Eye for an Eye

By AutumnLeighxo

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{Sequel to The Deal} Hope is back with vengeance. Every single person who had the audacity to threaten her a... More

Chapter 1: Unexpected Return.
Chapter 2: He's The Spy.
Chapter 3. Lip Biting.
Chapter 4: We Are Not Killing Him... Yet.
Chapter 5: The Phone Call.
Chapter 6: Mafia.
Chapter 7: I'm Going To Miss You So Much Baby Girl.
Chapter 8: Breakups & Rebound Sex.
Chapter 9: Cut A Bitch.
Chapter 10: I Won't Hesitate To Break Your Fingers.
Chapter 11: Satisfying My Needs.
Chapter 12: My Locket.
Chapter 13: The Mafia Ball.
Chapter 14: The shooting.
Chapter 15: Happy Memory.
Chapter 16: The proposal.
Chapter 17: My sister.
Chapter 18: No, I'm much worse.
Chapter 19: The Truth.
Chapter 20: Jace Porter.
Chapter 21: Time to say goodbye.
Chapter 22: Moving On.
Chapter 23: Siblings
Chapter 24: I'm Fucked In The Head
Chapter 25: Surrounded By Idiots
Chapter 26: Oops
Chapter 27: I Don't Deserve You
Chapter 28: My Idiots In Shining Armour
Chapter 29: They've got her.
Chapter 30: I see you.
Chapter 31: Let The Darkness In.
Chapter 32: Surprises
Chapter 33: I Know How You Think
Chapter 34: Feelings
Chapter 35: Never Have I Ever
Chapter 36: Morning Shenanigans
Chapter 36: Remembering
Chapter 37: Broken
Chapter 39: All Revealed
Chapter 40: The Huntress
Chapter 41: I'm Afraid Of Falling
Chapter 42: Mrs King
Chapter 43: War
Chapter 44: Breaking Promises
Chapter 45: Green Eyes
Chapter 45: Loss
Chapter 46: Heartache
Chapter 47: Never Ending

He's The Damon To Your Elena

162 7 8
By AutumnLeighxo



"Are you listening to me"

"No, I don't want any cake"

I rolled my eyes and huffed.

We were currently sat in Starbucks before heading off to the race track, the same one we went to for the first time, along with West and Callum.

When they made the deal with me.

Memories invaded my mind when I begged Lily to come and climb through the bathroom window because Mason came in with that idiot Rose.

God, I miss her more than anything.

I've been trying to ask Jace something for the past five minutes but he's been gazing at something behind my back completely ignoring me.

When I looked behind me there were two men sat down at a table a few rows behind us, in a deep discussion. Their faces were clear of any emotion, eyes not blinking as their mouths moved rapidly.

My phone buzzed in my pocket so I slipped my hand around it and answered it without even looking at the caller ID, my other hand picking up my coffee.


"Can we talk about Mila?" I glanced at my screen.

West fucking Shaw.

I'm in no mood to speak to him, especially as he's so close to Ryan and I'm still pissed at his betrayal.

Even though he did it to protect us, I don't think I could fully forgive him.

Next time remember to look who's calling.

Yeah yeah, too late now.

"Not now West" I grumbled, taking a sip of my hot coffee.

The warm liquid flowed down my throat, my eyes closing briefly enjoying the silence till I heard his voice again.

"You can't keep avoiding me Hope, I have the right to know our daughter. You have nothing on for a week as you are still recovering and Xavier has gone away"

"I didn't say I wouldn't tell you, I just said not now. Just stop pestering me and do your job. I may not have anything to do till I'm fully healed but you have no excuse"

I heard him swearing to himself, someone else shouting in the background. Jace was now looking at me with his eyebrow up.

"Who's that?"

"My pain in the arse"

He chuckled quietly then gulped the rest of his drink, then wiped the back of his hand across his mouth.

"I'm coming, and if that's Jace laughing tell him he's a prick" I heard West fumble around with some keys.

"If he's a prick then your a fucking cactus" I was now becoming bored and agitated "and come all you want, you won't find me" and with that, I hung up.

Turning my phone off and put it away, completely forgetting about my baby daddy and any other problems.

"That sounded like a pleasant conversation"

I sat back as my shoulders sagged, I could feel a headache coming on already.

"Some advice Porter, if you ever get someone pregnant, make sure it's with the right person or someone at least tolerable"

"Es un poco difícil embarazar a una mujer cuando aún no has tenido relaciones sexuales"

"I don't understand a word you just said, I told you to speak in English to me"

"Well, maybe you should learn Spanish... again. Don't you remember a single thing?" He questioned me.

"I remember what hello is, but that's beside the point. What did you say?"

"I'm not saying"

I sat forward so I was closer, my elbows on the table just inches away from his face.

"Tell me"


"But I'm your best friend"

"It's still a no"

"If you don't tell me I'll tell everyone that you still sleep with a Teddy"

His eyes shot open wide "I don't sleep with a Teddy..."

"Oh, but you do" I smiled happily "That puss in boots one, the one I won for you at that arcade. It reminds you of me whenever I do the same thing  to get what I want"

He looked baffled, probably wondering how I know that he actually kept the thing.

"I sneak into your room sometimes to rob a Hoodie, don't be so surprised, Porter. Did you really believe that the washing machine has been eating them?"

I think it's dead cute how gullible he can be sometimes, and for someone who can be dead scary, he's really just a big Teddy bear at heart.

"You are evil Carter, don't see why these guys want you so bad. I'd hate having to put up with you for the rest of my l..." I kicked him in his leg but he just shrugged it off and tilted his head back laughing. 

"Tell me please or I'll go all puss in boots on you" I threatened.

"Alright alright" He managed to catch his breath after his little laughing fit and looked at me "I've never had sex, call me old fashion but I'm waiting for the right girl" 

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

"You are too precious for this world Porter" I gulped the rest of my drink and stood up to move next to him.

My knees bent as I placed a quick kiss on his warm cheek, the short hairs from his stubble brushed against me. The corner of his lips lifted and he did the same as he slid his hand inside mine. We walked out together, as we neared the door I noticed one of the men staring at me, his tongue darted out licking his lips. His creepy eyes slowly running over my body before turning his head to speak to the person next to him.

"Do you know them?" I asked Jace, tilting my head to the side in their direction.

Jace had a quick look and his eyes darkened to a forest green "They work with West, so I'm assuming they actually work for your uncle and whoever else is conspiring against you"

We sat in his car, I turned down the radio as he set off speeding down the roads. The blue sky slowly darkening as the clouds started to swirl together creating different shapes.

"How do you know all this?"

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and turned a corner before placing his hand back onto the gear stick "Callum told me"  My heart clenched hearing his name like always.

"Why would Callum tell you, he hates me and clearly isn't on our side anymore"

"He doesn't hate you Hope he loves you more than anything in this world, there's not a single thing he wouldn't do for you. Even when he didn't have his memories of the times you shared together he was trying his hardest looking for your enemies" He took a breath and stopped at some traffic lights.

"Callum is the Damon to your Elena" I laughed.

Another reason why he's my best friend, probably the only other person who will watch it with me.

"That reminds me, there's someone else that works for you was actually working for your uncle, and West didn't know about this one"

Another betrayal? Do people not even know what loyalty is anymore, and now it was becoming harder and harder to know who to trust anymore.


"Brooke" He replied immediately and pulled up at an abandoned race track.

That bitch.

Brooke was Lily's girlfriend and Olivers sister, one of my best fighter. I trusted her as much as Oliver and that's when I realised she must have used Lily to get close to me and after her death, she took off. Nobody had heard of her and I didn't think much of it thinking she was grieving but now I know the truth and for that, I'm going to rip her head off.

"Well, she's at the top of my rip off head list" I hissed.

Cars were scattered around everywhere, men and women held drinks in their hands laughing and having conversations. The lights were bright which lit up the race track where a few people stood and that's where I saw him.


Now I suddenly don't want to go.

My door swung open and Jace took my hand pulling me up onto my feet and kicked his door shut swiftly locking it.

We walked hand in hand, some people stopped to stare at us or more precisely they were staring at me. Some held fear in their eyes, the girls looked like they wanted to jab my eyes out with a spoon and the men eyed me hungrily.

"Ugh, I feel like a statue in a museum" I could feel Jace squeeze my hand in reassurance.

"Don't worry they can look but they can't touch. How about a drink" As he said that I noticed a bar in front of us, he lead us to the front which was less crowded.

Jace put his hand up and the bartender came over straight away, the both of them clasped their hands together exchanging hellos.

The bartender had dark blonde hair that was tied at the back, and metallic grey eyes that sparkled against the fairy lights. He wore a tight back top showing off his muscles, not too big and not too small. He was good looking but not really my type, and as he smiled at my friend I noticed a gold tooth.

"Can I get a gin and tonic for the lady and a bottle of water for myself with a lime"

The bartender gave him a nod and went to retrieve our drinks, Jace looked down and gave me a little smile. The music was loud, beating against my eardrums but I could still everyone's voices mixing together.

"I need to go and speak to Callum quickly, make sure no one touches my water" He pointed his finger at me.

I mocked a salute "Alright, but hurry up before I look like a complete loner" 

Jace flicked my nose and wandered off into the crowd towards Callum, I took my drink and brought it to my lips. 

"Hope Carter is that you"

As I heard my name I turned my head to the side and that's when I saw them.

Timmy and Conner stood before me with puzzled faces then they both grinned. How these two were ever Mason's friend I'll never know, they were the sweetest guys who were also close to my brother at one point.

I ran over to them the best I could without letting my legs buckle underneath me and swung my arms around them both causing my feet to lift off the ground due to the height difference. They both gave me a gentle hug and then carefully put me down, looking at them both they hadn't changed. still looked the same, both Conner now had a short beard and Timmys hair was shorter now.

"How are you both, still in that gang?"

"Hell no, we just race now but it's a night off so thought wed enjoy some drinks with some others. Heard you were in charge of Head Hunters, how's that going?" Timmy asked me.

"It's complicated, anyway I came here to have a fun normal night with Jace. He's actually racing tonight, do you want to come over?"They both nodded.

I swiped up my drink and walked over to Jace who was still speaking to Callum with nobody else around, Timmy and Cooner were right behind me, and as I stopped Callum's eyes found me and I could see his Adam's apple bob before glancing behind me.

Anger flashed through his eyes, his nostrils flared as he stormed towards me and took my hand in his. I tried pulling it back but he dragged me behind a car further away from the others and pushed me against it.

"What is your problem" I spoke harshly.

"Are you stupid, what on earth are you doing here? You can barely trust your gang, god knows whos here that wants you dead" He stepped closer, my beating heart quickened.

"I can't stay locked up and I can take care of myself. Jace is here with me and that's all I need. You don't have to drag me like some fucking rag doll" I could tell he was pissed.

His eyes softened as I placed my hand on his chest trying to create some space, then his hand wrapped around mine keeping against his chest.

"Callum I need your help in taking down my uncle, and my mum and whoever else is working with them. I don't want us to fight, I've just got you back"

"You have Xavier"

"Shut up Callum, I also need you! Stop being jealous and just..."

He pulled me towards him, his hand snaked around me resting on the bottom of my back keeping me against him. I looked down at my engagement ring repeating Xaviers name in my mind.

"Yes I am jealous, I am jealous of that mafia fucker who gets to marry you. He gets to sleep next to you, wake up next to you, see your beautiful smile every day, look into them blue crystal eyes, and button nose. Them freckles that I love so much on your cheeks, twelve freckles to be precise. I want to be the one who gets to hold you, kiss every inch of your perfect body, and worship you like the goddess you are. Make you tremble as I devour you. Bring your favourite coffee every morning and watch that shitty programme with you that you are obsessed with. I want to kiss away your tears and take away your pain. I want to be your husband, the father of your kids because Hope I can't imagine my life with you"

Then his lips were on mine.

So what do you think of Callum's little speech?

Will she kiss him back?

What will Hope do to Brooke?

Please vote and comment.


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