By xoxo_annie_exo

1.6M 37.3K 12.9K

What if there was a school for the magicals, in Korea? Park Sarang is suddenly transferring to Park Cha... More

introductions and characters
New Powers
D.O~ Park Chan Jae High
Kai~ developing feelings
Chen~ The Past Inside Him
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 2 ]
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 3 ]
$uho ~ shopping
$uho ~ shopping [part 2]
Sehun ~ bubble tea café
Sehun ~ trouble ahead
Tao ~ halloween
Tao ~ Costumes
Lay ~ Halloween
Baekhyun ~ Lights out
Kris ~ Fighting the enemy
Kris ~ The Monster
Hyun Woo ~ The Past
Hyo Ra ~ My so-called Brother
Luhan ~ Hurt
Luhan ~ Story Time
Xiumin ~ Frost
Xiumin ~ Caught
Chanyeol to the Rescue
Chanyeol ~ Dessert & Idols
D.O - @maecah10
Chanyeol & Luhan
Lee Hyunwoo ~ Revenge ?
Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up
Minhyuk ~ Red Light
Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks
Sarang Special: Wake Up Call
Sarang ~ Dangerous Charmspeak
Sarang ~ Missing Person
The Change
You Reap What You Sow
The Unknown Truth Revealed
Hopeless ; He's Back
Scarlet Diamondé
Beginning of Chaos
Tree of Life
His Façade
The Blonde Wolf Awakes
The Wolves Bark - Her Comeback
Kris ~ The Dragons
Sehun ~ Who?
Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire
The Start of a New Journey
Planet of Peace
Q & A
Hyde & Jekyll
Fanfiction Revamp
Lost & Found
The Seal
KaiSoo ~ Suffocate
Lay ~ Hide & Seek
Right Back
Pre-War Chant
# tagged
Breaking News ; Announcement
and so it begins. . .
battle cry × xiumin
recap + not a chapter
run × luhan
blood shed × kris
defense × suho
wounded × lay

The Black Pearl

13.3K 385 97
By xoxo_annie_exo

Park Sarang ~ you the dragon tamer

'Who are you?' The dragons ask me with one voice.

"Sehun, what should I-" I whispered until the dragons snarled at me.

'Tell us your name magical!' The dragons snarled as I stepped back.

"P-Park Sarang-mida!" I say loudly, closing my eyes. My voice echoed throughout the entire cave, and then I heard silence.

I heard hissing and a language of some sort { probably Dragonese } and then, I heard a voice louder and stronger than the rest that interrupted the dragon's heated conversation.

Loud thuds, or footsteps slowly approached the light, and Sehun, who was in my arms, cowered in fright.

A familiar golden scaled foot appears, and I jog towards him. "Xanokhi, is that you?" I ask.

The golden dragon steps out into the light, and my face brightens. "Xanokhi! It's been a while since I've seen you! How are you?" I ask as he gives me a deep chuckle.

"I'm good, thank you Sarang. The young ones are difficult to train, considering I'm their teacher. How are you?" Xanokhi asked me with his wings ruffling and tail swishing.

"I got a new power right now, my training has been tiring, and my cousin came from Cursia. My twelve friends turned into wolves, and I'm worried about my cousin Hyun Woo. But other than that, I'm fine I guess. Oh and say hi to Xanokhi Sehun oppa!" I say, using Sehun's paws to wave at the dragon.

Xanokhi laughs again, and he snarls and turns around. "Griffin, Jeruth, and Tyga! Get back to your nest and sleep, I can hear your laughter from here! Can't you guys be like Yong? We have more training later tonight! You younglings and hatchlings should get more rest and grow up to be a dragon like me! Go to sleep now! I am talking to a guest!"

I chuckle, and behind my 50 foot tall friend appeared three different dragons. "Wow... You guys are beautiful. What kind of dragons are you?" I ask the three smaller dragons as Xanokhi glares at them. "It's ok, they're just younglings Xanokhi. I'll take care of them for a while if you want me to."

"I'm not a youngling! I'm a dragon!" A white dragon complains as I smile.

Xanokhi looks reluctantly at the three dragons, and says, "I don't know, but... I guess you can. Be careful, they're really troublesome, and they tend to wander. But they're good kids. Just make sure that Griffin and Tyga don't hit each other with their powers, and you should be fine. Thank you Sarang. I hope that we can talk to each other later."

"Same to you too Xanokhi. Fighting!" I say, waving.

Xanokhi turns to say some things to the young dragons, and as he heads back inside the cave, the three dragons look at me in curiosity.

"Umm... Hi. I'm Sarang, a magical." I say.

"I'm Jeruth! And these two are Griffin and Tyga." The white dragon says. "Oh and I'm a... female or girl as you humans and magicals call it. But for dragons, I'm a black pearl. Male or guy dragons are white pearls. Griffin is a fire dragon, Tyga is an earth dragon, and I'm a light dragon!"

"Hi Jeruth! I guess you and I will be bonding quickly then, since we're both... Black pearls?" I ask as Jeruth nods.

"You're catching on quickly Sarang!" Jeruth smiles and nudges the two dragons next to her. "Come on guys, say something! She won't bite, right?"

"I won't bite. I think I'm more afraid of you guys than you guys are more afraid of me!" I say, standing next to Jeruth. "You guys are much more taller than me too. But don't worry. I'll protect you guys if there's trouble. Oh and this is also a magical, he's Oh Sehun, Elder Oh Daehun's grandson."

"But I thought magicals are like humans. Why is he a wolf?" Griffin questions.

"Well, Prince Minhyuk turned him and the rest of the Elder's grandsons into wolves. So now, I'm just hoping that they'll turn back into their normal state."

"I hope so too. Because Xanokhi sensei said that my twelve friends and I are supposed to accompany the Elder's grandsons in battle!" Jeruth says with a smile.

"Really?" I ask, surprised. Jeruth nods, and I look at Tyga, who has been completely silent this entire time. "Tyga, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, thank you." He replies. "I just don't talk much when I'm sleepy."

"I'm terribly sorry for keeping you guys up when you're supposed to be sleeping. I think I should tell Xanokhi that you guys are tired. And the three of you, plus your friends have to train at night, right?"

"I'm fine! Right Griffin, Tyga? Not sleepy at all! I'm ready for an adventure! Just think about it guys! Playing and seeing the world during the day! This is a once in a life chance, so why not take it?" Jeruth said excitedly.

"Jeruth, you're the only one that's not tired. You always have so much energy..." Tyga said sleepily, using his scaly arm to rub his bright green eyes.

"Griffin, say something!" Jeruth said, nudging the fiery red dragon that was silent.

"Whatever. I don't care. But why is the day so bright? Is this how our planet looks like with color?" Griffin asked, observing the world full of light.

I look around, and nod. "Yup. This is how EXO Planet looks like during the day. How's it like at night?"

"At night, everything's either blue, purple, gray, red, black, and maybe white. We don't see many pretty colors like the day creatures do." Jeruth states as I nod.

"Ah, I see. I have so many questions for you guys, but Sehun and I are on a walk," I look at the three dragons, who seem to uncomfortably shift their wings, "Or flight if you guys are itching to fly."

"You can fly?!" Griffin asked in surprise as I nodded.

"Of course I can!" I say, smiling. I hug Sehun closer to me, and with invisible wings, I begin to hover above the ground.

"Wow! The only other magicals I know that can fly are Elder Wu and his grandson! And some other magicals of course." Tyga says as I nod.

"Well, I guess we're all ready for flight! You three should stay close to each other, don't bump into mountains or trees, and don't harm things or use your powers. And be careful of other creatures and magicals! Xanokhi let me be in charge of you three, and I won't risk the chance of you three causing mischief." I ordered as the dragons nodded. "Do you get it?"

"Yes!" They all yelled.They unfolded their large wings and jumped off, flapping their wings as they flew.

I flew to where they were, and Jeruth asked, "Did you ever fly as high as the clouds before? Like how dragons do?"

"No!" I yelled.

"Then get ready for the time of your life!" Jeruth yells. And with one flap, the three dragons swooped above me a few dozen feet high in the air. I urged my powers and felt the sudden and strong force when I flew straight up to catch up with the flying reptiles.

I looked down and saw the incredible view, EXO Planet was definitely beautiful. Green and blue was everywhere, accompanied by the different colors of buildings. Oh and I can see the magnificent EXO Palace from here too! It looks like a toy house instead of a palace from where I am.

I immediately remembered that Sehun was with me, and I looked at the poor pup. "Sehunnie, kwenchana?" I asked as I heard him whimper.

"It's ok, it's ok. You'll have fun." I cooed, seeing the dragons freely fly in front of me.

With whoops of happiness and laughter and roars, the dragons, Sehun, and I flew at lightning speed to all sorts of places at different heights. I wanted to practice my flying skills, and so I swooped up and down the air.

One second I'm flying as high as a mountain top, the next, I swoop down and my body is almost touching a body of water as I look at our reflection. Flying is fun, but I wasn't so sure about the maknae oppa, who was in my arms. But I began to smile when I heard him bark and howl instead of whimper.

After ten minutes of intense flying, I found the dragons circling around a certain area in the air. I flew towards them, and quietly observed what was happening.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked.

"I think I saw a black pearl!" Tyga said excitedly.

"A black pearl? Why? Are they rare?" I question, confused. Dragons and their language and meanings. But it's the reverse for them when I'm speaking.

"No, I mean a dragon black pearl."

"I've heard that black pearls are common, but dragon black pearls are rare now, although I don't know why." Jeruth adds.

"Where do you guys see her?" I ask, shifting my body. I tried to find the black pearl dragon they were talking about, and I saw a glimmer of a pearly white in the trees. "I-I think I see her!"

I flew lower, and the dragons yelled at me to not get closer. Or maybe it was don't fall? I don't know, I couldn't hear them.

I flew lower and lower, and hid in the trees. I slightly pushed a tree branch aside so that I could see, and what I saw was just extraordinary.

There was a river nearby, and sitting on the rocks and watching the nature in front of her was a pearl white dragon that had thin, curly, and golden horns.

She's beautiful. I thought. Should I do or say something?

Suddenly, the dragon turned towards my direction. Her eyes were a crystal shade of blue, and her face was accompanied by a small dark blue diamond in the middle of her forehead.

"Come out!" She barked. I felt a jolt of panic, but I revealed myself anyways. "Who are you?"

"I-I'm a magical, Park Sarang-mida." I bowed. "I-I won't harm you, if you were thinking that."

"How do I make sure that you don't?" The black pearl dragon asked me in suspicion.

"It's because I'm a magical, and even if I'm half cursian, I've made a promise a long time ago that I would only use my powers for good, not evil. And I'm on the magical's side. So please, I won't hurt you. The younglings has brought my attention to you, and saying how you are a black pearl dragon, and that your safety is pertinent. Can you please come with me? I know a safe place." I explained as she kept on staring at me.

"I'm Haila." [ pronounced: hi-la ]

"Hello Haila. I just want to help you and keep you safe, so can you please follow the younglings and I to the EXO Palace? It's for your safety."

"Of course, but who is that wolf? It doesn't seem natural to me." Haila says as Sehun licks his paws.

"This wolf is Elder Oh Daehun's grandson, Sehun. He was shot with a wolf serum and was turned into a bigger wolf than his current size. Is there anything else you'd like to know Haila?"

"Yes. Am I the only black pearl dragon left?"

"I'm sorry, but I will have to ask the a Elders or Xanokhi instead because I do not know the answer to that question." I answered.

"Hey Sarang, I think we're having some trouble with the wild terra dragons around this territory. Tyga said that they'll kill whoever is in this territory!" Jeruth suddenly yelled as I heard an ear-splitting roar from a distance.

"We need to leave now Haila." I pleaded.

Haila nods, and unfolds her wings and jumps. Her disappearance is announced with a 'whoosh' of air and her humongous shadow.

"Come on, let's go!" Griffin barked as I held Sehun tight. I flew up seconds later to join the dragons, and we all flew back to the cave, where Xanokhi was busy mumbling about something.

"You three are back, good. You younglings should get some sleep before training tonight. Go to your nest now." Xanokhi ordered as the younglings chorused, "Yes sensei."

"Xanokhi, may I talk to you if you're not busy?" I asked my friend.

"Of course, what is it?" He says, turning his attention to me.

"Are black pearl dragons rare?"

Xanokhi chuckles a bit. "Black pearls, eh? What did you learn from the younglings?"

"Just about black pearls and that dragon talk. But Xanokhi, do you think that black pearl dragons are rare these days?"

"I agree, there aren't very many 'female' dragons as you call it. The last black pearl dragon I've known was my mother and some of her friends, that's all. Why are you asking me about this Sarang?" Xanokhi says in a questioning matter.

"I think you should see her then." I say. "Haila." L
Haila shyly walks to the entrance of the cave from her leafy hiding place while Xanokhi widens his eyes.

"A black pearl dragon." He breathed in shock.

"I'm Haila. You must be Xanokhi as I've heard." Haila says with a smile.

"The younglings found Haila in the forest a few mountains away. She was in the Earth territory, and we quickly flew back here to tell you." I explained.

"We have much to talk about Haila. Sarang, it's already daylight. You need to return to the palace, right?" Xanokhi asks me as I give him a playful smile.

"Oh. I see. Ok then. It was fun babysitting the younglings. Bye Xanokhi, Haila." I said as they nodded. "Good luck with your relationship you two love-dragons!" I added mischieviously and flew away.


I flew back to the palace to find my cousin and my friends awake.

"Hey Sarang." Hyo Ra unnie greeted me. "Where were you this morning? I woke up and saw that you were gone. Sehun was with you too, right?"

I nodded. "I found the dragon cave and took some dragon younglings for a flight. And I saw a black pearl dragon too! I just hope that poor Sehunnie will be alright. He was scared at first, so I'll go check up on him."

Hyo Ra gives me a wave, and I go back to my room. The pups see me and start barking, which sounded like complaints. Tao was pawing at my legs, and the eleven climbed on my body, nearly pushing me down.

"I'm sorry guys." I apologized and patted their heads. "Sehun was on the floor, and I just brought him along with me. Do you guys know that I flew with younglings and found a black pearl? Sehun can tell you guys everything!"

Sehun barks a few times, and the wolves turn their heads back to me and barked. "I'm sorry, I can't understand you guys."

"I can." Hyo Ra's voice rang. "They're asking you why you didn't bring all twelve of them."

"Oh. You can understand them?"

"Cursian potions, Cursian powers. It's like a connection." My cousin replied.

"But I'm half cursian, so shouldn't I be able to understand them too?" I ask.

"Well, for your case, I really don't know. I think you're the first half-blood ever in history. Sarang, you're basically a bridge for the two planets and our history books have no mention of you, whatsoever."

"That'd be pretty cool. But aren't you supposed to be in there too?" I asked as she nods.

"All of our pictures are in the Cursian palace, in the hall of photos. There's our great great great great great great great great great great grandfather and the first king and everything." Hyo Ra informs me as I nod.

I look at my friends, and they've put their heads down to lie on the floor. A sudden pain hits my head, and I winced and held it.

"What's happening?" Hyo Ra asks, shocked.

I felt my mouth begin to mumble words, and snipets of pictures formed in my head. "Another story?" You ask?

I didn't know myself. But what I will did know is that the second world here on EXO Planet... is.... something's.... wrong with it.

And there was a phrase that kept playing in my head.

"Black Pearl." I spoke as the room dissolved before me, leaving me to lie only on a cold surface.


I blinked as the light shined on my eyes. "She's fine..." I heard. "She'll just be on the other world for now." I heard as man say.

Why is it so bright and dark at the same time? Why is it so cold? I'm in another world? What happened to me? It hurts, I feel weird. These thoughts ran through my head like missiles, and when I opened my eyes, all I saw was the light.

My eyes focused and I saw ghosts. You know, people who float and look like themselves, except they're dead?

A man with a white mask hovers over me, and I begin to panic. I couldn't talk, and I couldn't move. It felt like I was stuck in a cocoon.

"Please calm down. You must not panic, you're in the other world, that's why. We will find a way to bring you and the twelve back from the other world as soon as we can." The man, a doctor said as I nodded.

"You may be released." He commands as I felt the invisible chains disappear. I look at him and around the room, and see that it's the palace's infirmary. 

In fact, as I was running away from the infirmary, which was located far from the living quarters of the Elders and my family and I, there was no person in sight. The cook wasn't there, and the maids and butlers I frequently saw were not there as well.

The Elders and my father and cousin seemed to vanish into thin air, I even checked the throne room and the labratory, finding no one there.

I run towards my room, the last place where I saw my cousin and my friends.

On the ground, I saw my friends in human form, lying down like they did earlier.

Their heads snap towards my direction, and they brightened up once they saw me.

"Sarang!" They yelled happily, running towards me.

With their arms spread out wide, they all overwhelmed me with their life threatening hugs. You know, the hugs that squeeze the life out of you that you'd think you'd die? Yeah those hugs. Except you times them by twelve.

"How'd you get here?!" They sang.

"I... Blacked out? And I'm suddenly in the other world with you guys." I said uncertainly.

"That could be, since you're here with us...  in the other world." Suho says.

"But it's better to have you here Sarang! We were so bored!" Chen said, side hugging me as I patted his hair.

"Yeah, I agree with hyung." Chanyeol says. "It's only fun when you're here."

I blush a bit, and I ask the guys if they remember what happened to them so far.

"All I remember was when we were at the dorm, and you talked to us, and then everything was fuzzy for a while until we became trapped here." Xiumin explains.

"I'm sure some of you guys know why you guys are stuck here. Sehun oppa, didn't you two tell them?" I asked as the he gave us nervous laughs.

"I... forgot." Sehun says.

"Wait what?" Kris asks.

"Why are we here Sarang?" Luhan asks. "Why do I feel... so canine-ish these days?"

"You guys are wolf pups, that's why." I say as a silence traps the guys. They look at each other weirdly, and glare at Sehun. "I-I think this world distorts the truth and other people except us. The real world we're in reflects our actions, but only as animals. We can't see the others?"

"I think so. The only person we're able to see is you and your family. I believe it's because the serum is made from Cursia." Lay said softly as we became quiet again.

"Do you guys still have your powers?" I asked as they shrugged.

"I tried, and succeeded for two seconds." Baekhyun said as I raised my eyebrows.

"That reminds me, Baek oppa, I suddenly got your powers today!" I smile, trying to... somewhat 'lighten' the mood.

"Jinja?!" He asked as I give nodded. He ran over to me and squeezed the life out of me again as the other members protested to let me go.

"Arra, arra!" Baekhyun mumbles but gives me a cute smile.

"So... on the animal topic. We're all probably animals, with you twelve as wolves, but... what am I?" I asked, really confused.

"What do you think you would be?" Kyungsoo spoke.

"Oh... umm... I don't know. I-I have no idea." I stammered.

"Did you come in contact with other animals before?" Kai asked.

"D-dragons." I blurted. "Dragons." I repeated. "Two were white pearl younglings, and one was a youngling back pearl, and the other one was a dragon black pearl."

"You must be a black pearl youngling then!" Chanyeol said excidedly.

"I don't know... do I seem dragon-like?" I asked as some made a weird face.

"No way can a girl like you be a ferocious she -dragon." Tao said.

"But Haila was really beautiful and nice, although I just met her." I stated as Tao's mouth went into an O.

"Haila?" Suho asked. "Is she a black pearl dragon?"

"Yeah she is. I heard the three younglings, Jeruth, Tyga, and Griffin that black pearl dragons are scarce these days.

"I heard that from grandpa too. He sometimes helps the younglings train, so he's the one that knows about dragon business." Kris chimed.

"Oh ok. Are there any news that you guys want to tell me?" I asked.

"Black pearl." Kyungsoo suddenly blurted put loudly as our heads turn to him.

"Black pearl?" Sehun and Kai ask at the same time.

I realized that those were the words I said before I collapsed in front of my cousin.

Kyungsoo started staggering towards me, and he looked into my eyes and said, "The Black Pearl is... coming..." until his eyes rolled back and he fell into my arms.

The guys and I panicked, and I wondered what happened to him in the real world. We carried him onto the bed, and let him rest.

"What just happened?" Xiumin asked.

"This happened to me before I came here." I say dully. "Wait. If I came here by saying 'black pearl,' then..."

"Maybe we can go back that way." Luhan says, finishing my sentence.

"Yah! Guys! D.O hyung's disappearing!" Kai said frantically as we whipped our heads towards the bed.

He wasn't lying when he said that. Kyungsoo's body and himself was legitly fading away, like a ghost.

Just... like... me. I thought.

In another matter of seconds, Kyungsoo vanished from our sights.

"Black pearl!" Sehun yelled. When he wasn't fainting or disappearing, we wondered what was wrong.

"Two moons." Kris said suddenly as he fell into Tao's arms.

"Moonlight." The vocal lines said and did the same.

"365." Some tried, but failed and succeeded.

They're... saying their song titles, I finally realized. Maybe it's because a certain song relates to them personally...

"Thunder." Chanyeol said and faded.

"Peter pan." Luhan exited.

"Machine." Lay disappeared.

"Growl." Xiumin poofed.

"Angel." Suho left.

"Lucky." Sehun vanished.

"Mama." Kai yelled and teleported.

"Baby." Tao vaporized.

I looked around me and realized that I was alone. Being alone never felt this empty to me. I always had more people surrounding me.

I should join them. I thought.

"Wolf." I waited, and nothing happened. "History. The Star. What is Love. Love, love, love."

I suddenly felt the floor drop and crumble into a million pieces as I fell, and vanished before I hit the ground.


Hello everybody! Here's an update before new years, and I hope you guys are staying up cuz I know I am!

Have fun and dance or listen to people singing karaoke like I am . 

I wish that we all have a better new year in 2015, 2014 was really painful for us kpop fans and the fandoms. But let's move on and stand strong and believe in ourselves!

Goodbye 2014 and hello 2015!

Be happy, have fun, stay safe, believe in yourself, sing, dance, stay up, stand strong, inspire, learn, dream, and so much more!

I love you guys and have a wonderful, splendid, spectacular, awesome, sweg, ratchet , boss, funny, marvelous, happy, fangirling, exciting, exhilarating, sparkly ouo, loud, peaceful, fun, and loving (and more adjectives) New Year! ♡♡♡

Kamsamida and annyeonghaseyo! ☆♡☆


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