk.

"Fuck yeah, like that," Taehyung groans, forgetting Jeongguk's nipples for a second and dragging his right hand down to Jeongguk's dick, running his thumb through the slit to feel the precum collected there, dripping down onto his hipbone, holding the length in his hand and squeezing gently, imagining that inside him, replacing Jeongguk's fingers, opening him up.

"Uh, please, Guk, I'm good. I'm good. Just..." he lets go of Jeongguk's cock to feel over the sheets, a little desperately, trying to find the condom they got out earlier.

"Ready?" Jeongguk checks, spreading his fingers inside Taehyung just a little, testing the give. Taehyung would consider the possibility of embarrassment at how easily Jeongguk has him worked up and ready, but his fingers find a foil square on the sheets and he's too occupied with crowing in triumph and wrestling the tiny packet open, batting Jeongguk's hands away from him and urging him to put the condom on.

Taehyung finds the bottle of lube and squeezes more out, directly onto Jeongguk's dick, ignoring the hiss he gets in response to the sudden cold, and casting the bottle aside to spread it evenly, marvelling slightly at the bumps of the piercings he can feel easily through the latex, the glide of his hand even smoother over the thin condom and lube.

"Do you just want to jack me off until I come or should I actually fuck you?" Jeongguk says, head rolled back and eyes closed as Taehyung touches him. His black hair has fallen out of the neat styling he had at the club, more colour in his cheeks and his slightly parted lips shining and red. When he opens his eyes to look down at Taehyung his tongue darts out to sweep over his bottom lip, dark gaze travelling headily over Taehyung's face and down his body.

"Definitely the second one," Taehyung decides quickly, lying back and tugging Jeongguk down over him. "I want the fucking thing, please."

"Okay then, sweetheart," Jeongguk encourages Taehyung to open his legs a little more, and guides the head of his cock to Taehyung's entrance, rubbing it around in the lube already spread there from fingering him open.

"Fuck, Gukkie. Just... hmmpf," Taehyung tries to move down, hands at Jeongguk's hips trying to tug him forward. But Jeongguk locks into a solid block of muscle, immovable even with his best efforts.

"You sure you're ready?" Jeongguk says, and Taehyung glares at him and growls, digging his nails in to Jeongguk to try and get rid of that cocky smirk.

"Yes! Yes I'm goddam ready, you fucking –"

Taehyung cuts himself off with a loud, open-mouthed groan as Jeongguk starts sliding in, and Taehyung feels like all the sex he hasn't been having over the last months is catching up to him right in that moment, with the way everything feels almost sparkling with deep and hot sensation.

"Still okay?" Jeongguk asks, head bowed close to his ear now, sounding a little more breathless, and Taehyung remembers to breathe, gasping in a deep breath like he's surfacing from underwater.

"Yup. Fantastic. Move to distract me."

"Does it hurt?" Jeongguk sounds worried, moving to pull out slowly until Taehyung wraps his legs around Jeongguk's hips as best he can, keeping him from pulling out completely. "I thought you said you were ready, Tae!"

"I meant to distract me from coming straight away, you nerd. Oh my god," Taehyung rolls his hips down, ignoring the barely-there burn of being stretched out that he knows will be gone in no time. "I thought you were going to fuck me, Gukkie, come on!"

"Oh, good," Jeongguk relaxes, dropping down to his elbows, sliding back into Taehyung until their hips are flush together. "Jesus, you feel so good, Tae."

"Mm. S'nice," Taehyung slurs when Jeongguk starts moving, dragging in and out of him with delicious pressure. He almost forgets about the piercings for a minute, distracted by Jeongguk feeling so far inside him, but then he's able to focus enough to recognise the hard points of pressure pulling up and down his inner walls, the one near the bottom of Jeongguk's dick giving an extra nudge of sensation against his sensitive rim with every pull out and push in. He moans out at the feeling of the end of the piercing on the top of Jeongguk's dick nudging right against his prostate with every roll of Jeongguk's hips, not prominent enough to be intrusive or all he can focus on, but a definitely noticeable push that runs pleasure through him like electricity.

"Okay, the metal dick is really nice," he moans, his own cock kicking and drooling a little onto his stomach, bouncing untouched as Jeongguk fucks into him a little stronger, a little deeper.

"Mph. Told you so," Jeongguk chuckles, leaning down and kissing Taehyung, a little unsteadily with the movement of their bodies. "Good against your prostate, right?"

"Mm-hm," Taehyung trails his fingers over Jeongguk's back, digs his nails in at the shoulder blades and drags them down to the small of Jeongguk's back, feeling the kick of Jeongguk's dick inside him as he picks up the pace in response. "I can't believe that the people I'm fucking will feel this good."

"Not quite this good," Jeongguk laughs breathlessly. "You've only got one, and it's on the wrong side for this position."

"Fuck you," Taehyung whines, reaching down to stroke himself, finding his hand quickly knocked away and replaced by Jeongguk's, stroking him in time with his thrusts. "I'm bigger than you, anyway."

"Competitive much?" Jeongguk laughs, thumbing at the bottom of Taehyung's piercing, making him whine and arch up. Taehyung feels like Jeongguk is just playing with his body at this stage, like he knows exactly where to touch Taehyung to make his brain switch off and white out to soul-melting pleasure. He's not exactly mad at the situation.

"How close are you?" Jeongguk asks, pressing his lips just under Taehyung's jaw, tongue flicking out against his sweaty skin.

"Embarrassingly close," Taehyung admits breathlessly, winding his fingers through Jeongguk's hair and pulling him into a messy kiss, far too much teeth and tongue and just the kind of feeling he needs right now.

Jeongguk starts slowing down, pinning Taehyung's hips to the mattress to force him to stay down and take the change of pace, though it doesn't stop Taehyung whining into his mouth.

"No! What the fuck, Jeongguk?!"

"Turn over," Jeongguk says, finally pulling out and leaning back, encouraging Taehyung to comply with a smack on the ass that makes his dick bounce.

"Why?" Taehyung complains, repositioning on his hands and knees but turning around so Jeongguk can see his pout and know the full force of his displeasure, his ass tingling and wet and cold and empty.

"Because if you wanted to test out the benefits of piercings," Jeongguk says, shuffling into position again and running his hands over Taehyung's ass, pulling his cheeks apart with his thumbs, "you were the wrong way up to feel half of them on your prostate."

Jeongguk pushes down on his spine a little, encouraging Taehyung to arch his back as he rubs the blunt head of his cock over Taehyung's slick hole, making Taehyung push back against the teasing, growling.

When he slides in this time Taehyung arches his back, feels the two piercings right behind the head of Jeongguk's cock slide firmly over his prostate together. They're so much more intense in this position that he falls to his elbows, which just makes them feel like they're pressing in harder.

"God, Gukkie," he groans, pushing back onto Jeongguk and pulling himself away again, just to feel that amazing one-two of each bead of metal gliding inside him together, twin shockwaves of pleasure straight to his prostate with every push in and pull out of Jeongguk's cock.

"You see?" Jeongguk holds his hips, gradually setting up the same pace as before, only now Taehyung's sure he's going to shake apart in twenty seconds flat from all the pleasure lighting up his body. "Good, right?"

"So good," Taehyung presses his face into the sheets beneath him. "So, so, so good. You're so good. Fuck me, oh my god."

The piercings feel like being punched twice in quick succession, only amazing and wonderful, and he knows he's being loud, moaning out into Jeongguk's covers and clenching them in his fists and trying to get more leverage to push back onto Jeongguk's dick harder, get him deeper. He can feel sweat damp on his forehead and lube between his thighs, the wet noise of Jeongguk's dick dragging in and out of him adding to the soundtrack of their moans in Jeongguk's room.

"God, Taehyung," Jeongguk drives into him harder, voice trembling a little, grip tightening on Taehyung's hips. "You're so good, Jesus. Tell me you're – ah – tell me you're close."

Taehyung whines through his teeth, clenching around Jeongguk to feel his dick jerk inside him, feel Jeongguk dig his fingernails into the skin of his hips and moan.

"Guk, fuck, yeah," Taehyung forces himself up, lifting his chest off the bed with shaky arms, turning to look at Jeongguk over his shoulder. A picture of sin, his hair matted with sweat, lips bitten cherry red and parted as he pants out, dark eyes meeting Taehyung's gaze. His abs flex with every push into Taehyung, lines visible in the shadow of the room, dark ink looking like it's dripping down his left arm and silver glinting on Jeongguk's dark nipples.

"Fuck, Taehyung," Jeongguk leans down, letting go of Taehyung's hips to balance himself with one hand, reaching around with the other to fist Taehyung's aching erection, finally giving him some relief. It's such a rush of feeling when his cock had been neglected for so long that Taehyung almost cries out, whole body going lax under Jeongguk, barely keeping himself up.

"Jeongguk. I'm – I'm gonna," Taehyung gasps, bucking forward into Jeongguk's hand, only to push back onto his cock, body torn between two mind-numbing pleasures, slowly overwhelming his capacity for coherent thought.

"Go on," Jeongguk fucks into him a little harder. "Come on, Tae."

He leans down further, winds a hand through Taehyung's hair and pulls him up to kiss him, messy at such a bad angle, teeth knocking and catching on lips. Taehyung arches his back harder, feeling twisted up and hot and too much, it's too much. And with one circle of Jeongguk's thumb around the piercing in his slit he's done for, orgasm breaking free from somewhere deep inside him and rushing out with all of his energy, cock jerking and spurting over Jeongguk's sheets and he can't breathe, can't see for a second, only feel.

His mind comes back online gradually, feeling Jeongguk rocking gently inside him as he comes down from his high, tingle of gradual overstimulation starting to ache out in waves where he can feel every inch of Jeongguk still pressed inside him.

"Jesus, that was hot," Jeongguk murmurs, hands back to Taehyung's waist, thumbs rubbing slow circles into his skin. "You're so fucking hot, Taehyung."

"Oh my god," Taehyung groans, scrunches his eyes shut and working on releasing his death-grip on the sheets, shaking his head back into reality. "God, fuck."

"You okay?" Jeongguk chuckles breathlessly, movement making his dick move inside Taehyung, who decides it's edged into a feeling of too much, reaches behind himself to bat at Jeongguk's hips, whining. Jeongguk gets the message, pulling out gently, leaving Taehyung to flop down, rolling as quickly as he can, given his current level of awareness, onto his back.

"Fine. Good. So good. Good dick, Guk," Taehyung slurs, sitting up and pulling Jeongguk into a kiss that he doesn't feel is particularly refined, given that most of his nervous system only wants to focus on his ass and dick and skin, and the nerves responsible for actual thought have gone on a short coffee break. Taehyung can't blame them. But he loves the taste of Jeongguk like this, feeling the edge of his desperation, the little noises he makes when Taehyung shuffles forwards, sitting himself warm and soft in Jeongguk's lap, reaching down to pull off the slick condom, and wasting no time in taking Jeongguk's cock in his hand, stroking quick and fast. Jeongguk's hips buck up under him, arms coming tight around Taehyung and holding him so close Taehyung giggles, pushing back a little so he still has room to move his hand properly.

"Fuck, Taehyung," Jeongguk moans, Taehyung moving back to mouth over Jeongguk's jawline, licking up sweat and tasting him, moving down his neck and biting at the junction where it meets his shoulder, feeling Jeongguk's cock throb in his hand. "I'm close. I'm so close."

"You fucked me so well, Gukkie," Taehyung tells him, tightening his grip as much as he dares, not wanting to pull too hard and catch a piercing. "So hot, so beautiful. Just let go for me, 'kay?"

Jeongguk whimpers, head tipping back, and Taehyung sees his chance to use his trump card. His free hand comes up, and he catches Jeongguk's nipple, pinching it and rubbing, right as he circles his thumb over the head of Jeongguk's cock, dragging his nail through the sensitive slit.

"Fuck fuck fuck," Jeongguk jolts, shaking as Taehyung keeps up his assault on his most sensitive areas. "Jesus, fuck, Tae. I'm gonna –"

"Go on, baby," Taehyung encourages, twisting his wrist on his next stroke over Jeongguk's cock, determined to make him come. "Come for hyung. You're so good, baby."

And just like that Jeongguk shakes apart in his hands, eyes screwed shut and forehead pressed to Taehyung's chest, arms dragging Taehyung close to him, trapping Taehyung's hand around his cock as it pulses, getting his come over both of their stomachs.

"Jesus," Jeongguk exhales, relaxing his crushing grip on Taehyung enough for him to extract his hand, wiping it off on the sheets before he starts gently combing through Jeongguk's hair.

"Hmm," Taehyung agrees, warm and comfortable sitting on Jeongguk's lap while they both come down from their orgasms. "Pretty good, right?"

"Very good," Jeongguk confirms, takes a deep breath and sits up a little, looking up at Taehyung with his big, dark eyes, licking his lips with a flick of his tongue. "It was very good."

"You're so cute," Taehyung decides, booping Jeongguk's nose with a grin, giggling when Jeongguk scrunches it up in distaste.

"You're awful," Jeongguk says, shifting his hold on Taehyung and tipping him onto his back on the bed, pressing a sweet kiss to Taehyung's lips, slow and lingering as he strokes over Taehyung's waist.

Taehyung pets over Jeongguk's shoulders, feeling the give of his warm skin with every press of his fingertips, making Jeongguk shiver, still soft and sensitive from his orgasm. Taehyung still feels tingly, a delicious happiness blooming from every point of contact between them.

Until a few minutes of gentle kisses and touches, and he comes back into the moment enough to realise that not all the feelings are nice and warm and happy, and he shifts uncomfortably, turning his face away from Jeongguk's a little to grimace.

"What?" Jeongguk leans back, frowning a little at Taehyung's expression. "You okay?"

"You put me down right where I came," Taehyung shifts, wriggling away from the sticky feeling on his back. "I'm actually lying in my own come. Ew."

Jeongguk breaks into a cackle, rolling off Taehyung so that he can sit up, feeling the disgusting tacky-wet sensation of the sheets peeling off the skin of his back as he does so, with Jeongguk only laughing at him harder.

"Shut up, asshole, and get me a towel or something," Taehyung says, smacking at Jeongguk's torso and trying to wipe away some of the mess with his hand. "You're a shitty host. And a shitty top. Where the fuck is your aftercare, huh?"

"You don't think I'm a shitty top," Jeongguk leers, sitting up and pulling Taehyung into a quick kiss, laughing against Taehyung's pout. "Wouldn't have had so much mess to lie in if that was true."

"Shut the fuck up or I'll wipe this off with your pillows," Taehyung shoves Jeongguk away, fighting a blush. Jeongguk goes easily, disappearing from the room, leaving Taehyung to stare down at the damp stain on the sheets and figure yeah, maybe Jeongguk was one of the best fucks of his life. He still feels like his ass is tingling from that fucking. Maybe he would want to do it again. Maybe.

Jeongguk is back within a minute, washcloth in one hand and a pile of fresh sheets in the other that he deposits on the floor by the bed before climbing back on. His own stomach is already clean, but he leans over to Taehyung, wiping gently over his stomach and soft dick, jostling Taehyung's legs a little to clean off between his thighs and then do Taehyung's back.

"Better?" Jeongguk asks, raising his pierced eyebrow.

"Mm. Better," Taehyung shuffles sideways, picking a clean bit of sheets and lying down, snuggling into the soft material and taking a deep breath of sweat and laundry detergent and Jeongguk.

"Nope. Up. You're not sleeping here," Jeongguk pokes at his ankles. Taehyung kicks back gently, before the words register and he opens his eyes, suddenly cold and uncomfortable.

"You want me to leave?" he asks, cautious and guarded, sitting up.

"What?" Jeongguk's eyes widen. "You don't have to... I mean, if you – if you want to..." he stammers. "I just meant get off the bed so I can change the sheets, so we don't have to sleep on this," he gestures at the mess of lube and come dampening the sheets. "I wasn't trying to get you to go."

"Oh," Taehyung relaxes a little. "Oh, good."

"Good? You'll stay?" Jeongguk bites his lip, looking so sweetly hopeful.

"If that's okay?"

"That's okay," Jeongguk reassures quickly. "You can sleep here. That's fine."

"Okay then," Taehyung smiles, lowering himself back onto the bed.

"Wait. Sheets," Jeongguk blinks, back to trying to prod Taehyung off the bed. "The sheets are still gross, Taehyung."

Taehyung whines and pushes his face into the pillows, making himself as heavy and limp as possible when Jeongguk tries to pick him up. He tries not to seem surprised by how close Jeongguk comes to actually managing to lift him up and off, even without any cooperation on his part and so soon after a round of fantastic sex.

Eventually Jeongguk gives up, and starts stripping the bedding around Taehyung, rolling him around to pull the old sheets off, and manoeuvring around him and pushing him back and forth to get the new sheets on, Taehyung enjoying the little game as he follows Jeongguk's prompts to roll to the other side to get the first side of the bedsheet on the mattress and then moving back over for the other side. It takes a while before Jeongguk throws the fresh duvet over him so that it covers his head and leaves his feet and ankles bare.

He can hear the muffled sound of Jeongguk moving around, opening drawers and leaving the room for a few minutes before he's back, and there's a gust of fresh air as he pulls up the duvet, getting in next to Taehyung and shuffling to lie down on the other side of the bed.

"You haven't even moved since I covered you," Jeongguk says, smiling a little. "Unbelievable."

"Tired," Taehyung yawns. "I'm all fucked out."

"I brought you boxers," Jeongguk holds them up, offering them to Taehyung, who opens one eye to squint at Jeongguk.

"Cute," he takes them sleepily, pulling on the underwear and figuring since he's already moving he might as well get comfy, dragging himself over to Jeongguk. "I like cuddling. Is that okay?"

"Um," Jeongguk's hands come up, hovering uncertainly as Taehyung drapes himself over Jeongguk's side without waiting for permission, head on his shoulder and slotting one leg between Jeongguk's. "Yup. Cool."

"Good," Taehyung mumbles, already half asleep. "Thanks, Jeonggukie."

"Welcome," Jeongguk murmurs, relaxing a little, wrapping one arm around Taehyung's shoulders to keep him close. "Hey... Tae?"


"Do you... I mean... tomorrow..."

"What?" Taehyung raises his head, squinting at Jeongguk, hair already a mess.

"Tomorrow." Jeongguk takes a deep breath. "When we get up. Do you want to go for breakfast?"

"Breakfast?" Taehyung tilts his head. "Like... you have no food in the house so we need to go out to eat? Or like you're asking me out on a date, breakfast?"

"It could be like... the second one. If you like," Jeongguk shrugs a little, aiming for nonchalance, without meeting Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung doesn't tell Jeongguk that he can feel his heart beating double-time where he has a hand on his chest for balance. "You could just go in the morning. That's fine. But there's a place not far from here that does fruit salads and pancakes and yoghurt and smoothies and –"

"Shh," Taehyung puts a finger over Jeongguk's lips, smile big on his face. "You had me at pancakes. I'm always a fan of breakfast."

"O...kay," Jeongguk blows out a breath, gives a quick nod. "Okay. Good. Cool."

"I've never had a breakfast date as a first date," Taehyung leans down, kisses Jeongguk lightly, just a brush of their lips. "Sounds adorable."

"Shut up," Jeongguk flushes, lifting himself to kiss Taehyung, sweet and slow until they're just smiling against each other's mouths, foreheads together and sharing each other's air.

Weeks later, after many more dates, Jeongguk tells Taehyung that he'd wanted to know him better from the day he'd come into the shop for a piercing, that he'd wanted to sleep with him from the first drink he bought Taehyung at the club, and that he'd known he wanted to date him from when Taehyung started doing ridiculously un-sexy dances to make him laugh, rather than really seduce him.

Taehyung admits that he woke up an hour before Jeongguk that first morning, and spent at least half the time admiring his tattoo sleeve, tracing the ink of swooping swallows over his bicep, a key hanging on a ribbon, black roses and an old pocket watch with no hands in a birdcage. After a few weeks he starts getting out a pen at the end of every date, drawing a time onto the empty pocket watch face for their next date, grinning while Jeongguk pretends to complain about it, even while fighting a smile.

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