Take It Back - Bucky x Reader

By alandoflimbo

271K 7.3K 16.3K

BOOK 1 About five years ago, a one night stand tore Bucky's life apart. It was also the night before his wed... More

Personal note from me
Your Ship's Playlist
Warnings & Trailer
Official Soundtrack
Lost In The Moment
Here's To The Nights
Drops of Jupiter
If you could only see...
Soldier, Oh soldier
Still Falling For You
Kiss Me...
Come Away With Me
What Comes Around, Goes Around/Karma's a Bitch.
Your chariot
Never Let Me Go
Our Beautiful Dance.
The Morning After
New Beginnings
Is everything okay, Mr. Barnes?
I got time while she got freedom.
The Black and White
In My Veins
Did you let him fuck you?
Don't keep driving
Work Song
I keep dancing on my own
Here's To Our Struggles and Strikes
I'll get through these chains
Quit Breaking My Heart
You Have Stolen My Heart.
sunsets on the west village.
Poll - Audience Participation

We Are Infinite

6.9K 174 487
By alandoflimbo

"It's crazy," He peered over at you, but you stared out the window of his car, "how much things can change."

His gaze traced over to where your finger was lingering against the cold glass.

In the distance was a beautiful view of large houses being lit up in the dark by their porches.

Some had lanterns lining their long driveways into their luxurious homes.

Others were completely dark except for the lights on inside the home, indicating some kind of life form.

He snapped his head back to the direction of the road, driving almost without a destination.

"Do you remember the last time I was here?" You proceeded, as if in a daze.

"I do."

"You told me one day someone would love me for me." Your eyes drifted to the street in front of you, the headlights of Bucky's car clearing the way, "Do you remember?"

Bucky stiffened his hold on the streaming wheel, his right-hand finding your own on your seat.

"I'm surprised you remember that."

"How could I forget?"

He shook his head, "You blow me away sometimes. You make me so afraid," his grip tightened on yours, "I've never loved this hard before." He looks towards his window, but not necessarily looking, "fuck."

"Do you ever think about what would've happened if I hadn't left that night?"

Bucky jeered and then chuckled, "Do I ever think about that? I had our entire life planned. White picket fence and everything," he gave you another squeeze, "Of course I think about it."

"I'm sorry." He gazed at you in surprise. Your eyes were somber, "I'm sorry I left you. I'll never leave you again."

The coastline took you both for ten more miles until you pulled into the driveway of a beautiful home.

The path was long, and the gravel dragged underneath his wheels, rumbling about.

On either side were long lighting posts, black lamps with an orange glow immersing from the bulb. There must've been at least twenty of them on each side as it took you into a sharp right curve, continuing for a few more seconds until, with a turn, you were both directly into the view of the multi-million dollar summer home.

The home was beige, two chimneys on the black tarp of the roof covered its top.

It was three stories tall, by longer in width than height. Its landscape was a pleasant contrast to Manhattan.

Whereas in the city there were lights and noise and glass everywhere, here trees and little lanterns created a nice ambiance; one of peace and serenity.

You weren't either surprised he'd thought this was the best place to come and clear his mind for a bit. He approximated the driveway, stopping before the garage.

You watched as Bucky sat there for a second, his eyes trailing up the sides of the beautiful home.

"We got this place about two years after we married. Ashlyn figured it'd be a nice to place to start a family." He tells you.

You don't know what to say as you continue staring forward, your hand still holding his.

"She wanted it because she thought it was beautiful," his eyes linger on the home, "Now that I come to think of it, she wasn't wrong."

You rubbed your thumb across the back of his hand.

"Bucky --"

"It was the smell of the poppy seeds and the cherry blossoms -- that's what got me. There was something so nice about it. Something I didn't want to let go." He breathed as he let go of your hand to press the ignition button, turning off the car. He then rubbed your upper thigh, "Come on."

You followed him.

It did not take very long for both of you to unpack your luggage in the bedroom.

He allowed you to tour the home as he took a nice shower.

This house was bigger than any you had probably been in, but as much as it oozed money and power, there was a sense of home to it that warmed your heart.

Maybe it was the color of the walls or the smell of fresh apples.


It didn't take much longer for you to find the kitchen. It was glorious. You quickly knew you would make the most delicious recipes in it.

You opened each cupboard until you found the mugs you were looking for. You placed one under the Keurig machine, proceeding to the turn on the roast button.

Bucky appeared sad as he glanced down at his hands on the island table, taking a seat in one of the stools.

"If you need some time to yourself, I understand. You and I both know I only came here with you to fish you out of the water in case you drank too much."

A small smile tainted his lips. It quickly went away as he played with his hands.

Bucky sighed as he got up, looking at the surrounding room, "I just couldn't stay there anymore. It was eating me alive. It's like for the first time in years I can finally breathe again. But, damn it, what I had to lose in the process."

He buried his face in his hands.

"I can't imagine how it must feel for parents to lose a child when they've already lived with them. I never even met her, and I --" Bucky gulped hard, "I wish I met her. I can't imagine how Ashlyn is feeling."

The days pass solemnly.

You give Bucky the space he needs as you both share his bed.

At night, you feel inclined to hold him in your arms, especially when he has that far away stare in his eyes, arm draped over his chest.

You couldn't even imagine how everything was affecting him.

Saturday morning you're cooking some bacon and scrambled eggs.

You poured the contents on the plates, your mind venturing away.

As much as you didn't mind giving Bucky his needed space and emotional support during this troubling time, you couldn't help but feel slightly selfish either.

You wondered what idea Nat and Wanda had in mind that could result in the loophole in Mr. Barnes' will.

It wasn't because you wanted what Ashlyn did and that you necessarily wanted it out of her hands. It was because the piece of paper had silently killed Bucky for years.

The damn will made him force himself to Ashlyn's hip. You knew that the moment it could be shredded up, that he would be a free man.

Perhaps they knew something about her; something you didn't.

You always had your ideas, but never any solid proof.

You hear the sound of footsteps coming up around you.

You watch as Bucky peers into the sizzling pan.

He hums in satisfaction.

"Bacon?" The right side of his mouth perks up.

"Yes. I hope you're hungry."

You smell the delicious body wash on him and you feel the softness of his hand as he drags it across your lower back, walking around you and going towards the fridge.

"I'm always hungry." He jokes.

Bucky pulls out a carton of orange juice and then closes the fridge.

He then reaches up to the cupboard above your head, pulling out two glasses. He walks over to the kitchen table and sets the items on top.

You double-check to make sure the industrial style stoves are off before grabbing the plates and setting them on the table.

He pours your juice while you do so.

"Thank you." His tone is kind.

You both eat in comfortable silence, drinking your juice after a couple of heavy spoonful of rich eggs.

You watch him over your glass and you want to smile as you follow him dig into his plate like a starving man.

You put your glass down, smiling.

"One of the very first things my momma taught me to make was scrambled eggs. It seems like an easy thing to make, and it is if you do it right. So many people do it wrong, though. They get too excited, especially when they're hungry. You turn the heat too high too fast, and they mix it too vigorously. They end up losing most of its contents to the bottom of the pan and it's not until they've finished it that they realize they could've seasoned it better."

Bucky perks a brow at you. He smiles.

"And the right way?" He questions.

"Patience," you whisper, your fingers reaching out across the table to touch his own sensually, "Heat not too high, not too low. Wait for the moment of solidification on its sides, when you know it's ready. And you don't mix it," your finger runs up and down his, "you delicately push in the sides towards the middle, folding it, and you repeat. And then you season it. Lower the heat a little more again. And then push again." You continue your movements on his hand.

Bucky swallows thickly.

He reaches for his glass of orange juice, downing it down in one gulp.

You pull yourself away, returning to your plate. You take a strip of bacon and pop it into your mouth.

Bucky dabs his mouth with the napkin.

He pushes his pate slowly away from him as he clears his throat.

"I've been thinking," he starts, "about how we should handle things. I'm aware Wanda and Nat have some ideas on how we can handle these proceedings regarding my company and my properties. We'll sit with them, see what they have to say. Then, I will speak with Ashlyn directly. We'll file for divorce," he looks down at his plate, "But I have a feeling that it will be a tricky thing to accomplish. The latter."

"What do you mean?"

"She doesn't want me to leave her. After everything, she still wants us to keep trying. It's like she can't see that I want to leave her. Getting her to sign the divorce papers will probably be a lot harder than everything else."

You swallow thickly, asking the one thing that bothered you the most.

"What about now? We promised we wouldn't do this until it was settled that what you had between you two, either literally or in written, was over."

"I told her we were separated. Not legally, but in speech. The only thing binding me to her right now is the fact that we are technically still married, yes. Legally. But everything else is over. I made that very clear to her before I came here with you. I loved her once. But that was over five and a half years ago. I didn't stop too much soon after. I married her for all the wrong reasons, and now I know I shouldn't have. I should have never proposed to her. Regardless if we've been married for so long now, aside from this child that we were supposed to have together, there is nothing there. Not anymore. It's over and it has been for a very long time."

You played with the napkin in your lap.

"About the baby," you initiated timidly, "I--not that I'm saying that there are still feelings there, you've made that very clear to me that there isn't but -- and not that at the time you had any obligation to me," you kept talking over yourself, nervous and shy to ask the feared question, "But that means you had sex with her, not too long ago if my calculations are correct."

"It was our first time in almost a year. It was -- it's hard to explain. I'm sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable, it makes total sense."

"No, no, it's fine. It's just weird. Ya know, that thought of you like that. She has seen you the way I've seen you and I don't know if I like that very much."

The edges of his lips perk up.

"For the record, she's never seen me the way you've seen me. If I'm not mistaken, we've only slept together twice, and both those times were the most spiritual thing I've experienced. I've never made love to her. I've never worshiped her body and I've never kissed her the way I kiss you," you felt your cheeks grow hot, "trust me when I tell you that even comparing you two, that to me is a joke.

You both return to eating.

Bucky takes the last bite of his bacon. He eyes you for a few moments before finally speaking up.

"I'm worried about her. Did she ever say anything to you about her health when you guys were growing up?"

You thought for a second and then shook your head, "Not that I can recall, no."

"Did she ever appear off? Like something wasn't right?"

"It was Ashlyn, she always seemed a little different than everyone else. But she was fine."

Bucky gazed at you for a moment and then nodded.

"If there was, or is, something wrong, she did a damn good job of keeping it hidden, but she would never keep something like that from her family."

"Yeah. Yeah, no you're right. I'm probably overthinking it."

"Was there something specifically?"

"No, I mean possibly. Sometimes she says certain things one way, kind of like she's very visibly upset, but then suddenly she'll apologize for it. But she sounds pained. I don't know. It's probably just my guilt. Dr. Banner would've picked up on it, I'm sure."

"Dr. Banner?"

"Our psychiatrist."

She was only twelve years old when she felt that feeling in her chest that she soon concluded she heavily disliked.

She sat next to little you, in the back of your father's red Bronco truck. All the windows were open, and Tracy Chapman was blasting once again through the rugged speakers.

The day was beautiful, in the high eighties, blue skies — not one cloud in the sky.

She should've felt happy as both her father and you laughed, and she had been just a moment ago. But as the lovely breeze circulated through the open windows, her smile faded.

She knew she should've been happy. But she wasn't.

Instead, she was sad.

"You alright, sweetheart?" Your daddy had swung back to peer at her, shocked by the stunned appearance on her face.

You merely nodded.

"Come on, Ashy!" You yelled, grabbing her hand, waving it in the air.

Her frown slowly turned into a smile.


Steve lowered a picture frame on his nightstand.

He sat himself down on the edge of his bed, reaching over to grab his cellphone.

His finger hovered for a few seconds before finally bringing his phone up to his ear.

It rang for so long that he thought it would go to voicemail, that is until he heard her.


Steve ran his hand through his hair.



Steve stretched himself out so his feet and head were now both on the bed. "How are you doing?"

Ashlyn sighed, on the other end, sitting herself down in the dining room chair, wincing slightly as she did so.

She was still sore from her procedure.

A sad reminder of what she'd lost.

"How do you think?"

They both were silent for a bit.

"He left. Not permanently, not yet at least. But he's gone. They both left together." She said achingly.

say anything.


Ashlyn saying his name returns him to reality.


"Thank you for letting him be the one to tell me. I'm sorry she hurt you, too."


"Can I ask something? How long have you known there was something between them?"

Steve bit his bottom lip.

"At least a couple of years. I knew he harbored a crush for her, but he never did anything, Ash. You need to know that."

"A crush that led to him sleeping with her, while he was still with me."

"Ash, I never knew about it. I didn't know they slept together up until a few days ago. None of us knew. That's why I sent her to you. To tell you the truth."

"I don't want to talk to her, Steve. I don't even want to see her. She hurt me."

"I know, Ashlyn, I know. I think we all hurt each other in some way."

"How can you forgive her so easily?"

"She--" Steve peered over at the picture frame. It was of you, him, and Bucky. It was a selfie Steve took about five years ago on one of your little road trips while Ashlyn was away in Paris, "she always loved him more. As much as I want her, I'm not going to take that away from her. You're still my friend too, but -- this is a hard situation."

"You need to help me get him back, Steve."


"He cheated on me. And you think it's acceptable for him to be with the mistress."

"But she's not a mistress, she's Y/N."

"Don't, don't say her name."

Steve swallowed thickly.


"Can I ask you something?" Steve inquired, "Do you have any secrets?"


"Why would I have any secrets?"

"No special reason, it's just...it's hard to find someone these days who doesn't have at least something hidden."

"No, I've never kept anything from him."

Steve wanted to say something. He knew more now than she realized after his talk to with Bucky.

But he sidestepped that for now.

"If you need anything, don't feel afraid to reach out to me. I'm a phone call away." He adds before hanging up, confused and conflicted.

He picked up the picture again, eyeing the three of you with a strange feeling he couldn't pinpoint.

With a deep breath and blinking quickly, he put the picture face down on his table.


Saturday night.

You had grown worried after clearing the dishwasher. You hadn't seen Bucky in well over an hour.

You searched all over the house and nothing.

You decided to search outside.

There was no one on the front porch and the outside deck was clear. Grabbing a small cardigan, you wrap it around yourself, deciding to slip out into the backyard.

You saw him on the grass overlooking the dock that stretched out into the bay of the ocean, a few hundred feet from the back of the house.

He sat crisscrossed, like a little boy.

He watched the orange and deep purples of the setting sun in front of him.

"Hey." You called out gingerly with a smile, "I was worried."

Bucky shook his head, picking at the grass in front of him.

"Was just thinking," he looks out into the ocean, its sounds circling the both of you as the waves crashed on the sand, where the grass turned into tall dunes, still about thirty feet ahead from where you both were, "It's beautiful isn't it?"

You watched the waves, the glass-like reflection of the Atlantic sea, "It is."

He tipped his head up to look at you.

He stretched his arm out for you to take.

"Come here."

You took his hand and lowered to your knees. You chuckled as he maneuvered you to sit against his front.

He wrapped his arms around you, lowering his chin on your shoulder.

You both watched the water in content silence.

You hummed as a breeze came, blowing your strands of hair. Or possibly, it was because he leaned his head against yours as he cuddled you from behind.

You both sat like that for twenty-minutes, neither of you talking.

You knew without a doubt he was still thinking of Ashlyn and his baby.

"Are we bad people?" He asked quickly.

You don't answer.

Instead, you take his hand in yours.

You tip your head down to lay a kiss on it.


Nat sat on the mahogany desk as Wanda typed away on the computer.

She seemed frustrated with herself as she searched from Ashlyn's computer.

"You'll find it. I'm surprised you were able to even get into her computer."

"Wasn't that hard to guess. ashlynbuckytwentyfifteen."

Nat rolled her eyes.

"I swear, these rookies. If she weren't my boss, I'd crack an egg over her head. Come on, Ashlyn. At lease use Morse code."

Nat crossed her legs, throwing a candy wrapper across the room.

Wanda continued looking into files and files until finally:

G.B Marital Agreements

"Wait. I think I found something." She said, double-clicking on it.

A password box popped up. She thought for a moment before trying the same password as her computer password.


Came up in bold red letters.

Wanda sat back.

"We're screwed."

Natasha walked around the desk to look at the screen.

"Damn it," she bit her bottom lip, "There must be someone that can get us in without it having to be her. Is there anyone else who might have access to this?"

Wanda shook her head.

"No." She tried to rack her head for any possibility, "Wait, there might be someone."


"Yeah, it's a long shot, but I mean we're desperate at this point."

She pulled out her cellphone and quickly dialed a number.

The man on the other line was wearing a toy tiara, pink and sparkly.

"'Ello!" He answered enthusiastically. He peered down at the little girl who was trying to fasten something on his arm that seems to be a toy sphygmomanometer, "Ow! Not too tight."

The little girl giggled.

"It's a toy, daddy."

The man poked his tongue playfully at the little girl, fixing the tiara on his head.

"Scott, I need you."

"It's my day off, Wanda. I mean, unless you're asking me to play some multiplayer video game."

"Ooh, can I play?" The little girl screeched.

Scott put down the phone, "Of course you can." He brought the phone back up, "What kind of game is it?"

"This isn't about a game, Lang. I need you here at the office, now. This is urgent."

Scott rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Oh come on, I'm just now getting appointed as Princess Land-o-holy-of-ours."

"It's about Ashlyn."

"Our boss?"

"If you are here soon, maybe not for long."

Scott's ears perked at this.

His eyes darted down to his daughter as she continued to pretend to measure his blood pressure.

"Scott, you are useless!" Nat exclaimed at the man behind the computer screen.

Scott continued to type on the computer, running his hand up to his face.

"Well, what do you expect me to do? I haven't worked with her on her paperwork in three years. Not since she replaced me with Thor, that damn beautiful specimen of a man."

Nat and Wanda shared a look.

Wanda suspired, walking up to Scott, "Come on, Scott. You've worked for Barnes' family for almost ten years. You were present when this was logged into the system. You were there."

"Yes, but I barely worked with Ashlyn. I only worked closely with the man himself. Not his daughter-in-law."

Nat sighed in exasperation.

Everyone stood there in silence, thinking and also not knowing what to do.

"Daddy, who's this lady and this old man?" The little girl questioned picking up the picture off the bookshelf.

"That used to be daddy's boss. He died a while ago, sweetie." Scott sighed as he threw his head back trying to think.

"And he left everything behind, including this pretty lady?" Scott scoffed, "Where did all his things go?"

"I don't know, Cassie."

"Oh, well." The little girl said as she went back to playing with her ugly stuffed toy. 

The one her dad had given her.

Nat ran a hand through her hair.

"Maybe we'll never get our hands on it. Ashlyn has made sure of that." Nat said.

Scott's eyes furrowed together as he glimpsed back at Cassie, something in his head finally clicking.

"We can always ask Thor." Wanda retaliated.

Scott, got up, walking towards the picture of Ashlyn and Mr. Barnes.


"Absolutely not. He's not one of us, he would never do that."

"What else are we going to do? I can't keep attempting to breech her system!"

"Guys!" He shouted.

Nat and Wanda both looked over at Scott.

"Of course we can't get in with any of her passwords." He said almost in disbelief.

Nat's eyes furrowed, "Ya got me, Lang."

"Because! I don't think it's her password," He flipped the picture around to show the girls, "I think it's his."

"Bucky?" Wanda urged, dully.

"No," he lifted his finger and gestured to the man in the picture, "George."

Everyone sat in a circle on the floor of Scott's office.

In front of them were various folders and two laptops. There were also three external hard drives and two USBs.

"This is everything dated back to when I first started here when I worked directly with George. If he never changed anything, I might still be able to access it."

Wanda poked at the hard drives with a random ruler.

"You sure have a lot of crap."

"Yeah, see how much that crap paid off."

He typed away on his old laptop.

"This is everything he shared with me up until his death," Scott studied the folders and then chose the option "sort by date".

His eyes furrowed together as he continued scrolling.

Nat noted this immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"There are things missing," Scott shook his head in disbelief, "See here, October twenty twelve through February twenty thirteen are missing. That's not right."

"Maybe he didn't do anything-" Wanda started.

"It's five months of documentation, Wanda. No way. Someone deleted it."

"Or it got moved." Nat's eyes narrowed together, her voice far away.

"What?" Scott asked.

"He must've deleted it off your cloud, and moved it over to her system. That would make sense. Because, then only, she could have it."

"I just don't understand, this is legal documentation. We could ask her lawyer--"

"No, we can't involve anyone on the outside in this. They wouldn't understand. And we could potentially even go to jail."

They all sat there in silence. Deep in thought.

Cassie was crawled up into a little ball on the small chair, asleep.

"Huh," Scott thinks out loud.

"What now?" Nat orders.

Scott throws his head back, looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm just thinking."

"Well, that's a first," Wanda laughs.

"It must've been September of two thousand twelve. Maybe a little after, I can't remember," Scott stands up and starts pacing his room, "It must've been around the time Ashlyn was in Paris. But he came in one day, I think it was after he ended things with Y/N, but he seemed afraid. It was right before he quit, before he transferred downtown. He was packing up in a panic, he was a damn nut case, but he was a genius at that, too. I think he knows something and I think I know how he can help us."

Nat stared at him warily, "If you could at least give us a name, that'd be great."


Nat and Wanda both looked at each other and then at Scott:

"Loki?" They bellowed in unison.

"I absolutely do not trust anyone else getting involved in this, most of all Loki fucking Laufeyson." Nat retaliates.

"He could get us an in," Scott suggests.

"He could out us out! The man is devious written all over him."

"But trust me when I say that when he left, someone was bad enough to scare him out of here." Scott adds.

"But what access would he have that we don't already?"

"Loki was a damn good accountant, sure. But something only some people cared to know was that he was also head of the security department -"

"Loki was not in security-" Nat says, her face full of confusion.

"Not legally. But he did things for George." Scott leans his arms on his desk, looking Nat in the eye, "Loki can get us video footage of any date or location we want. You want to know as bad as I do what Ashlyn and George were doing on those work trips? He'll help us find out."

Nat sucked in a deep breath. She looked over at Wanda who seemed a bit pale.

"This could work." Nat shook her head, "Alright, let's call Loki."

Ashlyn was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep in the comfort of her blankets for the fifth time that night. Sleep was the only thing that was able to distract her from her sadness.

She was just about to fall asleep, finally, when a ding from her phone made her ears perk up. She was determined to ignore it until it dinged again.

With an annoyed sigh, she dug through her blankets, finally digging it out.

When she read what her phone was alerting her, she sat up quickly.

Paranoid. Betrayed.

Those are the things she felt.

She cleared the notification and quickly dialed Steve's number.

"How fast can you come over?"


Bucky watched as you brushed your hair in the bathroom mirror.

He sat on the edge of the bed, unable to tear his eyes away from you.

You wore a satin white camisole that fell mid-thigh.

You glowed in the light that shined above you, and for a moment, everything was right in the world.

You finally finished brushing your hair.

You were walking out of the bathroom, turning off the light behind you, when you caught his intense stare looking at you.

He looked gorgeous in his black t-shirt and white Nike sweats. His short hair was starting to grow out and his face was cleanly shaven.

You walked slowly up to him, noticing how his eyes started to soften the closer you got.

When you were finally close enough, he leaned forward until his forehead was against your upper belly.

You softly ran your hands through his hair, soothing every single one of his pains away.

You were both like that for a bit. Enjoying each other's embrace.

"I'm sorry you lost her." You answer finally.

Bucky brings his hands up to the side of your waist, bringing you closer to him. You felt the tips of fingers dig into your back.

"Your daughter." You finish softly.

He placed a soft kiss on your tummy through your camisole.

You continued to gently rub his head.

You sigh as his kisses continue south, his hands going to the back of your thighs.

He looks up at you and your eyes meet as he finds the bottom of your mini dress.

He swallows hard as he drags it up until it's bunched under your breasts.

You hold the fabric there with your hands.

You would lie, but your fingers are shaking.

You knew what he was doing.

You let out a heavy breath as his fingers find the band of your panties, pulling them down your legs, swiftly.

He lets go, letting them fall around your ankles.

You've had sex, but you haven't done this. No man has ever done this to you.

You step out of them.

Bucky places a kiss just above your pubic bone.

He puts his hand behind your right knee, bringing your leg up onto the bed so you were fully exposed to him.

Your cheeks felt hot at how open you were to him; such a private part of you. He had never been this close to you and you felt a twinge of embarrassment mixed in with deep lust.

The lust overwhelmed the other feelings as he stared up at you, eyes black.

He didn't look away as he trailed down until his lips were just over your clit.

You moaned as he pulled you in closer and extended your leg so that he could also taste more of you.

He poked his tongue out to flick at your clit, using two of his fingers from his right hand to open your lips completely.

You groaned as he sucked hard on your little nub, making your legs wobble.

He continued eating you out, so painfully slow it was almost beautiful.

You felt so close already.

You wanted this. You wanted him so bad.

But you wanted him differently.

You pulled hard on his hair.

He gazed up at you confused as he pulled away from your center.

The expression he had on his face was one of total desire.

You felt it too as his hands went to the back of your neck.

He was breathing harshly as he stared up at you.

"I love you so much." He panted.

You held his forearms, letting your eyes fall closed, "I love you, too."

His right hand went up the side of your face and back through your hair again.

"I love you more." He seethes fiercely.

You felt yourself lowering down to your knees in front of him.

He continued to admire you, his hands not leaving your face.

You rubbed your nose up against his.

It was sensual, and it had your toes curling; his kiss.

It was simultaneously soft and deep.

He cupped your cheek as he deepened it even more. His tongue finally meets you along the way.

You whimpered as he groaned. A question, a response.

You pulled on his waist, bringing him down onto the floor with you.

You felt like two teenagers, both kneeling and facing each other, making out as if your life depended on it.

Your lips left his suddenly to trail down his jaw.

You pulled on the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it off his body in one swift move.

He pulled his sweats down impatiently and you swallowed thickly as you watched his hard cock bounce against his tummy.

He distracted you by pulling your camisole off in one tug, throwing it across the large and beautiful room.

You found yourself breathing hard as he lowered you down to the floor.

This was happening.

His left arm was above your head, and he gave you a soft smile before leaning down and capturing you in another toe-curling kiss.

You arched your back as you kissed him back.

You hooked your left leg up and around his waist.

You pulled him in closer and you both moaned as his cock dragged up against your slit.

Bucky gasped as he rutted against you, letting your wetness coat him completely.

You reached out and grabbed him with your hand, softly stroking him as he grunted in your ear.

"I want you so bad." His voice comes out pained. His right-hand takes place of your own, and he uses it to drag the head of his dick up and down your slit, "Do you want me?"

You nod your head. He moans in response, giving your pussy a few rubs making you groan.

"Bucky, please --"

He leans down and sucks on your neck. He inserts two fingers inside of you and then sucks on your pulse point.

You scream out.


"That's it, baby," he quickens his pace, bending his fingers inside of you, his thumb rubbing your clit in circles, "I love you so much. I love the noises you make,"

"Ugh." You moan.

"I love everything about you. You're my life." He says, pulling his fingers out of you.

You whimper at the empty feeling instantly.

You watch as he leans back on his feet. You know you're panting, you feel the lack of air in your chest, as you look down at him. His cock was painfully hard and he looked lustfully beautiful.

He grabbed your other leg and he widened them both to allow him better access to your core.

You groaned as you felt him poke at your tight entrance with his dick.

You slid his tip in and then pulled out, and then in again.

Finally, he slid fully into you, until his body was flushed up against yours.

"Shit." He grits through his teeth. He grips your hips in his hands and starts ramming into you at a faster pace, "Does that feel good?" He pants.

You nod quickly, your toes digging into the carpet below you, "Yeah, yeah..."

"Mmmmm." He slows down his pace drastically, watching as his cock moves in and out of you.

He returns to his pace again, letting the sound of his thighs hitting yours echo around the room.

He leans over you again, resting both his hands over your head, thrusting into you.

You both stare at each, caught in this pure moment of sex as he takes you on his floor.

The first time you guys slept together, you had made love.

This, this was different.

Another harsh groan leaves his lips.

You don't know what it is about him, what it is that makes you love him so damn much.

But you can't take it.

You lift yourself until your fully impaled on him and sitting his lap, catching him completely off guard.

You take his face in his hands and you kiss him deeply.

He wraps his arms around your torso. He tries to control your sudden movement, moving back until he's sitting. Then, one leg at a time, he lifts you both up.

You whine pathetically as he pulls out of you, placing you on the bed underneath him.

He pulls you up until your ass is almost off the side of the bed, and he enters you in one swift thrust.

"Fuck!" You groan.

He moans in response, fucking you deliciously into the mattress.

His right thumb goes to your clit, and he rubs you furiously as his thrusts pick up speed.

"I need you," You gasp, stretching your arm out for him, "I need you closer." You beg.

Bucky whimpers as he slides you farther up the bed. He lays himself down, so he's perpendicular to your body, his face only inches from yours.

He starts rutting into you like a maniac.

"Like this?" His hands are on the back of your thighs as he pushes your knees closer to your chest. He grunts as he gives you a few long thrusts that especially make you shout.

Your right-hand goes to his hair and you pull on it hard.

It feels so fucking good.

"I'm gonna cum." You warn.

He slowed his movement to a halt.

You're about to scream at him when he kisses you again. His hand trails from your thighs and up your waist.

He pulls out of you with a slick sound.

You're in a daze as he pulls you on top of him.

You grab his cheek in your hand and you kiss him deeply, grounding your hot pussy up against his dick.

"I love you," you whimper. You grab him in your hand and you slowly lift your self to hover over him, "I love your cock."

"Fuck." He groans, twitching in your hand.

Neither of you have ever spoken to each other like this before and this side of you shocks him; in a good way.

His hands go to your waist, "Then fuck it...fuck my hard cock." He murmurs lowly.

You slide onto him and you both moan at the same time at the feeling.

You stretch your arms out to his chest as you bounce yourself on his rod, the feeling indescribable.

It's too good, and with the help of him lifting his hips to help you, in no time you're screaming again.

He watches you in awe as you throw your head back in ecstasy, your right hand grabbing your breasts, squeezing and squeezing.

Your thumb runs across your nipple repeatedly.

"Fuck yeah," You pant, quickening your bounce. You know you're repeating fuck yeah over and over again like a damn mantra as you near your end and when you cum, fuck if it doesn't feel amazing and out of this world, "Oh, shit." You pant in pain through your teeth as his thrusting doesn't stop.

He doesn't let up and you feel it again. You were gonna cum again and you both knew it. You're both shocked as he rubs your clit and your cum squirts out of you and onto his pelvis like a damn geyser.

Bucky curses out loud as he stares at it, "Fuuuu-uuck."

You're panting above him.

Bucky stretches his arm out into his nightstand. He pulls open the drawer and you watch as he grabs the little foil packet.

He rips it open with his teeth, almost angrily.

It hurts when he pulls out of you, but he doesn't wait too long to go back again once his condom is on.

You're practically in a daze now.

Your mind is fog as you watch him sit up a bit more, you still on his lap.

He pulls you in again, guiding you into taking him once more.

You scream as he enters you. You were beyond sensitive at this point.

Bucky doesn't hesitate to start ramming into you like a damn pistol.

He brings your face closer to his and your breaths are hitting off each other's faces.

Bucky's groaning and you can tell he's getting close.

You find yourself bouncing on his cock again, surprised that you think you might cum for the third time again that night.

Was this normal?

Bucky lets out an angry groan and he's biting his bottom lip, thrusting into you at an impossible speed.

You kiss his shoulder where his scars are and his grip tightens on you.

You squeeze your cunt around him, also feeling your end very close.

With a loud and animalistic roar, Bucky comes into you like a mad man. You quicken your pace on him, whimpering. You were so damn close.

You're just about to cum when you reach down to rub at your clit.

That does it.

Once again, you squirt all over him, your juices soaking him and his bed sheets as he slides his softening dick out of you.

You both watch in awe at the mess you've made all over his body, as you continue to make, still squirting.

Bucky doesn't care. He loves it.

When you've both settleddown, he pulls the condom off and leaves it on the floor to pick up in the morning.

He pulls you in, turning you so you're lying next to him.

You're both exhausted and spent — completely satisfied.

You watch in love as your man pulls the covers up over the both of you.

He pulls it far enough to where it's almost covering both your faces and you bite your bottom lip to keep from smiling.

His face is inches from yours as he watches you with a similar smile.

"What?" He says.

"Nothing, I just never did that before. It doesn't gross you out?"

"Gross me out? Not in the slightest. I've never cum so hard in my life."

You bite your slip, sliding your leg of his waist.

"And the sheets?"

"I'll change them in the morning. Right now, I just want to hold you."

"I still can't believe I did that."

"Well, we're going to be doing a lot of firsts together."

Your fingers trail up his chest and to his neck.

"I love you so much."

Bucky sighs, pulling you in for another kiss.


Steve sits next to her on her couch.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

Ashlyn runs a hand through her hair, "I'm fine. I just --I need help. I need your help."

Steve looks away nervously. This couldn't be a good idea.

"Ashlyn, you need to stop this."

"Stop what? I haven't even told you yet."

Steve eyes her reluctantly.

"Bucky told me what you did, about the will," He sighs and then swallows nervously, "It's not right. Whatever your intentions are, you need to stop."

"Steve, I'm not trying to do anything except save my marriage. I swear!" She sank her face in her hands, "I made some mistakes. Some awful ones."

There's a brief moment of silence. His face falls. Something in him feels uncertain.

"What are you talking about?"

"Before I tell you, I got this notification on my phone, just over a half-hour ago."

Ashlyn hands him her phone.

It was showing that someone was trying to access her files remotely.

Thankfully, it had been declined.

"Someone is trying to jeopardize me."

Steve frowned. His demeanor way too calm.

"What could you possibly have that could ruin you?" He says slowly, almost as if afraid of her answer.

"When Bucky and I dated, things were rough, I was promised certain things if I did them. And I have them now. But if someone finds out and tries to take it away from me --"

"What things were you promised?" She doesn't respond, "Ashlyn?" He pressures.

Ashlyn sighs, finally caving in.

"Money, everything. My life that I have now. Including Bucky."

It takes a while for Steve to process what she just told him.

"And if you did what exactly?"

"If I --" she pulled on her hair, "fuck!"

"If you did what, Ashlyn?"

"If I had sex with him, all of them."

Steve's eyes darken at her confession.


Ashlyn is visibly shaken as she starts playing with the hem of her shirt.

"George, and some other men."

Steve is repulsed as he looks at the woman in front of her.

"Ash, no," he shakes his head in disbelief, "Why — why the fuck would you do something like that?"

His voice is pained.

"Please, hear me out, please--"

"No, you're -- " Steve scoffed in disbelief, "You cheated on my best friend. With his own father?"

"I'm sick!"  She screamed.

"Hell yeah, you are."

"No, no, you don't understand, I'm sick. I've never told anyone. Let alone, Bucky."

"What are you talking about?"

Ashlyn tells him everything from when she was a young teenager.

"I'm sorry you have those problems. But that doesn't justify your actions. You need serious help. You think money cured you and power, this isn't a cure. This kind of life is toxic to someone like you."

"Someone like me?" She said displeased, her face flushed with heavy tears.

It pained Steve that she was sick. But the fact that she had done something so horrible to his friend, pained him just as much.

It was wrong.

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just that you think this  life will help you, but it's doing the exact opposite. It's why you want to stay with him. You need help, you need to see a professional--"

"I knew it," Ashlyn laughs in disbelief, "This is why I never told anyone."

"I'm afraid if I lose him I will lose the only good thing in my life left. I was doing well the last five years before all this. I want him because I love him and because he fixed me."

"You cheated on him."

"Please, Steve, just help me. Help protect me."

He doesn't say anything. It was obvious that Bucky didn't know about the help she needed, that no body knew. If they did, this could've solve so many issues. Maybe Ashlyn could finally get the help she deserved and needed. Maybe she was supposed to be happier than this.

She's a fucking cheater, Steve. Steve thinks, eyes growing hot. And she most likely used Bucky for his money.

It's why she was afraid of anyone finding the will, he concluded on his own as he continued to watch her.

She looks down at her phone, "Do you know of anyone else that might know about this?"

"No, no I don't."

"Bucky wouldn't do this to me, would he?"

Steve sighed. Hated that he was caught in this situation.

"Bucky's in Montauk."


"Bucky's in Montauk." A look of hurt was on Ashlyn's face. Steve continued regardless, "So I don't think it was him. It's someone else."

The second Ashlyn got up off her seat, Steve eyed her back with pain in his heart.

She cheated on his best friend.

Like hell, he was going to help her keep it a secret.

Ashlyn ran a hand through her hair as she watched out the window.

"Who could it be?"

Across the city, on the top floor of the Barnes' Enterprises sat three individuals.

One of them, Scott, remained at his desk. Still in deep thought.

"There has to be a way. Something we haven't thought of yet."

"Maybe if we just..." Wanda made a motion against her neck like a knife and then sticking tongue out drastically like a corpse.

"We're not going to kill her." Nat said, rolling her eyes.

Suddenly, Scott sits up in his chair, moving closer to his computer.

"Wait. George's passwords haven't changed. They are still all the same way. To access them, if he changed platform the only thing that would change is the platform."


"Meaning, it's feasible it would still be his same password. Regardless if it's his computer or not."

The three of them ran across the other side of the building as soon as they made the connection.

Nat does a successful job at picking Ashlyn's lock again.

Wanda told Scott her computer password to which he made a hilarious face, but still typed it like a crazy man with an important task.

He continues to search her desktop.

There was a knock at the door and the three were momentarily startled.

The man at the door was cross-armed and tired.

"Someone care to tell me why a child is sleeping in the hallway?"

Scott gulped.

"That's Cassie."

The man nodded.

He looked between the three of them.

"So why am I here? I thought I'd never step foot in this place again," He walked out for a moment to see the name on the door, "And Mrs. Barnes' office. I'm afraid of knowing what it is you idiots have planned." His accent was sultry, sexy.

Nat rolled her eyes.

"Look, Loki, we need your help."

"So I was told, or I wouldn't be here. That and the two million dollars I was oh surely promised." He said, stepping closer to Scott.

Nat gave Wanda a heavy glare.

"What?" Nat snarls.

Wanda looked guilty, looking away with a shy glance.

"We need help to access security footage to the building from five years ago," Scott mumbles, still typing away.

"Five years ago? Why so specific?"

They all shared a look.

"We know you packed up your things and left around the same time things were getting rocky with Bucky and Ashlyn. We also know you were with Y/N at the time." Scott explains.

Loki's face becomes dangerous at that.

"I have no word in this. This is a fucking joke."

"Is it?" Nat speaks up.

Loki eyes her with a hard glance.

"Loki, we're all in this for the same reason. We want to protect the right people. Tell me, why did you leave that day?" She demands.

Loki doesn't flinch.

"What's in it for me? I left for a reason, and that reason was that I no longer wanted anything to do with this place."

"And why's that?"

"I didn't like it here."

"Loki, come on-"

He sighs. It takes a long few seconds for him to say.

"Because I knew too much."

Nat shares a knowing look with Scott.

"We need your help. We need to know what you know. Please."

"So, what? You're planning to ruin this woman's life over an affair?"

Nat perks a brow at this.

"An affair?"

"God damn you, Romanoff, what do I even get out of this?" He says.

"I don't know Loki, how about some respect? Dignity? You're just as guilty for keeping this hidden."

Loki looks at her for a moment before looking away.


"Fine. It was about six and a half years ago. I was with Y/N, at her house, on her front porch. We were -- let's just say it wasn't the most innocent position. We were just finished when we both looked over, and he was there--"


"Who do you think? Bucky Barnes. All cried out and looking like I just banged his wife or something. Except it wasn't his wife, it was my "girlfriend". Ashlyn's little sister. So yeah, I left that night a little distraught. But it wasn't even that they had something going on that bothered me. Didn't even surprise me that she never called me after that night. I would've been more than willing to talk that out with her. It was the fact that he was there, and he had someone back at home. So I tried to do my digging --"

Nat took a deep breath, "What did you find?"

Loki looked away, conflicted.


"Loki, tell us." Nat said.

"Guys," Scott said.

Everyone stared at him.

"Loki." Nat's tone was dangerous and demanding.

"Guys!" Scott shouts one more time.

They all looked at him and then walked over to the computer. Loki more hesitant than the other two.

Natasha, Wanda, Loki, and Scott all found themselves looking on Ashlyn's computer screen, staring at the one thing that could change everything.

"Well, Damn. Looks like we've found it." - Nat.

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