A Knight Secret (Shidge)

Par VoltronMoon

2.9K 164 229

{Discontinued} Pidge becomes a knight got the Garrison kingdom but Pidge has a secret, one she has to make su... Plus

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.

Chapter 3.

150 7 6
Par VoltronMoon



The knights training area fell into a shocked silence, the other three fights stopped as they turned to the fourth ring, Pidge had won and held the sword to the knights neck. Her hair was in her face blocking the look on her face even to the knight under her had no clue what expression she made.

"Wow, Your double step stab was rather cool, do you have a name for that move yet" Pidge smiled brightly as she quickly got of the knight, offering her hand to the guy.

"You noticed that" The knight mumbled surprised since it normally not many people notice he stepping, it just looks like he suddenly zoomed to them as his sword goes for a side stab.

"Well how could I not, I've never seen something like that" Pidge grinned rubbing the back of her neck as she stepped back a little.

"What is your name" The knight asked taking his helmet off showing his very light tan skin. Dark brown hair styled to one side and light brown eyes. 

"Pidge Gunderson and can I ask for your name Sir, your move really was interesting, I can tell you worked hard on it" Pidge smiled softly, her arms hanging loosely to her sides and the tip of the wooden sword touched the floor.

"James Griffin, Please wait round till everyone else has been tested .. You'll be moved to the next test" James smiled slightly as he looked to Pidge amazed.

"Wait another test .. that wasnt part of the deal" Pidge frowned and glanced to her friends who gave thumbs up.

"Deal" James asked and turned to a knight leaning on a castle pillar, on the edge of the training grounds with the hall behind. 

"Long story" Pidge mumbled before walking off letting the next guy have his test.

Pidge reached to her friends who were smiling and grinning like mad, all clearly happy for her and not caring if she was giving them a killer glara over being sent to another test. 

"You beat James butt .. I'm so proud of you" Keith cheered pulling Pidge into a hug before letting her go knowing she wasnt a hugger.

"See, we knew you could do it" Lance grinned proudly.

"Well done" Hunk smiled brightly and Pidge just looked at them before taking a small breath.

"Sword, I did my part and did the test not let me have the sword ... I really don't want to miss my chance of meeting this guy" Pidge replied with pleading eyes as she looked to Keith.

"But you have a chance to become the new green knight" Lance argue back with a frown.

"I don't care, I want to meet this guy .. I've been working on his sword for almost two years and I really want to meet him even just once. I want to know the guy who owns such a sword" Pidge replied with a sweet smile and her friends took a small breath.

"Fine, wait here I left it in my room" Keith sighed and ran off.

"I know we kidnapped you and all but could you try the last test, please. You did enjoy the fight with James and I'm sure you'll love the next knight you fight .. Please" Hunk smiled kindly, begging a little as he held one of Pidge hands in both of his.

"Fine but no more favours after today" Pidge grumbled and Hunk nodded. 

Five minutes Keith running back holding the sword that was still wrapped in black cloth, it was old and just a simple black cloth but it was the consumer cloth, it seemed he always used the same cloth and since Pidge started taking over the guy sword, she always washed the cloth treating it with care before using it to wrap the sword once more.

"H-Here" Keith replied, catching his breath why holding the sword out a little to her.

"Thanks Keith and I'll take the second round, just let me take the chance of meeting this guy" Pidge smiled softly and Keith nodded.  

"Now ... I just need to find a knight who honest and puts others before himself. A man who fights to protect and trains himself to be stronger to the point his sword becomes worn quicker. A man who has hope and faith in his sword to help his dream come true ... A man who I respect" Pidge smirked with a sparkle in her eye as she looked to the black cloth wrapped around the sword. 

"Now .. know any knights like that" Pidge asked with a shy smile as she looked to her friends who just stared at her dumb folded.

"Wow, you really are interested in this mystery man" Lance grinned as he wiggle his eyebrows a little.

"I can't believe you look up to someone just from working on their sword .. I still say its crazy" Hunk mumbled as he shakes his head a little.

"Can you just tell me some names, I'm sure once they see the cloth then they come to me" Pidge sighed as she looked to her friends.

"That cloth does seem familiar .. Who have I seen carrying it before" Keith muttered as he crossed his arms trying to think.

"Excuse me, but are you Pidge Gunderson" A gentle but rough voice spoke behind Pidge making her turn to the owner of the voice, stopping as she faced him.

He was tall with a strong body built and skin as pale as snow. A scar over his nose clearly from a fight during his knights days since it seemed just a couple years old. Smooth black hair with a fluffy white tuff and beautiful gentle eyes. He was dressed in black armour and his sword sheath was missing a sword.

A slight blush filled her cheeks as she noticed how handsome the knight was.

"W-Who asking" Pidge stuttered out as she noticed how fit the guy was, he looked like he could snap her in two but if she got to die in his arms maybe it wasnt such a horrible death.

"My name is Takashi Shirogane, I think you have my sword" He spoke with a soft smile, pointing to the sword she held.

"This is your sword .. Are you sure" Pidge asked as she glanced down to the cloth, she always wanted to meet the guy but she wouldnt just give it up without knowing for sure.

"Yes, I use that cloth every month when I send it in for repairs. Thace tells me that he left it to be worked on by a Pidge Gunderson but I always seemed to miss you. Are you him" He answered lowering his pointed finger, lowing his arm.

"Yes, you have a beautiful sword and I can tell you truly trust it with your own life and soul" Pidge smiled softly as she lifted her arms holding the sword out.

"Thank you but I also must thank you, without your work on my sword it would have been damage for life" He replied with a gentle smile taking his sword with care before unwrapping the cloth from it.

"Takashi" Pidge muttered slightly shyly making her friends freeze and Shiro turn to her surprise at his first name being used so freely.

"Can I ask something" Pidge asked rubbing her arm slightly as she glanced to the unwrapped sword held in one hand as the other held the cloth.

"Go ahead" He smiled before checking his sword over.

"Why use the same old cloth, Its been taken care of well but that cloth for such a sword" Pidge asked and He glanced to her.

"The cloth was something my mother made herself, she use to cheer on my playing a knight as a child and she made this cloth to wrap up my old wooden toy sword, saying I must take care of my sword as it becomes part of my soul" He explained with a warm smile and Pidge eyes shined.

"Your mother must have truly loved you and had faith in the man you became, the cloth is perfect for a sword" Pidge smiled sweetly shocking him and she noticed his cheeks turn rosy slightly.

"Thank you and I can see why Thace is so proud of you, your skills are truly something else. I'm impressed by you Pidge" He spoke with a slight smirk and Pidge lowered her head embarrassed over Thace talking about her.

"Um Pidgey .. Do you not know who this guy is" Lance asked with a nervous smile making her turn to look at her slightly worried friends.

"I told you guys, he the guy who I've been fixing up his sword but I never face to face before. Why, is he someone I should know .. he not someone I drunkenly beat up did I" Pidge replied with slight worry and Takashi Shirogane chuckled amused.

"Call me Shiro" Shiro smiled kindly as he tucked his cloth into his belt before holding out his hand.

"Pidge, Its nice to finally meet you Shiro" Pidge smiled sweetly shaking his hand.

"It was a pleasure to finally meet you Pidge, I wish you luck in your next fight" Shiro smiled before stepping back and swinging his sword around a little before sliding it back in its sheath, heading off and Pidge lost him in the small crowd.

"Well, the second round is starting soon, are you ready" Hunk asked with a friendly smile as he noticed James and other knights getting people of the fifth ring.

"I guess but remember, no more favours after I do this" Pidge sighed as she pointed a finger to her friends who nodded.

"Oh, this fight is gonna be fun to watch" Keith smirked as he crossed his arms.

The second round was started and Pidge heard rumours of one of the four colours knights was fighting. Pidge tried seeing who but couldn't see past others making her pout all over again as her friends teased her for it. Forty minutes passed and everyone but Pidge and two other well trained knights stood waiting for their fight. Pidge was panicking by now over fighting one of the four colours knights. Hunk tried to calm his friend only to freak out over everything that could go wrong making Lance and Keith step in to calm Pidge. 

"Pidge Gunderson" James voice called out looking to the boy with his back turned to the fifth stage like he could hide from it. 

"You got this" Lance grinned smacking Pidge on the back making her jolt forward by the force.

"Listen I fight with this guy almost daily, I have never won against him not even once but you can almost win by losing well. Just show him your skills and he be amazed like we are, that all you had to do is be yourself" Keith replied as he placed a hand on Pidge shoulder.

"Did you just admit I have no chance at winning and my best shot is just to lost well" Pidge mumbled as she looked to Keith who froze.

"Look I'm not the team support in this group and the other two failed so far .. I gave it my best shot" Keith snapped back.

"Yikes, thanks for cheering me on to lose" Pidge teased stepping back and Keith crossed his arms pouting. 

"He gonna die" Hunk whispered with Keith and Lance nodded beside him.

"Real sword or wooden" James asked Pidge as she reached the edge.

"Wait I'm fighting you again, maybe god finally showing mercy" Pidge smiled and James gave a worried smile.

"I'm not facing you again, I was just gonna pass you a real sword if you want one" James answered and Pidge shoulders sagged.

"Then who am I fighting" Pidge asked and James nodded his head to someone behind Pidge making her turn.

"Oh" Pidge breathed out as she was met with a friendly smiling shiro.

"Mind if we both use real swords, I wish to test your limit" Shiro asked with a small smile.

"Yeah sure, A real sword would help kill me quicker" Pidge mumbled and James walked over passing Pidge a spare sword normally used for training newbies soldiers/knights.

"Urg .. you guys use this poor thing" Pidge frowned as she looked to the sword she held.

"Yes they not the best but they good for the basics" Shiro answered taking a fighting stance and Pidge doing the same.

"You got this Pidgey" Lance cheered with his hands in the air.

"Try and have a quick fatal blow if your gonna die .. I don't think I could handle you having a slow death" Hunk cried out and Pidge gave him the 'really' look before turning to Shiro.

"Kick his butt, If you beat him then you beat me" Keith yelled out and Pidge couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Ready" Shiro asked with a soft smile as he lifted his sword.

"Ready" Pidge breathed out and the match began.

All eyes was on Shiro and Pidge as they match began, neither moved at first just staring at the other studying before Shiro ran towards Pidge. Both moving to dodge the other, clashing swords without fear and a full fight blew up.

Knights would normally run in at the force of the fight but they stayed back after seeing the two fighting faces. They were smiling, full of joy and excitement .. laughs leaving their lips as they one up the other.

Some would have thought it was just children playing knights but the fight was real, the swords were real and the danger was even more real.

No one spoke, they just watched the sight before them .. a sight that was surely rare to see.

The fight ended with Shiro winning.

At first they thought Pidge was going to win, she finally tripped Shiro making him fall to the ground. He tried kicked her under her feet  and he tried to pin her but she rolled them over. She sat on his chest, her feet on his upper arms ready to slide down his arm to pin them but as she reached to pull her sword to Shiro throat .. Shiro moved first. He quickly leaned up making her slide to his lap, her arm sliding the sword towards him but stopped as Shiro sat with a smirk, a shine in his eyes as he looked to her with his sword to her throat .. her sword by his shoulder just a couple seconds slow.  

"You fight good" Shiro huffed out as both of them were panting slightly trying to catch their breath, both of them dropping their swords beside them.

"So, do you" Pidge breathed out and the two just laughed slightly over how awful they must sound at complimenting each other. 

"I really could use you as my partner, I know I could trust you in a fight while not having to worry over you dying on me. Willing to give me a chance by being the Green Knight" Shiro asked with a gentle smile and sat up more lifting his hand out to him.

"It will be an honour" Pidge grinned and shook Shiro hand watching his smile grown as she agreed. 

"I'm the one who honoured" Shiro whispered with a slight shine in his eyes.

"So, should we come back or can we cheer" Lance asked as he stood where Shiro sat with pidge still on his lap.

"If you can move me then go ahead and cheer .. becuase I'm dead" Pidge joked, she hasn't had such an exciting but fast of a fight since her Altea days.

"Yeah, I guess you haven't had much pratice with the sword since Keith last practiced with you to get his anger out" Hunk smiled with slight worry as he Picked Pidge up from under her armpits and just lifting her in the air while Keith gave a hand to Shiro helping him to stand. 

"I feel like Jesus " Pidge muttered as she made a T shape with her arms while Hunk stayed holding her in the air. 

"Hunk put him down" Keith sighed and Hunk laughed while placing Pidge back down.

"He just so small and light" Hunk smiled ruffling Pidge hair. 

"He may be tiny but he can still kill you" Keith warned and Hunk stopped ruffling Pidge hair. 

"Well lets go tell Thace the good news and go pack Pidge stuff" Lance smiled brightly and the others nodded.

"Where my new room gonna be, Am I gonna share .. wait I'm not gonna be stuck with the strange one because I will murder them if they do short jokes" Pidge asked as the group started to walk and Shiro thought for a second.

"Hey Keith" Shiro called his friend over and Keith ran over while the others waited for him.

Shiro whispered something to Keith, the others watching Keith turn surprise before smirking and nodding. Shiro gave a slight nod to the others before walking away while Keith ran back over to them not saying a word no matter how much the others begged.

"Your gonna love the knight amour they give you .. its your own special type of armour and you get your own one of a kind cape .. Oh, I cant wait to see what they give you" Lance squeaked clearly the most excited out of the group.

"Plus you get to be Shiro knight partner, You'll go on patrol with him and think up plans as well. You gonna be the best team ever" Hunk smiled brightly clapping his hands together.

"But what about the other three knights, when do I meet with them and how come I only work with Shiro most of the time" Pidge asked as she looked to her friends who all laughed slightly.

"Well the leader and the brains of the group mostly work together most of the time since they complete the other where one lacks. You will work with the others during normal duties and jobs given to us that needs the five colour knights but for simple patrol around the castle and the paper half will be up to you and Shiro" Keith explained and Pidge gave a slight nod. 


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