Eye for an Eye

Af AutumnLeighxo

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{Sequel to The Deal} Hope is back with vengeance. Every single person who had the audacity to threaten her a... Mere

Chapter 1: Unexpected Return.
Chapter 2: He's The Spy.
Chapter 3. Lip Biting.
Chapter 4: We Are Not Killing Him... Yet.
Chapter 5: The Phone Call.
Chapter 6: Mafia.
Chapter 7: I'm Going To Miss You So Much Baby Girl.
Chapter 8: Breakups & Rebound Sex.
Chapter 9: Cut A Bitch.
Chapter 10: I Won't Hesitate To Break Your Fingers.
Chapter 11: Satisfying My Needs.
Chapter 12: My Locket.
Chapter 13: The Mafia Ball.
Chapter 14: The shooting.
Chapter 15: Happy Memory.
Chapter 16: The proposal.
Chapter 17: My sister.
Chapter 18: No, I'm much worse.
Chapter 19: The Truth.
Chapter 20: Jace Porter.
Chapter 21: Time to say goodbye.
Chapter 22: Moving On.
Chapter 23: Siblings
Chapter 24: I'm Fucked In The Head
Chapter 25: Surrounded By Idiots
Chapter 26: Oops
Chapter 27: I Don't Deserve You
Chapter 28: My Idiots In Shining Armour
Chapter 29: They've got her.
Chapter 30: I see you.
Chapter 31: Let The Darkness In.
Chapter 32: Surprises
Chapter 33: I Know How You Think
Chapter 34: Feelings
Chapter 35: Never Have I Ever
Chapter 36: Morning Shenanigans
Chapter 36: Remembering
He's The Damon To Your Elena
Chapter 39: All Revealed
Chapter 40: The Huntress
Chapter 41: I'm Afraid Of Falling
Chapter 42: Mrs King
Chapter 43: War
Chapter 44: Breaking Promises
Chapter 45: Green Eyes
Chapter 45: Loss
Chapter 46: Heartache
Chapter 47: Never Ending

Chapter 37: Broken

178 9 5
Af AutumnLeighxo

A million different scenarios ran through my head as Callum stared at me like he had just seen a ghost, nothing else was said as soon as the word freckles left his mouth.

I never thought I'd hear that word again, his nickname for me when he bumped into me that day in the hallway at college when I was running away from Mason. I have never liked nicknames when Mason used to call me princess all the time, I just wanted to strangle him all of the time. Jace calls me Hermosa which just sounds beautiful, well everything sounds beautiful when he speaks Spanish.

Freckles has a special place in my heart but it died when Callum died and now he's here, in front of me. Part of me felt sick, I tried to bury them feeling when I officially said goodbye to him in the graveyard that night with Jace. I lost a piece of my heart when he died in my arms but now I'm getting married to Xavier, someone who I truly care about but now the man I am in love with is back from the dead and he remembers me.

My mind is on overdrive, beyond confused about what to think, say, or do. What do you do in a situation like this?

You could cut the tension in this room with a knife it became so thick. West and Ryan looked uncomfortable because they both know who I wanted to be with back then but I chose West and ended up being with Ryan for quite a while. He was in Milas's life more than West. Jace looked sad, he was sad for me because he knows everything. His best friends loved each other but we are both suffering at the same time.

"Callum" I whispered, my hand tried to reach him.

He staggered back away from me and before any of us could stop him he barged past me storming out of the room, he tried to slam the door but I caught it and tried my best to catch up to him.

"Hope" I heard West call for me but he didn't leave the room, so I'm assuming someone stopped him.

"Callum" I raised my voice, ignoring the pain in my legs.

"Please stop and talk to me" 

His feet planted firmly against the ground, his shoulders were rising up and down and his fists clenched by his sides. I was stood a few steps away from him and didn't make any moves to try and touch him. I could tell he was angry and confused trying to control his rage.

Callum turned around and what I saw was not something I were expecting, my heart broke for him when I saw tears run down his face, His eyes were glistening with tears, more threatening to escape. His lips trembled and his brown eyes met my blue ones, the brown eyes that I had missed so much, 

I missed him so much, more than anything in this world.

When he died I cried myself to sleep every night, I had nightmares continually making it hard to sleep. His death replayed over and over again, him slowly dying in my arms as he told me he loved me and to be happy. My daughter's middle name is dove, named after him.

"Leave me alone Hope"

"No, I won't leave you alone, just talk to me please"

"FUCK" He bellowed, tugging at his hair before looking back at me.

More tears fell and I just wish I could wipe them away, tell him everything will be okay.

"Don't you get it, Hope, don't you fucking get it" Now he was right in front of me, my head tilted up to look at him.

I snapped, my own tears now escaping "No I don't get it Callum because you won't tell me what's wrong" I stepped forward, no spade inbetween us.

"I remember everything, every emotion, every single fucking memory between us just crashed into me like a fucking tsunami. I've fallen in love with you all over again, and my heart just broke at the same time reliving you picking West over me. Now you are getting married to Xavier, someone you don't even love, I'm always second best with you" He was screaming and sobbing at the same time.

He feels second best. I never meant to hurt him when I chose West, my feelings were a mess, I was pregnant with West's child. Every single day I regret choosing him and I always will till the day I die. Yes a part of me loved West, we did have some good memories between us and everything he did was to protect me but he killed Lily, and I'll never ever forgive him for that.

West took my best friend away from me.

Callum loves me, and he remembers every single thing clear as day like he's just relived it all. Now I know why he looks so heartbroken, the way he's looking at me makes the guilt spread through my body like wildfire.

"Callum you will never be second best to me, I love... " My words halted, my throat becoming dry like the Sahara desert.

"You died and it broke me, you don't understand what it did to me. I was an absolute wreck but eventually, I had to move on. I had no idea you were alive, I had no idea that you were working with Ashton or even in a coma for god knows how long. You know why I am marrying Xavier but I won't lie, I care about him, and I like him more than I thought I would. You need to understand this is hard for me... god it's so hard for me. I don't want to hurt you Callum, you mean too much to me. Please can we just go somewhere and talk" I placed my hand on his arm, he didn't react as he slowly took in everything I said to him.

"I can't watch the girl I love marry another man, I won't do it to myself. I still love you even though you've changed, I remember the girl with a heart of gold, someone always smiling who was obsessed with Damon Salvatore and coffee. The way you saw the good in everyone even when nobody else did, this isn't you..." 

I stood back and laughed "This is what I mean Callum, you all know and love the old Hope, the one who didn't have fuck all to worry about, all she wanted was her brother but had everybody else. You and everyone else want to fix me and even if you manage it I'm still left with cracks that will find a way to break. I have darkness in me cause I want to survive, I want to kill everyone who threatens me and my daughter because they want us dead for power, its a messed up world and that's why I sent Mila away. Xavier isn't trying to change me, he accepts me for me and that's why I am marrying him. I don't want to be like this, I wish I could be the old me and be with you but I can't" I breathed out.

"You love the old me, you loved freckles"

"No I love you, the way you are but that doesn't matter does it. Youll marry him anyway"

His voice was cold like he had given up completely. We both stood, the silence surrounding us and once I heard footsteps coming from the stairs Callum placed his hand behind my head and kissed my forehead, his soft lips lingering against my skin as I started sobbing silently. His own tears dropped onto me, and with one last sad look, he left me alone to cry.

The thing is with broken hearts, no matter how you try, the pieces never fit the way they did before.

I don't want to give up on him but I know I have to, even if it kills me.

Arms wrapped around me and I was against someone's chest, my sobs now becoming louder as I held onto them. The smell of mint and coffee surrounded me, my whole body was shaking from all of the guilt and pain I had endured.

"I'm here Hermosa, I am always here for you. every step of the way and I know you are hurting right now but it will get better" He kissed my hair and hugged me more.

"Love," Someone else said behind us.

Jace let me go and we both turned to see Xavier with Reagen who was holding to cups of coffee, Xaviers eyes were on me probably trying to figure out why I was a sobbing mess in the arms of my best friend. I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my jacket and gave him a forced smile, and by the looks of it, he didn't really believe that I was fine.

"I'm okay, I just have one thing to do then me and Jace are going for coffee" I left the three of them standing confused.

As I stepped into the room where Ryan and West were having a heated argument, both of them looking really pissed but my eyes were only on one of them. I made my way over to Ryan and punched him in the nose, blood fishing immediately down his face.

He was holding on to his nose groaning "What the fuck Hope" West was smirking seeing his friend in pain because of a girl, a girl they both messed with but because of them, I'm so much stronger.

I leaned down a little just so he could see me properly, my fingers latched onto his chin harshly as the blood trickled onto my fingers and onto the carpet.

"If you ever cross me again I will tear you limb from limb till you are begging me to kill you and feed your fucking body parts to the dogs as you watch" My voice came out cold.

I pushed him away and left them both in the room without turning back, Xavier was looking at me in a proud way. His hand wrapped around mine when I turned the corner, Jace speaking to Reagen about something. Must be funny as she's giggling and there's a wide smile on his face.

Something is definitely happening there.

"You amaze me Hope Carter" I gave him a smile and held his other hand.

"Too dark?"

He kissed my lips and grinned "Light is overrated Love" 

I locked my fingers together behind his neck and pressed my forehead against his chest, his hands gripped my hips lightly. Xavier's touch was like electric running across my skin, a feeling I could get used to.

"I'm not going to ask what happened between Callum, you can tell me when you are ready. I need you to know I'll be going away for a week on business, someone I know has recently seen your uncle so I'm flying over to Japan for a very long meeting. Then when I come back I'm taking you on a date" I lifted my head off his chest.

"A date" 

"Yes a date, I want to know more about my bride to be seen as we will be getting married in two weeks. Reagen will be staying with you though, she wants to take you dress shopping" I groaned causing him to lightly laugh.

Honestly, I hate dress shopping, I prefer doing everything online.

His hands slipped under my dress and cupped my bum, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he looked down to see my reaction. Xavier was good at distracting, making me forget what had happened between me and Callum for a while.

"Xavier" I moaned quietly.

His lips brushed against my ear making me shiver "I can't wait to taste you again, you are my favourite thing to eat" 

He pinched my bum and slammed his lips against mine for a brief moment before pulling back showing his cocky smirk.

"I'll see you soon, and please don't get into any trouble whilst I'm away" His warning was slightly serious.

"No promises" I let go of him and walked over to Jace.

"I wanted to ask Hermosa, I have a race tonight and I was wondering if you would accompany me" He sounded happy, whenever he spoke about cars his eyes would light up.

"Of course I'll join you, anything to take my mind of Callum" I could feel the sadness in my chest.

"Can I give you a piece of advice" 

"Go ahead"

"Follow your heart, not your head"

I wish it was that simple.

"Great advice Porter, I've never heard of that one before" We started to walk over to his car, and just before I got in he stopped me by placing both of his hands onto my shoulders.

"I'm not telling you who to choose because that is all up to you. I read something once, If your heart hurts a little after letting go of someone, that's okay. It just means that your feelings were genuine, no one likes endings. But sometimes we have to out things that were once good to an end after they turn toxic to our wellbeing. Not every new beginning is meant to last forever. And not every person who walks into your life is meant to stay."

"I don't understand"

"Just think about it, now we are going to go and have fun and forget about some certain people and have a fantastic night. You deserve it, now come on" He pushed me into the care laugh escaped my lips at his silliness.

Let's just say nothing goes as planned.

What do you think will happen next?

Will anything ever happen between Callum and Hope?

Will she go through with the wedding?

Please vote and comment.

Ciao! X

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