Take It Back - Bucky x Reader

By alandoflimbo

275K 7.4K 16.4K

About five years ago, a one night stand tore Bucky's life apart. It was also the night before his wedding. No... More

Personal note from me
Your Ship's Playlist
Warnings & Trailer
Official Soundtrack
Lost In The Moment
Here's To The Nights
If you could only see...
Soldier, Oh soldier
Still Falling For You
Kiss Me...
Come Away With Me
What Comes Around, Goes Around/Karma's a Bitch.
Your chariot
Never Let Me Go
Our Beautiful Dance.
The Morning After
New Beginnings
Is everything okay, Mr. Barnes?
I got time while she got freedom.
The Black and White
In My Veins
Did you let him fuck you?
Don't keep driving
Work Song
I keep dancing on my own
Here's To Our Struggles and Strikes
I'll get through these chains
We Are Infinite
Quit Breaking My Heart
You Have Stolen My Heart.
sunsets on the west village.
Poll - Audience Participation

Drops of Jupiter

7.8K 217 585
By alandoflimbo

Sure, she had been packing for the last few weeks, and you had even helped her skim apartments on Zillow, but you couldn't believe your sister was really moving out. When you had met everyone over the weekend, you felt pretty confident that they were everything they hadn't seemed to be at first.

They were humble, selfless, and friendly. You still somewhat trusted that, but for some reason, after you had overheard Bucky literally telling everyone what you had confessed to him in that kitchen, your hope for a new trusted friendship quickly diminished.

You thought you had confided in someone you could trust.

Granted, you've only known him for a short period of time, but it felt right.

But after that incident and seeing everyone lie straight to your face, you felt slightly betrayed and annoyed. You weren't planning on making a move on Steve anytime soon, but any hope of that ever happening now was long gone. He knew now that you were damaged goods. How could you trust that everyone else isn't like Bucky? 

And now Bucky had your big sister in a trance, too?

You watched with a disappointed smug on your face as your big sister zipped up her last duffle bag. It was the last of her luggage to go, everything had already been taken to the truck with the help of Bucky and Steve. She picked up her bag by the strap and threw it over her shoulder.

She didn't even have to lift one finger up until that point since the guys had done everything for her. As you watched an exasperated breath leave her lips over lifting that one bag, you tried not to glare.

Completely oblivious to your disappointed look of shame, she clapped both her hands together and took one last look around her now empty bedroom.

"Alright. Everything else is already out in the truck, so I guess this is it."

Her gaze went back to you and she smiled slightly.

Her hair had been blown to perfection just an hour before, and not one speck of her lipstick was out of place. Not even a strand of hair.

It wasn't that you were angry that she literally put no effort into this move, but it was more that you didn't have a good feeling about any of this.

Okay, to be honest, you were slightly jealous.

She was being treated like a queen.

There had been no effort on her part and now she was about to live life like a millionaire?

No, you weren't jealous.


You crossed your arms together over your chest and looked down, slightly angry.

"So what happened to the other place you were going to move into?" You ask.

It was a little condo apartment just outside of town; a one-bedroom with a small kitchen and a small balcony.

It's nice you had said as she gave you a short tour of the place. It was simple and just enough space for her to finally begin her own life.

She wasn't too worried about leaving you behind in your home. Your parents had already paid it off before they passed away, so all there really was were utilities. Your job as a hospital receptionist paid decent enough.

At least one of your paychecks would have to go towards the home.

It hurt that Ashlyn now eyed this home with that same distaste, as if the home you both grew up in was now beneath her.

Ashlyn scoffed, "That place was ugly and small anyway. Bucky just recompensed me for the downpayment I had paid."


You raised a brow.

"He just gave you the money?"

Ashlyn smirked, "Yeah. Can you believe it?" She shrugged as if it was nothing.

You just looked at her in disbelief, hoping she had used that leftover money for something that made sense.

"So you're using that towards the new place, right?"

Ashlyn rolled her eyes, "As if. Dude, that money wouldn't even cover one-fifth of the downpayment for the new place. Bucky's paying for everything." She bit her bottom lip to try and stop her growing smile.

You frowned at your sister's overjoyed demeanor.

You didn't like this one bit.

She walked passed you and then stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"I'm gonna be living in Man-freakin-hattan. This is a dream come true."

You tried not to roll your eyes - you tried.

"Sure yea, its been your dream for what, two days? Come on, Ashlyn."

At that exact moment, Bucky came around the corner. He was wiping his jeans, probably of the dust from the boxes that had been laying in the hallways for weeks that was now in the moving truck.

He'd had finished loading the last box and was walking back inside just in time to hear the end of yours and Ashlyn's conversation.

He wrapped his arms around Ashlyn's waist and gave you a skeptical and shadowed look. He didn't want this to be jeopardized.

He looked curious and slightly annoyed.

"Everything okay?" He gave Ashlyn a squeeze on the hips as he asked the daring and accusing question.

The tension grew immediately when his eyes met yours.

You hadn't spoken to Bucky since that night at the Plaza. You're not too sure why you were so on edge about the whole thing. It's not like you knew him enough yet to have felt a major loss in wanting to never talk to him ever again after he outed you out.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that you had thought he was different for some reason. But the Plaza event mixed with him telling everyone about something extremely sensitive, and then literally offering your sister to buy her an apartment in New York City with a fancy job showed you that you were wrong.

He was a materialistic rich boy who thought he could win your sister over with money and he didn't care about feelings. Why would everyone else be any different?

You had ignored all of Nat's texts since that weekend because you decided to cut loose. You should've known not to trust too quickly.

And now here they were taking your sister with them. So, of course, after he asked if everything is okay, all you could do was glare at him.

You watched as he rubbed your sister's back and looked between the two of you, noticing the grown tension. It was obvious to him that Ashlyn had caught on to your snarky comments and was not having it.

Ashlyn looked over at you, giving you a couple of seconds to at least attempt to smile. When being happy for her never happened, she rolled her eyes and started walking towards the front door, still holding onto the strap of her bag.

"We're fine. I was just leaving." She mumbles.

You didn't want your sister to be mad at you for having common sense. Annoyed that she was now fed up with you, you spun around to go close her bedroom door. It pained you to see her room empty and knowing she was going somewhere ravishing.

She was leaving simplicity for something unnecessary and it pained you. It wasn't worth it and you hoped she would realize that soon.

"I'll meet you in the car." Bucky tells Ashlyn.

Ashlyn looks over at him confused for a second and then sees him motioning with his head towards you. Your back was still facing him, closing the bedroom door.

Ashlyn catches on to his plan and gives him a smile.

The purpose for his action was obvious; maybe he could attempt to fix this.

You didn't know he had been waiting for you until you heard him clear his throat.

You spin around surprised, thinking they were both gone by now.

He looked at you with a thoughtful look and stuck his hands in his front pockets. His eyes drifted to the floor for a second as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip. He looked a bit timid and unsure. He wore a red plaid shirt and he had a beard coming in. As much as he kind of annoyed you, you couldn't help the thought that he looked like a total snack. Too bad he's an ass.

You quickly realize how inappropriate that train of thought is and you quickly look away.

His voice was husky and low as he spoke.

"Look, I know you're not too happy with me right now, but I wanted to apologize."

You stare at him for half a beat.

"For what?" You played dumb, crossing your arms.

He didn't know if you were kidding or not as he watched your poker face. You showed no sign of humor.

He squints at you.

"For what I said to Steve." He says slowly and carefully.

You tilt your head to the left side.

"And Sam and Nat." You add swiftly.

So you did know what he was talking about.

He rolls his eyes and then straightens his posture.

"I know, I'm sorry, it was tactless. I was just trying to help you out."

Maybe it's him standing there, but the memory of that night hits you full force and so does the moment he had outed you out.

You start to feel embarrassed again and slightly betrayed.

"How was that helping me out? Letting everyone know I was emotionally damaged and emotionally unavailable for a relationship is helping me out?"

"Yes," he says it as if the answer is obvious, "you seemed to not have been looking for anything right now, and then after what you told me I connected the dots as to why."

You roll your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose. He was right but you didn't want to admit it. You were still angry at him. You continue to run the same hand down your face and you rub your eye, sighing.

"Oh, god. Bucky, you don't know shit about me. I told you one thing that's only a snippet of my life, and you automatically think you know everything?" You lift your hand away and stare at it in front of you. You pick at your cuticles in shame, "I don't need you to protect me, I barely even know you. I can take care of myself."

There's a brief pause and then a shuffle of his shoe against the floor. He didn't know why it bothered him so much that you were unaccepting of him. He knew it was wrong to tell everyone about you crying, but he was just trying to help you. If things ended up going well with Ashlyn and he proposed to her one day, you were going to be family and he wanted to be close with you.

He had to make this right. He knew what you thought of him. He knew it the moment you met him.

The clothes, the cars, the watches, the everything. It angered him.

"You're right, I don't know you. But you don't know me either. You think I'm some rich boy who's buying your sister don't you?"

You're impressed that he caught on so quickly and was willing to admit it.

You raise a brow.

"Well," You start of softly, "it sure looks that way. Oh, and thanks to you, by the way, Steve will no longer even attempt to ask me out ever again even when I am ready."

It took all his willpower to not scoff.

"Alright this is nuts, we're literally mixing up two things at once right now. Firstly, you're still young. What are you? Twenty?"

You roll your eyes again. What is with him always referencing to you as a child?

"And Steve will come around. Trust me when I say that what I said to them- it left no damage. Because of me, now he just knows to take it slow and neither of you will be getting hurt in the process. You're welcome for that." You click your tongue and roll your eyes, "You know, one day your eyes are gonna get stuck like that." he adds.

"You're so cocky. Even when it comes to something being your fault you still manage to find yourself as the damn hero."

He ignores you blatantly, "Second, I offered your sister these things because I love her."

This silences you.

He takes in a deep breath and looks around your home. He didn't have the same look that Ashlyn did when she did that. He looks down at your Chuck Taylors and moves in closer to you.

When he looks up at you, standing only about three feet away, you were only curious as to what he had to say to fix all this.

"I like your shoes."

You frown at him, confused as hell.


"I'm not the kind of guy you think I am. This-" he unlatches the Rolex off his wrist.

"Careful you'll sprain your finger trying to do too much effort in taking that off." You watch intently as he holds it between his fingers.

The ends of his sleeves ran around his wrists, and honestly if you hadn't known who he was, he did look like just an average boy right now and not the celebrity you remember seeing on social media.

He glares up at you, nostrils fuming.

"This," he repeats, "is my fathers." He pauses to allow you to take that information in. You're not sure what he was expecting your reaction to being, because all that does is make you aware that he likes borrowing his father's things.

When you say nothing except stare at his hands he continues.

"I don't even own a fucking Rolex. He makes me wear them."


You subconsciously frown.

It wasn't that you had anything against money or material things, it was more about prioritizing and how some people will only care about that one thing. His watch was gorgeous, regardless.

He goes on, noticing how his statements had an effect on you now, "The shoes I'm currently wearing are vans," He watches as you look down at his grey sneakers. The fabric on them slightly worn out from overuse, "and these jeans I got at H&M. And guess what? They were forty percent off."

You got it now. A little at least. But you didn't want to admit it.

You tried not to snicker at the image of him going to an h&m and running to the clearance section. Or if it was online, filtering the price from to low to high. It was just funny to you.

You tried to hide your growing smile and instead sucked your bottom lip into your mouth.

"Okay, so you like to save, who doesn't?"

Slowly, and with steady heartbeats, you looked up at him with a smirk. He was silent as he watched you. The second he saw your smile he smiled too but in disbelief.

He scoffs.

"My God, I don't even know why I try with you."

You shake your head, finally admitting to yourself that maybe he wasn't so bad. You try to remember why this conversation had even gotten to this point.

Your smile slides off your face and you clear your throat.

"You were trying to convince me that you weren't buying my sister's love."

He nods, sliding the watch back onto his wrist.

"Right." He sighs, "Look, Y/N," and you do. His face was serious now and he was on a mission- convince you that he meant well, "I know your sister, she doesn't care about that kind of stuff; money and shit. So when I offered it to her, I knew she would take it because it would make her life easier. Not because I want her to live my father's life that he wants for me."

There it was again; him talking about how his father wants him to be a certain way.

You frown and made a mental note to ask him about that one day.

"Ashlyn doesn't care about material things, so it's not going to go to her head. She's smarter than that. It's not even about that, I want her to have security and stability and I want to always see her, be around her. Is that so wrong? It's simple, Y/N."

It takes you a moment before you nod slowly, but hesitantly. Maybe you were quick to judge. He wanted her safe. He wasn't buying her. He simply had the compact and disposition to do what he was doing and he was offering it to her. You weren't frugal by any means.

He meant well.

"I would love more than anything for us to be friends, Y/N. That's all I ask. The last thing I want is bad blood between us because of some dumb misconceptions. And I don't want you taking out your annoyance with me on her."

He meant well. And he was nice. The term friend had a nice ring to it now and maybe you were willing to give him a second chance.

"Okay." You say.

He smiles and his face lights up.

It's a comfortable silent for a bit.

He looks around your extremely average home once more, that same sympathetic look on his face from earlier. You realize then that that look isn't because of how small your home was or how lacking in extravagance it was.

It was because you were going to be alone.

"You're gonna be okay here, little girl?"

The nickname that once made you annoyed now made you smile.

He was teasing you.

"I'm grown, old man."

He raises his arm up in defense, a smirk lingering on his lips.

"I told you, being a friend here."

"Fine. Yes, Bucky. I'll be fine." Your tone and face was serious now and he nods knowing this, "I've been taking care of myself since I was fifteen. Don't worry about little ole' me."

He smiles sadly.

"Okay. So we're good?"

"We're fine."

But now you had more questions.

You were walking him towards the front door, watching as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Hey," he turns around at the sound of your voice slightly surprised, "do you know if h&m is still having that sale?"

He smiled wide.


It took a few days for your sister to get everything organized and put together at her new place. As soon as everything was done, the first thing she did was invite you over.

It was a bit tense when she had asked you over the phone. You both hadn't necessarily said goodbye on good terms. But you were willing to push that aside after your talk with your friend Bucky.

Ugh, you still couldn't believe you were friends with a Barnes.

You took the train into the city and then an Uber to Prince St. You stared in disbelief out the window of the car as you pulled up to the front of her apartment.

You were so shocked you almost overpaid the driver in tips.

Of course, Bucky had gotten her in an apartment in fucking Soho.

Just walking into the building, the smell of Chanel perfume was overpowering your senses, and you swear that on the ride up to her floor there were three girls in the damn elevator wearing the same belt. Is this what your sister's life now was?

You prayed that Bucky's decision for her would actually do her well.

When the doors opened up to her floor, you looked for number 7 and then knocked- hesitant at first.

The hallway was gorgeous. There were marble floors under your shoes and pristine white walls with off white classic moldings hugged you tightly. The door was so white you rubbed your finger over where you knocked to make sure you didn't leave a...knock mark?

You weren't even sure.

It didn't even take ten seconds before the door swung open to reveal Ashlyn in a classic white t-shirt and jeans.

"Oh, my god come in." Ashlyn greets you happily.

She pulls you in by your arm and you practically tumbled in.

The apartment was ridiculous. It was all white with class white moldings boarding the walls and corners and there was a small chandelier in the foyer but it looked marvelous as its lights bounced off the marble floors. It was identical to the hallway but bigger and brighter.

You gaped in disbelief. It was so beautiful.

"First I wanted to apologize about how sorry I am for just walking out the other day. I don't know what it was." You were in such a daze you almost didn't even know what it was she was talking about.

You looked between her and the house, gaping like a fish.

"It's okay. It was my fault." You mumbled.

You continued your walk around the home. You saw an airy loft area that had light wood flooring and white large columns randomly in the middle of the room.

It was huge, "Oh my god, Ashlyn."

"I know, isn't it sick? You have to see the size of my closet, and don't even get me started on my own Infiniti pool up on the roof-"

You practically did a double-take.

"A what?" You knew what an infinity pool was, but you were not believing any this. "I knew Bucky was rich but this is insane, Ashlyn."

Her home was beautiful.

You watched as her face fell similarly to how it did back at your house when you had your fight and you reach out to her immediately. You give her a soft smile as you hold her arm, "No, I love it." Her eyes light up again, "I just can't believe this is your life now. Bucky spoke to me about how great this would be for you."

She smiled back, slightly surprised.

"I'm glad he spoke to you."

"Yeah we're actually kinda friends now, can you believe it?"

She stared at you for a beat, "I can, you're both amazing in your own way."

She lets you go and practically skips across the floor all the way to the other side of the room. She now stood in the massive all-white kitchen. You had to laugh at the irony.

Ashlyn didn't even cook. Maybe she could learn.

"Look at this, Y/N! I don't even have to work a day in my life anymore. He bought this whole thing. I don't own rent; nothing. Just basic utilities-- sometimes."

You frown immediately.

"You're going to stop working? What about the job he gave you?" You ask disapprovingly.

She shook her head after a long pause, "No, I'm still gonna work for him. Do you know how many times I've envisioned us having hot office sex-"

You cringed and raised up your arm as if to physically stop her, "Oh god, please stop. Ew."

She smirked, "Plus..." she ran her hand down her white marble island. She was so dramatic in doing so that her upper body was practically over the entire island, "He says I get to travel for work if I decide to go, and I heard there's a Paris work trip coming up soon. Paris!"

You roll your eyes but smiled slightly.

"Okay. But it's still a job. Don't let all this stuff get to you."

She rolled her eyes.

"I'll be fine, Y/N."

You looked at her for a second longer and convinced yourself to believe her. You took a deep breath and smiled again. You put your bag down on the floor next to you.

"Alright. Now let me see that closet."


Ashlyn started her job that Monday, and just as expected, she was invited to partake in the Paris trip as Mr. Barnes' assistant. And by Mr. Barnes, that was Bucky's father, not Bucky.

When Bucky had introduced them, Mr. Barnes' was immediately impressed with Ashlyn. He thought she'd fit in perfectly and quickly replaced his current one for her.

"She's perfect." His father has said confidently after giving Bucky a hug and as he watched her sway out of the office.

Bucky smiles at his father's compliment.

"Yes! I'm so glad you like her." His dad smirks, a twinge of excitement in his silver-blues.

"Of course. But, since you're still being trained under my watch, I don't want you having an assistant yet. You still have other important things to tend to - did you finish that file I left on your desk?"

Bucky sighed and slid his hands into his suit pants pockets.

He was dressing more professional now.

If he were to be the next CEO when his father passed, he had to dress to impress. He had to at least act like he wanted it.

"Don't do that, that's an Yves Saint Laurent suit. You'll stretch the seams." He gestured down to his hands. Bucky ripped them out as if they were on fire, "About that file."

"No, I'm halfway. Not finished."

"They should've been finished days ago. Work on them. Ashlyn's hired, and she's coming with me. As my assistant. Our deal with Pym Technologies is supposed to close next week and we need a bigger offer. I need to discuss some serious topics with them first and Hank will be at the Annual Dinner in Paris. I need her with me to help me," he started twirling his finger around in the air as he made his way over to his desk, "help me make sure that Pym is my only focus. She'll deal with my other issues for me."

Bucky nodded understandingly, but also a bit hesitant.

"Okay. That's fine, dad. I understand. Just please take care of her. She's not really used to this kind of lifestyle."

"I'll take care of her, James." He sat down behind his mahogany desk and eyed Bucky up and down, "Now go tell the lady congrats and get the hell out of my office. You have work to do."


Bucky had been working on the file nonstop since Monday evening and he still had pages left to get completed for Stark. The day prior to Ashlyn leaving, Bucky had pulled her aside and asked her if she was sure she wanted to go. After all, he knew she wasn't used to this kind of lifestyle and he didn't want to make her do something she wasn't comfortable with.

He barely even had time to see Ashlyn before she left that Wednesday morning. She had been so excited and he was happy for her.

He was actually taken about when she quickly defended herself, saying how she would actually love to go and is looking forward to learning more about the job and the world. She didn't fail to mention how his father had even gotten her a five thousand dollar dress for the dinner.

"You don't have to wear it if you don't want to, baby. I can speak to him."

"Are you kidding, Bucky? It's gorgeous. God, I can't wait to put it on."

Now, he was sitting at his desk in his office on a Wednesday night. He was almost finished with the damn paperwork. His eyes drifted towards the clock on his laptop that read 11:01 PM and he tried not to groan as he rubbed at his tired eyes. He had closed them for about two seconds to let them rest for a bit when his phone started vibrating. He jumped up at the loud rattling noise it made on his desk.

He picked it up and looked at the name and frowned.

He pressed the little green button and put it up to his ear.


You were relieved to hear another voice at the end of the line. You looked around you. It was dark and cold. The only light came from upcoming cars on the freeway as they passed you.

"Hey. I was wondering if you were with Ashlyn. Nat won't pick up and I've been trying to get a hold of Ashlyn for the last half hour. It's important."

You held yourself tighter, eyes drifting towards the woods on your left. You heard a twig snap and your heart started racing.

Bucky could sense the worrisome in your voice and he immediately stood up in his chair.

"No. No she's on a flight to Paris right now. Why? What's up?"


"Yeah, something about a new company deal. I was going to be briefed on it when they came back. Is everything ok?"

You hesitated and Bucky could hear cars zoom past you on the other end.

You looked down in front of you as smoke escaped your open hood.

Your car was parked on the side of the highway.

"I mean, I was really helping she would help me."

Bucky bookmarked his page on his screen and shut his laptop closed. "What's up, kiddo? Come on, tell me." He slid some papers into a folder and closed it, dropping it onto his laptop.

"Fine. My car broke down. I'm legit stranded." You heard the twig again and backed slowly towards your car.

You could hear Bucky freak on the other end and the distinctive sound of shuffling of papers.

"Shit. Where are you?"

"I'm like twenty-five miles from home. I don't want to call triple-A because I don't have coverage." You said pathetically.

Bucky stands up from his seat and gathers his belongings. He grabs his wallet and a phone charger.

"No, it's okay. I'll be there. Just send me your exact address on the map app thingy and I'll be there as soon as possible. Don't leave your car, y/n it's dark. Stay inside, okay?"

When Buck had gotten down to the garage he looked at his black Honda and then looked outside. It was late, there weren't any paps at this time so he didn't think he would have anything to worry about. He reached for his car keys in his pocket instead of the Lambo one that his father had left for him.

He slid his keys into the ignition and made his way upstate.


It took him an hour and five minutes to get to where you were.

You were confused as first as you saw a black car pull up behind you, not one you were expecting. At first, you weren't even sure if it was him, but then you saw him get out and run to your side of the mirror.

You rolled the window down and stared up at him. He was still wearing his suit. Had he been working this late?

"Are you fucking nuts?" You narrow your eyes at his sudden exclamation, "What are you doing out this late? Your sister is gonna kill you when she finds out."

Your face fell as you reached out to your bag that was in the passenger seat next to you. You lean forward for your phone which was next to it.

"I'm sorry, can we just go home, please?"

He tried not to snap at you, but he saw the exhaustion all over your face and decided to leave it for another time.

He tapped your car with a finger, "Fine. Let's go. You can leave the car here. I'll have someone come pick it up for you tomorrow."

It took you a good few seconds to make sure you had everything.

When you were sure you were leaving nothing behind, you walked to the passenger seat of the car.

When you got in, Bucky was texting away at his phone in his lap, and his left arm was on the door holding the side of his head. He peaked up at you from his phone as you got in, still holding that similarly disappointed frown.

"You know someone could've raped you out here."

"My god, you are tactless. It's not like I chose for this to happen."

He dropped his phone back into the cupholder and sighed.

"Seriously. What were you doing out here?"

"For your information, it wasn't that late. It was only ten-thirty when I was making my way home and then got stuck. You're the one that took an hour and a half to get here."

"Well, what did you expect me to do, fly?"

You roll your eyes.

You watch as he reaches out for the radio to look for a decent station. He settled on something slow and mellow.

It took you a few seconds to realize it was Drops of Jupiter.

You smiled briefly.

The silence after your short argument was replaced by the irony of it all.

Eventually, you frowned as the music had a little static to it. You look around the vehicle and then at Bucky as he drove down the highway with his left hand on the wheel and his right hand on the seat next to him.

He looked so normal.

You watched as he switched lanes carefully and then subconsciously started humming along to the song.

You didn't realize you were watching him until he looks over at you.

He tried not to laugh at the look you had. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"What happened to your car?" You ask.

He was surprised by how your eyes became accusing and your voice suspicious.

He was confused as he looked around his car, as if looking for some big mishap or accident.

"Why? I just cleaned it yesterday. Did you see something?" His voice became tainted with worry.

You were so lost.

You narrowed your eyes even more and you laid your head against the seat. You stared at him. It was obvious you were really sleepy.

"I meant your other car." You mumbled, your voice slow and low.

The realization hits him and his mouth opens slightly.


He takes a deep breath and looks back out at the road, his jawline tight and sharp.

"That wasn't my car," he continues to look out in the road and licks his lips, "This is my car."

He didn't even have to elaborate for you to figure out that the other car was his fathers.

You were so taken aback by his simplicity that warmth filled your heart.

Your friend was simple.

He was your friend.

You wanted to ask more questions, even make fun of him for the way the car occasionally jolted, but you were so so tired.

You felt your eyelids drop closed.


You were woken up by something heavy dropping into your lap. Your head snapped up and you looked around suspiciously. The first thing to catch your attention was a bright yellow light of a tall M, and then the trees in front of you. The car wasn't moving and you realized you were parked.

"Why' we parked?" You mumbled, still trying to straighten yourself up. You notice Bucky chomping on a Big Mac followed by an obnoxiously long fry.

You frown.

You were at a McDonald's parking lot.

You were dead tired, and wanted to go home, and he thought this was the best time to pull over for some damn food?

You were about to snap at him when he gestured to the bag in your lap, "Your stomach was grumbling like crazy after you fell asleep. I didn't want you going to bed hungry."


You open the paper bag and the heavy whiff of Mc Donald French fries hits you in the face.

Fucking hell, if that didn't smell delicious.

You couldn't believe the gesture.

You decide to not pry at him and instead dug in. You both sit there eating your burger and fries in enjoyable silence.

"Yo, I love when you think all the fries are gone but then there's like three at the bottom of the bag that fell out."

His comment makes you laugh out loud at how relatable and true that was.

He smiles. He never heard you laugh before.

You weren't even tired anymore by the time you finished your cheeseburger.

Bucky still had that same old station on and now it was playing Superman by five for fighting.

You smiled softly.

"Thanks for this. I really was starving."

Bucky chuckled, "No problem, buddy."

The music played quietly in the background.

I'm more than a bird,

I'm more than a plane,

More than some pretty face beside a train

You sigh as you take in the relaxation of how serene and asleep the world could be this late at night.

You feel the dryness in your throat and peer down at the empty cup holders.

"Although you are a bit of a dumbass. You buy all this food and yet no drink?"

"Seriously? I bought you food and you're complaining." He laughs.

"Come on, Bucky. This is like dollar menu shit. You couldn't get a drink?"

"Are you serious right now?"

You looked at him like he was crazy.

"Uh, yeah."

He shook his head in disbelief, a small smile grazing his lips.

"Go inside and get yourself a drink then."

You gaped at him.

You look around the back and see no cars at the drive-thru window.

"Just go through the drive-thru again, there's literally no one here."

"Dude, I have a water bottle in the back. Just drink that."

"Not if it's filled with your damn backwash."

"Who gives a shit, Y/N, it's water."

With that said, he jumps out of the car and opens his trunk. He grabs a recently opened water bottle and tosses it into your lap.

"There drink it." He says.

You stare down at the bottle.

"Why can't you just go through the drive-thru?"

He stared at you from outside the car.

"Drink the damn water, Y/N."

You glared at him and unscrewed the water bottle, maintaining full eye contact the entire time.

He grimaced at your death glare as you down the water.

"Jeez, you really are a damn piranha."

He throws himself back into the driver seat and buckles his seat belt.

He looks over at you for confirmation before driving away.

"Alright, you good?" His question was teasing but was also serious at the same time.

He was surprised you drank all the water.

You throw the bottle into the back seat and lean back against your seat as he stares at you.

"I'm great."

You expected a reaction from him after you threw the water bottle, maybe a stop throwing shit in my car or something similar, but all he did was smile and nod.


On the way home, you both sat in uncomfortable silence listening to the radio.

At one point you asked to use his car charger and he replied:

"I'm using it."

"What percent are you at?"

"Seriously? it's my charger."

Eventually, you won that one and he let you use it for a bit. He dropped you off and you waved back to him from your front door after you got it open and he waved back. You watched as his little black Honda drove off into the night. A soft breeze from the end of summer night came through, blowing your strands off your shoulder. The world seemed to have changed at that moment.

I don't know where the ocean meets the sky,

I don't know why the world keeps spinning by

You smiled because you were full, content, and happy.


You look down as you're greeted by your little black and white friend you just adopted the other day.

"Hey, Pebbles." You smile.

A buzz in your pocket startles you after you close the door.

You look down at your phone and see it's a text from Nat

Hey. Sorry I didn't get to you. I had a date. Just now have some downtime if you know what I mean ;) I hope everything is okay? I saw you called several times. I didn't want to call you now because I didn't want to wake you if you're asleep.

You smiled as you started typing out your own message, dropping your car keys onto the kitchen island and flickering on the lights.

Hey, Nat. Everyone is okay now. It's all cool. Yea I'm still up. I ended up getting in touch with Bucky and he helped me out. A date huh? I didn't know you were seeing anyone.

You barely put your phone down when it already rang back with another response.

Kinda lol. Wanna hang out tomorrow and I can tell you all about it?

You stop for a second and smile. For the first time in a long time, you felt happy. You finally had friends again, and boys were the last thing on your mind. You felt happy, you felt like you mattered, and you felt somewhat important.

You try not to get emotional as you type out a response to Nat.

Yes. I'd love that. :)

You put your phone to charge, brush your teeth, and then tuck yourself into bed.

You were happy.


You hadn't meant to walk into their closet.

You were actually looking for spare towels but you had somehow opened the wrong door and now you were completely enveloped by lights, shoes, purses, fashion design clothing, and hundreds of accessories.

Your eyes shined at how ridiculous the amount things was.

You knew your sister was doing better when it came to material things but this was still a culture shock for you.

As you walked around, captivated, you looked directly in the middle of the room where there stood the drawers filled with accessories.

Curiosity got the best of you and you slowly opened it to reveal several watches - male watches to be exact.

But there was one that caught your attention especially.

It was the silver-black Rolex.

Diligently, almost trembling, you took the watch in your hand.

You softly stroked the silver bindings and began to remember.

It was the first time you as saw all of him and he had been wearing nothing except that damn Rolex.

It was also the first time you had seen all his scars. You had traced them with your fingers and later that night - with your tongue. You remember thinking he was the best damn thing to ever enter your life, and the most gorgeous.

But that watch - it was one of the things you first hated about him when you first met him - but then it became the thing you loved to see on him the most. Especially when it was the only thing he wore. 

The bed jerked furiously up and down. You felt the metal on his wrist hitting your -

"What the hell are you doing?"

You yelp, looking towards the door. Your heart that had been hammering away in your chest was now in your throat. You were startled by his entrance and you prayed that he wasn't reading your mind just moments before.

He stands there eyeing you suspiciously as you held the watch.

"I-" you couldn't get the words out as you stared at him. The memories were still vivid in your head.

This looked bad, even you had to admit it.

It looked really bad.

"Sorry, I was just looking for towels."

He looked at you with a glare that could kill, not buying a word you just said.

"In there? Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"

You put the watch back down and closed the drawer shut.

"I swear. I was just looking and I opened the wrong door-"

"You don't live here. I could easily call the fucking cops on you."

You were taken aback by his threat. You literally stepped back in disbelief.

"Are you kidding?" You breathed.

He shrugged, "Yea, why not. You're fucking going through my shit that's worth more than anything you own put together and you happened to do it when I and my wife are not home. Imagine how that'll look to them."

You felt small.

His words kept hurting more each time. You had to look away from him, you had to look away from those eyes that hated you so much. You were so furious. But you were also tired. You just wanted some damn towels so you could shower and get to bed.

You don't even look at him as you walk past him and out of the closet.

His eyebrows narrowed as he watched you walk away.

"That's it? You think I'm just gonna let this go?" He spat out venomously.

You stop.

You are turned away from him, heaving. Your eyes are hot as are your cheeks. Your hands bunch together at your sides. You close your eyes tightly together.

"All I want are towels." You grit through your teeth.

Eventually, after a long silent pause, he walks past you. He hits your shoulder as he does so.

He's at the other door that leads to the hallway when he looks back at you and sees that you haven't moved from your spot.

His face was emotionless.

"Do you want me to show you or not?" He asks.

You let out a short sigh and followed his steps. It took a few seconds before you realized he was leading you back to the guest bathroom where you previously were.

You watch him as he crouches down in front of the sink pantry and opens it.

He pulls out a pile of three white towels and put them on top of the sink.

"That should be enough for you to keep from snooping through our shit for a while."

"Where is she?"

He is almost out the door when you ask the question. 

"She's putting away the groceries, why?"

"I'm just pissed as hell that she's not here to see the way you're treating me."

"Fuck off, that has nothing to do with it. You're going through my shit. Private property."

"Really, James? So there's no other reason why you're lashing out at me like this?"

He scoffed as he watches you next to the towels, gesturing to the distance between you and him. That's what you always did with him and it angered him. The distance; the accusations and yet still so far away. He couldn't stop the words before it left his lips.

"Look at you, you're a little coward. And yet you wonder why no man can ever love you."

The second he says that, as much as he hated you right now, he regrets it. Your face falls drastically and you feel the pit in your stomach grow cold.

You are left silent.

And the silence is deafening. Almost as if he won and you have nothing left to say. And you don't. What could you possibly say to that? It was true. It was why you were never loved. Nothing he was saying was wrong, and that's what hurt.

You cant look at him, because you know that if you did you would fall apart right there. You don't see his face, how broken it looks, and how much he looks like he wants to apologize. Instead, he just stands there, unmoving.

You needed to shower, you needed to be away from him. You wanted to sit in the tub and cry.

You walked over to the door and slowly closed it in his face.

He stood there in front of the door, unable to move.

With your hand still on the door, you close your eyes and soft sobs rack through your body in waves. It hurt your chest so bad that you had to lean onto your arm for support as you brought yourself to your knees. You were trying so hard not to cry out loud, not to scream, that it physically hurt you. It hurt so much that you had to bring your other hand that wasn't on the door to your chest as if it would somehow make it stop hurting.

You look up and gasp. It comes out in the form of a whimper. You hope he didn't hear you. You had worked so hard on your pride your entire life. There was no way a man could do this to you.

Your nails dig into the door as you try to stop. You're trying so hard to stop crying, but it hurt so bad you couldn't stop it.

Please stop. You wanted to scream.

When he hears that sound, Bucky's hand involuntarily goes to the doorknob.

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